Source code for emodpy_malaria.reporters.builtin

from dataclasses import dataclass

from emodpy.reporters.base import BuiltInReporter
from emod_api import schema_to_class as s2c
from idmtools.assets import Asset
import json
import urllib.request
from enum import Enum

vis_url = ""

[docs] def check_vectors(task): """ Checks that there are species defined for the simulation Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, which also contains the config file Returns: Nothing Raises: ValueError: No Vector_Species_Params defined. You need to define at least one to use ReportVectorGenetics. """ if task and not task.config.parameters.Vector_Species_Params: # else assume we're in unittest raise ValueError(f"No Vector_Species_Params defined. You need to define at least one to " f"use ReportVectorGenetics.\n")
[docs] def all_vectors_if_none(task): """ Creates a list of all species names available in the tasks's config and returns a list of all species defined for the simulation Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, which also contains the config file Returns: A list of all species' names defined in the config """ species_list = [] for species_params in task.config.parameters.Vector_Species_Params: species_list.append(species_params["Name"]) return species_list
[docs] def add_visualizations(task): """ Adds pointer files that create visualization for reports relevant to malaria. Currently, "AllInsets", "BinnedReport", "MalariaInterventions", "MalariaSummaryReport" Args: task: task to which to add the pointer files as assets Returns: Nothing """ relevant_diseases = ["generic", "malaria"] sites = [] with urllib.request.urlopen(vis_url) as vis_file: vis = json.load(vis_file) for disease in relevant_diseases: sites.extend(vis["diseases"][disease]) for site in sites: pointer = vis["sites"][site]["url"] pointer_file_name = f"{site}.html" task.common_assets.add_asset(Asset(filename=pointer_file_name, content=pointer), fail_on_duplicate=False)
[docs] def add_report_vector_genetics(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, species: str = None, gender: str = "VECTOR_FEMALE", include_vector_state: bool = True, include_death_state: bool = False, stratify_by: str = "GENOME", combine_similar_genomes: bool = False, specific_genome_combinations_for_stratification: list = None, allele_combinations_for_stratification: list = None, alleles_for_stratification: list = None, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds ReportVectorGenetics to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start reporting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop reporting data node_ids: the list of nodes in which to collect data, empty or None means all nodes species: the species to include information on gender: gender of species to include information on. Default: "VECTOR_FEMALE", other options: "VECTOR_MALE", "VECTOR_BOTH_GENDERS" include_vector_state: if True(1), adds the columns for vectors in the different states (i.e Eggs, Larva, etc) include_death_state: if True(1), adds columns for the number of vectors that died in this state during this time step as well as the average age. It adds two columns for each of the following states: ADULT, INFECTED, INFECTIOUS, and MALE stratify_by: the way to stratify data. Default: "GENOME", other options: "SPECIFIC_GENOME", "ALLELE", "ALLELE_FREQ" combine_similar_genomes: if True(1), genomes are combined if for each locus (ignoring gender) the set of allele of the two genomes are the same (i.e. 1-0 is similar to 0-1). Depends on: "GENOME", "SPECIFIC_GENOME" specific_genome_combinations_for_stratification: if stratifying by "SPECIFIC_GENOME", then use these genomes to stratify by. Example:: [{"Allele_Combination": [[ "a0", "*" ], [ "b1", "b0" ]]}, {"Allele_Combination": [[ "a1", "a0" ], [ "b0", "*" ]]}] specific_genome_combinations_for_stratification: ff stratifying by "SPECIFIC_GENOME", then use these genomes to stratify by. '*' = list all entries at that location, '?' = combine all entries at that location allele_combinations_for_stratification: if stratifying by "ALLELE", then also add these allele name combos to the stratification, Example:: [[ "a0", "b0" ], [ "a1", "b1" ]] alleles_for_stratification: For example:: [ "a0", "a1", "b0", "b1" ] filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ # verifying that there are alleles to report on if task: check_vectors(task) if not species: raise ValueError(f"Please define species for which to collect information, available species are " f"{all_vectors_if_none(task)}.\n") reporter = ReportVectorGenetics() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Species = species params.Gender = gender params.Include_Vector_State_Columns = 1 if include_vector_state else 0 params.Include_Death_By_State_Columns = 1 if include_death_state else 0 params.Stratify_By = stratify_by if stratify_by == "GENOME" or stratify_by == "SPECIFIC_GENOME": params.Combine_Similar_Genomes = 1 if combine_similar_genomes else 0 if stratify_by == "SPECIFIC_GENOME": params.Specific_Genome_Combinations_For_Stratification = specific_genome_combinations_for_stratification if specific_genome_combinations_for_stratification else [] elif stratify_by == "ALLELE": params.Allele_Combinations_For_Stratification = allele_combinations_for_stratification if allele_combinations_for_stratification else [] elif stratify_by == "ALLELE_FREQ": params.Alleles_For_Stratification = alleles_for_stratification if alleles_for_stratification else [] params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_vector_stats(task, manifest, species_list: list = None, stratify_by_species: bool = False, include_death_state: bool = False, include_wolbachia: bool = False, include_gestation: bool = False, include_microsporidia: bool = False): """ Adds ReportVectorStats report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file species_list: a list of species to include information on, default of None or [] means "all species" stratify_by_species: if True(1), data will break out each the species for