Source code for hpvsim.interventions

Specify the core interventions. Other interventions can be
defined by the user by inheriting from these classes.

import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
import pylab as pl
import pandas as pd
import inspect
from . import defaults as hpd
from . import parameters as hppar
from . import utils as hpu
from . import immunity as hpi
from . import base as hpb
from collections import defaultdict

#%% Define data files
datafiles = sc.objdict()
for key in ['dx', 'tx', 'vx', 'txvx']:
    datafiles[key] = hpd.datadir / f'products_{key}.csv'

#%% Helper functions

def find_timepoint(arr, t=None, interv=None, sim=None, which='first'):
    Helper function to find if the current simulation time matches any timepoint in the
    intervention. Although usually never more than one index is returned, it is
    returned as a list for the sake of easy iteration.

        arr (list/function): list of timepoints in the intervention, or a boolean array; or a function that returns these
        t (int): current simulation time (can be None if a boolean array is used)
        interv (intervention): the intervention object (usually self); only used if arr is callable
        sim (sim): the simulation object; only used if arr is callable
        which (str): what to return: 'first', 'last', or 'all' indices

        inds (list): list of matching timepoints; length zero or one unless which is 'all'
    if callable(arr):
        arr = arr(interv, sim)
        arr = sc.promotetoarray(arr)
    all_inds = sc.findinds(arr=arr, val=t)
    if len(all_inds) == 0 or which == 'all':
        inds = all_inds
    elif which == 'first':
        inds = [all_inds[0]]
    elif which == 'last':
        inds = [all_inds[-1]]
    else: # pragma: no cover
        errormsg = f'Argument "which" must be "first", "last", or "all", not "{which}"'
        raise ValueError(errormsg)
    return inds

def get_subtargets(subtarget, sim):
    A small helper function to see if subtargeting is a list of indices to use,
    or a function that needs to be called. If a function, it must take a single
    argument, a sim object, and return a list of indices. Also validates the values.
    Currently designed for use with testing interventions, but could be generalized
    to other interventions. Not typically called directly by the user.

        subtarget (dict): dict with keys 'inds' and 'vals'; see test_num() for examples of a valid subtarget dictionary
        sim (Sim): the simulation object

    # Validation
    if callable(subtarget):
        subtarget = subtarget(sim)

    if 'inds' not in subtarget: # pragma: no cover
        errormsg = f'The subtarget dict must have keys "inds" and "vals", but you supplied {subtarget}'
        raise ValueError(errormsg)

    # Handle the two options of type
    if callable(subtarget['inds']): # A function has been provided
        subtarget_inds = subtarget['inds'](sim) # Call the function to get the indices
        subtarget_inds = subtarget['inds'] # The indices are supplied directly

    # Validate the values
    if callable(subtarget['vals']): # A function has been provided
        subtarget_vals = subtarget['vals'](sim) # Call the function to get the indices
        subtarget_vals = subtarget['vals'] # The indices are supplied directly
    if sc.isiterable(subtarget_vals):
        if len(subtarget_vals) != len(subtarget_inds): # pragma: no cover
            errormsg = f'Length of subtargeting indices ({len(subtarget_inds)}) does not match length of values ({len(subtarget_vals)})'
            raise ValueError(errormsg)

    return subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals

def select_people(inds, prob=None):
    Return an array of indices of people to who accept a service being offered

        inds: array of indices of people offered a service (e.g. screening, triage, treatment)
        prob: acceptance probability

    Returns: Array of indices of people who accept
    accept_probs    = np.full_like(inds, fill_value=prob, dtype=hpd.default_float)
    accept_inds     = hpu.true(hpu.binomial_arr(accept_probs))
    return inds[accept_inds]

