import logging
from datetime import date, datetime
import pytz
from uuid import UUID
from enum import Enum
import json
import re
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
COMPS_STRING_TYPE = basestring # doesn't exist in Python 3...
except NameError:
COMPS_STRING_TYPE = str # don't need basestring any more since all Python 3 strings are unicode
[docs]def convert_if_string(o, fn):
return fn(o) if isinstance(o, COMPS_STRING_TYPE) else o
[docs]def json_entity(ignore_props=None):
SerializableEntity._set_ignore_props(ignore_props if ignore_props else [])
return json_entity_internal
[docs]def json_entity_internal(cls):
if not issubclass(cls, SerializableEntity):
raise RuntimeError('Error! Entity type {0} is decorated as @json_entity, but doesn\'nt inherit from SerializableEntity')
return cls
[docs]def json_property(rename_str=None):
return json_property_internal
[docs]class json_property_internal(property):
def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None):
super(json_property_internal, self).__init__(fget, fset, fdel, doc)
if not fset and not fdel and not doc: # if this is the initial call to the @decorator
[docs]def parse_ISO8601_date(date_str):
return datetime.strptime(date_str[:-2] + 'Z', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
[docs]def parse_namedtuple_from_dict(d):
return { SerializableEntity._pascal_to_snake_case(key) : value for key, value in d.items() }
[docs]class SerializableEntity(object):
__convert_regex = re.compile('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])')
__ignore_unknowns = True # Could make this a per-class thing with a default of True, but just make it
# global for now unless we find we actually need it more granular...
__prop_strs_map = {}
__prop_ignore_map = {}
__py2rest_property_map = {}
__rest2py_property_map = {}
__tmp_ignore_props = []
__tmp_prop_name_strs = []
__tmp_prop_rename_strs = []
def __str__(self):
d = SerializableEntity.convertToDict(self, use_property_map=False) #, includeNulls=True)
json_str = json.dumps(d,
default=lambda obj:
# obj.isoformat() + '0Z' if isinstance(obj, (date, datetime))
str(obj) if isinstance(obj, (date, datetime, UUID, tuple))
else if isinstance(obj, Enum)
else obj)
# return self.__class__.__name__ + ':\n' + json_str
return json_str
# def __unicode__(self):
# return unicode(self.__str__())
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
[docs] @classmethod
def py2rest(cls, obj):
prop_map = SerializableEntity.__py2rest_property_map[cls.__name__]
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return { prop_map[key] : obj[key] for key in obj }
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [ prop_map[i] for i in obj ]
raise NotImplementedError('Invalid type for py2rest argument.')
[docs] @classmethod
def rest2py(cls, obj):
prop_map = SerializableEntity.__rest2py_property_map[cls.__name__]
ignore_list = SerializableEntity.__prop_ignore_map[cls.__name__]
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {prop_map[key]: obj[key] for key in obj
if key not in ignore_list and (key in prop_map or not SerializableEntity.__ignore_unknowns)}
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [ prop_map[i] for i in obj ]
raise NotImplementedError('Invalid type for rest2py argument.')
[docs] @staticmethod
def convertToDict(obj, use_property_map=True, include_nulls=False, include_hidden_props=False):
cls = type(obj)
if issubclass(cls, SerializableEntity):
prop_map = SerializableEntity.__py2rest_property_map[cls.__name__] if use_property_map else None
# logger.debug('prop_map - ' + str(prop_map))
build_dict = {}
for name in SerializableEntity.__prop_strs_map[cls.__name__]:
if name[0] is not '_' or include_hidden_props:
attr = getattr(obj, name)
if attr is not None or include_nulls:
prop_name = prop_map[name] if prop_map else name
if isinstance(attr, (SerializableEntity, list, tuple)):
build_dict[prop_name] = SerializableEntity.convertToDict(attr, use_property_map, include_nulls, include_hidden_props)
build_dict[prop_name] = attr
return build_dict
elif isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, '_fields'): # namedtuple
return obj._asdict()
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
items = [ SerializableEntity.convertToDict(item, use_property_map, include_nulls, include_hidden_props) if item is not None else None for item in obj ]
# items = []
# for item in obj:
# if item is not None:
# items.append(SerializableEntity.convertToDict(item, use_property_map, include_nulls, include_hidden_props))
# else:
# items.append(None)
return items
return obj
def _map_properties(cls):
if cls.__name__ not in SerializableEntity.__py2rest_property_map:
# logger.debug('name_strs - ' + str(SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_name_strs))
# logger.debug('rename_strs - ' + str(SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_rename_strs))
rest_strs = [ t[1] if t[1] else SerializableEntity._snake_to_pascal_case(t[0])
for t in zip(SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_name_strs, SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_rename_strs) ]
# logger.debug('rest_strs - ' + str(rest_strs))
# logger.debug('ignore props - ' + str(SerializableEntity.__tmp_ignore_props))
SerializableEntity.__prop_strs_map[cls.__name__] = SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_name_strs
SerializableEntity.__prop_ignore_map[cls.__name__] = SerializableEntity.__tmp_ignore_props
# logger.debug('props - ' + str(SerializableEntity.__prop_strs_map[cls.__name__]))
SerializableEntity.__py2rest_property_map[cls.__name__] = dict(
zip(SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_name_strs, rest_strs))
SerializableEntity.__rest2py_property_map[cls.__name__] = dict(
zip(rest_strs, SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_name_strs))
for parent_cls in cls.__bases__:
if parent_cls.__name__ in SerializableEntity.__prop_strs_map:
logger.debug(cls.__name__ + ' --> ' + str(SerializableEntity.__rest2py_property_map[cls.__name__]))
SerializableEntity.__tmp_ignore_props = []
SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_name_strs = []
SerializableEntity.__tmp_prop_rename_strs = []
def _add_prop_rename(rename_str):
def _add_prop_name(name_str):
def _set_ignore_props(ignore_props):
SerializableEntity.__tmp_ignore_props = ignore_props
def _pascal_to_snake_case(conv_str):
return SerializableEntity.__convert_regex.sub(r'\1_\2', conv_str).lower()
def _snake_to_pascal_case(conv_str):
words = conv_str.split('_')
return ''.join(word.capitalize() for word in words)