each node include_death_state: if True(1), adds columns for the number of vectors that died in this state during this time step as well as the average age. It adds two columns for each of the following states: ADULT, INFECTED, INFECTIOUS, and MALE include_wolbachia: if True(1), add a column for each type of Wolbachia include_gestation: if True(1), adds columns for feeding and gestation include_microsporidia: if True(1), adds columns for the number of vectors that have microsporidia in each state during this time step Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ if task: check_vectors(task) if not species_list: species_list = all_vectors_if_none(task) reporter = ReportVectorStats() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Species_List = species_list params.Stratify_By_Species = 1 if stratify_by_species else 0 params.Include_Death_By_State_Columns = 1 if include_death_state else 0 params.Include_Wolbachia_Columns = 1 if include_wolbachia else 0 params.Include_Gestation_Columns = 1 if include_gestation else 0 params.Include_Microsporidia_Columns = 1 if include_microsporidia else 0 return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_malaria_summary_report(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, reporting_interval: float = 365, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", include_time_age_pfpr_bins: bool = True, include_time_age_pfpr_infectious_bins: bool = True, add_true_density: bool = False, parasite_detection_threshold: float = 0.0, gametocyte_detection_threshold: float = 0.0, add_hrp2_prevalence: bool = False, hrp2_detection_threshold: float = 0.0, age_bins: list = None, infectiousness_bins: list = None, max_number_reports: int = 100, parasitemia_bins: list = None, pretty_format: bool = False, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds MalariaSummaryReport to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to starts collecting data for the report end_day: the day of the simulation to stop reporting data node_ids: a list of nodes from which to collect data for the report reporting_interval: Defines the cadence of the report by specifying how many time steps to collect data before writing to the file must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions include_time_age_pfpr_bins: When set to true, the 'DataByTimeAndPfPRBinsAndAgeBins' element is included in the report. Default is true. You can save disk space by setting this to false. include_time_age_pfpr_infectious_bins: When set to true, the 'DataByTimeAndInfectiousnessBinsAndPfPRBinsAndAgeBins' element is included in the report. Default is true. You can save disk space by setting this to false. add_true_density: If set to true, four new channels will be added to the report that use true density instead of measured. These additional channels are: * 'PfPR_2to10-True', * 'PfPR by Age Bin-True', * 'Pf Gametocyte Prevalence by Age Bin-True', and * 'Mean Log Parasite Density by Age Bin-True'. The true densities will be compared to thresholds 'parasite_detection_threshold' and 'gametocyte_detection_threshold'. The Default is False. parasite_detection_threshold: Used when 'add_true_density' is true. The true parasite density is compared against this threshold. It impacts the: * 'PfPR_2to10-True', * 'PfPR by Age Bin-True', and * 'Mean Log Parasite Density by Age Bin-True' channels. Default is zero. gametocyte_detection_threshold: Used when 'add_true_density' is true. The true gametocyte density is compared against this threshold. It impacts the 'Pf Gametocyte Prevalence by Age Bin-True' channel. Default is zero. add_hrp2_prevalence: If true, the 'PfPR_2to10-HRP2' and the 'PfPR by Age Bin-HRP2' channels will be added. These channels will use 'Detection_Threshold_True_HRP2' to determine if person's HRP2 level counts towards prevalence. hrp2_detection_threshold: Used when 'add_hrp2_prevalence' is true. If the true HRP2 value is greater than this threshold, the prevalence will be increased in the 'PfPR_2to10-HRP2' and the 'PfPR by Age Bin-HRP2' channels. age_bins: The max age in years per bin, listed in ascending order. Use a large value for the last bin, to collect all remaining individuals infectiousness_bins: infectiousness Bins to aggregate within for the report max_number_reports: the maximum number of report output files that will be produced for a given simulation parasitemia_bins: Parasitemia bins on which to aggregate. A value <= 0 in the first bin indicates that uninfected individuals are added to this bin. You must sort your input data from low to high. pretty_format: if True(1) sets pretty JSON formatting, which includes carriage returns, line feeds, and spaces for easier readability. The default, 0 (false), saves space where everything is on one line. filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = MalariaSummaryReport() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Include_DataByTimeAndPfPRBinsAndAgeBins = 1 if include_time_age_pfpr_bins else 0 params.Include_DataByTimeAndInfectiousnessBinsAndPfPRBinsAndAgeBins = 1 if include_time_age_pfpr_infectious_bins else 0 params.Add_True_Density_Vs_Threshold = 1 if add_true_density else 0 if add_true_density: params.Detection_Threshold_True_Parasite_Density = parasite_detection_threshold params.Detection_Threshold_True_Gametocyte_Density = gametocyte_detection_threshold params.Add_Prevalence_By_HRP2 = 1 if add_hrp2_prevalence else 0 if add_hrp2_prevalence: params.Detection_Threshold_True_HRP2 = hrp2_detection_threshold params.Age_Bins = age_bins if age_bins else [] params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Infectiousness_Bins = infectiousness_bins if infectiousness_bins else [] params.Max_Number_Reports = max_number_reports params.Parasitemia_Bins = parasitemia_bins if parasitemia_bins else [] params.Pretty_Format = 1 if pretty_format else 0 params.Reporting_Interval = reporting_interval params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_malaria_patient_json_report(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds