COMPS.CredentialPrompt module#

class COMPS.CredentialPrompt.CredentialPrompt[source]#

Bases: object

Abstract definition for our credential prompts.

abstract prompt()[source]#

The prompt method will ask a user for COMPS usernme and password. It should return a duct containing the username and password keys and values :return:

class COMPS.CredentialPrompt.ConsoleCredentialPrompt[source]#

Bases: CredentialPrompt

A simple console based credential prompt


The prompt method will ask a user for COMPS usernme and password. It should return a duct containing the username and password keys and values :return:

class COMPS.CredentialPrompt.TKCredentialPrompt[source]#

Bases: CredentialPrompt

A TK based credential prompt


The prompt method will ask a user for COMPS usernme and password. It should return a duct containing the username and password keys and values :return:


Determines the appropriate CredentialPrompt. If TK is available, we use that, otherwise we fallback to Console based login.


CredentialPrompt factory