Source code for idmtools_calibra.algorithms.separatrix_bhm

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from idmtools_calibra.algorithms.next_point_algorithm import NextPointAlgorithm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = logging.getLogger('user')
    from history_matching.gpc import GPC
except ImportError as ex:
    user_logger.error("Separatrix_BHM requires history matching")
    raise ex

[docs]class SeparatrixBHM(NextPointAlgorithm): """ Separatrix using Bayesian History Matching The basic idea of Separatrix is that each simulation results in a success (+1) or a failure (-1), and the success probability varies as a function of the input parameters. We seek an isocline of the the latent success probability function. """ def __init__(self, params, constrain_sample_fn=lambda s: s, # Allows the user to move samples in order to meet a constraint implausibility_threshold=3, # Essentially the risk tolerance. Higher numbers will be more careful to not reject potentially good regions of parameter space, but the result is that more iteration/simulations will be required target_success_probability=0.7, # This is the success probability isocline that we seek to identify num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel=3, # When emulating the latent success probability function, include simulation results from this many previous iterations. NOTE: Set <0 to include all previous simulation. samples_per_iteration=32, # Number of samples to simulate on a typical iteration samples_final_iteration=128, # Number of samples in simulate on the final iteration max_iterations=10, # Number of iterations (determines when to use samples_final_iteration) training_frac=0.8 # Fraction of simulations to use a training data (will plot in cyan instead of magenta) ): super(SeparatrixBHM, self).__init__() self.args = locals() # Store inputs in case set_state is called later and we want to override with new (user) args del self.args['self'] self.need_resolve = False self.constrain_sample_fn = constrain_sample_fn self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.emulation = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Iteration', 'Sample', 'Mean', 'Var']) self.for_plotting = pd.DataFrame() self.param_info = pd.DataFrame(params).reset_index(drop=True).set_index('Name') self.param_names = self.param_info.index.values.tolist() self.implausibility_threshold = implausibility_threshold # Check that does not go up over iterations! self.target_success_probability = target_success_probability # This cannot change, make sure it doesn't! # These can change on an iteration-by-iteration basis self.num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel = int(num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel) self.samples_per_iteration = int(samples_per_iteration) self.samples_final_iteration = int(samples_final_iteration) self.training_frac = training_frac self.n_dimensions = len(self.param_info) self.x_min = {k: v['Min'] for k, v in self.param_info.iterrows()} self.x_max = {k: v['Max'] for k, v in self.param_info.iterrows()} # GPC hyperparameter guess and range bounds # TODO: Resolve these # TODO: Allow user to enter guess values and bounds! self.theta_guess = np.array( [20] + [0.5] * self.n_dimensions) # sigma^2 followed by squared lengthscales for each dimension self.bounds = ((0.005, 100),) + tuple(self.n_dimensions * ((0.001, 2.0),)) self.hyperparameters = pd.DataFrame( columns=['sigma^2'] + ['lengthscale^2_%d' % i for i in range(self.n_dimensions)] + ['fun', 'accepted percent', 'success']) self.hyperparameters.loc[0] = np.append([np.NaN] * (self.n_dimensions + 2), [100, np.NaN]) self.gpc_vec = [] = pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def cleanup(self): pass
[docs] def resolve_args(self, iteration): # Have args from user and from set_state. # Note this is called only right before commissioning a new iteration, likely from 'resume' # TODO: be more sensitive with params, user could have added or removed variables, need to adjust # TODO: Check min <= max for params # TODO: could clean this up with a helper function if 'params' in self.args['params']: self.param_info = pd.DataFrame(self.args['params']).reset_index(drop=True).set_index('Name') self.implausibility_threshold = self.args[ 'implausibility_threshold'] if 'implausibility_threshold' in self.args else self.implausibility_threshold self.target_success_probability = self.args[ 'target_success_probability'] if 'target_success_probability' in self.args else self.target_success_probability self.num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel = self.args[ 'num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel'] if 'num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel' in self.args else self.num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel self.training_frac = self.args['training_frac'] if 'training_frac' in self.args else self.training_frac self.samples_per_iteration = self.args[ 'samples_per_iteration'] if 'samples_per_iteration' in self.args else self.samples_per_iteration self.samples_final_iteration = self.args[ 'samples_final_iteration'] if 'samples_final_iteration' in self.args else self.samples_final_iteration self.n_dimensions = len(self.param_info) self.x_min = {k: v['Min'] for k, v in self.param_info.iterrows()} self.x_max = {k: v['Max'] for k, v in self.param_info.iterrows()} self.need_resolve = False