MalariaPatientJSONReport report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to starts collecting data for the report end_day: the day of the simulation to stop reporting data node_ids: a list of nodes from which to collect data for the report min_age_years: minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = MalariaPatientJSONReport() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_malaria_cotransmission_report(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", include_human_to_vector: int = 0, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. This is the report used to track malaria CoTransmission (co_transmission) Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day to start collecting data for the report. end_day: the day of the simulation to stop reporting data node_ids: list of nodes for which to collect data for the report min_age_years: minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: maximum age in years of people to collect data on include_human_to_vector: ff set to 1, Human-to-Vector transmission events will be included. One can identify these events because the 'acquireIndividualId'=0 and transmitTime=acquireTime. WARNING: This can make the file size quite large must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ if task and task.config.parameters.Malaria_Model != "MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_CO_TRANSMISSION": raise ValueError(f"The cotransmission report (ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission) requires Malaria_Model" f" to be set to 'MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_CO_TRANSMISSION', however, " f"{task.config.parameters.Malaria_Model} is being used.\n ") reporter = ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): # not used yet params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years params.Include_Human_To_Vector_Transmission = include_human_to_vector params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_malaria_filtered(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", has_interventions: list = None, include_30day_avg_infection_duration: bool = True, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds ReportMalariaFiltered report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of simulation to stop collecting data node_ids: list of nodes for which to collect the data, None or [] collects all the nodes min_age_years: Minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: Maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions has_interventions: a list of intervention names, a channel is added to the report for each InterventionName provided. The channel name will be Has_<InterventionName> and will be the fraction of the population that has that intervention. The **Intervention_Name** in the campaign should be the values in this parameter include_30day_avg_infection_duration: if True(1) the '30-Day Avg Infection Duration' channel is included in the report filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportMalariaFiltered() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix params.Has_Interventions = has_interventions if has_interventions else [] params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Include_30Day_Avg_Infection_Duration = 1 if include_30day_avg_infection_duration else 0 params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_malaria_filtered_intrahost(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", has_interventions: list = None, include_30day_avg_infection_duration: bool = True, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds ReportMalariaFilteredIntraHost report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of simulation to stop collecting data node_ids: list of nodes for which to collect the data, None or [] collects all the nodes min_age_years: Minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: Maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions has_interventions: a list of intervention names, a channel is added to the report for each InterventionName provided. The channel name will be Has_<InterventionName> and will be the fraction of the population that has that intervention. The **Intervention_Name** in the campaign should be the values in this parameter include_30day_avg_infection_duration: if True(1) the '30-Day Avg Infection Duration' channel is included in the report filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportMalariaFilteredIntraHost() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix params.Has_Interventions = has_interventions if has_interventions else [] params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Include_30Day_Avg_Infection_Duration = 1 if include_30day_avg_infection_duration else 0 params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_spatial_report_malaria_filtered(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, reporting_interval: int = 1, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", spatial_output_channels: list = None, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds SpatialReportMalariaFiltered report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of simulation to stop collecting data reporting_interval: defines the cadence of the report by specifying how many time steps to collect data before writing to the file. node_ids: list of nodes for which to collect the data, None or [] collects all the nodes min_age_years: Minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: Maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions spatial_output_channels: list of names of channels you want to have output for. Available channels are: "Adult_Vectors", "Air_Temperature", "Births", "Blood_Smear_Gametocyte_Prevalence", "Blood_Smear_Parasite_Prevalence", "Campaign_Cost", "Daily_Bites_Per_Human", "Daily_EIR", "Disease_Deaths", "Fever_Prevalence", "Human_Infectious_Reservoir", "Infected", "Infectious_Vectors", "Land_Temperature", "Mean_Parasitemia", "New_Clinical_Cases", "New_Infections", "New_Reported_Infections", "New_Severe_Cases", "PCR_Gametocyte_Prevalence", "PCR_Parasite_Prevalence", "PfHRP2_Prevalence", "Population", "Prevalence", "Rainfall", "Relative_Humidity", "True_Prevalence" Defaults: ["Blood_Smear_Parasite_Prevalence", "New_Clinical_Cases", "Population"] filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = SpatialReportMalariaFiltered() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Reporting_Interval = reporting_interval params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Spatial_Output_Channels = spatial_output_channels if spatial_output_channels else [ "Blood_Smear_Parasite_Prevalence", "New_Clinical_Cases", "Population"] params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_event_counter(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, event_trigger_list: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds ReportEventCounter report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start counting events end_day: the day of simulation to stop collecting data node_ids: list of nodes in which to count the events event_trigger_list: list of events which to count min_age_years: Minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: Maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportEventCounter() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Event_Trigger_List = event_trigger_list if event_trigger_list else [] params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_sql_report_malaria(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, include_infection_table: bool = True, include_health_table: bool = True, include_drug_table: bool = False, include_individual_properties: bool = False): """ Adds SqlReportMalaria report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop collecting data include_infection_table: if True(1), include the table that provides data at each time step for each active infection include_health_table: if True(1), include the table that provides data at each time step for a person's health include_drug_table: if True(1), include the table that provides data at each time step for each drug used include_individual_properties: if True(1), add columns to the Health table for each Property(key). The values in the columns are integers that are the primary key in a new IndividualProperties table that contains the strings. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = SqlReportMalaria() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Include_Infection_Data_Table = 1 if include_infection_table else 0 params.Include_Health_Table = 1 if include_health_table else 0 params.Include_Drug_Status_Table = 1 if include_drug_table else 0 params.Include_Individual_Properties = 1 if include_individual_properties else 0 return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_sql_report_malaria_genetics(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, include_infection_table: bool = True, include_health_table: bool = True, include_drug_table: bool = False, include_individual_properties: bool = False): """ Adds SqlReportMalariaGenetics report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop collecting data include_infection_table: if True(1), include the table that provides data at each time step for each active infection include_health_table: if True(1), include the table that provides data at each time step for a person's health include_drug_table: if True(1), include the table that provides data at each time step for each drug used include_individual_properties: if True(1), add columns to the Health table for each Property(key). The values in the columns are integers that are the primary key in a new IndividualProperties table that contains the strings. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ if task and task.config.parameters.Malaria_Model != "MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS": raise ValueError(f"The cotransmission report (ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission) requires Malaria_Model" f" to be set to 'MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS', however, " f"{task.config.parameters.Malaria_Model} is being used.\n ") reporter = SqlReportMalariaGenetics() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Include_Infection_Data_Table = 1 if include_infection_table else 0 params.Include_Health_Table = 1 if include_health_table else 0 params.Include_Drug_Status_Table = 1 if include_drug_table else 0 params.Include_Individual_Properties = 1 if include_individual_properties else 0 return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_vector_habitat_report(task, manifest): """ Adds VectorHabitatReport report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. You do not need to configure any data parameters to generate this report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ if task and not task.config.parameters.Vector_Species_Params: # else assume we're in unittest raise ValueError(f"No Vector_Species_Params defined. You need to define at least one to " f"use VectorHabitatReport.\n") reporter = VectorHabitatReport() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_malaria_immunity_report(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, reporting_interval: int = 1, max_number_reports: int = 365000, age_bins: list = None, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", pretty_format: bool = False, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds MalariaImmunityReport report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of simulation to stop collecting data node_ids: list of nodes for which to collect data reporting_interval: defines the cadence of the report by specifying how many time steps to collect data before writing to the file. max_number_reports: the maximum number of report output files that will be produced for a given simulation age_bins: The max age in years per bin, listed in ascending order. Use a large value for the last bin, to collect all remaining individuals must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions pretty_format: if True(1), sets