#%% Generic intervention classes

__all__ = ['Intervention']

[docs] class Intervention: ''' Base class for interventions. Args: label (str): a label for the intervention (used for plotting, and for ease of identification) show_label (bool): whether or not to include the label in the legend do_plot (bool): whether or not to plot the intervention line_args (dict): arguments passed to pl.axvline() when plotting ''' def __init__(self, label=None, show_label=False, do_plot=None, line_args=None, **kwargs): # super().__init__(**kwargs) self._store_args() # Store the input arguments so the intervention can be recreated if label is None: label = self.__class__.__name__ # Use the class name if no label is supplied self.label = label # e.g. "Screen" self.show_label = show_label # Do not show the label by default self.do_plot = do_plot if do_plot is not None else False # Plot the intervention, including if None self.line_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(linestyle='--', c='#aaa', lw=1.0), line_args) # Do not set alpha by default due to the issue of overlapping interventions self.timepoints = [] # The start and end timepoints of the intervention self.initialized = False # Whether or not it has been initialized self.finalized = False # Whether or not it has been initialized return def __repr__(self, jsonify=False): ''' Return a JSON-friendly output if possible, else revert to short repr ''' if self.__class__.__name__ in __all__ or jsonify: try: json = self.to_json() which = json['which'] pars = json['pars'] parstr = ', '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k,v in pars.items()]) output = f"hpv.{which}({parstr})" except Exception as E: output = f'{type(self)} (error: {str(E)})' # If that fails, print why return output else: return f'{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}()' def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Makes Intervention(sim) equivalent to Intervention.apply(sim) if not self.initialized: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Intervention (label={self.label}, {type(self)}) has not been initialized' raise RuntimeError(errormsg) return self.apply(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def disp(self): ''' Print a detailed representation of the intervention ''' return
def _store_args(self): ''' Store the user-supplied arguments for later use in to_json ''' f0 = inspect.currentframe() # This "frame", i.e. Intervention.__init__() f1 = inspect.getouterframes(f0) # The list of outer frames if self.__class__.__init__ is Intervention.__init__: parent = f1[1].frame # parent = f1[2].frame # The parent frame, e.g. change_beta.__init__() else: parent = f1[2].frame # parent = f1[2].frame # The parent frame, e.g. change_beta.__init__() _,_,_,values = inspect.getargvalues(parent) # Get the values of the arguments if values: self.input_args = {} for key,value in values.items(): if key == 'kwargs': # Store additional kwargs directly for k2,v2 in value.items(): # pragma: no cover self.input_args[k2] = v2 # These are already a dict elif key not in ['self', '__class__']: # Everything else, but skip these self.input_args[key] = value return
[docs] def initialize(self, sim=None): ''' Initialize intervention -- this is used to make modifications to the intervention that can't be done until after the sim is created. ''' self.initialized = True self.finalized = False return
[docs] def finalize(self, sim=None): ''' Finalize intervention This method is run once as part of ``sim.finalize()`` enabling the intervention to perform any final operations after the simulation is complete (e.g. rescaling) ''' if self.finalized: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Intervention already finalized') # Raise an error because finalizing multiple times has a high probability of producing incorrect results e.g. applying rescale factors twice self.finalized = True return
[docs] def apply(self, sim): ''' Apply the intervention. This is the core method which each derived intervention class must implement. This method gets called at each timestep and can make arbitrary changes to the Sim object, as well as storing or modifying the state of the intervention. Args: sim: the Sim instance Returns: None ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def shrink(self, in_place=False): ''' Remove any excess stored data from the intervention; for use with sim.shrink(). Args: in_place (bool): whether to shrink the intervention (else shrink a copy) ''' if in_place: # pragma: no cover return self else: return sc.dcp(self)
[docs] def plot_intervention(self, sim, ax=None, **kwargs): ''' Plot the intervention This can be used to do things like add vertical lines at timepoints when interventions take place. Can be disabled by setting self.do_plot=False. Note 1: you can modify the plotting style via the ``line_args`` argument when creating the intervention. Note 2: By default, the intervention is plotted at the timepoints stored in self.timepoints. However, if there is a self.plot_timepoints attribute, this will be used instead. Args: sim: the Sim instance ax: the axis instance kwargs: passed to ax.axvline() Returns: None ''' line_args = sc.mergedicts(self.line_args, kwargs) if self.do_plot or self.do_plot is None: if ax is None: ax = pl.gca() if hasattr(self, 'plot_timepoints'): timepoints = self.plot_timepoints else: timepoints = self.timepoints if sc.isiterable(timepoints): label_shown = False # Don't show the label more than once for timepoint in timepoints: if sc.isnumber(timepoint): if self.show_label and not label_shown: # Choose whether to include the label in the legend label = self.label label_shown = True else: label = None date = sim.yearvec[timepoint] ax.axvline(date, label=label, **line_args) return
[docs] def to_json(self): ''' Return JSON-compatible representation Custom classes can't be directly represented in JSON. This method is a one-way export to produce a JSON-compatible representation of the intervention. In the first instance, the object dict will be returned. However, if an intervention itself contains non-standard variables as attributes, then its ``to_json`` method will need to handle those. Note that simply printing an intervention will usually return a representation that can be used to recreate it. Returns: JSON-serializable representation (typically a dict, but could be anything else) ''' which = self.__class__.__name__ pars = sc.jsonify(self.input_args) output = dict(which=which, pars=pars) return output
#%% Template classes for routine and campaign delivery __all__ += ['RoutineDelivery', 'CampaignDelivery']
