Source code for idmtools_calibra.algorithms.gpc

import json
import os
from collections import deque
from functools import partial
from logging import getLogger
from string import Template

import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.optimize as spo
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import norm

logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')

    import pycuda
    import skcuda.misc as misc
except ImportError as e:
    logger.error("Could not import a cuda component. pycuda and skcuda installed")
    raise e

plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'jet'

# NOTE theta = [sigma_f^2, l_1^2, l_2^2, ..., l_D^2] # NOTE: no sigma_n^2
# Ack

[docs]class GPC: def __init__(self, x_cols, y_col, training_data, param_info, kernel_mode='RBF', kernel_params=None, verbose=False, debug=False, **kwargs ): self.use_laplace_approximation = True cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.kernel_fn = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'kernel.c') self.training_data = training_data.copy() self.param_info = param_info.copy() self.x_cols = x_cols self.y_col = y_col self.kernel_mode = kernel_mode self.x_cols_scaled = [] for xc in self.x_cols: if xc not in self.training_data.columns: user_logger.error('Cannot find columns %s in the training data, which has columns:' % xc, self.training_data.columns) raise Exception('Missing column') xc_new = xc + ' (scaled)' self.x_cols_scaled.append(xc_new) self.training_data[xc + ' (scaled)'] = (self.training_data[xc] - self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Min']) / \ (self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Max'] - self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Min']) self.verbose = verbose self.debug = debug self.D = len(self.x_cols) self.theta = None # Kernel/model hyperparameters self.kernel_xx_gpu = None self.kernel_xp_gpu = None self.kernel_params = kernel_params self.define_kernel(self.kernel_params)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config_fn): try: logger.debug("from_config:", config_fn) with open(os.path.join(config_fn)) as data_file: config = json.load(data_file) return GPC.from_dict(config) except EnvironmentError: user_logger.error("Unable to load GPC from_config file", config_fn) raise
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config): return cls( config['Xcols'], config['Ycol'], training_data=pd.read_json(config['Training_Data'], orient='split').set_index('Sample'), param_info=pd.read_json(config['Param_Info'], orient='split').set_index('Name'), kernel_mode=config['Kernel_Mode'], kernel_params=np.array(config['Kernel_Params']), )
[docs] def set_training_data(self, new_training_data): self.training_data = new_training_data.copy() self.define_kernel(self.kernel_params) for xc in self.x_cols: # xc_new = xc + ' (scaled)' self.training_data[xc + ' (scaled)'] = \ (self.training_data[xc] - self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Min']) / \ (self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Max'] - self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Min'])
[docs] def save(self, save_to=None): save_dict = { 'Xcols': self.x_cols, 'Ycol': self.y_col, 'Kernel_Mode': self.kernel_mode, 'Kernel_Params': self.theta.tolist(), 'Training_Data': self.training_data.reset_index().to_json(orient='split'), # [self.Xcols + [self.Ycol]] 'Param_Info': self.param_info.reset_index().to_json(orient='split') } if save_to: with open(save_to, 'w') as fout: json.dump(save_dict, fout, indent=4) return save_dict