pretty JSON formatting, which includes carriage returns, line feeds, and spaces for easier readability. The default, 0 (false), saves space where everything is on one line. filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = MalariaImmunityReport() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): # not used yet params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Reporting_Interval = reporting_interval params.Max_Number_Reports = max_number_reports params.Age_Bins = age_bins if age_bins else [] params.Pretty_Format = 1 if pretty_format else 0 params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_malaria_survey_analyzer(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, event_trigger_list: list = None, reporting_interval: float = 1, max_number_reports: int = 365000, ip_key_to_collect: str = "", must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", pretty_format: int = 0, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds MalariaSurveyJSONAnalyzer report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of simulation to stop collecting data reporting_interval: defines the cadence of the report by specifying how many time steps to collect data before writing to the file event_trigger_list: list of individual events to include into the report max_number_reports: the maximum number of report output files that will be produced for a given simulation node_ids: list of nodes for which to collect data ip_key_to_collect: name of the Individual Property Key whose value to collect. Empty string means collect values for all Individual Properties must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions pretty_format: if True(1), sets pretty JSON formatting, which includes carriage returns, line feeds, and spaces for easier readability. The default, 0 (false), saves space where everything is on one line. filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ if not event_trigger_list: raise ValueError("event_trigger_list cannot be empty, please define individual" " events to include into the report.\n") reporter = MalariaSurveyJSONAnalyzer() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Max_Number_Reports = max_number_reports params.Event_Trigger_List = event_trigger_list if event_trigger_list else [] params.IP_Key_To_Collect = ip_key_to_collect params.Pretty_Format = 1 if pretty_format else 0 params.Reporting_Interval = reporting_interval params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_drug_status_report(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000): """ Adds ReportDrugStatus report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop collecting data Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportDrugStatus() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_infection_stats_malaria(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, reporting_interval: int = 30, include_hepatocyte: bool = True, hepatocyte_threshold: int = 0, include_irbc: bool = True, irbc_threshold: int = 0, include_gametocyte: bool = True, gametocyte_threshold: int = 0): """ Adds ReportInfectionStatsMalaria report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop collecting data reporting_interval: defines the cadence of the report by specifying how many time steps to collect data before writing to the file include_hepatocyte: If set to True, then a column will be added to the report providing the count of the infected hepatocytes. Default is True. hepatocyte_threshold: If the column is included and the number of hepatocytes related to this infection are greater than or equal to this value, then the row of data will be included. Default is 0, so any/all counts of hepatocytes will be included. include_irbc: If set to True, then a column will be added to the report with the number of Infected Red Blood Cells from this infection. Default is True. irbc_threshold: If the column is included and the number of IRBCs related to this infection are greater than or equal to this value, then the row of data will be included. Default is 0, so any/all counts of IRBCs will be included. include_gametocyte: If set to True, then a column will be added to the report that contains the number of gametocytes (male & female) from this infection. Default is True. gametocyte_threshold: "If the column is included and the number of gametocytes related to this infection are greater than or equal to this value, then the row of data will be included. Default is 0, so any/all counts of gametocytes will be included. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportInfectionStatsMalaria() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Reporting_Interval = reporting_interval params.Include_Column_Hepatocyte = include_hepatocyte params.Include_Column_IRBC = include_irbc params.Include_Column_Gametocyte = include_gametocyte params.Include_Data_Threshold_Hepatocytes = hepatocyte_threshold params.Include_Data_Threshold_IRBC = irbc_threshold params.Include_Data_Threshold_Gametocytes = gametocyte_threshold return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_human_migration_tracking(task, manifest): """ Adds ReportHumanMigrationTracking report to the simulation. There are no special parameter that need to be configured to generate the report. However, the simulation must have migration enabled. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportHumanMigrationTracking() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): # not used yet return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_node_demographics(task, manifest, age_bins: list = None, ip_key_to_collect: str = "", stratify_by_gender: bool = True): """ Adds ReportNodeDemographics report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file age_bins: the age bins (in years) to aggregate within and report. An empty array does not stratify by age. You must sort your input data from low to high. ip_key_to_collect: The name of the Individual Properties Key by which to stratify the report. An empty string does not stratify by Individual Properties stratify_by_gender: if True(1), to stratify by gender. Set to False (0) to not stratify by gender. