Source code for COMPS.Data.AssetManager

import os
import re
import sys
import time
import logging
import inspect
from enum import Enum
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from COMPS import Client
from COMPS.Data import OutputFileMetadata

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

max_asset_zip_file_size = 1073741824  # 1 GB
large_asset_upload_threshold = 10485760  # 10 MB
asset_upload_chunk_size_default = 1048576  # 1 MB

[docs]def retrieve_asset_files(asset_files, as_zip=False): if as_zip: total_zip_size = 0 retrieve_assets = [] for af in asset_files: total_zip_size += af.length if total_zip_size > max_asset_zip_file_size: raise RuntimeError('Total size of requested files ({0}) exceeds maximum allowed ({1})' \ .format(total_zip_size, max_asset_zip_file_size)) zip_md = _do_asset_zip_url_request(asset_files) logger.debug('adding zip download url = ' + zip_md.url) retrieve_assets.append(zip_md) else: retrieve_assets = asset_files byte_arrs = _retrieve_files_from_metadata(retrieve_assets, lambda x: x.url if as_zip else x.uri) return byte_arrs[0] if as_zip else byte_arrs
[docs]def retrieve_output_file_info(entity_type, entity_id, paths, job=None): query_params = {'flatten': 1} if job: if entity_type == EntityType.WorkItems: raise RuntimeError('Setting \'job\' parameter for WorkItem is not valid') query_params['hpcjobid'] = job._id req_path = "/asset/{0}/{1}/Output".format(, str(entity_id)) resp = Client.get(req_path, params=query_params) json_resp = resp.json() if 'Resources' not in json_resp: raise RuntimeError('Malformed Asset Service response!') ofmd_map = {} for ofmd_json in json_resp['Resources']: ofmd_json = OutputFileMetadata.rest2py(ofmd_json) # logger.debug('Asset:') # logger.debug(json.dumps(ofmd_json, indent=4)) ofmd = OutputFileMetadata.__internal_factory__(**ofmd_json) file_path = ofmd.friendly_name if ofmd.path_from_root == '.' else ofmd.path_from_root + '/' + ofmd.friendly_name logger.debug('adding [{0} -> {1}] to map'.format(file_path, ofmd.friendly_name)) ofmd_map[file_path.lower()] = ofmd if paths is None or len(paths) == 0: # paths not specified, return everything return ofmd_map.values() file_info = [] for p in paths: ofmd = ofmd_map.get(p.lower().replace('\\', '/')) if not ofmd: raise RuntimeError('Couldn\'t find file for path \'{0}\''.format(p)) file_info.append(ofmd) return file_info
[docs]def retrieve_output_files_from_info(entity_type, entity_id, metadata, job=None, as_zip=False): if as_zip: if job and entity_type == EntityType.WorkItems: raise RuntimeError('Setting \'job\' parameter for WorkItem is not valid') total_zip_size = 0 retrieve_files = [] ids = [] for ofmd in metadata: total_zip_size += ofmd.length ids.append(ofmd._id) if total_zip_size > max_asset_zip_file_size: raise RuntimeError('Total size of requested files ({0}) exceeds maximum allowed ({1})' \ .format(total_zip_size, max_asset_zip_file_size)) zip_md = _do_output_zip_url_request(entity_type, entity_id, ids, job) logger.debug('adding zip download url = ' + zip_md.url) retrieve_files.append(zip_md) else: retrieve_files = metadata byte_arrs = _retrieve_files_from_metadata(retrieve_files, lambda x: x.url) return byte_arrs[0] if as_zip else byte_arrs
[docs]def retrieve_partial_output_file_from_info(metadata, startbyte, endbyte=None, actualrange=None): """ Retrieve part of an output file from a Simulation or WorkItem. :param metadata: An OutputFileMetadata object representing the output files to retrieve; this \ is likely obtained by calling the retrieve_output_file_info() method on Simulation or WorkItem. :param startbyte: An integer representing the first byte in the request range, or if negative, \ the number of bytes at the end of the file to return (in which case, endbyte must be None). :param endbyte: An integer representing the last byte in the request range. If this value is \ None and startbyte is positive, this represents the end of the file. :param actualrange: An optional list argument which, if passed, will contain the start byte, \ end byte, and total file-size upon return. This is useful if requesting "the last N bytes \ in the file" or "from byte N to the end" in order to know the exact bytes which were returned. :return: A byte-array of the partial output file retrieved. """ rng_hdr_str = None if startbyte < 0 and endbyte is None: rng_hdr_str = f'bytes={str(startbyte)}' elif startbyte >= 0 and endbyte is None: rng_hdr_str = f'bytes={str(startbyte)}-' elif startbyte >= 0 and endbyte >= startbyte: rng_hdr_str = f'bytes={str(startbyte)}-{str(endbyte)}' else: logger.warning(f'Invalid format for partial file-retrival (sb:{str(startbyte)}, eb:{str(endbyte)}); just getting entire file') i = metadata.url.find('/asset/') if i == -1: raise RuntimeError('Unable to parse asset url: ' + metadata.url) resp = Client.get(metadata.url[i:], headers={'Range': rng_hdr_str} if rng_hdr_str else {}) if actualrange is not None: cr_toks = re.split(' |-|/', resp.headers['Content-Range']) actualrange += [int(t) for t in cr_toks[1:]] return resp.content