[docs] class RoutineDelivery(Intervention): ''' Base class for any intervention that uses routine delivery; handles interpolation of input years. ''' def __init__(self, years=None, start_year=None, end_year=None, prob=None, annual_prob=True): self.years = years self.start_year = start_year self.end_year = end_year self.prob = sc.promotetoarray(prob) self.annual_prob = annual_prob # Determines whether the probability is annual or per timestep return def initialize(self, sim): # Validate inputs if (self.years is not None) and (self.start_year is not None or self.end_year is not None): errormsg = 'Provide either a list of years or a start year, not both.' raise ValueError(errormsg) # If start_year and end_year are not provided, figure them out from the provided years or the sim if self.years is None: if self.start_year is None: self.start_year = sim['start'] if self.end_year is None: self.end_year = sim['end'] else: self.start_year = self.years[0] self.end_year = self.years[-1] # More validation if (self.start_year not in sim.yearvec) or (self.end_year not in sim.yearvec): errormsg = 'Years must be within simulation start and end dates.' raise ValueError(errormsg) # Adjustment to get the right end point adj_factor = int(1/sim['dt'])-1 if sim['dt']<1 else 1 # Determine the timepoints at which the intervention will be applied self.start_point = sc.findinds(sim.yearvec, self.start_year)[0] self.end_point = sc.findinds(sim.yearvec, self.end_year)[0] + adj_factor self.years = sc.inclusiverange(self.start_year, self.end_year) self.timepoints = sc.inclusiverange(self.start_point, self.end_point) self.yearvec = np.arange(self.start_year, self.end_year+adj_factor, sim['dt']) # Get the probability input into a format compatible with timepoints if len(self.years) != len(self.prob): if len(self.prob)==1: self.prob = np.array([self.prob[0]]*len(self.timepoints)) else: errormsg = f'Length of years incompatible with length of probabilities: {len(self.years)} vs {len(self.prob)}' raise ValueError(errormsg) else: self.prob = sc.smoothinterp(self.yearvec, self.years, self.prob, smoothness=0) # Lastly, adjust the probability by the sim's timestep, if it's an annual probability if self.annual_prob: self.prob = 1-(1-self.prob)**sim['dt'] return
[docs] class CampaignDelivery(Intervention): ''' Base class for any intervention that uses campaign delivery; handles interpolation of input years. ''' def __init__(self, years, interpolate=None, prob=None, annual_prob=True): self.years = sc.promotetoarray(years) self.interpolate = True if interpolate is None else interpolate self.prob = sc.promotetoarray(prob) self.annual_prob = annual_prob return def initialize(self, sim): # Decide whether to apply the intervention at every timepoint throughout the year, or just once. if self.interpolate: self.timepoints = hpu.true(np.isin(np.floor(sim.yearvec), np.floor(self.years))) else: self.timepoints = hpu.true(np.isin(sim.yearvec, self.years)) # Get the probability input into a format compatible with timepoints if len(self.prob) == len(self.years) and self.interpolate: self.prob = sc.smoothinterp(np.arange(len(self.timepoints)), np.arange(len(self.years)), self.prob, smoothness=0) elif len(self.prob) == 1: self.prob = np.array([self.prob[0]] * len(self.timepoints)) else: errormsg = f'Length of years incompatible with length of probabilities: {len(self.years)} vs {len(self.prob)}' raise ValueError(errormsg) # Lastly, adjust the annual probability by the sim's timestep, if it's an annual probability if self.annual_prob: self.prob = 1-(1-self.prob)**sim['dt'] return
#%% Behavior change interventions __all__ += ['dynamic_pars', 'EventSchedule', 'set_intervention_attributes']
[docs] class dynamic_pars(Intervention): ''' A generic intervention that modifies a set of parameters at specified points in time. The intervention takes a single argument, pars, which is a dictionary of which parameters to change, with following structure: keys are the parameters to change, then subkeys 'days' and 'vals' are either a scalar or list of when the change(s) should take effect and what the new value should be, respectively. You can also pass parameters to change directly as keyword arguments. Args: pars (dict): described above kwargs (dict): passed to Intervention() **Examples**:: interv = hpv.dynamic_pars(condoms=dict(timepoints=10, vals={'c':0.9})) # Increase condom use amount casual partners to 90% interv = hpv.dynamic_pars({'beta':{'timepoints':[10, 15], 'vals':[0.005, 0.015]}, # At timepoint 10, reduce beta, then increase it again 'debut':{'timepoints':10, 'vals':dict(f=dict(dist='normal', par1=20, par2=2.1), m=dict(dist='normal', par1=19.6, par2=1.8))}}) # Increase mean age of sexual debut ''' def __init__(self, pars=None, **kwargs): # Find valid sim parameters and move matching keyword arguments to the pars dict pars = sc.mergedicts(pars) # Ensure it's a dictionary sim_par_keys = list(hppar.make_pars().keys()) # Get valid sim parameters kwarg_keys = [k for k in kwargs.keys() if k in sim_par_keys] for kkey in kwarg_keys: pars[kkey] = kwargs.pop(kkey) # Do standard initialization super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object # Handle the rest of the initialization subkeys = ['timepoints', 'vals'] for parkey in pars.keys(): for subkey in subkeys: if subkey not in pars[parkey].keys(): # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Parameter {parkey} is missing subkey {subkey}' raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg) if sc.isnumber(pars[parkey][subkey]): pars[parkey][subkey] = sc.promotetoarray(pars[parkey][subkey]) else: pars[parkey][subkey] = sc.promotetolist(pars[parkey][subkey]) = pars return
[docs] def initialize(self, sim): ''' Initialize with a sim ''' for parkey in try: # First try to interpret the timepoints as dates tps = sim.get_t([parkey]['timepoints']) # Translate input to timepoints except: tps = [] # See if it's in the time vector for tp in[parkey]['timepoints']: if tp in sim.tvec: tps.append(tp) else: # Give up errormsg = f'Could not parse timepoints provided for {parkey}.' raise ValueError(errormsg)[parkey]['processed_timepoints'] = sc.promotetoarray(tps) self.initialized = True return
[docs] def apply(self, sim): ''' Loop over the parameters, and then loop over the timepoints, applying them if any are found ''' t = sim.t for parkey,parval in if t in parval['processed_timepoints']: self.timepoints.append(t) ind = sc.findinds(parval['processed_timepoints'], t)[0] val = parval['vals'][ind] if isinstance(val, dict): sim[parkey].update(val) # Set the parameter if a nested dict else: sim[parkey] = val # Set the parameter if not a dict return
[docs] class EventSchedule(Intervention): """ Run functions on different days This intervention is a a kind of generalization of ``dynamic_pars`` to allow more flexibility in triggering multiple, arbitrary operations and to more easily assemble multiple changes at different times. This intervention can be used to implement scale-up or other changes to interventions without needing to implement time-dependency in the intervention itself. To use the intervention, simply index the intervention by ``t`` or by date. Example: >>> iv = EventSchedule() >>> iv[1] = lambda sim: print(sim.t) >>> iv['2020-04-02'] = lambda sim: print('foo') """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.schedule = defaultdict(list) def __getitem__(self, day): return self.schedule[day] def __setitem__(self, day, fcn): if day in self.schedule: raise Exception("Use a list instead to assign multiple functions - or to really overwrite, delete the function for this day first i.e. del schedule[day] before performing schedule[day]=...") self.schedule[day] = fcn def __delitem__(self, key): del self.schedule[key] def initialize(self, sim): super().initialize(sim) # First convert all values into lists (i.e., wrap any standalone functions into lists) for k, v in list(self.schedule.items()): self.schedule[k] = [v] if not isinstance(self.schedule[k], list) else v # Then convert any dates into time indices for k, v in list(self.schedule.items()): t = sim.get_t(k)[0] if t != k: self.schedule[t] += v del self.schedule[k] def apply(self, sim): if sim.t in self.schedule: for fcn in self.schedule[sim.t]: fcn(sim)
[docs] def set_intervention_attributes(sim, intervention_name, **kwargs): # This is a helper method that can be used to set arbitrary intervention attributes # It's a separately defined function so that it can be pickled properly iv = sim.get_intervention(intervention_name) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): assert hasattr(iv, attr), "set_intervention_attributes() should only be used to change existing attributes" # avoid silent errors if the attr is misspelled setattr(iv, attr, value)