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportNodeDemographics() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.IP_Key_To_Collect = ip_key_to_collect params.Age_Bins = age_bins if age_bins else [] params.Stratify_By_Gender = 1 if stratify_by_gender else 0 return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_node_demographics_malaria(task, manifest, age_bins: list = None, ip_key_to_collect: str = "", stratify_by_gender: bool = True, stratify_by_clinical_symptoms: bool = False): """ Adds ReportNodeDemographicsMalaria report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file age_bins: the age bins (in years) to aggregate within and report. An empty array does not stratify by age. You must sort your input data from low to high. ip_key_to_collect: The name of theIndividualProperties key by which to stratify the report. An empty string does not stratify by Individual Properties stratify_by_gender: if True(1), to stratify by gender. Set to False (0) to not stratify by gender. stratify_by_clinical_symptoms: if set to True(1), the data will have an extra stratification for people who have clinical symptoms and those that do not. Default is 0 or no extra stratification Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportNodeDemographicsMalaria() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.IP_Key_To_Collect = ip_key_to_collect params.Age_Bins = age_bins if age_bins else [] params.Stratify_By_Gender = stratify_by_gender params.Stratify_By_Has_Clinical_Symptoms = stratify_by_clinical_symptoms return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_node_demographics_malaria_genetics(task, manifest, barcodes: list = None, drug_resistant_strings: list = None, drug_resistant_and_hrp_statistic_type: DrugResistantAndHRPStatisticType = DrugResistantAndHRPStatisticType.NUM_PEOPLE_WITH_RESISTANT_INFECTION, hrp_strings: list = None, age_bins: list = None, ip_key_to_collect: str = "", stratify_by_gender: bool = True, include_identity_by_xxx: bool = False): """ Adds ReportNodeDemographicsMalariaGenetics report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file barcodes: a list of barcode strings. The report contains the number of human infections with each barcode. Use '*' for a wild card at a loci to include all values at that loci. For example, “A*T” includes AAT, ACT, AGT, and ATT. The report contains a BarcodeOther column for barcodes that are not defined. Note: There is no validation that the barcode strings are valid barcodes for the scenario. drug_resistant_strings: a list of strings representing the set of drug resistant markers. A column will be created with the number of humans infections with that barcode. One can use '*' for a wild card. A 'BarcodeOther' column will be created for barcodes not define hrp_strings: A list of strings representing the set of HRP markers. A column will be created with the number of humans infections with that HRP string. One can use '*' for a wild card. A 'OtherHRP' column will be created for HRP strings not defined. drug_resistant_and_hrp_statistic_type: indicates the statistic in the Drug Resistant & HRP columns: NUM_PEOPLE_WITH_RESISTANT_INFECTION = A person is counted if they have one infection with that drug resistant marker; NUM_INFECTIONS = The total number of infections with that marker. age_bins: the age bins (in years) to aggregate within and report. An empty array does not stratify by age. You must sort your input data from low to high. ip_key_to_collect: The name of theIndividualProperties key by which to stratify the report. An empty string does not stratify by Individual Properties stratify_by_gender: if True(1), to stratify by gender. Set to False(0) to not stratify by gender. include_identity_by_xxx: if True(1), include columns about the average Identity By State (IBS) and Identity By Descent (IBD) for all new infections with unique barcodes in the last year. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportNodeDemographicsMalariaGenetics() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.IP_Key_To_Collect = ip_key_to_collect params.Age_Bins = age_bins if age_bins else [] params.Stratify_By_Gender = 1 if stratify_by_gender else 0 params.Barcodes = barcodes if barcodes else [] params.Drug_Resistant_Strings = drug_resistant_strings if drug_resistant_strings else [] params.HRP_Strings = hrp_strings if hrp_strings else [] if type(drug_resistant_and_hrp_statistic_type) is DrugResistantAndHRPStatisticType: params.Drug_Resistant_And_HRP_Statistic_Type = drug_resistant_and_hrp_statistic_type.value else: # assume they passed in a string directly params.Drug_Resistant_And_HRP_Statistic_Type = drug_resistant_and_hrp_statistic_type params.Include_Identity_By_XXX = 1 if include_identity_by_xxx else 0 return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_vector_migration(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = None, species_list: list[str] = None, must_be_in_state: list[VectorState] = None, must_be_from_node: list[int] = None, must_be_to_node: list[int] = None, include_genome_data: bool = False, filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds ReportVectorMigration report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop collecting data species_list: a list of species to include information on, default of None or [] means "all species". must_be_in_state: A list of vector states for which you want to record the migration. Only STATE_MALE, STATE_ADULT, STATE_INFECTED, STATE_INFECTIOUS migrate. must_be_from_node: A list of node IDs. A vector must be travelling FROM one of these nodes to be recorded into the report. Empty list means vectors traveling from any/all nodes will be recorded. must_be_to_node: A list of node IDs. A vector must be travelling TO one of these nodes to be recorded into the report. Empty list means vectors traveling to any/all nodes will be recorded. include_genome_data: If set to True, adds a Genome