Source code for COMPS.utils.create_asset_collection

import os
import logging
from hashlib import md5

from COMPS import Client
from COMPS.Data import AssetCollection, AssetCollectionFile

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


utility_metadata = {
    'aliases': [ 'createac' ],
    'help': 'Create an asset collection from a local directory',
    'description': 'This utility creates an asset collection from all the files in the specified directory, mirroring ' +
                    'the directory hierarchy.  Any files not already known to COMPS will be automatically identified ' +
                    'and uploaded; files already known will not be uploaded again, but just referenced by checksum ' +
                    'during asset collection creation (consequently, time to run can vary widely depending on count ' +
                    'and size of new files being uploaded).  When calling from script, you can also provide an optional ' +
                    'parameter to control which files to include/exclude.',
    'epilog': '''examples:
  %(prog)s c:\\path\\to\\create\\asset\\collection\\from

[docs]def fill_parser(p): p.add_argument('asset_collection_dir', help='The path to the directory to generate an asset collection from') p.add_argument('--name', '-n', default='', help='Name for the asset collection (default is the target directory name)')
[docs]def create_asset_collection(path_to_ac, ac_name, include=lambda fn, rp: fn not in ['idmtools.log', 'COMPS_log.log'] ): path_to_ac = os.path.normpath(path_to_ac) if not os.path.exists(path_to_ac) or not os.path.isdir(path_to_ac): raise RuntimeError('Path \'{0}\' doesn\'t exist or is not a directory'.format(path_to_ac)) tags = { 'Name': ac_name if ac_name else os.path.basename(path_to_ac) } ac = AssetCollection() ac.set_tags(tags) # First try creating it without uploading any files (just by md5sum) for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path_to_ac): for fn in filenames: rp = os.path.relpath(dirpath, path_to_ac) if dirpath != path_to_ac else '' if not include(fn, rp): continue'Adding {0}'.format(os.path.join(rp, fn))) with open(os.path.join(dirpath, fn), 'rb') as f: md5calc = md5() while True: datachunk = if not datachunk: break md5calc.update(datachunk) md5_checksum_str = md5calc.hexdigest() acf = AssetCollectionFile(fn, rp, md5_checksum=md5_checksum_str, tags={'Executable':None} if os.path.splitext(fn)[1] == '.exe' else None) ac.add_asset(acf) missing_files = # If COMPS responds that we're missing some files, then try creating it again, # uploading only the files that COMPS doesn't already have. if missing_files:'Uploading {len(missing_files)} missing file{"s" if len(missing_files) > 1 else ""}') logger.debug('Missing files: [' + ','.join([ str(u) for u in missing_files]) + ']') ac2 = AssetCollection() ac2.set_tags(tags) for acf in ac.assets: if acf.md5_checksum in missing_files: rp = acf.relative_path fn = acf.file_name acf2 = AssetCollectionFile(fn, rp, tags=acf.tags) ac2.add_asset(acf2, os.path.join(path_to_ac, rp, fn)) else: ac2.add_asset(acf) ac = ac2'')'Done - created AC ' + str( return
[docs]def main(args): Client.login(args.comps_server) create_asset_collection(args.asset_collection_dir,