#%% Vaccination __all__ += ['BaseVaccination', 'routine_vx', 'campaign_vx']
[docs] class BaseVaccination(Intervention): ''' Base vaccination class for determining who will receive a vaccine. Args: product (str/Product) : the vaccine to use prob (float/arr) : annual probability of eligible population getting vaccinated age_range (list/tuple) : age range to vaccinate sex (int/str/list) : sex to vaccinate - accepts 0/1 or 'f'/'m' or a list of both eligibility (inds/callable) : indices OR callable that returns inds label (str) : the name of vaccination strategy kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention() ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, age_range=None, sex=None, eligibility=None, label=None, **kwargs): Intervention.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.prob = sc.promotetoarray(prob) self.age_range = age_range self.label = label self.eligibility = eligibility self._parse_product(product) # Deal with sex if sc.checktype(sex,'listlike'): if sc.checktype(sex[0],'str'): # If provided as ['f','m'], convert to [0,1] sex_list = sc.autolist() for isex in sex: if isex=='f': sex_list += 0 elif isex=='m': sex_list += 1 else: errormsg = f'Sex "{isex}" not understood.' raise ValueError(errormsg) = sc.promotetoarray(sex_list) else: elif sc.checktype(sex, 'str'): # If provided as 'f' or 'm', convert to 0 or 1 if sex=='f': = np.array([0]) elif sex=='m': = np.array([1]) else: errormsg = f'Sex "{sex}" not understood.' raise ValueError(errormsg) else: = sc.promotetoarray(sex) def _parse_product(self, product): ''' Parse the product input ''' if isinstance(product, Product): # No need to do anything self.product=product elif isinstance(product, str): # Try to find it in the list of defaults try: self.product = default_vx(prod_name=product) except: errormsg = f'Could not find product {product} in the standard list.' raise ValueError(errormsg) else: errormsg = f'Cannot understand format of product {product} - please provide it as either a Product or string matching a default product.' raise ValueError(errormsg) return def initialize(self, sim): Intervention.initialize(self) self.npts = sim.res_npts self.n_products_used = hpb.Result(name=f'Products administered by {self.label}', npts=sim.res_npts, scale=True) return
[docs] def check_eligibility(self, sim): ''' Determine who is eligible for vaccination ''' conditions = sim.people.alive # Start by assuming everyone alive is eligible if len( conditions = conditions & ( ==[0]) # Filter by sex if self.age_range is not None: conditions = conditions & ((sim.people.age >= self.age_range[0]) & (sim.people.age < self.age_range[1])) # Filter by age if self.eligibility is not None: other_eligible = sc.promotetoarray(self.eligibility(sim)) # Apply any other user-defined eligibility conditions = conditions & other_eligible return hpu.true(conditions)
[docs] def apply(self, sim): ''' Perform vaccination by finding who's eligible for vaccination, finding who accepts, and applying the vaccine product. ''' # Determine whether to apply the intervention. Apply it if no timepoints have been given or # if the timepoint matches one of the requested timepoints. if len(self.timepoints)>0 and (sim.t not in self.timepoints): do_apply = False else: do_apply = True accept_inds = np.array([]) if do_apply: # Select people for screening and then record the number of screens eligible_inds = self.check_eligibility(sim) # Check eligibility if len(self.timepoints)==0: # No timepoints provided prob = self.prob else: # Get the proportion of people who screen on this timestep prob = self.prob[sc.findinds(self.timepoints, sim.t)[0]] accept_inds = select_people(eligible_inds, prob=prob) if len(accept_inds): self.product.administer(sim.people, accept_inds) # Administer the product # Update people's state and dates sim.people.vaccinated[accept_inds] = True sim.people.date_vaccinated[accept_inds] = sim.t sim.people.doses[accept_inds] += 1 # Update results idx = int(sim.t / sim.resfreq) new_vx_inds = hpu.ifalsei(sim.people.vaccinated, accept_inds) # Figure out people who are getting vaccinated for the first time n_new_doses = sim.people.scale_flows(accept_inds) # Scale n_new_people = sim.people.scale_flows(new_vx_inds) # Scale sim.results['new_vaccinated'][:,idx] += n_new_people sim.results['new_doses'][idx] += n_new_doses self.n_products_used[idx] += n_new_doses return accept_inds
[docs] def shrink(self, in_place=True): ''' Shrink vaccination intervention ''' obj = super().shrink(in_place=in_place) obj.vaccinated = None return obj
[docs] class routine_vx(BaseVaccination, RoutineDelivery): ''' Routine vaccination - an instance of base vaccination combined with routine delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. **Examples**:: vx1 = hpv.routine_vx(product='bivalent', age_range=[9,10], prob=0.9, start_year=2025) # Vaccinate 90% of girls aged 9-10 every year vx2 = hpv.routine_vx(product='bivalent', age_range=[9,10], prob=0.9, sex=[0,1], years=np.arange(2020,2025)) # Screen 90% of girls and boys aged 9-10 every year from 2020-2025 vx3 = hpv.routine_vx(product='quadrivalent', prob=np.linspace(0.2,0.8,5), years=np.arange(2020,2025)) # Scale up vaccination over 5 years starting in 2020 ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, age_range=None, sex=0, eligibility=None, start_year=None, end_year=None, years=None, **kwargs): BaseVaccination.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, sex=sex, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) RoutineDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, years=years) def initialize(self, sim): RoutineDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseVaccination.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next
[docs] class campaign_vx(BaseVaccination, CampaignDelivery): ''' Campaign vaccination - an instance of base vaccination combined with campaign delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, age_range=None, sex=0, eligibility=None, years=None, interpolate=True, **kwargs): BaseVaccination.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, sex=sex, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) CampaignDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, years=years, interpolate=interpolate) def initialize(self, sim): CampaignDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseVaccination.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next
#%% Screening and triage __all__ += ['BaseTest', 'BaseScreening', 'routine_screening', 'campaign_screening', 'BaseTriage', 'routine_triage', 'campaign_triage']
[docs] class BaseTest(Intervention): ''' Base class for screening and triage. Args: product (str/Product) : the diagnostic to use prob (float/arr) : annual probability of eligible women receiving the diagnostic eligibility (inds/callable) : indices OR callable that returns inds label (str) : the name of screening strategy kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention() ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, eligibility=None, **kwargs): Intervention.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.prob = sc.promotetoarray(prob) self.eligibility = eligibility self._parse_product(product) def _parse_product(self, product): ''' Parse the product input ''' if isinstance(product, Product): # No need to do anything self.product=product elif isinstance(product, str): # Try to find it in the list of defaults try: self.product = default_dx(prod_name=product) except: errormsg = f'Could not find product {product} in the standard list.' raise ValueError(errormsg) else: errormsg = f'Cannot understand format of product {product} - please provide it as either a Product or string matching a default product.' raise ValueError(errormsg) return def initialize(self, sim): Intervention.initialize(self) self.npts = sim.res_npts self.n_products_used = hpb.Result(name=f'Products administered by {self.label}', npts=sim.res_npts, scale=True) self.outcomes = {k:np.array([], dtype=hpd.default_int) for k in self.product.hierarchy} return
