Generate a list of all available parameters (a schema)#

You can generate a schema from the EMOD executable (Eradication.exe) or Eradication binary for Linux that defines all configuration parameters and campaign parameters available in the version of EMOD that is installed, for all available simulation types. This includes parameter names, data types, defaults, ranges, and short descriptions. The schema does not include demographics parameters.

Logging information is also produced as part of the schema. If you are using EMOD source and have added or modified configuration parameters or intervention code, this logging information can help you troubleshoot any errors that may occur.


If you modify the source code to add or remove configuration or campaign parameters, you may need to update the code used to produce the schema. You must also verify that your simulations are still scientifically valid.

Command options#

The following command-line options are available for providing information about EMOD.

EMOD information commands#

Long form

Short form




Shows help options for Eradication.exe.



Shows the version information and supported simulation types. Note capitalization of short alternative.



Outputs the configuration and campaign parameters. Unless --schema-path or a redirect operator is used, the schema will print to the Command Prompt window.



When used with --get-schema, if a TXT or JSON file is specified, the schema information will be written to the file instead of the Command Prompt window.


  1. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the directory where Eradication.exe is installed.

  2. To output the schema to the Command Prompt window, enter:

    Eradication.exe --get-schema
  3. To output the schema to a file, do one of the following (replacing <filename> with the desired filename):

    • To output a text file that includes logging information, enter:

      Eradication.exe --get-schema > <filename>.txt
    • To display logging in the Command Prompt window and output a text file that does not include logging information, enter:

      Eradication.exe --get-schema --schema-path <filename>.txt
    • To output the schema to a JSON file that includes logging information, enter:

      Eradication.exe --get-schema > <filename>.json
    • To display logging in the Command Prompt window and output a JSON file that does not include logging information, enter:

      Eradication.exe --get-schema --schema-path <filename>.json