Demonstration simulations for poliovirus type-2 transmission in Nigeria. The model structure was used to examine the impact Sabin vaccine reversion dynamics in contrast to nOPV vaccines.
Important features include:
Multi-node network used to represent the country of Nigeria at either the admin-2 level or the 10km length scale.
Network infectivity contagion transfer between nodes.
Acquisition-transmission covariance.
HINT structure to create non-participatory populations.
Genome mutation dynamics and mutation labeling.
Genome based variable infectivity.
Clade labeling to create variable genome reversion trajectories.
Immunity initialization from external data (IDM’s Polio Immunity Mapper).
Pre-specificed calendar of supplemental immunization activities (SIAs).
Maternally derived immunity.
Node-level variance in R0 value.
Overdispersion of the infection rate.
Maximum simulation duration based on elapsed time.
Weighted agents to represent multiple individuals per agent.
Population serosurveys implemented using custom reporters.