[docs] def deliver(self, sim): ''' Deliver the diagnostics by finding who's eligible, finding who accepts, and applying the product. ''' ti = sc.findinds(self.timepoints, sim.t)[0] prob = self.prob[ti] # Get the proportion of people who will be tested this timestep eligible_inds = self.check_eligibility(sim) # Check eligibility accept_inds = select_people(eligible_inds, prob=prob) # Find people who accept if len(accept_inds): idx = int(sim.t / sim.resfreq) self.n_products_used[idx] += sim.people.scale_flows(accept_inds) self.outcomes = self.product.administer(sim, accept_inds) # Actually administer the diagnostic, filtering people into outcome categories return accept_inds
def check_eligibility(self, sim): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class BaseScreening(BaseTest): ''' Base class for screening. Args: age_range (list/tuple/arr) : age range for screening, e.g. [30,50] kwargs (dict) : passed to BaseTest ''' def __init__(self, age_range=None, **kwargs): BaseTest.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Initialize the BaseTest object self.age_range = age_range or [30,50] # This is later filtered to exclude people not yet sexually active
[docs] def check_eligibility(self, sim): ''' Return an array of indices of agents eligible for screening at time t, i.e. sexually active females in age range, plus any additional user-defined eligibility, which often includes the screening interval. ''' adult_females = sim.people.is_female_adult in_age_range = (sim.people.age >= self.age_range[0]) * (sim.people.age <= self.age_range[1]) conditions = (adult_females * in_age_range).astype(bool) if self.eligibility is not None: other_eligible = sc.promotetoarray(self.eligibility(sim)) conditions = conditions * other_eligible return hpu.true(conditions)
[docs] def apply(self, sim): ''' Perform screening by finding who's eligible, finding who accepts, and applying the product. ''' self.outcomes = {k:np.array([], dtype=hpd.default_int) for k in self.product.hierarchy} accept_inds = np.array([]) if sim.t in self.timepoints: accept_inds = self.deliver(sim) sim.people.screened[accept_inds] = True sim.people.screens[accept_inds] += 1 sim.people.date_screened[accept_inds] = sim.t # Store results idx = int(sim.t / sim.resfreq) new_screen_inds = hpu.ifalsei(sim.people.screened, accept_inds) # Figure out people who are getting screened for the first time n_new_people = sim.people.scale_flows(new_screen_inds) # Scale n_new_screens = sim.people.scale_flows(accept_inds) # Scale sim.results['new_screened'][idx] += n_new_people sim.results['new_screens'][idx] += n_new_screens return accept_inds
[docs] class BaseTriage(BaseTest): ''' Base class for triage. Args: kwargs (dict): passed to BaseTest ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): BaseTest.__init__(self, **kwargs) def check_eligibility(self, sim): return sc.promotetoarray(self.eligibility(sim)) def apply(self, sim): self.outcomes = {k:np.array([], dtype=hpd.default_int) for k in self.product.hierarchy} accept_inds = np.array([]) if sim.t in self.timepoints: accept_inds = self.deliver(sim) return accept_inds
[docs] class routine_screening(BaseScreening, RoutineDelivery): ''' Routine screening - an instance of base screening combined with routine delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. **Examples**:: screen1 = hpv.routine_screening(product='hpv', prob=0.02) # Screen 2% of the eligible population every year screen2 = hpv.routine_screening(product='hpv', prob=0.02, start_year=2020) # Screen 2% every year starting in 2020 screen3 = hpv.routine_screening(product='hpv', prob=np.linspace(0.005,0.025,5), years=np.arange(2020,2025)) # Scale up screening over 5 years starting in 2020 ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, eligibility=None, age_range=None, years=None, start_year=None, end_year=None, **kwargs): BaseScreening.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) RoutineDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, years=years) def initialize(self, sim): RoutineDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseScreening.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next
[docs] class campaign_screening(BaseScreening, CampaignDelivery): ''' Campaign screening - an instance of base screening combined with campaign delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. **Examples**:: screen1 = hpv.campaign_screening(product='hpv', prob=0.2, years=2030) # Screen 20% of the eligible population in 2020 screen2 = hpv.campaign_screening(product='hpv', prob=0.02, years=[2025,2030]) # Screen 20% of the eligible population in 2025 and again in 2030 ''' def __init__(self, product=None, age_range=None, sex=None, eligibility=None, prob=None, years=None, interpolate=None, **kwargs): BaseScreening.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, sex=sex, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) CampaignDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, years=years, interpolate=interpolate) def initialize(self, sim): CampaignDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseScreening.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next
[docs] class routine_triage(BaseTriage, RoutineDelivery): ''' Routine triage - an instance of base triage combined with routine delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. **Examples**:: # Example 1: Triage 40% of the eligible population in all years triage1 = hpv.routine_triage(product='via_triage', prob=0.4) # Example 2: Triage positive screens into confirmatory testing or theapeutic vaccintion screened_pos = lambda sim: sim.get_intervention('screening').outcomes['positive'] triage2 = hpv.routine_triage(product='pos_screen_assessment', eligibility=screen_pos, prob=0.9, start_year=2030) ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, eligibility=None, age_range=None, years=None, start_year=None, end_year=None, annual_prob=None, **kwargs): BaseTriage.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) RoutineDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, years=years, annual_prob=annual_prob) def initialize(self, sim): RoutineDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseTriage.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next
[docs] class campaign_triage(BaseTriage, CampaignDelivery): ''' Campaign triage - an instance of base triage combined with campaign delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. **Examples**:: # Example 1: In 2030, triage all positive screens into confirmatory testing or therapeutic vaccintion screened_pos = lambda sim: sim.get_intervention('screening').outcomes['positive'] triage1 = hpv.campaign_triage(product='pos_screen_assessment', eligibility=screen_pos, prob=0.9, years=2030) ''' def __init__(self, product=None, age_range=None, sex=None, eligibility=None, prob=None, years=None, interpolate=None, annual_prob=None, **kwargs): BaseTriage.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, sex=sex, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) CampaignDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, years=years, interpolate=interpolate, annual_prob=annual_prob) def initialize(self, sim): CampaignDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseTriage.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next