[docs] def add_samples(self, samples, iteration): samples_cpy = samples.copy() = '__sample_index__' samples_cpy['Iteration'] = iteration samples_cpy.reset_index(inplace=True) = pd.concat([, samples_cpy], ignore_index=True)['__sample_index__'] =['__sample_index__'].astype(int)
[docs] def get_samples_for_iteration(self, iteration): # Update args if self.need_resolve: self.resolve_args(iteration) if iteration == 0: # Choose initial samples by LHS samples = self.choose_initial_samples() else: # Choose initial samples by History Matching samples = self.choose_samples_via_history_matching(iteration) samples.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return self.generate_samples_from_df(samples)
[docs] def set_results_for_iteration(self, iteration, results): results ='%s: Choosing samples at iteration %d:', self.__class__.__name__, iteration) logger.debug('Results:\n%s', results) data_by_iter ='Iteration') if iteration + 1 in data_by_iter.index.unique(): # Been here before, reset data_by_iter = data_by_iter.loc[:iteration] emulation_by_iter = self.emulation_index('Iteration') self.emulation = emulation_by_iter.loc[:iteration - 1].reset_index() # Store results ... even if changed data_by_iter.loc[iteration, 'Results'] = results = data_by_iter.reset_index()
[docs] def set_gpc_vec(self, iteration, gpc): if len(self.gpc_vec) == iteration: self.gpc_vec.append(gpc) else: assert (len(self.gpc_vec) >= iteration) self.gpc_vec[iteration] = gpc
[docs] def choose_initial_samples(self): = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Iteration', '__sample_index__', 'Train', 'Results', *self.get_param_names()])['Iteration'] =['Iteration'].astype(int)['__sample_index__'] =['__sample_index__'].astype(int) self.n_dimensions = len(self.param_info) iteration = 0 N = self.samples_per_iteration if self.max_iterations > 1 else self.samples_final_iteration initial_samples = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(N, self.n_dimensions), columns=self.param_names) # Scale for param_name, v in self.param_info.iterrows(): initial_samples[param_name] = v['Min'] + initial_samples[param_name] * (v['Max'] - v['Min']) = 'Sample' initial_samples.reset_index(inplace=True) initial_samples['Train'] = False initial_samples.loc[ np.random.binomial(n=1, p=self.training_frac, size=initial_samples.shape[0]) == 1, 'Train'] = True initial_samples = initial_samples.apply(self.constrain_sample_fn, axis=1) self.add_samples(initial_samples, iteration) self.set_gpc_vec(iteration, None) # No GPC for iter 0 return initial_samples[self.param_names]
[docs] def choose_samples_via_history_matching(self, iteration): train =[['Train']] if self.num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel > 0: train = train.loc[train['Iteration'] >= iteration - self.num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel] # Fit the emulator (GPC) gpc = GPC(self.param_names, 'Results', train, self.param_info, kernel_mode='RBF', kernel_params=self.theta_guess, # Sigma_f^2, lengthscale_x^2, lengthscale_y^2, ... verbose=False, debug=False ) self.set_gpc_vec(iteration, gpc) # Optimize hyperparameters optim = self.gpc_vec[iteration].optimize_hyperparameters( x0=self.theta_guess, bounds=self.bounds, eps=1e-3, disp=False, maxiter=15000 ) self.theta_guess = optim.x # Set result as guess for nex titeration emulation_results = self.gpc_vec[iteration].evaluate( emulation_results['Iteration'] = iteration - 1 emulation_results['Sample'] =['Sample'] self.emulation = pd.concat([self.emulation, emulation_results]) # Refocusing next_samples = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.param_names + ['Implausible']) accepted = 0 tried = 0 self.for_plotting = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.param_names) N = self.samples_per_iteration if iteration < self.max_iterations - 1 else self.samples_final_iteration while next_samples.shape[0] < N: n = N - next_samples.shape[0] if tried > 0 and accepted > 0: n = int(np.ceil(n / (accepted / tried))) proposal = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(n, 