
Additional Changes#

  • #0001 - Fix emod tests

  • #0024 - Support of Kurt’s workflows in idmtools

  • #0070 - Custom_reporters.json does not get automatically added?


  • #0011 - task with simulation level demographics not work

  • #0012 - How to add custom simulation tags from task?

  • #0040 - examples- emod_model- serialization- 03_parameter_reload getting wrong campaign

  • #0042 - We should make EMODSir default work with eradication

  • #0043 - Wired campaign format error

  • #0044 - Examples- create_sims_pre_and_post_process.py should import config_update_parameters correctly

  • #0055 - Creation of campaign.json will fail in AC in COMPS - cannot overwrite AC files

  • #0059 - EmodTask.pre_post_process should be renamed

  • #0069 - Fix create_serialized_sims_reload and create_sims_from_default_run_analyzer examples

  • #0072 - custom_reports.json - not all of them have “enabled”, but code assumes they do

  • #0073 - Climate_Model should be set to whatever it is set in config.json when from_files is used.

  • #0075 - custom_reports: when reading my ReportNodeDemographics report, one of the parameters is not read in


  • #0015 - Add changelog script

  • #0039 - Rename repo to emodpy


  • #0007 - Automate docs

  • #0008 - Document a simple example of running DTK in idmtools

  • #0045 - examples- emod_model- post_process_command_task- needs some mortality

  • #0061 - make docs failed

Feature Request#

  • #0028 - We should implement reload_from_simulation() for EMODTask

  • #0030 - Support of a list of campaign events

  • #0032 - Utility function to create a campaign event

  • #0033 - Support of reporters for EMOD

  • #0034 - Support of schema defaults

  • #0063 - Support of climate files


  • #0014 - Need to add –python-script-path option to EMODTask arguments

  • #0029 - Modifications of base config parameters


  • #0021 - SSMT Build as part of GithubActions

User Experience#

  • #0037 - Add examples url to plugins specifications and then each plugin if they have examples

  • #0049 - Add system tags for EMODTask