#%% Treatment interventions __all__ += ['BaseTreatment', 'treat_num', 'treat_delay', 'BaseTxVx', 'routine_txvx', 'campaign_txvx', 'linked_txvx',]
[docs] class BaseTreatment(Intervention): ''' Base treatment class. Args: product (str/Product) : the treatment product to use accept_prob (float/arr) : acceptance rate of treatment - interpreted as the % of women eligble for treatment who accept eligibility (inds/callable) : indices OR callable that returns inds label (str) : the name of treatment strategy kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention() ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, eligibility=None, age_range=None, **kwargs): Intervention.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.prob = sc.promotetoarray(prob) self.eligibility = eligibility self._parse_product(product) self.age_range = age_range or [0,99] # By default, no restrictions on treatment age def _parse_product(self, product): ''' Parse the product input ''' if isinstance(product, Product): # No need to do anything self.product=product elif isinstance(product, str): # Try to find it in the list of defaults try: self.product = default_tx(prod_name=product) except: errormsg = f'Could not find product {product} in the standard list.' raise ValueError(errormsg) else: errormsg = f'Cannot understand format of product {product} - please provide it as either a Product or string matching a default product.' raise ValueError(errormsg) return def initialize(self, sim): Intervention.initialize(self) self.n_products_used = hpb.Result(name=f'Products administered by {self.label}', npts=sim.res_npts, scale=True) self.outcomes = {k: np.array([], dtype=hpd.default_int) for k in ['unsuccessful', 'successful']} # Store outcomes on each timestep
[docs] def check_eligibility(self, sim): ''' Check people's eligibility for treatment ''' females = sim.people.is_female in_age_range = (sim.people.age >= self.age_range[0]) * (sim.people.age <= self.age_range[1]) alive = sim.people.alive nocancer = ~sim.people.cancerous.any(axis=0) conditions = (females * in_age_range * alive * nocancer) return conditions
[docs] def get_accept_inds(self, sim): ''' Get indices of people who will acccept treatment; these people are then added to a queue or scheduled for receiving treatment ''' accept_inds = np.array([], dtype=hpd.default_int) is_eligible = self.check_eligibility(sim) # Apply eligiblity if len(self.eligibility(sim)): eligible_inds = hpu.itruei(is_eligible, sc.promotetoarray(self.eligibility(sim))) if len(eligible_inds): accept_inds = select_people(eligible_inds, prob=self.prob[0]) # Select people who accept return accept_inds
[docs] def get_candidates(self, sim): ''' Get candidates for treatment on this timestep. Implemented by derived classes. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def apply(self, sim): ''' Perform treatment by getting candidates, checking their eligibility, and then treating them. ''' # Get indices of who will get treated treat_candidates = self.get_candidates(sim) # NB, this needs to be implemented by derived classes still_eligible = self.check_eligibility(sim) treat_inds = hpu.itruei(still_eligible, treat_candidates) # Store treatment and dates sim.people.cin_treated[treat_inds] = True sim.people.cin_treatments[treat_inds] += 1 sim.people.date_cin_treated[treat_inds] = sim.t # Store results idx = int(sim.t / sim.resfreq) new_treat_inds = hpu.ifalsei(sim.people.cin_treated, treat_inds) # Figure out people who are getting radiation for the first time n_new_cin_treatments = sim.people.scale_flows(treat_inds) # Scale n_new_people = sim.people.scale_flows(new_treat_inds) # Scale sim.results['new_cin_treated'][idx] += n_new_people sim.results['new_cin_treatments'][idx] += n_new_cin_treatments # Administer treatment and store products used self.outcomes = self.product.administer(sim, treat_inds) self.n_products_used[idx] += sim.people.scale_flows(treat_inds) return treat_inds
[docs] class treat_num(BaseTreatment): ''' Treat a fixed number of people each timestep. Args: max_capacity (int): maximum number who can be treated each timestep ''' def __init__(self, max_capacity=None, **kwargs): BaseTreatment.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.queue = [] self.max_capacity = max_capacity return
[docs] def add_to_queue(self, sim): ''' Add people who are willing to accept treatment to the queue ''' accept_inds = self.get_accept_inds(sim) if len(accept_inds): self.queue += accept_inds.tolist()
[docs] def get_candidates(self, sim): ''' Get the indices of people who are candidates for treatment ''' treat_candidates = np.array([], dtype=hpd.default_int) if len(self.queue): if self.max_capacity is None or (self.max_capacity>len(self.queue)): treat_candidates = self.queue[:] else: treat_candidates = self.queue[:self.max_capacity] return sc.promotetoarray(treat_candidates)
[docs] def apply(self, sim): ''' Apply treatment. On each timestep, this method will add eligible people who are willing to accept treatment to a queue, and then will treat as many people in the queue as there is capacity for. ''' self.add_to_queue(sim) treat_inds = BaseTreatment.apply(self, sim) # Apply method from BaseTreatment class self.queue = [e for e in self.queue if e not in treat_inds] # Recreate the queue, removing people who were treated return treat_inds
[docs] class treat_delay(BaseTreatment): ''' Treat people after a fixed delay Args: delay (int): years of delay between becoming eligible for treatment and receiving treatment. ''' def __init__(self, delay=None, **kwargs): BaseTreatment.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.delay = delay or 0 self.scheduler = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def add_to_schedule(self, sim): ''' Add people who are willing to accept treatment to the treatment scehduler ''' accept_inds = self.get_accept_inds(sim) if len(accept_inds): self.scheduler[sim.t] = accept_inds
[docs] def get_candidates(self, sim): ''' Get the indices of people who are candidates for treatment ''' due_time = sim.t-self.delay/sim['dt'] treat_candidates = np.array([], dtype=hpd.default_int) if len(self.scheduler[due_time]): treat_candidates = self.scheduler[due_time] return treat_candidates
[docs] def apply(self, sim): ''' Apply treatment. On each timestep, this method will add eligible people who are willing to accept treatment to a scheduler, and then will treat anyone scheduled for treatment on this timestep. ''' self.add_to_schedule(sim) treat_inds = BaseTreatment.apply(self, sim) return treat_inds