[docs] def define_kernel(self, params): if self.kernel_mode == 'RBF': nx = self.training_data.shape[0] with open(self.kernel_fn, 'r') as f: kernel_code_template = Template( max_threads_per_block, max_block_dim, max_grid_dim = misc.get_dev_attrs(pycuda.autoinit.device) block_dim, grid_dim = misc.select_block_grid_sizes(pycuda.autoinit.device, (nx, nx)) max_blocks_per_grid = max(max_grid_dim) if self.verbose:"max_threads_per_block", max_threads_per_block)"max_block_dim", max_block_dim)"max_grid_dim", max_grid_dim)"max_blocks_per_grid", max_blocks_per_grid)"block_dim", block_dim)"grid_dim", grid_dim) # Substitute in template to get kernel code kernel_code = kernel_code_template.substitute( max_threads_per_block=max_threads_per_block, max_blocks_per_grid=max_blocks_per_grid, B=nx) # Compile the kernel mod = pycuda.compiler.SourceModule(kernel_code) # retrieve the kernel functions self.kernel_xx_gpu = mod.get_function("kernel_xx") self.kernel_xp_gpu = mod.get_function("kernel_xp") else: user_logger.error('Bad kernel mode, kernel_mode=%s' % self.kernel_mode) raise if params is not None: assert (len(params) == 1 + self.D) if isinstance(params, list): params = np.array(params) self.theta = params
[docs] def kernel_xx(self, x, theta): # NOTE: Slow, use GPU acceleration instead. sigma2_f = theta[0] n = x.shape[0] kxx = np.zeros([n, n], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(n): # Off-diagonal for j in range(i + 1, n): d_x = x[i, :] - x[j, :] r2 = 0 for d in range(self.D): r2 += d_x[d] * d_x[d] / theta[1 + d] kxx[i, j] = sigma2_f * np.exp(-r2 / 2.) kxx[j, i] = kxx[i, j] # Diagonal: kxx[i, i] = sigma2_f return kxx
[docs] @staticmethod def kernel_xp(x, p, theta): # NOTE: Slow, use GPU acceleration instead. sigma2_f = theta[0] nx = x.shape[0] n_p = p.shape[0] d = x.shape[1] kxp = n_p.zeros([nx, n_p]) for i in range(nx): for j in range(n_p): d_x = x[i, :] - p[j, :] r2 = 0 for d in range(d): r2 += d_x[d] * d_x[d] / theta[1 + d] kxp[i, j] = sigma2_f * n_p.exp(-r2 / 2.) return kxp
[docs] def kxx_gpu_wrapper(self, x, theta, deriv=-1): nx = x.shape[0] # Use from before...? block_dim, grid_dim = misc.select_block_grid_sizes(pycuda.autoinit.device, (nx, nx)) x_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(x.astype(np.float32)) theta_extended = np.concatenate( (np.array(theta[:1]), np.array([0]), np.array(theta[1:]))) # Kernel code needs sigma2_n theta_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(theta_extended.astype(np.float32)) # create empty gpu array for the result kxx_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.empty((nx, nx), np.float32) # call the kernel on the card self.kernel_xx_gpu( kxx_gpu, # <-- Output x_gpu, theta_gpu, # <-- Inputs np.uint32(nx), # <-- N np.uint32(self.D), # <-- D np.uint32(deriv), # <- for dK/dtheta_i. Negative for no deriv. np.uint8(x.flags.f_contiguous), # FORTRAN (column) contiguous block=block_dim, grid=grid_dim ) kxx = kxx_gpu.get() if self.debug: kxx_cpu = self.kernel_xx(x.astype(np.float32), theta.astype(np.float32)) if not np.allclose(kxx_cpu, kxx): user_logger.error('kxx_gpu_wrapper(CPU):\n', kxx_cpu) user_logger.error('kxx_gpu_wrapper(GPU):\n', kxx) raise return kxx
[docs] def kxp_gpu_wrapper(self, x, p, theta): nx = x.shape[0] n_p = p.shape[0] block_dim, grid_dim = misc.select_block_grid_sizes(pycuda.autoinit.device, (nx, n_p)) if x.flags.f_contiguous: # Fortran column-major # Convert to C contiguous (row major) x_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(n_p.ascontiguousarray(x).astype(n_p.float32)) else: x_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(x.astype(n_p.float32)) if p.flags.f_contiguous: # Convert to C contiguous (row major) p_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(n_p.ascontiguousarray(p).astype(n_p.float32)) else: p_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(p.astype(n_p.float32)) theta_extended = n_p.concatenate( (n_p.array(theta[:1]), n_p.array([0]), n_p.array(theta[1:]))) # Kernel code needs sigma2_n theta_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.to_gpu(theta_extended.astype(n_p.float32)) # create empty gpu array for the result kxp_gpu = pycuda.gpuarray.empty((nx, n_p), n_p.float32) # call the kernel on the card self.kernel_xp_gpu( kxp_gpu, # <-- Output x_gpu, p_gpu, theta_gpu, # <-- Inputs n_p.uint32(nx), # <-- Nx n_p.uint32(n_p), # <-- Nx n_p.uint32(self.D), # <-- D block=block_dim, grid=grid_dim ) if self.debug: kxp_cpu = self.kernel_xp(x, p, theta) if not n_p.allclose(kxp_cpu, kxp_gpu.get()): user_logger.error('kxp_gpu_wrapper(CPU):\n', kxp_cpu) user_logger.error('kxp_gpu_wrapper(GPU):\n', kxp_gpu.get()) raise return kxp_gpu.get()
