Source code for emodpy.emod_file

import json
import os
import typing
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, NoReturn, Optional

from idmtools.assets import Asset, AssetCollection, json_handler

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from emodpy.emod_task import EMODTask

[docs]class InputFilesList(AssetCollection, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, relative_path=None): super().__init__() self.relative_path = relative_path
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_task_config(self, simulation): pass
[docs] def gather_assets(self) -> List[Asset]: """ Gather input files for Input File List Returns: """ assets = [a for a in self.assets if not a.persisted] for a in assets: a.persisted = True return assets
[docs]class MigrationTypes(Enum): LOCAL = 'Local' AIR = 'Air' FAMILY = 'Family' REGIONAL = 'Regional' SEA = 'Sea'
[docs]class MigrationFiles(InputFilesList): def __init__(self, relative_path=None): super().__init__(relative_path) self.migration_files = {} self.migration_multipliers = {} self.migration_model = None self.migration_pattern = None self.migration_other_params = {}
[docs] def enable_migration(self): """ Enables migration and sets the pattern if defined. If there are not other other parameters, it also set *Enable_Migration_Heterogeneity* to 0 """ self.migration_model = MigrationModel.FIXED_RATE_MIGRATION if not self.migration_pattern: self.migration_pattern = MigrationPattern.RANDOM_WALK_DIFFUSION if not self.migration_other_params: self.migration_other_params["Enable_Migration_Heterogeneity"] = 0
[docs] def update_migration_pattern(self, migration_pattern: MigrationPattern, **kwargs) -> NoReturn: """ Update migration pattern Args: migration_pattern: Migration Pattern to use **kwargs: Returns: NoReturn """ self.enable_migration() self.migration_pattern = migration_pattern for param, value in kwargs.items(): self.migration_other_params[param] = value
[docs] def add_migration_from_file(self, migration_type: MigrationTypes, file_path: str, multiplier: float = 1): """ Add migration info from a file Args: migration_type: Type of migration file_path: Path to file multiplier: Multiplier Returns: """ self.enable_migration() asset = Asset(absolute_path=file_path, relative_path=self.relative_path) if asset.extension != "bin": raise Exception("Please add the binary (.bin) path for the `add_migration_from_file` function!") self.migration_files[migration_type] = asset self.migration_multipliers[migration_type] = multiplier
[docs] def set_task_config(self, task: 'EMODTask'): """ Update the task with the migration configuration Args: task: Task to update Returns: """ # Set the migration model if present if self.migration_model: task.set_parameter("Migration_Model", self.migration_model.value) # Set the migration pattern if present if self.migration_pattern: task.set_parameter("Migration_Pattern", self.migration_pattern.value) # Set the extra parameters task.update_parameters(self.migration_other_params) # Enable or disable migrations depending on the available files for migration_type in MigrationTypes: if migration_type in self.migration_files: # Enable the migration task.set_parameter(f"Enable_{migration_type.value}_Migration", 1) # Set the file migration_file = self.migration_files[migration_type] task.set_parameter(f"{migration_type.value}_Migration_Filename", os.path.join(migration_file.relative_path, migration_file.filename)) # Set the multiplier migration_multiplier = self.migration_multipliers.get(migration_type, 1) task.set_parameter(f"x_{migration_type.value}_Migration", migration_multiplier) else: task.set_parameter(f"Enable_{migration_type.value}_Migration", 0)
[docs] def gather_assets(self): """ Gather assets for Migration files. Called by EMODTask Returns: """ for asset in self.migration_files.values(): if asset.persisted: continue self.add_asset(asset, fail_on_duplicate=False) self.add_asset(Asset(absolute_path=asset.absolute_path + ".json", relative_path=self.relative_path), fail_on_duplicate=False) return super().gather_assets()
[docs] def set_all_persisted(self): """ Set akk migration assets as persisted Returns: """ for asset in self.migration_files.values(): asset.persisted = True super().set_all_persisted()
[docs] def merge_with(self, mf: 'MigrationFiles', left_precedence: bool = True) -> NoReturn: """ Merge migration file with other Migration file Args: mf: Other migration file to merge with left_precedence: Does the current object have precedence or the other object? Returns: """ if not left_precedence: self.migration_files.update(mf.migration_files) self.migration_other_params.update(mf.migration_other_params) self.migration_multipliers.update(mf.migration_multipliers) else: for migration_type in set(mf.migration_files.keys()).difference(self.migration_files.keys()): self.migration_files[migration_type] = mf.migration_files[migration_type] for migration_param in set(mf.migration_other_params.keys()).difference(self.migration_other_params.keys()): self.migration_other_params[migration_param] = mf.migration_other_params[migration_param] for migration_multiplier in set(mf.migration_multipliers.keys()).difference( self.migration_multipliers.keys()): self.migration_multipliers[migration_multiplier] = mf.migration_multipliers[migration_multiplier] self.migration_pattern = mf.migration_pattern self.migration_model = mf.migration_model