[docs]def upload_large_asset(checksum, datastream, status_callback=None): startbyte = 0 logger.debug('Uploading large asset - {}'.format(str(checksum))) resp = Client.get('/upload/check/{}'.format(str(checksum)), http_err_handle_exceptions=[404]) if resp.status_code == 200: logger.debug('File already there; no need to upload it again') return elif resp.status_code == 206: respjson = resp.json() startbyte = respjson['Size'] logger.debug('Found partial file already uploaded; starting upload from {}'.format(str(startbyte))) else: logger.debug('Asset not found on server; uploading from start') content_headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Range': None } totallen =, os.SEEK_END) if status_callback: num_callback_args = len(inspect.getfullargspec(status_callback).args) chunk_size = asset_upload_chunk_size_default chunk_startbyte = startbyte while True: data = if not data: break content_headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes {}-{}/{}'.format(chunk_startbyte, chunk_startbyte + len(data) - 1, totallen) starttime = _get_time()'/upload/{0}'.format(str(checksum)), headers=content_headers, data=data) requesttime = _get_time() - starttime logger.debug('saved chunk - ' + content_headers['Content-Range']) if requesttime < 2.0: chunk_size <<= 1 logger.debug('doubling chunksize to ' + str(chunk_size)) elif requesttime > 10.0 and chunk_size > 65536: chunk_size >>= 1 logger.debug('halving chunksize to ' + str(chunk_size)) chunk_startbyte += len(data) # Should we do this before or after chunk save...? if status_callback: if num_callback_args == 0: status_callback() elif num_callback_args == 1: status_callback(chunk_startbyte) logger.debug('Finished uploading file')
def _retrieve_files_from_metadata(files_metadata, get_url_fn): byte_arrs = [] for fmd in files_metadata: url = get_url_fn(fmd) i = url.find('/asset/') if i == -1: raise RuntimeError('Unable to parse asset url: ' + url) resp = Client.get(url[i:]) # tried "stream=True", but ran into issues with ZipFile. Just do this for now... # stream = resp.raw byte_arrs.append(resp.content) return byte_arrs def _do_output_zip_url_request(entity_type, entity_id, ids, job): query_params = {'zip': 1} if job: query_params['hpcjobid'] = job._id req_path = "/asset/{0}/{1}/Output".format(, str(entity_id)) resp =, json={'ContainerType': 'CompressedZip', 'Ids': [ str(ofid) for ofid in ids ]}, params=query_params) json_resp = resp.json() if 'Resources' not in json_resp or len(json_resp['Resources']) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Malformed Asset Service response!') ofmd_json = OutputFileMetadata.rest2py(json_resp['Resources'][0]) # logger.debug('Asset:') # logger.debug(json.dumps(ofmd_json, indent=4)) ofmd = OutputFileMetadata.__internal_factory__(**ofmd_json) return ofmd def _do_asset_zip_url_request(asset_files): # query_params = {'zip': 1} entries = [ { 'FileNameForAsset': _combine_asset_path_and_file(af), 'MD5': str(af.md5_checksum) } for af in asset_files ] resp ="/ZipAssets", json={'ContainerType': 'CompressedZip', 'Assets': entries}) #, # params=query_params) json_resp = resp.json() if 'Resources' not in json_resp or len(json_resp['Resources']) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Malformed Asset Service response!') ofmd_json = OutputFileMetadata.rest2py(json_resp['Resources'][0]) # logger.debug('Asset:') # logger.debug(json.dumps(ofmd_json, indent=4)) ofmd = OutputFileMetadata.__internal_factory__(**ofmd_json) return ofmd def _combine_asset_path_and_file(asset): if asset.relative_path is None or asset.relative_path == '': return asset.file_name else: return os.path.join(asset.relative_path, asset.file_name).replace('/','\\') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 or \ (sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 3): def _get_time(): return time.clock() else: def _get_time(): return time.perf_counter()
[docs]class EntityType(Enum): Simulations = 0 WorkItems = 1