COMPS.Data.HpcJob module#

class COMPS.Data.HpcJob.HpcJob[source]#

Bases: SerializableEntity

Represents a single HPC Job.

Contains various properties accessible by getters:

  • job_id

  • job_state

  • priority

  • working_directory

  • output_directory_size

  • submit_time

  • start_time

  • end_time

  • error_message

  • configuration

HpcJobs are created by the COMPS Job Service, so they’re read-only, used for tracking HPC Jobs.

Note: Tasks are not currently used in the COMPS system, so task properties are only there for future use.

property job_id#
property job_state#
property priority#
property working_directory#
property output_directory_size#
property submit_time#
property start_time#
property end_time#
property error_message#
property configuration#
class COMPS.Data.HpcJob.HpcState(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

An enumeration representing the state of the job, as tracked by the HPC cluster.

NotSet = 0#
Configuring = 1#
Submitted = 2#
Validating = 4#
ExternalValidation = 8#
Queued = 16#
Running = 32#
Finishing = 64#
Finished = 128#
Failed = 256#
Canceled = 512#
Canceling = 1024#