column for migrating vectors. Vectors with no custom alleles will still have their sex alleles listed. filename_suffix: Augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ check_vectors(task) reporter = ReportVectorMigration() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): if start_day: params.Start_Day = start_day if end_day: params.End_Day = end_day if species_list: params.Species_List = species_list if must_be_in_state: must_be_in_state_strings = [] for state in must_be_in_state: if type(state) is VectorState: must_be_in_state_strings.append(state.value) else: must_be_in_state_strings.append(state) params.Must_Be_In_State = must_be_in_state_strings if must_be_from_node: params.Must_Be_From_Node = must_be_from_node if must_be_to_node: params.Must_Be_To_Node = must_be_to_node params.Include_Genome_Data = 1 if include_genome_data else 0 if filename_suffix: params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_vector_stats_malaria_genetics(task, manifest, species_list: list = None, stratify_by_species: bool = False, include_death_state: bool = False, include_wolbachia: bool = False, include_gestation: bool = False, include_microsporidia: bool = False, barcodes: list = None): """ Adds ReportVectorStatsMalariaGenetics report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file species_list: a list of species to include information on, default of None or [] means "all species" stratify_by_species: if True(1), data will break out each the species for each node include_death_state: if True(1), adds columns for the number of vectors that died in this state during this time step as well as the average age. It adds two columns for each of the following states: ADULT, INFECTED, INFECTIOUS, and MALE include_wolbachia: if True(1), add a column for each type of Wolbachia include_gestation: if True(1), adds columns for feeding and gestation include_microsporidia: if True(1), adds columns for the number of vectors that have microsporidia in each state during this time step barcodes: a list of barcode strings. The report contains the number of human infections with each barcode. Use '*' for a wild card at a loci to include all values at that loci. For example, “A*T” includes AAT, ACT, AGT, and ATT. The report contains a BarcodeOther column for barcodes that are not defined. Note: There is no validation that the barcode strings are valid barcodes for the scenario. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ if task: check_vectors(task) if not species_list: species_list = all_vectors_if_none(task) reporter = ReportVectorStatsMalariaGenetics() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): # not used yet params.Species_List = species_list params.Stratify_By_Species = 1 if stratify_by_species else 0 params.Include_Death_By_State_Columns = 1 if include_death_state else 0 params.Include_Wolbachia_Columns = 1 if include_wolbachia else 0 params.Include_Gestation_Columns = 1 if include_gestation else 0 params.Include_Microsporidia_Columns = 1 if include_microsporidia else 0 params.Barcodes = barcodes if barcodes else [] return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_event_recorder(task, event_list: list = None, only_include_events_in_list: bool = True, ips_to_record: list = None, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 365000, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", property_change_ip_to_record: str = ""): """ Adds ReportEventRecorder report to the simulation. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter event_list: a list of events to record or exclude, depending on value of only_include_events_in_list only_include_events_in_list: if True, only record events listed. if False, record ALL events EXCEPT for the ones listed ips_to_record: list of individual properties to include in report start_day: The day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: The day of the simulation to stop collecting data. node_ids: Data will be collected for the nodes in this list, if None - all nodes have data collected. min_age_years: Minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: Maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: A Key:Value pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IndividualProperties must_have_intervention: The name of the intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions property_change_ip_to_record:If the string is not empty, then the recorder will add the PropertyChange event to the list of events that the report is listening to. However, it will only record the events where the property changed the value of the given key Returns: Nothing """ # Documentation: if not event_list: if only_include_events_in_list: raise ValueError("Please define event_list parameter when setting only_include_events_in_list to True.\n") else: event_list = [] task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder = 1 task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Events = event_list task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties = ips_to_record if ips_to_record else [] task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day = start_day task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day = end_day task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Min_Age_Years = min_age_years task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Max_Age_Years = max_age_years task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_PropertyChange_IP_Key_Of_Interest = property_change_ip_to_record task.config.parameters.Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List = 0 if only_include_events_in_list else 1