[docs] class BaseTxVx(BaseTreatment): ''' Base class for therapeutic vaccination ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): BaseTreatment.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def deliver(self, sim): ''' Deliver the intervention. This applies on a single timestep, whereas apply() methods apply on every timestep and can selectively call this method. ''' is_eligible = self.check_eligibility(sim) # Apply general eligiblity # Apply extra user-defined eligibility conditions, if given if self.eligibility is not None: extra_conditions = sc.promotetoarray(self.eligibility(sim)) # Checking self.eligibility() can return either a boolean array of indices. Convert to indices. if (len(extra_conditions) == len(is_eligible)) & (len(extra_conditions) > 0): if sc.checktype(extra_conditions[0], 'bool'): extra_conditions = hpu.true(extra_conditions) # Combine the extra conditions with general eligibility if len(extra_conditions)>0: eligible_inds = hpu.itruei(is_eligible, extra_conditions) # First make sure they're generally eligible else: eligible_inds = np.array([]) else: eligible_inds = hpu.true(is_eligible) # Get anyone eligible and apply acceptance rates accept_inds = np.array([]) if len(eligible_inds): # If so, proceed accept_inds = select_people(eligible_inds, prob=self.prob[0]) # Select people who accept new_vx_inds = hpu.ifalsei(sim.people.tx_vaccinated, accept_inds) # Figure out people who are getting vaccinated for the first time n_new_doses = sim.people.scale_flows(accept_inds) # Scale n_new_people = sim.people.scale_flows(new_vx_inds) # Scale if n_new_doses: self.outcomes = self.product.administer(sim, accept_inds) # Administer sim.people.tx_vaccinated[accept_inds] = True sim.people.date_tx_vaccinated[accept_inds] = sim.t sim.people.txvx_doses[accept_inds] += 1 idx = int(sim.t / sim.resfreq) sim.results['new_tx_vaccinated'][idx] += n_new_people sim.results['new_txvx_doses'][idx] += n_new_doses self.n_products_used[idx] += n_new_doses return accept_inds
[docs] class routine_txvx(BaseTxVx, RoutineDelivery): ''' Routine delivery of therapeutic vaccine - an instance of treat_num combined with routine delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. **Examples**:: txvx1 = hpv.routine_txvx(product='txvx1', prob=0.9, age_range=[25,26], start_year=2030) # Vaccinate 90% of 25yo women every year starting 2025 txvx2 = hpv.routine_txvx(product='txvx1', prob=np.linspace(0.2,0.8,5), age_range=[25,26], years=np.arange(2030,2035)) # Scale up vaccination over 5 years starting in 2020 ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, age_range=None, eligibility=None, start_year=None, end_year=None, years=None, annual_prob=None, **kwargs): BaseTxVx.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) RoutineDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, years=years, annual_prob=annual_prob) def initialize(self, sim): RoutineDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseTxVx.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next - this actually calls BaseTreatment.initialize() and ensures products will be counted def apply(self, sim): accept_inds = np.array([]) if sim.t in self.timepoints: accept_inds = self.deliver(sim) return accept_inds
[docs] class campaign_txvx(BaseTxVx, CampaignDelivery): ''' Campaign delivery of therapeutic vaccine - an instance of treat_num combined with campaign delivery. See base classes for a description of input arguments. ''' def __init__(self, product=None, prob=None, age_range=None, eligibility=None, years=None, interpolate=True, annual_prob=None, **kwargs): BaseTxVx.__init__(self, product=product, age_range=age_range, eligibility=eligibility, **kwargs) CampaignDelivery.__init__(self, prob=prob, years=years, interpolate=interpolate, annual_prob=annual_prob) def initialize(self, sim): CampaignDelivery.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this first, as it ensures that prob is interpolated properly BaseTxVx.initialize(self, sim) # Initialize this next - this actually calls BaseTreatment.initialize() and ensures products will be counted def apply(self, sim): accept_inds = np.array([]) if sim.t in self.timepoints: accept_inds = self.deliver(sim) return accept_inds
[docs] class linked_txvx(BaseTxVx): ''' Deliver therapeutic vaccine. This intervention should be used if TxVx delivery is linked to another program that determines eligibility, e.g. a screening program. Handling of dates is assumed to be handled by the linked intervention. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): BaseTxVx.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, sim): accept_inds = BaseTxVx.deliver(self, sim) return accept_inds
#%% Products __all__ += ['dx', 'tx', 'vx', 'radiation', 'default_dx', 'default_tx', 'default_vx'] class Product(hpb.FlexPretty): ''' Generic product implementation ''' def administer(self, people, inds): ''' Adminster a Product - implemented by derived classes ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class dx(Product): ''' Testing products are used within screening and triage. Their fundamental property is that they classify people into exactly one result state. They do not change anything about the People. ''' def __init__(self, df, hierarchy=None): self.df = df self.states = df.state.unique() self.genotypes = df.genotype.unique() = len(self.genotypes) if hierarchy is None: self.hierarchy = df.result.unique() # Hierarchy is drawn from the order in which the outcomes are specified. The last unique item to be specified is the default else: self.hierarchy = hierarchy # or ['high', 'medium', 'low', 'not detected'], or other @property def default_value(self): return len(self.hierarchy)-1
[docs] def administer(self, sim, inds, return_format='dict'): ''' Administer a testing product. Returns: if return_format=='array': an array of length len(inds) with integer entries that map each person to one of the result_states if return_format=='dict': a dictionary keyed by result_states with values containing the indices of people classified into this state ''' # Pre-fill with the default value, which is set to be the last value in the hierarchy results = np.full_like(inds, fill_value=self.default_value, dtype=hpd.default_int) people = sim.people for state in self.states: # First check if this is a genotype specific intervention or not if len(np.unique(self.df.genotype)) == 1 and np.unique(self.df.genotype)[0]== 'all': if state == 'susceptible': theseinds = hpu.true(people[state][:, inds].all(axis=0)) # Must be susceptibile for all genotypes else: theseinds = hpu.true(people[state][:, inds].any(axis=0)) # Only need to be truly inf/cin/cancerous for one genotype # Filter the dataframe to extract test results for people in this state df_filter = (self.df.state == state) # filter by state thisdf = self.df[df_filter] # apply filter to get the results for this state & genotype probs = [thisdf[thisdf.result == result].probability.values[0] for result in self.hierarchy] # Pull out the result probabilities in the order specified by the result hierarchy # Sort people into one of the possible result states and then update their overall results (aggregating over genotypes) this_result = hpu.n_multinomial(probs, len(theseinds)) results[theseinds] = np.minimum(this_result, results[theseinds]) else: for g,genotype in sim['genotype_map'].items(): theseinds = hpu.true(people[state][g, inds]) # Filter the dataframe to extract test results for people in this state df_filter = (self.df.state == state) # filter by state if>1: df_filter = df_filter & (self.df.genotype == genotype) # also filter by genotype, if this test is by genotype thisdf = self.df[df_filter] # apply filter to get the results for this state & genotype probs = [thisdf[thisdf.result==result].probability.values[0] for result in self.hierarchy] # Pull out the result probabilities in the order specified by the result hierarchy # Sort people into one of the possible result states and then update their overall results (aggregating over genotypes) this_gtype_results = hpu.n_multinomial(probs, len(theseinds)) results[theseinds] = np.minimum(this_gtype_results, results[theseinds]) if return_format=='dict': output = {self.hierarchy[i]:inds[results==i] for i in range(len(self.hierarchy))} elif return_format=='array': output = results return output
