Utilities for running in parallel
import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import starsim as ss
__all__ = ['MultiSim', 'single_run', 'multi_run', 'parallel']
class MultiSim:
Class for running multiple copies of a simulation.
sims (Sim/list): a single sim or a list of sims
base_sim (Sim): the sim used for shared properties; if not supplied, the first of the sims provided
label (str): the name of the multisim
n_runs (int): if a single sim is provided, the number of replicates (default 4)
initialize (bool): whether or not to initialize the sims (otherwise, initialize them during run)
inplace (bool): whether to modify the sims in-place (default True); else return new sims
debug (bool): if True, run in serial
kwargs (dict): stored in run_args and passed to run()
def __init__(self, sims=None, base_sim=None, label=None, n_runs=4, initialize=False,
inplace=True, debug=False, **kwargs):
# Handle inputs
if base_sim is None:
if isinstance(sims, ss.Sim):
base_sim = sims
sims = None
elif isinstance(sims, list):
base_sim = sims[0]
errormsg = (f'If base_sim is not supplied, sims must be either a single sim'
f' (treated as base_sim) or a list of sims, not {type(sims)}')
raise TypeError(errormsg)
# Set properties
self.sims = sims
self.base_sim = base_sim
self.label = base_sim.label if (label is None and base_sim is not None) else label
self.run_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(n_runs=n_runs, inplace=inplace, debug=debug), kwargs)
self.results = None
self.summary = None
self.which = None # Whether the multisim is to be reduced, combined, etc.
self.timer = sc.timer() # Create a timer
# Optionally initialize
if initialize:
def __len__(self):
""" The length of a MultiSim is how many sims it contains """
return len(self.sims)
return 0
def __repr__(self):
""" Return a brief description of a multisim; see multisim.disp() for the more detailed version. """
labelstr = f'"{self.label}"; ' if self.label else ''
string = f'MultiSim({labelstr}n_sims: {len(self)}; base: {self.base_sim})'
except Exception as E:
string = sc.objectid(self)
string += f'Warning, multisim appears to be malformed:\n{str(E)}'
return string
def brief(self):
""" A single-line display of the MultiSim; same as print(multisim) """
def show(self, output=False):
Print a moderate length summary of the MultiSim. See also multisim.disp()
(detailed output) and multisim.brief() (short output).
output (bool): if true, return a string instead of printing output
msim = ss.MultiSim(ss.demo(run=False), label='Example multisim')
msim.show() # Prints moderate length output
labelstr = f' "{self.label}"' if self.label else ''
simlenstr = f'{len(self)}'
string = f'MultiSim{labelstr} summary:\n'
string += f' Number of sims: {simlenstr}\n'
string += f' Reduced/combined: {self.which}\n'
string += f' Base: {self.base_sim}\n'
if self.sims:
string += ' Sims:\n'
for s,sim in enumerate(self.sims):
string += f' {s}: {sim}\n'
if not output:
return string
def disp(self):
""" Display the full object """
return sc.pr(self)
def init_sims(self, **kwargs):
Initialize the sims
# Handle which sims to use
if self.sims is None:
sims = self.base_sim
sims = self.sims
# Initialize the sims but don't run them
kwargs = sc.mergedicts(self.run_args, kwargs, {'do_run': False}) # Never run, that's the point!
kwargs.pop('inplace', None)
kwargs.pop('debug', None)
self.sims = multi_run(sims, **kwargs)
def run(self, **kwargs):
Run the sims; see ``ss.multi_run()`` for additional arguments
n_runs (int): how many replicates of each sim to run (if a list of sims is not provided)
inplace (bool): whether to modify the sims in place (otherwise return copies)
kwargs (dict): passed to multi_run(); use run_args to pass arguments to sim.run()
None (modifies MultiSim object in place)
# Handle which sims to use -- same as init_sims()
if self.sims is None:
sims = self.base_sim
sims = self.sims
# Handle missing labels
for s, sim in enumerate(sims):
if sim.label is None:
sim.label = f'Sim {s}'
# Run
kwargs = sc.mergedicts(self.run_args, kwargs)
inplace = kwargs.pop('inplace', True)
debug = kwargs.pop('debug', False)
if debug:
run_sims = [single_run(sim, **kwargs) for sim in sims]
else: # The next line does all the work!