[docs] def read_config_file(self, config_path, asset_path): """ Try to recreate the migration based on a given config file and an asset path Args: config_path: path to the config asset_path: path containing the assets """ config = json.load(open(config_path)) params = config["parameters"] # Look for files for migration_type in MigrationTypes: file_path = params.get(f"{migration_type.value}_Migration_Filename", None) if file_path: self.add_migration_from_file(migration_type, os.path.join(asset_path, file_path)) # Take care of eventual multipliers self.migration_multipliers[migration_type] = params.get(f"x_{migration_type.value}_Migration", 1) # Look for parameters self.migration_model = MigrationModel[params.get("Migration_Model", MigrationModel.NO_MIGRATION.value)] self.migration_pattern = MigrationPattern[ params.get("Migration_Pattern")] if "Migration_Pattern" in params else None
[docs]class DemographicsFiles(InputFilesList):
[docs] def set_task_config(self, task: 'EMODTask', extend: bool = False): """ Set the simulation level config. If extend is true, the demographics files are appended to the list Args: task: extend: Returns: """ dfiles = [os.path.join(df.relative_path, df.filename) for df in self.assets] if dfiles: if extend: demo_list = task.config["Demographics_Filenames"] for file in dfiles: if file not in demo_list: demo_list.append(file) task.config["Demographics_Filenames"] = demo_list else: task.config["Demographics_Filenames"] = dfiles
[docs] def add_demographics_from_file(self, absolute_path: str, filename: Optional[str] = None): """ Add demographics from a file Args: absolute_path: Path to file filename: Optional filename. If not provided, the file name of source file will be used Returns: """ filename = filename or os.path.basename(absolute_path) asset = Asset(filename=filename, relative_path=self.relative_path, absolute_path=absolute_path) if asset in self.assets: raise Exception("Duplicated demographics file") self.assets.append(asset)
[docs] def add_demographics_from_dict(self, content: Dict, filename: str): """ Add demographics from a dictionary object Args: content: Dictionary Content filename: Filename to call demographics file Returns: """ asset = Asset(filename=filename, content=content, relative_path=self.relative_path, handler=json_handler) if asset in self.assets: raise Exception("Duplicated demographics file") self.assets.append(asset)
[docs]class ClimateFileType(Enum): AIR_TEMPERATURE = "Air_Temperature" LAND_TEMPERATURE = "Land_Temperature" RELATIVE_HUMIDITY = "Relative_Humidity" RAINFALL = "Rainfall"
[docs]class ClimateFiles(InputFilesList): def __init__(self): super().__init__("climate") self.files_by_type = {} self.Climate_Model = ClimateModel.CLIMATE_OFF self.Climate_Update_Resolution = None self.climate_params = {} self.Enable_Climate_Stochasticity = False
[docs] def set_task_config(self, task: 'EMODTask'): """ Set the task Config. Set all the correct files for the climate. Args: task: Task to config """ # Set the files for climate_type, asset in self.files_by_type.items(): task.set_parameter(f"{climate_type.value}_Filename", f"{self.relative_path}\\{asset.filename}") # Set other parameters task.set_parameter("Climate_Model", self.Climate_Model.value) task.set_parameter("Enable_Climate_Stochasticity", 1 if self.Enable_Climate_Stochasticity else 0) if self.Climate_Update_Resolution: task.set_parameter("Climate_Update_Resolution", self.Climate_Update_Resolution) for p, v in self.climate_params.items(): task.set_parameter(p, v)
[docs] def add_climate_files(self, file_type, file_path): # Create an asset for the given file asset = Asset(absolute_path=file_path, relative_path=self.relative_path) # Make sure we get a .bin file if asset.extension != "bin": raise Exception("Please add the binary (.bin) path for the `add_climate_files` function!") # Add the asset to our dictionary for the given type self.files_by_type[file_type] = asset # Automatically switch the climate model self.Climate_Model = ClimateModel.CLIMATE_BY_DATA
[docs] def gather_assets(self): """ Gather assets for Climate files. Called by EMODTask """ # Skip if the climate model is not by data if self.Climate_Model != ClimateModel.CLIMATE_BY_DATA: return super().gather_assets() # Go through all the assets. # If the asset is already persisted -> skip # If not persist the bin and add the bin.json file too for asset in self.files_by_type.values(): if asset.persisted: continue self.add_asset(asset, fail_on_duplicate=False) self.add_asset(Asset(absolute_path=asset.absolute_path + ".json", relative_path=self.relative_path), fail_on_duplicate=False) return super().gather_assets()
[docs] def set_climate_constant(self, Base_Air_Temperature, Base_Rainfall, Base_Land_Temperature=None, Base_Relative_Humidity=None): self.Climate_Model = ClimateModel.CLIMATE_CONSTANT self.Climate_Update_Resolution = "CLIMATE_UPDATE_YEAR" self.climate_params["Base_Air_Temperature"] = Base_Air_Temperature self.climate_params["Base_Rainfall"] = Base_Rainfall self.climate_params[ "Base_Land_Temperature"] = Base_Land_Temperature if Base_Land_Temperature is not None else Base_Air_Temperature self.climate_params[ "Base_Relative_Humidity"] = Base_Relative_Humidity if Base_Relative_Humidity is not None else .1
[docs] def read_config_file(self, config_path, asset_path): """ Try to recreate the climate based on a given config file and an asset path Args: config_path: path to the config asset_path: path containing the assets """ config = json.load(open(config_path)) params = config["parameters"] # Look for files for climate_type in ClimateFileType: file_path = params.get(f"{climate_type.value}_Filename", None) if file_path: self.add_climate_files(climate_type, os.path.join(asset_path, file_path)) # Look for parameters self.Climate_Model = ClimateModel[params.get("Climate_Model", ClimateModel.CLIMATE_OFF.value)] self.Climate_Update_Resolution = params.get("Climate_Update_Resolution", "CLIMATE_UPDATE_DAY") self.climate_params["Base_Rainfall"] = params.get("Base_Rainfall", 0) self.climate_params["Base_Air_Temperature"] = params.get("Base_Air_Temperature", 0) self.Enable_Climate_Stochasticity = params.get("Enable_Climate_Stochasticity", 0)