Overview of COMPS#

The COmputational Modeling Platform Service (COMPS) is a web-based user interface that facilitates research by providing access to high-performance computing environments. COMPS allows for submitting, running, and managing computational simulations using EMOD. For more information about EMOD, see Overview of EMOD software and Model overview.


To access and use COMPS you must receive approval and credentials from IDM. Send your request to support@idmod.org.

The following table lists some of the core features:


The COMPS dashboard provides an overview of computing cluster usage, including current and queued jobs. Resource management is simple due to the job-priority system used by the platform.


COMPS provides powerful charting functionality to visualize the output channels for simulations. A chart can include output for a single simulation or for multiple simulations. Viewing multiple simulations in a single chart (multi-chart) provides a fast, flexible way to filter simulations to view only data of interest.

Weather Visualization

COMPS creates input files for demographics, migration, and weather to use in a simulation. The spatial and temporal weather data includes air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall for many geographic regions across the globe using weather station readings and satellite data. COMPS provides a visualization of weather patterns over time overlaid on regional maps.