Source code for emodpy.reporters.base

import dataclasses
import json
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import partial
from importlib import import_module
from logging import getLogger

import typing
from idmtools.assets import Asset
from idmtools.utils.filters.asset_filters import file_extension_is

from emodpy.emod_file import InputFilesList

logger = getLogger(__name__)

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from emodpy.emod_task import EMODTask

[docs]@dataclass class BaseReporter(metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_dict(self): pass
[docs] def from_dict(self, data): """ Function allowing to initialize a Reporter instance with data. This function is called when reading a `custom_reports.json` file. """ for k, v in data.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs]@dataclass class CustomReporter(BaseReporter): """ This class represents a custom reporter. - name: Name that will be added to the custom_reports.json file and should match the DLL's class name - Enabled: True/False to enable/disable the reporter - Reports: Default section present in the custom_reports.json file allowing to configure the reporter - dll_file: Filename of the dll containing the reporter. This file will be searched in the dll folder specified by the user on the `EMODTask.reporters`. """ name: str = field(default=None) Enabled: bool = field(default=True) Reports: list = field(default_factory=lambda: list()) dll_file: str = field(default=None)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> typing.Dict: """ Export the reporter to a dictionary. This function is called when serializing the reporter before writing the custom_reports.json file. """ return { "name":, "Enabled": 1 if self.Enabled else 0, "Reports": self.Reports }
[docs] def enable(self): self.Enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self): self.Enabled = False
def _add_report(self, report): self.Reports.append(report)
[docs]@dataclass class BuiltInReporter(BaseReporter): class_name: str = field(default=None) parameters: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: dict()) Enabled: bool = field(default=True) Pretty_Format: bool = field(default=True)
[docs] def to_dict(self): # Transform into a dict out = dataclasses.asdict(self) # Retrieve the extra parameters parameters = out.pop("parameters") # Apply them out.update(parameters) # Rename class_name into class out["class"] = out.pop("class_name") out["Enabled"] = 1 if out.pop("Enabled") else 0 out["Pretty_Format"] = 1 if out.pop("Pretty_Format") else 0 return out
[docs] def from_dict(self, data): """ Function allowing to initialize a Reporter instance with data. This function is called when reading a `custom_reports.json` file. """ for k, v in data.items(): if hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v) else: self.parameters[k] = v
[docs]class Reporters(InputFilesList): def __init__(self, relative_path="reporter_plugins"): super().__init__(relative_path) self.custom_reporters = [] self.built_in_reporters = [] self.Use_Explicit_Dlls = True
[docs] def add_reporter(self, reporter): if isinstance(reporter, BuiltInReporter): self.built_in_reporters.append(reporter) elif isinstance(reporter, CustomReporter): self.custom_reporters.append(reporter) else: raise Exception("Reporters added needs to be either BuiltInReporter or CustomReporter instance!")
@property def json(self): out = {"Reports": [r.to_dict() for r in self.built_in_reporters], "Custom_Reports": {"Use_Explicit_Dlls": 1 if self.Use_Explicit_Dlls else 0}} for custom in self.custom_reporters: custom_dict = custom.to_dict() name = custom_dict.pop("name") out["Custom_Reports"][name] = custom_dict return json.dumps(out, indent=2) @property def empty(self): return not self.custom_reporters and not self.built_in_reporters
[docs] def add_dll(self, dll_path: str): """ Add a dll file from a path Args: dll_path: Path to file Returns: """ self.add_asset(Asset(absolute_path=dll_path, relative_path=self.relative_path), fail_on_duplicate=False)
[docs] def add_dll_folder(self, dll_folder: str): """ Add all the dll files from a folder Args: dll_folder: Folder to add the dll file from Returns: """ filter_extensions = partial(file_extension_is, extensions=['dll', 'so']) self.add_directory(dll_folder, recursive=True, flatten=True, relative_path=self.relative_path, filters=[filter_extensions])
[docs] def read_custom_reports_file(self, custom_reports_path, extra_classes=[]) -> typing.NoReturn: """ Read from a custom reporter file Args: custom_reports_path: The custom reports file to add(single file). """ custom_reports_file = json.load(open(custom_reports_path)) custom_reporters = custom_reports_file.get("Custom_Reports", {}) built_in_reporters = custom_reports_file.get("Reports", []) self.Use_Explicit_Dlls = custom_reporters.pop( "Use_Explicit_Dlls") if "Use_Explicit_Dlls" in custom_reporters else True def get_reporter_class(reporter_class, builtin): import inspect # First check the extra_classes for extra_class in extra_classes: base_class = inspect.getmro(extra_class)[1] if == reporter_class and base_class == (BuiltInReporter if builtin else CustomReporter): return extra_class # Then try to find the class in emodpy reporters try: if builtin: return getattr(import_module('emodpy.reporters.builtin'), reporter_class) else: return getattr(import_module('emodpy.reporters.custom'), reporter_class) except AttributeError: pass # To finish check the globals try: return globals()[reporter_class] except Exception: raise Exception(f"Could not find the reporter class {reporter_class}. Make sure the class " f"is defined either in your run file or part of the Custom/BuiltIn reporters") for report_name, report in custom_reporters.items(): instance = get_reporter_class(report_name, builtin=False)() instance.from_dict(report) instance.Enabled = report.get("Enabled", True) self.add_reporter(instance) for report in built_in_reporters: instance = get_reporter_class(report["class"], builtin=True)() instance.from_dict(report) instance.Enabled = report.get("Enabled", True) self.add_reporter(instance)
[docs] def set_task_config(self, task: 'EMODTask') -> typing.NoReturn: """ Set task config Args: task: Task to configure Returns: """ if not self.empty: if type(task.config) is dict: task.config["Custom_Reports_Filename"] = "custom_reports.json" else: task.config.parameters.Custom_Reports_Filename = "custom_reports.json"
[docs] def gather_assets(self, **kwargs) -> typing.List[Asset]: # Remove the unused dlls from the folder needed_dlls = set() for custom in self.custom_reporters: dll_file = custom.dll_file is_linux = kwargs.get('is_linux', None) if is_linux: from pathlib import Path dll_file = Path(dll_file).with_suffix(".so") needed_dlls.add(str(dll_file)) # Let's make a copy so we can iterate and delete... import copy iterator_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.assets) for asset in iterator_copy: if asset.filename not in needed_dlls: print(f"Removing unneeded asset: {asset}.") self.assets.remove(asset) if len(needed_dlls) != len(self): from click import secho secho(f"Some DLLs may be missing.\n" f"Please ensure you set the task.reporters.add_dll_folder with the folder containing the DLLs!\n" f"Found DLLs: {[a.filename for a in self]}\n" f"Needed DLLs: {needed_dlls}\n", fg="bright_red") return super().gather_assets()