[docs] def assign_rep(self, sample): sample = sample.drop('index', axis=1).reset_index() = 'Replicate' sample.reset_index(inplace=True) return sample
[docs] def expectation_propagation(self, theta): # Algorithm 3.5: "Expectation Propagation for binary classification" from # "Gaussian Process for Machine Learning", p58 # TODO: WIP! # TODO: Pass in mu_tol = 1e-6 sigma_tol = 1e-6 y = self.training_data[self.y_col].values user_logger.debug('y:', y) n = len(y) x = self.training_data[self.x_cols_scaled].values k = self.kxx_gpu_wrapper(x, theta) # This is for f, no sigma2_n # Initialize nu = np.zeros(n) tau = np.zeros(n) sigma = k.copy() mu = np.zeros(n) tau_minus_i_vec = np.zeros_like(tau) mu_minus_i_vec = np.zeros_like(mu) done = False it = 0 stilde = None while not done: prev_mu = mu prev_sigma = sigma # prev_tau = tau # prev_nu = nu for i in range(n): #, ' ', i,' ', '-'*80) sigma2_i = sigma[i, i] # Not sure on this one tau_minus_i = 1 / sigma2_i - tau[i] nu_minus_i = mu[i] / sigma2_i - nu[i] assert (tau_minus_i > 0) den = tau_minus_i * (tau_minus_i + 1) sqrt_den = np.sqrt(den) zi = y[i] * nu_minus_i / sqrt_den n_zi = norm.pdf(zi) z_hat_i = norm.cdf(zi) mu_hat_i = nu_minus_i / tau_minus_i + y[i] * n_zi / (z_hat_i * sqrt_den) sigma2_hat_i = 1 / tau_minus_i - n_zi / (z_hat_i * den) * (zi + n_zi / z_hat_i) delta_tau = 1 / sigma2_hat_i - tau_minus_i - tau[i] # using sigmahat2_i tau[i] = tau[i] + delta_tau nu[i] = mu_hat_i / sigma2_hat_i - nu_minus_i # using muhat_u and sigmahat2_i si = sigma[:, i] sigma = sigma - 1 / ((1 / delta_tau) + sigma[i, i]) * np.outer(si, si) mu =, nu) tau_minus_i_vec[i] = tau_minus_i mu_minus_i_vec[i] = nu_minus_i / tau_minus_i stilde = np.diag(tau) ''' sqrtStilde = np.diag(np.sqrt(tau)) B = np.eye(N) +,, sqrtStilde)) L = np.linalg.cholesky(B) V = np.linalg.solve( np.transpose(L),,K) )'V', V)'K', K) Sigma = K -,V)'Sigma after', Sigma) t = time.time() SigmaDIRECT = np.linalg.inv(np.linalg.inv(K) + Stilde)'Sigma DIRECT %f'%(time.time()-t), SigmaDIRECT) ''' # t = time.time() sigma_mil = k -, np.linalg.solve(np.linalg.inv(stilde) + k, k)) #'Sigma MIL %f'%(time.time()-t), SigmaMIL) ''' import scipy as sp t = time.time() a = np.linalg.inv(Stilde)+K ainvsqrt = sp.linalg.sqrtm(np.linalg.inv(a)) Vdjk =, K) SigmaDJK = K -,Vdjk)'Sigma DJK %f'%(time.time()-t), SigmaDJK)'Vdjk', Vdjk) #Bdjk = np.linalg.inv(Stilde)+K #Ldjk = np.linalg.cholesky(Bdjk) #Vdjk2 = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(Ldjk),K)'Vdjk2', Vdjk2) ''' sigma = sigma_mil mu =, nu) d_mu = np.linalg.norm(mu - prev_mu) d_sigma = np.linalg.norm(sigma - prev_sigma) done = d_mu > mu_tol or d_sigma > sigma_tol it = it + 1 if stilde is None: raise Exception("stilde not set") # TEMP because long-cut in calculating Sigma above sqrt_stilde = np.diag(np.sqrt(tau)) b = np.eye(n) +,, sqrt_stilde)) l_cholesky = np.linalg.cholesky(b) # ################################################# log_zep_terms_1_and_4 = 0.5 * sum( np.log(1 + np.multiply(tau, np.reciprocal(tau_minus_i_vec))) - np.log(np.diag(l_cholesky))) t = np.diag(tau_minus_i_vec) big_matrix = k -,, np.linalg.solve(b,, k)))) - np.linalg.inv( t + stilde) log_zep_terms_5b_and_2 = 0.5 *,, nu)) stuff = np.linalg.solve(stilde + t,, mu_minus_i_vec - 2 * nu)) log_zep_term_5a = 0.5 *,, stuff)) num = np.multiply(y, mu_minus_i_vec) den = np.sqrt(1 + tau_minus_i_vec) log_zep_term_3 = np.sum(np.log(norm.cdf(np.multiply(num, np.reciprocal(den))))) #'logZep_terms_1_and_4', logZep_terms_1_and_4) #'logZep_terms_5b_and_2', logZep_terms_5b_and_2) #'logZep_term_5a', logZep_term_5a) #'logZep_term_3', logZep_term_3) log_zep = log_zep_terms_1_and_4 + log_zep_terms_5b_and_2 + log_zep_term_5a + log_zep_term_3 user_logger.debug(theta, '-->', -log_zep) return -log_zep, nu, tau