run_sims = multi_run(sims, **kwargs) # Output sims are copies due to the pickling during parallelization
# Handle output
if inplace and isinstance(self.sims, list) and len(run_sims) == len(self.sims): # Validation
for old,new in zip(self.sims, run_sims):
old.__dict__.update(new.__dict__) # Update the same object with the new results
self.sims = run_sims # Just overwrite references
return self
def _has_orig_sim(self):
""" Helper method for determining if an original base sim is present """
return hasattr(self, 'orig_base_sim')
def _rm_orig_sim(self, reset=False):
""" Helper method for removing the original base sim, if present """
if self._has_orig_sim():
if reset:
self.base_sim = self.orig_base_sim
delattr(self, 'orig_base_sim')
def shrink(self, **kwargs):
Not to be confused with reduce(), this shrinks each sim in the msim;
see sim.shrink() for more information.
kwargs (dict): passed to sim.shrink() for each sim
for sim in self.sims:
def reset(self):
""" Undo reduce() by resetting the base sim, which, and results """
self.which = None
self.results = None
def reduce(self, quantiles=None, use_mean=False, bounds=None, output=False):
Combine multiple sims into a single sim statistically: by default, use
the median value and the 10th and 90th percentiles for the lower and upper
bounds. If use_mean=True, then use the mean and ±2 standard deviations
for lower and upper bounds.
quantiles (dict): the quantiles to use, e.g. [0.1, 0.9] or {'low : '0.1, 'high' : 0.9}
use_mean (bool): whether to use the mean instead of the median
bounds (float): if use_mean=True, the multiplier on the standard deviation for upper and lower bounds (default 2)
output (bool): whether to return the "reduced" sim (in any case, modify the multisim in-place)
msim = ss.MultiSim(ss.Sim())
if use_mean:
if bounds is None:
bounds = 2
if quantiles is None:
quantiles = {'low': 0.1, 'high': 0.9}
if not isinstance(quantiles, dict):
quantiles = {'low': float(quantiles[0]), 'high': float(quantiles[1])}
except Exception as E:
errormsg = (f'Could not figure out how to convert {quantiles} into a quantiles object:'
f' must be a dict with keys low, high or a 2-element array ({str(E)})')
raise ValueError(errormsg) from E
# Store information on the sims
n_runs = len(self)
reduced_sim = sc.dcp(self.sims[0])
reduced_sim.metadata = dict(parallelized=True, combined=False, n_runs=n_runs, quantiles=quantiles,
use_mean=use_mean, bounds=bounds) # Store how this was parallelized
# Calculate the statistics
raw = {}
rflat = reduced_sim.results.flatten()
rkeys = list(rflat.keys())
for rkey in rkeys:
raw[rkey] = np.zeros((len(reduced_sim), len(self.sims)))
for s, sim in enumerate(self.sims):
flat = sim.results.flatten()
raw[rkey][:, s] = flat[rkey]
for rkey in rkeys:
res = rflat[rkey]
if use_mean:
r_mean = np.mean(raw[rkey], axis=1)
r_std = np.std(raw[rkey], axis=1)
res[:] = r_mean
res.low = r_mean - bounds * r_std
res.high = r_mean + bounds * r_std
res[:] = np.quantile(raw[rkey], q=0.5, axis=1)
res.low = np.quantile(raw[rkey], q=quantiles['low'], axis=1)
res.high = np.quantile(raw[rkey], q=quantiles['high'], axis=1)
# Compute and store final results
self.orig_base_sim = self.base_sim
self.base_sim = reduced_sim
self.results = ss.Results('MultiSim').merge(rflat) # Create the dictionary and merge it
self.summary = reduced_sim.summary
self.which = 'reduced'
if output:
return self.base_sim
def mean(self, bounds=None, **kwargs):
Alias for reduce(use_mean=True). See reduce() for full description.
bounds (float): multiplier on the standard deviation for the upper and lower bounds (default, 2)
kwargs (dict): passed to reduce()
return self.reduce(use_mean=True, bounds=bounds, **kwargs)
def summarize(self, method='mean', quantiles=None, how='default'):
Summarize the simulations statistically.
method (str): one of 'mean' (default: [mean, 2*std]), 'median' ([median, min, max]), or 'all' (all results)
quantiles (dict): if method='median', use these quantiles
how (str): passed to sim.summarize()
# Compute the summaries
summaries = []
for sim in self.sims:
summary = sc.dcp(summaries[0]) # Use the first one as a template
for k in summary.keys():
arr = np.array([s[k] for s in summaries])
if method == 'all':
summary[k] = arr
elif method == 'mean':
summary[k] = sc.objdict({'mean':arr.mean(), 'std':arr.std(), 'sem':sc.sem(arr)})
elif method == 'median':
if quantiles is None:
quantiles = sc.objdict({'median':0.5, 'min':0, 'max':1, 'q25':0.25, 'q75':0.75})
elif isinstance(quantiles, list):
quantiles = {q:q for q in quantiles}
summary[k] = {q:v for q,v in zip(quantiles, np.quantile(arr, quantiles))}
self.summary = summary # Could reconcile with reduce()'s summary
return summary
def plot(self, key=None, fig=None, fig_kw=None, plot_kw=None, fill_kw=None):
Plot all results in the MultiSim object.
