Source code for COMPS.utils.clone_simulation

import copy
import logging

from COMPS import Client
from COMPS.Data import Simulation, SimulationFile, QueryCriteria, Configuration, Experiment

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


utility_metadata = {
    'aliases': [ 'clonesim' ],
    'help': 'Clone an existing simulation',
    'description': 'This utility clones an existing simulation, including all tags, files, etc (but not state).',
    'epilog': '''examples:
  %(prog)s 11111111-2222-3333-4444-000000000000
  %(prog)s 11111111-2222-3333-4444-000000000000 --experiment_id 55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999

[docs]def fill_parser(p): p.add_argument('simulation_id', help='Id of the simulation to clone') p.add_argument('--experiment_id', '-eid', help='Id of the experiment to put the new simulation in (the default if the current user is the owner ' + 'of the original experiment is to use that experiment, otherwise a new experiment will be created)')
[docs]def clone_simulation(sim, expid=None, savesim=True): sim2 = Simulation(, description=sim.description) # If the user specifies an experiment, assume they know what they're doing and attempt to create the new simulation # in there. If not, and if the current user is the owner of the original simulation, create the new simulation in # the same experiment as the original. Otherwise, create a new experiment (since you can't put simulations in # someone else's experiment). if expid: sim2.experiment_id = expid elif sim.owner == Client.auth_manager().username: sim2.experiment_id = sim.experiment_id else: exp = Experiment('Dummy Experiment') exp.configuration = Experiment.get(sim.experiment_id, query_criteria=QueryCriteria().select_children(['configuration']) \ .add_extra_params({'coalesceConfig':True})).configuration exp.set_tags({'ClonedFromExperiment': str(sim.experiment_id)}) sim2.experiment_id = tags = copy.copy(sim.tags) tags['ClonedFromSimulation'] = str( sim2.set_tags(tags) job = sim.hpc_jobs[-1] if sim.hpc_jobs else None cfg = sim.configuration if sim.configuration else job.configuration if job else None if cfg: sim2.configuration = Configuration( environment_name=cfg.environment_name, executable_path=cfg.executable_path, simulation_input_args=cfg.simulation_input_args, working_directory_root=cfg.working_directory_root, maximum_number_of_retries=cfg.maximum_number_of_retries, priority=cfg.priority, min_cores=cfg.min_cores, max_cores=cfg.max_cores, exclusive=cfg.exclusive, node_group_name=cfg.node_group_name, asset_collection_id=cfg.asset_collection_id) for f in sim.files or []: sf = SimulationFile(f.file_name, f.file_type, f.description, f.md5_checksum) sim2.add_file(sf) if savesim:'Created new sim: {}') return sim2
[docs]def main(args): Client.login(args.comps_server) s = Simulation.get(args.simulation_id, query_criteria=QueryCriteria().select_children(['files', 'tags', 'configuration'])) clone_simulation(s, args.experiment_id)