[docs] def find_posterior_mode(self, theta, f_guess=None, tol_grad=1e-6, max_iter=100): # Mode finding for Laplace GPC. Algorithm 3.1 from "Gaussian Process for Machine Learning", p46 y = self.training_data[self.y_col].values user_logger.debug('y:', y) n = len(y) if f_guess is not None: f_hat = f_guess assert (isinstance(f_hat, np.ndarray)) assert (f_hat.shape[0] == y.shape[0]) else: f_hat = np.zeros_like(y) x = self.training_data[self.x_cols_scaled].values k = self.kxx_gpu_wrapper(x, theta) # This is for f, no sigma2_n l_val = w = sqrt_w = pi = d_df_log_p_y_given_f = a = log_p_y_given_f = log_q_y_given_x_theta = i = None for i in range(max_iter): user_logger.debug('---[ %d ]------------------------------------' % i) user_logger.debug('f_hat:', f_hat) pi = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-f_hat)) user_logger.debug('pi:', pi) t = (y + 1) / 2.0 user_logger.debug('t:', t) user_logger.debug('Computing W ...') d2_df2_log_p_y_given_f = -np.multiply(pi, 1 - pi) np.diag(-d2_df2_log_p_y_given_f) # NOTE: Using logit (3.15) sqrt_w = np.diag(np.sqrt(-d2_df2_log_p_y_given_f)) user_logger.debug('Computing B ...') # B = np.eye(N) +,, sqrtW)) #################### # Dan's method for B: w = np.sqrt(-d2_df2_log_p_y_given_f) w_outer = np.outer(w, w) b = np.eye(n) + np.multiply(k, w_outer) ### user_logger.debug('Computing L ...') l_val = np.linalg.cholesky(b) user_logger.debug('Computing b ...') d_df_log_p_y_given_f = t - pi b =, f_hat) + d_df_log_p_y_given_f logger.debug('b:', b) user_logger.debug('Computing W12_K_b ...') w12_k_b =,, b)) user_logger.debug('Computing L_slash_W12_K_b ...') l_slash_w12_k_b = np.linalg.solve(l_val, w12_k_b) user_logger.debug('Computing Lt_slash_L_slash_W12_K_b ...') lt_slash_l_slash_w12_k_b = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(l_val), l_slash_w12_k_b) user_logger.debug('Computing a ...') a = b -, lt_slash_l_slash_w12_k_b) user_logger.debug('a:', a) user_logger.debug('Computing f_hat ...') f_hat =, a) ##### # log_p_y_given_f = -np.log(1 + np.exp(, f_hat))) log_p_y_given_f = np.sum(-np.log(1 + np.exp(-np.multiply(y, f_hat)))) log_q_y_given_x_theta = -0.5 *, f_hat) + log_p_y_given_f - sum(np.log(np.diag(l_val))) d_df_log_q_y_given_x_theta = d_df_log_p_y_given_f - np.linalg.solve(k, f_hat) #'***', log_q_y_given_X_theta, np.linalg.norm(d_df_log_q_y_given_X_theta)) norm_grad = np.linalg.norm(d_df_log_q_y_given_x_theta) if norm_grad < tol_grad: break user_logger.warning('WARNING: out of iterations in find_posterior_mode, |grad| =', norm_grad) user_logger.debug(theta, '--> log_q_y_given_X_theta: %f (%d f_hat-iterations)' % (log_q_y_given_x_theta, i)) user_logger.debug(theta, 'Final --> log_q_y_given_X_theta: %f (%d f_hat-iterations)' % (log_q_y_given_x_theta, i)) if l_val is None or w is None: raise Exception("Iter loop did not complete or all expected values were not set") return { 'f_hat': f_hat, 'log_q_y_given_X_theta': log_q_y_given_x_theta, 'L': l_val, 'K': k, 'W': w, 'sqrtW': sqrt_w, 'pi': pi, 'a': a, 'd_df_log_p_y_given_f': d_df_log_p_y_given_f, 'log_p_y_given_f': log_p_y_given_f }
[docs] def negative_log_marginal_likelihood(self, theta): if self.use_laplace_approximation: log_q_y_given_x_theta = self.find_posterior_mode(theta)['log_q_y_given_X_theta'] return -log_q_y_given_x_theta else: log_zep, _, _ = self.expectation_propagation(theta) return log_zep
[docs] def negative_log_marginal_likelihood_and_gradient(self, theta, f_guess=None): # Rasmussen and Williams GPML p126 algo 5.1 # if np.any(theta < 0): # theta = np.abs(theta) # theta += 1e-6 # Keep away from 0 mode_results_dict = self.find_posterior_mode(theta, f_guess) f_hat = mode_results_dict['f_hat'] log_z = mode_results_dict['log_q_y_given_X_theta'] l_val = mode_results_dict['L'] k = mode_results_dict['K'] # w = mode_results_dict['W'] sqrt_w = mode_results_dict['sqrtW'] pi = mode_results_dict['pi'] a = mode_results_dict['a'] d_df_log_p_y_given_f = mode_results_dict['d_df_log_p_y_given_f'] # log_p_y_given_f = mode_results_dict['log_p_y_given_f'] x = self.training_data[self.x_cols_scaled].values l_slash_sqrt_w = np.linalg.solve(l_val, sqrt_w) r =, np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(l_val), l_slash_sqrt_w)) # <-- good c = np.linalg.solve(l_val,, k)) # -,C)) - np.diag(K -,np.linalg.solve(np.linalg.inv(W)+K,K)))) # exit() # n = f_hat.shape[0] # L is good s2_part1 = np.diag(np.diag(k) - np.diag(, c))) d3_df3_log_p_y_given_f = pi * (1 - pi) * (2 * pi - 1) s2 = -0.5 *, d3_df3_log_p_y_given_f) s2 = -s2 # TEMP - OMG, RW is WRONG!!!!! d_dtheta_log_z = np.zeros_like(theta) for j in range(len(theta)): # Compute dK/dtheta_j if j == 0: # theta_0 is sigma2_f c = k / theta[0] else: c = self.kxx_gpu_wrapper(x, theta, deriv=j + 1) # +1 because no sigma2_n s1_part_1 = 0.5 *,, a)) s1 = s1_part_1 - 0.5 * np.trace(, c)) # <-- WARNING, INEFFICIENT! COMPUTE DIAG OF MATRIX PROD ONLY! b =, d_df_log_p_y_given_f) s3 = b -,, b)) d_dtheta_log_z[j] = s1 +, s3) # s1 seems good, s2 is good user_logger.debug('d_dtheta_logZ:', d_dtheta_log_z) return -log_z, -d_dtheta_log_z, f_hat # Careful with sign