[docs] class tx(Product): ''' Treatment products include anything used to treat cancer or precancer, as well as therapeutic vaccination. They change fundamental properties about People, including their prognoses and infectiousness. ''' def __init__(self, df, clearance=0.8, genotype_pars=None, imm_init=None, imm_boost=None): self.df = df self.clearance = clearance =[0] self.genotype_pars=genotype_pars self.imm_init = imm_init self.imm_boost = imm_boost self.imm_source = None self.states = df.state.unique() self.genotypes = df.genotype.unique() = len(self.genotypes)
[docs] def get_people_in_state(self, state, g, sim): ''' Find people within a given state/genotype. Returns indices ''' if theseinds = sim.people[state].any(axis=0) else: theseinds = hpu.true(sim.people[state][g, :])
[docs] def administer(self, sim, inds, return_format='dict'): ''' Loop over treatment states to determine those who are successfully treated and clear infection ''' tx_successful = [] # Initialize list of successfully treated individuals people = sim.people for state in self.states: # Loop over states for g,genotype in sim['genotype_map'].items(): # Loop over genotypes in the sim theseinds = inds[hpu.true(people[state][g, inds])] # Extract people for whom this state is true for this genotype if len(theseinds): df_filter = (self.df.state == state) # Filter by state if>1: df_filter = df_filter & (self.df.genotype == genotype) thisdf = self.df[df_filter] # apply filter to get the results for this state & genotype # Determine whether treatment is successful efficacy = thisdf.efficacy.values[0] eff_probs = np.full(len(theseinds), efficacy, dtype=hpd.default_float) # Assign probabilities of treatment success to_eff_treat = hpu.binomial_arr(eff_probs) # Determine who will have effective treatment eff_treat_inds = theseinds[to_eff_treat] if len(eff_treat_inds): tx_successful += list(eff_treat_inds) people[state][g, eff_treat_inds] = False # People who get treated have their CINs removed people['cin'][g, eff_treat_inds] = False # People who get treated have their CINs removed people[f'date_{state}'][g, eff_treat_inds] = np.nan people[f'date_cancerous'][g, eff_treat_inds] = np.nan people['date_clearance'][g, eff_treat_inds] = people.t + 1 # Determine whether women also clear infection # clearance_probs = np.full(len(eff_treat_inds), self.clearance, dtype=hpd.default_float) # to_clear = hpu.binomial_arr(clearance_probs) # Determine who will have effective treatment # clear_inds = eff_treat_inds[to_clear] # if len(clear_inds): # # If so, set date of clearance of infection on next timestep # # people.dur_infection[g, clear_inds] = (people.t - people.date_infectious[g, clear_inds]) *['dt'] tx_successful = np.array(list(set(tx_successful))) tx_unsuccessful = np.setdiff1d(inds, tx_successful) if return_format=='dict': output = {'successful':tx_successful, 'unsuccessful': tx_unsuccessful} elif return_format=='array': output = tx_successful if self.imm_init is not None: people.cell_imm[self.imm_source, inds] = hpu.sample(**self.imm_init, size=len(inds)) people.t_imm_event[self.imm_source, inds] = people.t elif self.imm_boost is not None: people.cell_imm[self.imm_source, inds] *= self.imm_boost people.t_imm_event[self.imm_source, inds] = people.t return output
[docs] class vx(Product): ''' Vaccine product ''' def __init__(self, genotype_pars=None, imm_init=None, imm_boost=None): self.genotype_pars = genotype_pars self.imm_init = imm_init self.imm_boost = imm_boost self.imm_source = None # Set during immunity initialization. Warning, fragile!!! if (imm_init is None and imm_boost is None) or (imm_init is not None and imm_boost is not None): errormsg = 'Must provide either an initial immune effect (for first doses) or an immune boosting effect (for subsequent doses), not both/neither.' raise ValueError(errormsg)
[docs] def administer(self, people, inds): ''' Apply the vaccine to the requested people indices. ''' inds = inds[people.alive[inds]] # Skip anyone that is dead if self.imm_init is not None: people.peak_imm[self.imm_source, inds] = hpu.sample(**self.imm_init, size=len(inds)) elif self.imm_boost is not None: people.peak_imm[self.imm_source, inds] *= self.imm_boost people.t_imm_event[self.imm_source, inds] = people.t
[docs] class radiation(Product): # Cancer treatment product def __init__(self, dur=None): self.dur = dur or dict(dist='normal', par1=18.0, par2=2.) # whatever the default duration should be def administer(self, sim, inds): people = sim.people new_dur_cancer = hpu.sample(**self.dur, size=len(inds)) people.date_dead_cancer[inds] += np.ceil(new_dur_cancer /['dt']) # Store treatment and dates sim.people.cancer_treated[inds] = True sim.people.cancer_treatments[inds] += 1 sim.people.date_cancer_treated[inds] = sim.t # Store results idx = int(sim.t / sim.resfreq) new_cctreat_inds = hpu.ifalsei(sim.people.cancer_treated, inds) # Figure out people who are getting radiation for the first time n_new_radiaitons = sim.people.scale_flows(inds) # Scale n_new_people = sim.people.scale_flows(new_cctreat_inds) # Scale sim.results['new_cancer_treated'][idx] += n_new_people sim.results['new_cancer_treatments'][idx] += n_new_radiaitons return inds
#%% Create default products
[docs] def default_dx(prod_name=None): ''' Create default diagnostic products ''' dfdx = pd.read_csv(datafiles.dx) # Read in dataframe with parameters dxprods = dict( # Default primary screening diagnostics via = dx(dfdx[ == 'via'], hierarchy=['positive', 'inadequate', 'negative']), lbc = dx(dfdx[ == 'lbc'], hierarchy=['abnormal', 'ascus', 'inadequate', 'normal']), pap = dx(dfdx[ == 'pap'], hierarchy=['abnormal', 'ascus', 'inadequate', 'normal']), colposcopy = dx(dfdx[ == 'colposcopy'], hierarchy=['cancer', 'hsil', 'lsil', 'ascus', 'normal']), hpv = dx(dfdx[ == 'hpv'], hierarchy=['positive', 'inadequate', 'negative']), hpv1618 = dx(dfdx[ == 'hpv1618'], hierarchy=['positive', 'inadequate', 'negative']), hpv_type = dx(dfdx[ == 'hpv_type'], hierarchy=['positive_1618', 'positive_ohr', 'inadequate', 'negative']), # Diagnostics used to determine of subsequent care pathways txvx_assigner = dx(dfdx[ == 'txvx_assigner'], hierarchy=['triage', 'txvx', 'none']), tx_assigner = dx(dfdx[ == 'tx_assigner'], hierarchy=['radiation', 'excision', 'ablation', 'none']), ) if prod_name is not None: return dxprods[prod_name] else: return dxprods
[docs] def default_tx(prod_name=None): ''' Create default treatment products ''' dftx = pd.read_csv(datafiles.tx) # Read in dataframe with parameters dftxvx = pd.read_csv(datafiles.txvx) txprods = dict() for name in if name =='txvx1': txprods[name] = tx(dftx[], genotype_pars=dftxvx[], imm_init=dict(dist='beta_mean', par1=0.35, par2=0.025)) elif name == 'txvx2': txprods[name] = tx(dftx[], genotype_pars=dftxvx[], imm_boost=1.5) else: txprods[name] = tx(dftx[ == name]) if prod_name is not None: return txprods[prod_name] else: return txprods
[docs] def default_vx(prod_name=None): ''' Create default vaccine products ''' dfvx = pd.read_csv(datafiles.vx) # Read in dataframe with parameters vxprods = dict() for name in vxprods[name] = vx(genotype_pars=dfvx[], imm_init=dict(dist='beta', par1=30, par2=2)) vxprods[name+'2'] = vx(genotype_pars=dfvx[], imm_boost=1.2) # 2nd dose vxprods[name+'3'] = vx(genotype_pars=dfvx[], imm_boost=1.1) # 3rd dose if prod_name is not None: return vxprods[prod_name] else: return vxprods