If the MultiSim object has been reduced (i.e. mean or median), then plot
the best value and uncertainty bound. Otherwise, plot individual sims.
key (str): the results key to plot (by default, all)
fig (Figure): if provided, plot results into an existing figure
fig_kw (dict): passed to ``plt.subplots()``
plot_kw (dict): passed to ``plt.plot()``
fill_kw (dict): passed to ``plt.fill_between()``
# Has not been reduced yet, plot individual sim
if self.which is None:
fig = None
alpha = 0.7 if len(self) < 5 else 0.5
plot_kw = sc.mergedicts({'alpha':alpha}, plot_kw)
with ss.options.context(jupyter=False): # Always return the figure
for sim in self.sims:
fig = sim.plot(key=key, fig=fig, fig_kw=fig_kw, plot_kw=plot_kw)
# Has been reduced, plot with uncertainty bounds
flat = self.results
n_cols = np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(flat))) # TODO: remove duplication with sim.plot()
default_figsize = np.array([8, 6])
figsize_factor = np.clip((n_cols-3)/6+1, 1, 1.5) # Scale the default figure size based on the number of rows and columns
figsize = default_figsize*figsize_factor
fig_kw = sc.mergedicts({'figsize':figsize}, fig_kw)
fig_kw = sc.mergedicts(fig_kw)
fill_kw = sc.mergedicts({'alpha':0.2}, fill_kw)
plot_kw = sc.mergedicts({'lw':2, 'alpha':0.8}, plot_kw)
with sc.options.with_style('simple'):
if key is not None:
flat = {k:v for k,v in flat.items() if k.startswith(key)}
if fig is None:
fig, axs = sc.getrowscols(len(flat), make=True, **fig_kw)
axs = sc.toarray(fig.axes)
# Do the plotting
for ax, (key, res) in zip(axs.flatten(), flat.items()):
ax.fill_between(res.timevec, res.low, res.high, **fill_kw)
ax.plot(res.timevec, res, **plot_kw)
ax.set_title(getattr(res, 'label', key))
return ss.return_fig(fig)
def single_run(sim, ind=0, reseed=True, shrink=True, run_args=None, sim_args=None,
verbose=None, do_run=True, **kwargs):
Convenience function to perform a single simulation run. Mostly used for
parallelization, but can also be used directly.
sim (Sim) : the sim instance to be run
ind (int) : the index of this sim
reseed (bool) : whether to generate a fresh seed for each run
noise (float) : the amount of noise to add to each run
noisepar (str) : the name of the parameter to add noise to
shrink (bool) : whether to shrink the sim after the sim run
run_args (dict) : arguments passed to sim.run()
sim_args (dict) : extra parameters to pass to the sim, e.g. 'n_infected'
verbose (int) : detail to print
do_run (bool) : whether to actually run the sim (if not, just initialize it)
kwargs (dict) : also passed to the sim
sim (Sim): a single sim object with results
import starsim as ss
sim = ss.Sim() # Create a default simulation
sim = ss.single_run(sim) # Run it, equivalent(ish) to sim.run()
# Set sim and run arguments
sim_args = sc.mergedicts(sim_args, kwargs)
run_args = sc.mergedicts({'verbose': verbose}, run_args)
if verbose is None:
verbose = sim.pars['verbose']
if not sim.label:
sim.label = f'Sim {ind}'
if reseed:
sim.pars['rand_seed'] += ind # Reset the seed, otherwise no point of parallel runs
ss.set_seed() # Note: may not be needed
# Handle additional arguments
for key, val in sim_args.items():
print(f'Processing {key}:{val}')
if key in sim.pars.keys():
if verbose >= 1:
print(f'Setting key {key} from {sim[key]} to {val}')
sim.pars[key] = val
if key == 'rand_seed':
ss.set_seed() # Note: may not be needed
raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(f'Could not set key {key}: not a valid parameter name')
# Run
if do_run:
# Shrink the sim to save memory
if shrink:
return sim
def multi_run(sim, n_runs=4, reseed=None, iterpars=None, shrink=None, run_args=None, sim_args=None,
par_args=None, do_run=True, parallel=True, n_cpus=None, verbose=None, **kwargs):
For running multiple sims in parallel. If the first argument is a list of sims
rather than a single sim, exactly these will be run and most other arguments
will be ignored.