[docs] @staticmethod def func_wrapper(f, cache_size=100): # evals = {} last_points = deque() def get(pt, which): s = pt.tostring() # get binary string of numpy array, to make it hashable if s not in evals: evals[s] = f(pt) last_points.append(s) if len(last_points) >= cache_size: del evals[last_points.popleft()] return evals[s][which] return partial(get, which=0), partial(get, which=1)
[docs] def laplace_predict(self, theta, f_hat, p): y = self.training_data[self.y_col].values user_logger.debug('y:', y) n = len(y) x = self.training_data[self.x_cols_scaled].values kxx = self.kxx_gpu_wrapper(x, theta) # This is for f user_logger.debug('---[ PREDICT ]------------------------------------') user_logger.debug('f_hat:', f_hat) pi = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-f_hat)) user_logger.debug('pi:', pi) t = (y + 1) / 2.0 user_logger.debug('t:', t) d2_df2_log_p_y_given_f = -np.multiply(pi, 1 - pi) sqrt_w = np.diag(np.sqrt(-d2_df2_log_p_y_given_f)) user_logger.debug('Computing B ...') # ## Dan's method for B: w = np.sqrt(-d2_df2_log_p_y_given_f) w_outer = np.outer(w, w) b = np.eye(n) + np.multiply(kxx, w_outer) ### # Bslow = np.eye(N) +,, sqrtW)) # np.allclose(B, Bslow) ) # exit() ### lh = np.linalg.cholesky(b) d_df_log_p_y_given_f = t - pi # p-specific code begins here: ret = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Mean-Transformed', 'Var-Transformed', 'Mean', 'Var']) # , 'Trapz' for idx, p_series in p.iterrows(): user_logger.debug(idx, 'x_star is', p_series['x (scaled)']) p = p_series.as_matrix()[np.newaxis, :] k_xp = self.kxp_gpu_wrapper(x, p, theta) # TODO Reference this code directly from history matching. We need to make a utility function there that # can be used in this process or others f_bar_star =, d_df_log_p_y_given_f) # MEAN (vector of length 1) v = np.linalg.solve(lh,, k_xp)) kpp = self.kxx_gpu_wrapper(p, theta) # For latent distribution, don't add sigma2_n v = kpp -, v) # VARIANCE (matrix of size 1x1) def logistic(f): return 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-f)) mu = f_bar_star[0] sigma2 = v[0, 0] # import time # tz = time.time() # Numerical integration ##### (Works, but need variance calculation) fstar = np.linspace(mu - 3 * np.sqrt(sigma2), mu + 3 * np.sqrt(sigma2), 100) # <-- should choose num points (100) wisely mean_integrand = np.multiply(logistic(fstar), np.exp(-(fstar - mu) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma2)) / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi * sigma2)) mean_trapz = np.trapz(mean_integrand, x=fstar) # Average prediction (better) var_integrand = np.multiply((logistic(fstar) - mean_trapz) ** 2, np.exp(-(fstar - mu) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma2)) / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi * sigma2)) var_trapz = np.trapz(var_integrand, x=fstar) # Average prediction (better) #'TRAPZ', time.time()-tz) ''' ### Monte Carlo mc = time.time() pts = np.random.multivariate_normal(f_bar_star, V, size=10000) yy = logistic(pts) mean = np.mean(yy) var = np.var(yy)'MC', time.time()-mc) ### ''' #'MC: (%f, %f) VS TRAPZ: (%f, %f)' % (mean, var, mean_trapz, var_trapz)) logi = logistic(mu) # MAP prediction # End TODO for History matching refactor out user_logger.debug('MEAN:', mu) user_logger.debug('VAR:', sigma2) user_logger.debug('LOGIS:', logi) # user_logger.debug('MONTE CARLO:', 'mean=%f, var=%f'%(mean, var)) user_logger.debug('TRAPZ:', 'mean=%f, var=%f' % (mean_trapz, var_trapz)) ret = pd.concat([ret, pd.DataFrame( {'Mean-Transformed': [mu], 'Var-Transformed': [sigma2], 'Mean': [mean_trapz], 'Var': [var_trapz]})]) ret.index = p.index.copy() return ret
