Source code for COMPS.utils.get_output_files_for_workitem

import os
import logging

from COMPS import Client
from COMPS.Data import WorkItem

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


utility_metadata = {
    'aliases': [ 'getwiout' ],
    'help': 'Download output files from a workitem',
    'description': 'This utility downloads one or more output files from a workitem.  By ' +
                   'default, files are written relative to the current directory, in the hierarchy:' + os.linesep +
                   '    ./<workitem-id>/<filename>' + os.linesep +
                   'but if calling from script, a custom function can be provided to control location and ' +
                   'name of the files written.',
    'epilog': '''examples:
  %(prog)s 11111111-2222-3333-4444-000000000000 schema.json
  %(prog)s 11111111-2222-3333-4444-000000000000 stdout.txt,stderr.txt

[docs]def fill_parser(p): p.add_argument('workitem_id', help='Id of the workitem to download files from') p.add_argument('filename', help='Name(s) of the file(s) to download from the workitem. This can be a comma-delimited list, or an actual (python) list if calling from code') p.add_argument('--overwrite', '-ow', action='store_true', help='Overwrite local files if they already exist (default is to skip if a local file with the same subdir/name exists)') p.add_argument('--casesensitive', '-cs', action='store_true', help='Make filename comparisons case-sensitive (default is case-insensitive, i.e. ignoring case)')
########################## # The default path builder
[docs]def path_builder_simple(wi, filename): return os.path.join(str(, filename)
[docs]def get_files( workitem_id, files_to_get, overwrite=False, casesensitive=False, output_path_builder=path_builder_simple ): if not isinstance(files_to_get, list): files_to_get = [ files_to_get ] files_to_get_int = files_to_get if casesensitive else [ f.lower() for f in files_to_get ] wi = WorkItem.get(workitem_id)'Found workitem {}') hit_fileexists = False wo = wi.retrieve_output_file_info(None) logger.debug(f'wi {} - {len(wo)} output files found') found_file_num = 0 for ofmd in wo: fn_comp = ofmd.friendly_name if casesensitive else ofmd.friendly_name.lower() if fn_comp in files_to_get_int: found_file_num += 1 filepath = output_path_builder(wi, ofmd.friendly_name) pn = os.path.dirname(filepath) if not os.path.exists(pn): os.makedirs(pn, exist_ok=True) oba = wi.retrieve_output_files_from_info([ofmd]) try: with open(filepath, 'wb' if overwrite else 'xb') as outfile: outfile.write(oba[0]) except FileExistsError as e: logger.error(f'Output file already exists at {filepath}. Skipping...') logger.debug(e, exc_info=True) hit_fileexists = True # if we didn't find enough matching files, spit out a message if found_file_num < len(files_to_get_int): logger.warning(f'Couldn\'t find all files matching request (possible typo, casing issue, or requested an input-asset?)') if hit_fileexists: logger.warning('Skipped downloading of some files because they already exist locally. Rerun using \'--overwrite\' if you want these overwritten instead')
[docs]def main(args): Client.login(args.comps_server) get_files(args.workitem_id, args.filename.split(','), args.overwrite, args.casesensitive)