sim (Sim/list): the sim instance to be run, or a list of sims.
n_runs (int) : the number of parallel runs
reseed (bool) : whether or not to generate a fresh seed for each run (default: true for single, false for list of sims)
iterpars (dict) : any other parameters to iterate over the runs; see sc.parallelize() for syntax
shrink (bool) : whether to shrink the sim after the sim run
run_args (dict) : arguments passed to sim.run()
sim_args (dict) : extra parameters to pass to the sim
par_args (dict) : arguments passed to sc.parallelize()
do_run (bool) : whether to actually run the sim (if not, just initialize it)
parallel (bool) : whether to run in parallel using multiprocessing (else, just run in a loop)
n_cpus (int) : the number of CPUs to run on (if blank, set automatically; otherwise, passed to par_args)
verbose (int) : detail to print
kwargs (dict) : also passed to the sim
If combine is True, a single sim object with the combined results from each sim.
Otherwise, a list of sim objects (default).
import starsim as ss
sim = ss.Sim()
sims = ss.multi_run(sim, n_runs=6)
# Handle inputs
sim_args = sc.mergedicts(sim_args, kwargs) # Handle blank
par_args = sc.mergedicts({'ncpus': n_cpus}, par_args) # Handle blank
# Handle iterpars
if iterpars is None:
iterpars = {}
n_runs = None # Reset and get from length of dict instead
for key, val in iterpars.items():
new_n = len(val)
if n_runs is not None and new_n != n_runs:
raise ValueError(f'Each entry in iterpars must have the same length, not {n_runs} and {len(val)}')
n_runs = new_n
# Run the sims
if isinstance(sim, ss.Sim): # One sim
if reseed is None: reseed = True
iterkwargs = dict(ind=np.arange(n_runs))
kwargs = dict(sim=sim, reseed=reseed, verbose=verbose, shrink=shrink,
sim_args=sim_args, run_args=run_args, do_run=do_run)
elif isinstance(sim, list): # List of sims
if reseed is None: reseed = False
iterkwargs = dict(sim=sim, ind=np.arange(len(sim)))
kwargs = dict(reseed=reseed, verbose=verbose, shrink=shrink, sim_args=sim_args, run_args=run_args,
errormsg = f'Must be Sim object or list, not {type(sim)}'
raise TypeError(errormsg)
# Actually run
if parallel:
sims = sc.parallelize(single_run, iterkwargs=iterkwargs, kwargs=kwargs, **par_args) # Run in parallel
except RuntimeError as E: # Handle if run outside __main__ on Windows
if 'freeze_support' in E.args[0]: # For this error, add additional information
errormsg = '''
Uh oh! It appears you are trying to run with multiprocessing on Windows outside
of the __main__ block; please see https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html
for more information. The correct syntax to use is e.g.
import starsim as ss
sim = ss.Sim()
msim = ss.MultiSim(sim)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Alternatively, to run without multiprocessing, set parallel=False.
raise RuntimeError(errormsg) from E
else: # For all other runtime errors, raise the original exception
raise E
else: # Run in serial, not in parallel
sims = []
n_sims = len(list(iterkwargs.values())[0]) # Must have length >=1 and all entries must be the same length
for s in range(n_sims):
this_iter = {k: v[s] for k, v in iterkwargs.items()} # Pull out items specific to this iteration
this_iter.update(kwargs) # Merge with the kwargs
this_iter['sim'] = this_iter[
'sim'].copy() # Ensure we have a fresh sim; this happens implicitly on pickling with multiprocessing
sim = single_run(**this_iter) # Run in series
return sims
def parallel(*args, **kwargs):
A shortcut to ``ss.MultiSim()``, allowing the quick running of multiple simulations
at once.
args (list): The simulations to run
kwargs (dict): passed to multi_run()
A run MultiSim object.
s1 = ss.Sim(n_agents=1000, label='Small', diseases='sis', networks='random')
s2 = ss.Sim(n_agents=2000, label='Large', diseases='sis', networks='random')
ss.parallel(s1, s2).plot()
msim = ss.parallel([s1, s2], shrink=False)
sims = sc.mergelists(*args)
msim = MultiSim(sims=sims, **kwargs)
return msim