[docs] def ep_predict(self, theta, p): log_zep, nu, tau = self.expectation_propagation(theta) y = self.training_data[self.y_col].values user_logger.debug('y:', y) n = len(y) x = self.training_data[self.x_cols_scaled].values kxx = self.kxx_gpu_wrapper(x, theta) # This is for f user_logger.debug('---[ PREDICT ]------------------------------------') user_logger.debug('Computing B ...') sqrt_stilde = np.diag(np.sqrt(tau)) b = np.eye(n) +,, sqrt_stilde)) l_cholesky = np.linalg.cholesky(b) sqrt_stilde_k_nu =,, nu)) l_slash_sqrt_stilde_k_nu = np.linalg.solve(l_cholesky, sqrt_stilde_k_nu) lt_slash_l_slash_sqrt_stilde_k_nu = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(l_cholesky), l_slash_sqrt_stilde_k_nu) z =, lt_slash_l_slash_sqrt_stilde_k_nu) ret = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Mean-Transformed', 'Var-Transformed', 'Mean', 'Var']) for idx, p_series in p.iterrows(): user_logger.debug(idx, 'x_star is', p_series['x (scaled)']) p = p_series.as_matrix()[np.newaxis, :] k_xp = self.kxp_gpu_wrapper(x, p, theta) f_bar_star =, nu - z) # MEAN (vector of length 1) v = np.linalg.solve(l_cholesky,, k_xp)) kpp = self.kxx_gpu_wrapper(p, theta) # For latent distribution, don't add sigma2_n v = kpp -, v) # VARIANCE (matrix of size 1x1) mu = f_bar_star[0] sigma2 = v[0, 0] mean = norm.cdf(mu / np.sqrt(1 + sigma2)) fstar = np.linspace(mu - 3 * np.sqrt(sigma2), mu + 3 * np.sqrt(sigma2), 100) # <-- should choose num points (100) wisely ''' mean_integrand = np.multiply(norm.cdf(fstar), np.exp(-(fstar-mu)**2/(2.0*sigma2)) / np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi*sigma2) ) mean_trapz = np.trapz(mean_integrand, x=fstar) # Average prediction (better), mean_trapz) ''' var_integrand = np.multiply((norm.cdf(fstar) - mean) ** 2, np.exp(-(fstar - mu) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma2)) / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi * sigma2)) var_trapz = np.trapz(var_integrand, x=fstar) # TODO: Closed form! ret = pd.concat([ret, pd.DataFrame( {'Mean-Transformed': [mu], 'Var-Transformed': [sigma2], 'Mean': [mean], 'Var': [var_trapz]})]) ret.index = p.index.copy() return ret
[docs] def optimize_hyperparameters(self, x0, bounds=(), k=-1, eps=1e-2, disp=True, maxiter=15000): # x0 like np.array([2, 0.10, 0.14641288665436947, 0.12166006573919039, 0.05, 0.05, 0.08055223671416605, # 7.026854485434267 ]) # bounds like ((0.005,10),)+((0.01,10),) + tuple((5e-5,10) for i in range(self.D)) # K=None is leave one out cross validation, otherwise make K groups idx = self.training_data.index.names # Save index self.training_data.reset_index(inplace=True) if self.use_laplace_approximation: f_, fprime = GPC.func_wrapper(self.negative_log_marginal_likelihood_and_gradient) else: f_ = self.negative_log_marginal_likelihood fprime = None user_logger.debug(f"F Prime: {fprime}") ''' # Truncated Newton Conjugate-Gradient ret = spo.minimize( fun = f_, x0 = x0, #args=(X,Y,P), jac = fprime, method='TNC', bounds = bounds, # Constrain values hess=None, hessp=None, constraints=(), tol=None, callback=None, options= { 'maxiter': maxiter, 'disp': disp, 'eps': eps } ) ''' ''' # BFGS ret = spo.minimize( fun = f_, #args=(X,Y,P), x0 = x0, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds = bounds, # Constrain values jac = fprime, hess=None, hessp=None, constraints=(), tol=None, callback=None, options= { 'maxiter': maxiter, 'disp': disp, 'ftol': 1e-12, 'gtol': 1e-12, 'factr': 0.01, 'eps': eps } ) ''' attempts = 0 done = False ret = None while attempts < 3 and not done: # No jacobian ret = spo.minimize( fun=f_, # self.negative_log_marginal_likelihood, # args=(X,Y,P), x0=x0, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bounds, # Constrain values jac=None, hess=None, hessp=None, constraints={}, tol=None, callback=None, options={ 'maxiter': maxiter, 'disp': disp, 'eps': eps # eps: Step size used for numerical approximation of the jacobian (1e-3). } )'OPTIMIZATION RETURNED:\n', ret) done = ret['success'] is True if not done: user_logger.error('OPTIMIZATION FAILED, trying AGAIN!!!') x0 = 1.1 * x0 attempts = attempts + 1 self.theta = ret.x # Length scales now on 0-1 range # self.theta = np.abs(ret.x) + 1e-6 # Length scales now on 0-1 range f_hat = self.find_posterior_mode(self.theta)['f_hat'] np.savetxt('f_hat.csv', f_hat, delimiter=',') # X is an array'OPTIMIZATION RETURNED:\n', ret) # Restore original index if idx[0] is not None: self.training_data.set_index(idx, inplace=True) return ret