2), columns=self.param_names) # Scale for param_name, v in self.param_info.iterrows(): proposal[param_name] = v['Min'] + proposal[param_name] * (v['Max'] - v['Min']) # User constraint fn proposal = proposal.apply(self.constrain_sample_fn, axis=1) proposal['Implausible'] = False proposal['Max_Implausibility'] = -1 # For plotting for it in reversed(range(1, iteration + 1)): # TODO: Only evaluate non-implausible points to save time, although will degrade plotting ret = self.gpc_vec[it].evaluate(proposal) proposal['Implausibility_%d' % it] = np.sqrt( (ret['Mean'] - self.target_success_probability) ** 2 / ret['Var']) proposal['Implausibile_%d' % it] = proposal['Implausibility_%d' % it] > self.implausibility_threshold proposal['Implausible'] = proposal['Implausible'] | proposal['Implausibile_%d' % it] proposal['Max_Implausibility'] = pd.concat( [proposal['Max_Implausibility'], proposal['Implausibility_%d' % it]], axis=1).max( axis=1) # Better way? self.for_plotting = self.for_plotting.append(proposal[self.param_names + ['Max_Implausibility']], ignore_index=True) new_samples = proposal.loc[~proposal['Implausible']] next_samples = next_samples.append(proposal.loc[~proposal['Implausible']]) tried = tried + n accepted = accepted + new_samples.shape[0] accepted_percent = 100 * accepted / tried'Found %d new samples, now have %d of %d. Acceptance rate is %.0f%%' % ( new_samples.shape[0], next_samples.shape[0], N, accepted_percent)) self.hyperparameters.loc[iteration] = np.append(self.gpc_vec[iteration].theta, [optim['fun'], accepted_percent, optim['success']]) next_samples = next_samples.iloc[:N] # Trim if needed next_samples['Iteration'] = iteration next_samples['Train'] = False next_samples.loc[np.random.binomial(n=1, p=self.training_frac, size=next_samples.shape[0]) == 1, 'Train'] = True n =[0] next_samples['Sample'] = list(range(n + 1, n + next_samples.shape[0] + 1)) self.add_samples(next_samples, iteration) return next_samples[self.param_names]
[docs] def end_condition(self): # TODO: Stopping condition ... possibly based on reductions in grown of implausible volume'Continuing iterations ...') return False
[docs] def get_final_samples(self): """ Return some number of samples from the residual non-implausible area: """ return {'final_samples': self.prep_for_dict(}
[docs] def prep_for_dict(self, df): return df.where(~df.isnull(), other=None).to_dict(orient='list')
[docs] def get_state(self): separatrix_state = dict( implausibility_threshold=self.implausibility_threshold, target_success_probability=self.target_success_probability, num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel=self.num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel, training_frac=self.training_frac, samples_per_iteration=self.samples_per_iteration, samples_final_iteration=self.samples_final_iteration, n_dimensions=self.n_dimensions, params=self.prep_for_dict(self.param_info.reset_index()), hyperparameters=self.prep_for_dict(self.hyperparameters), data=self.prep_for_dict(, data_dtypes={name: str(data.dtype) for name, data in}, emulation=self.prep_for_dict(self.emulation), emulation_dtypes={name: str(data.dtype) for name, data in self.emulation.items()}, for_plotting=self.prep_for_dict(self.for_plotting), max_iterations=self.max_iterations, gpc_vec=[ if g else None for g in self.gpc_vec] ) return separatrix_state
[docs] def set_state(self, state, iteration): self.implausibility_threshold = state['implausibility_threshold'] self.target_success_probability = state['target_success_probability'] self.num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel = state['num_past_iterations_to_include_in_metamodel'] self.training_frac = state['training_frac'] self.samples_per_iteration = state['samples_per_iteration'] self.samples_final_iteration = state['samples_final_iteration'] self.n_dimensions = state['n_dimensions'] self.param_info = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(state['params'], orient='columns').set_index('Name') self.max_iterations = state['max_iterations'] self.hyperparameters = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(state['hyperparameters'], orient='columns') self.emulation = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(state['emulation'], orient='columns') data_dtypes = state['data_dtypes'] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(state['data'], orient='columns') for c in # Argh[c] =[c].astype(data_dtypes[c]) self.for_plotting = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(state['for_plotting'], orient='columns') self.gpc_vec = [GPC.from_dict(config) if config else None for config in state['gpc_vec']] self.need_resolve = True
[docs] def get_param_names(self): return self.param_names