[docs] def evaluate(self, data): # Predict at test and training points, store mean and variance in # Normalize data for xc in self.x_cols: # xc_new = xc + ' (scaled)' data[xc + ' (scaled)'] = \ (data[xc] - self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Min']) / \ (self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Max'] - self.param_info.loc[xc, 'Min']) # PREDICT: if self.use_laplace_approximation: f_hat = self.find_posterior_mode(self.theta)['f_hat'] np.savetxt('f_hat.csv', f_hat, delimiter=',') # X is an array ret = self.laplace_predict(self.theta, f_hat, data[self.x_cols_scaled]) else: ret = self.ep_predict(self.theta, data[self.x_cols_scaled]) # ret = data.merge(ret, left_index=True, right_index=True) return ret
[docs] def plot_data(self, samples_to_circle=None): if samples_to_circle is None: samples_to_circle = [] scaled = \ 5 + 45 * \ (self.training_data[self.y_col] - self.training_data[self.y_col].min()) / \ (self.training_data[self.y_col].max() - self.training_data[self.y_col].min()) figs = {} for row in range(self.D): for col in range(self.D): if col > row: # gs = gridspec.GridSpec(self.D-1, self.D-1) # ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[col-1,row]) fn = '%s-%s.pdf' % (self.x_cols[row], self.x_cols[col]) figs[fn] = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # GPy.plotting.plotting_library().figure() x = self.training_data[self.x_cols[row]] y = self.training_data[self.x_cols[col]] plt.scatter(x, y, s=scaled, c=self.training_data[self.y_col], cmap='jet', lw=0.1, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='k') # , s=area, c=colors, alpha=0.5) # Circle some interesting samples for s in samples_to_circle: plt.scatter(self.training_data.loc[s][self.x_cols[row]], self.training_data.loc[s][self.x_cols[col]], s=10 + scaled.loc[s], alpha=1, lw=1.0, facecolors="None", edgecolors='k') # , s=area, c=colors, alpha=0.5) plt.autoscale(tight=True) plt.xlabel(self.x_cols[row]) plt.ylabel(self.x_cols[col]) plt.tight_layout() return figs
[docs] def plot_histogram(self): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) # , figsize=(5,5), sharex='col', sharey='row') sns.distplot(self.training_data[self.y_col], rug=True, ax=ax) return fig
[docs] def plot(self, x_center, res=10): x_mu = np.repeat(np.array([x_center]), res * res, axis=0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4 * (self.D - 1), 4 * (self.D - 1))) fig_std_latent = plt.figure(figsize=(4 * (self.D - 1), 4 * (self.D - 1))) for row in range(self.D): for col in range(self.D): if col > row: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(self.D - 1, self.D - 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[col - 1, row]) # , projection='3d' ax_std_latent = fig_std_latent.add_subplot(gs[col - 1, row]) # , projection='3d' fixed_inputs = [(x, mean) for (i, (x, mean)) in enumerate(zip(range(self.D), x_center)) if row is not i and col is not i], col, row * self.D + col, fixed_inputs) # TODO: Real parameter ranges here, not just 0-1 (row_min, row_max) = ( self.training_data[self.x_cols[row]].min(), self.training_data[self.x_cols[row]].max()) (col_min, col_max) = ( self.training_data[self.x_cols[col]].min(), self.training_data[self.x_cols[col]].max()) # sim_cases_range = data.reset_index().groupby('Sample')['Sim_Cases'].agg( # {'Min':np.min, 'Max':np.max, 'Mean':np.mean} # ) x1 = np.linspace(row_min, row_max, res) x2 = np.linspace(col_min, col_max, res) x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2) x = x_mu.copy() x[:, row] = x1.flatten() x[:, col] = x2.flatten() xdf = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=self.x_cols) self.debug = False # user_logger.warning('WARNING: DEBUG!\n') self.verbose = False ret = self.evaluate(xdf) y_mean = np.reshape(ret['Mean'], [res, res]) y_std_latent = np.reshape(np.sqrt(ret['Var_Latent']), [res, res]) # Y_std_predictive = np.reshape( np.sqrt(ret['Var_Predictive']), [res, res]) try: cs = ax.contour(x1, x2, y_mean, zorder=100) ax.clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize=10, zorder=100) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex)'Unable to plot mean contour') pass ax.scatter(self.training_data[self.x_cols[row]], self.training_data[self.x_cols[col]], c=self.training_data[self.y_col], s=25) try: cs = ax_std_latent.contour(x1, x2, y_std_latent, zorder=100) ax_std_latent.clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize=10, zorder=100) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex)'Unable to plot std contour') pass if col == self.D - 1: ax.set_xlabel(self.x_cols[row]) if row == 0: ax.set_ylabel(self.x_cols[col]) # plt.tight_layout() return fig, fig_std_latent
[docs] def plot_errors(self, train, test, mean_col, var_predictive_col, truth_col=None, figsize=(16, 10)): if train is not None: train['Z'] = (train[self.y_col] + 1) / 2 if test is not None: test['Z'] = (test[self.y_col] + 1) / 2 ycol = 'Z' if truth_col: if train is not None: train['ZTrue_Predictive'] = (train[truth_col] - train[mean_col]) / np.sqrt(train[var_predictive_col]) train['Truth-Logit'] = np.log(train[truth_col] / (1 - train[truth_col])) train['ZTrue_Predictive_Logit'] = (train['Truth-Logit'] - train['Mean-Transformed']) / np.sqrt( train['Var-Transformed']) if test is not None: test['ZTrue_Predictive'] = (test[truth_col] - test[mean_col]) / np.sqrt(test[var_predictive_col]) test['Truth-Logit'] = np.log(test[truth_col] / (1 - test[truth_col])) test['ZTrue_Predictive_Logit'] = (test['Truth-Logit'] - test['Mean-Transformed']) / np.sqrt( test['Var-Transformed']) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex='col', figsize=figsize) # , sharex='col', sharey='row') ax = ax1 if train is not None: train['Z_Predictive'] = (train[ycol] - train[mean_col]) / np.sqrt(train[var_predictive_col]) ax.scatter(x=train['Sample'], y=train[ycol], c='c', marker='_', s=25, alpha=1, linewidths=1, zorder=50) ax.errorbar(x=train['Sample'], y=train[mean_col], yerr=2 * np.sqrt(train[var_predictive_col]), fmt='.', ms=5, linewidth=1, c='k') if truth_col and truth_col in train: ax.plot(train['Sample'], train[truth_col], 'c.') if test is not None: test['Z_Predictive'] = (test[ycol] - test[mean_col]) / np.sqrt(test[var_predictive_col]) ax.scatter(x=test['Sample'], y=test[ycol], c='m', marker='_', s=25, alpha=1, linewidths=1, zorder=50) ax.errorbar(x=test['Sample'], y=test[mean_col], yerr=2 * np.sqrt(test[var_predictive_col]), fmt='.', ms=5, linewidth=1, c='k') if truth_col and truth_col in test: ax.plot(test['Sample'], test[truth_col], 'm.') ax.margins(x=0, y=0.05) ax.set_xlabel('Sample Index') ax.set_ylabel(ycol) a = 0.05 ax = ax2 if train is not None: ax.scatter(x=train['Sample'], y=train['Z_Predictive'], c='c', marker='_', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) if truth_col and truth_col in train: ax.scatter(x=train['Sample'], y=train['ZTrue_Predictive'], c='c', marker='.', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) if test is not None: ax.scatter(x=test['Sample'], y=test['Z_Predictive'], c='m', marker='_', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) if truth_col and truth_col in test: ax.scatter(x=test['Sample'], y=test['ZTrue_Predictive'], c='m', marker='.', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) ax.margins(x=0, y=0.05) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0, -2), xlim[1], 4, alpha=a, color='g')) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0, -5), xlim[1], 3, alpha=a, color='#FFA500')) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0, 2), xlim[1], 3, alpha=a, color='#FFA500')) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0, ylim[0]), xlim[1], abs(ylim[0]) - 5, alpha=a, color='r')) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0, 5), xlim[1], abs(ylim[1]) - 5, alpha=a, color='r')) ax.set_xlabel('Sample Index') ax.set_ylabel('Z-Score') plt.tight_layout() return fig