[docs] def add_node_event_recorder(task, event_list: list = None, only_include_events_in_list: bool = True, stats_by_node_properties: list = None, stats_by_individual_properties: str = ""): """ Adds ReportEventRecorderNode report to the simulation. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter event_list: A list of node-level events to record or exclude, depending on value of only_include_node_events_in_list only_include_events_in_list: If True, only record node-level events listed. if False, record ALL node-level events EXCEPT for the ones listed stats_by_node_properties: Specifies an array of (optional) node property keys, as defined in NodeProperties in the demographics file, to be added as additional columns to the ReportNodeEventRecorder.csv output report. An empty array equals no additional columns added. stats_by_individual_properties: Specifies an array of (optional) individual property keys, as defined in IndividualProperties in the demographics file, to be added to the ReportNodeEventRecorder.csv output report. An empty array equals no additional columns added Returns: Nothing """ if not event_list: if only_include_events_in_list: raise ValueError("Please define event_list parameter when setting only_include_events_in_list to True.\n") else: event_list = [] task.config.parameters.Report_Node_Event_Recorder = 1 task.config.parameters.Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events = event_list task.config.parameters.Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List = 0 if only_include_events_in_list else 1 task.config.parameters.Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Node_Properties = stats_by_node_properties if stats_by_node_properties else [] task.config.parameters.Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Stats_By_IPs = stats_by_individual_properties if stats_by_individual_properties else []
[docs] def add_coordinator_event_recorder(task, event_list: list = None, only_include_events_in_list: bool = True): """ Adds ReportEventRecorderCoordinator report to the simulation. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter event_list: A list of coordinator-level events to record or exclude, depending on value of only_include_coordinator_events_in_list only_include_events_in_list: If True, only record node-level events listed. if False, record ALL node-level events EXCEPT for the ones listed Returns: Nothing """ if not event_list: if only_include_events_in_list: raise ValueError("Please define event_list parameter.\n") else: event_list = [] task.config.parameters.Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder = 1 task.config.parameters.Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Events = event_list task.config.parameters.Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List = 0 if only_include_events_in_list else 1
[docs] def add_report_intervention_pop_avg(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", filename_suffix: str = ""): """ Adds ReportInterventionPopAvg reporter. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: Task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: Schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop collecting data node_ids: List of nodes for which to collect data min_age_years: Minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: Maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions filename_suffix: augments the filename of the report. If multiple reports are being generated, this allows you to distinguish among the multiple reports Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportInterventionPopAvg() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Filename_Suffix = filename_suffix return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_microsporidia(task, manifest): """ Adds ReportMicrosporidia reporter. See class definition for description of the report. There are no special parameter that need to be configured to generate the report. Args: task: Task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: Schema path file Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportMicrosporidia() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_fpg_output(task, manifest, start_day: int = 0, end_day: int = 365000, node_ids: list = None, min_age_years: float = 0, max_age_years: float = 125, must_have_ip_key_value: str = "", must_have_intervention: str = "", filename_suffix: str = "", include_genome_ids: bool = False, minimum_parasite_density: float = 1, sampling_period: float = 1): """ Adds ReportFpgOutputForObservationalModel reporter. See class definition for description of the report. Args: task: Task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: Schema path file start_day: the day of the simulation to start collecting data end_day: the day of the simulation to stop collecting data node_ids: List of nodes for which to collect data min_age_years: Minimum age in years of people to collect data on max_age_years: Maximum age in years of people to collect data on must_have_ip_key_value: a "Key:Value" pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at IPs (individual properties) must_have_intervention: the name of the an intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means don't look at the interventions filename_suffix: NOT USED include_genome_ids: Add a column that has a list of Genome IDs (hashcode) for the person. minimum_parasite_density: The minimum density that the infection must have to be included in the list of infections. A value of zero implies include all infections. Number of asexual parasites per micro liter of blood. sampling_period: The number of days between sampling the population. This implies one should get data on days Start_Day, Start_Day+Sampling_Period, Start_Day+2*Sampling_Period, and so on. Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ if task: if task.config.parameters.Malaria_Model != "MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS": raise ValueError(f"ERROR: This report only works with 'Malaria_Model' = " f"'MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS', but you have " f"'Malaria_Model' = '{task.config.parameters.Malaria_Model}' .\n") if filename_suffix: print("WARNING: add_report_fpg_output()'s filename_suffix is an unused parameter and will be ignored.\n") reporter = ReportFpgOutputForObservationalModel() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): params.Start_Day = start_day params.End_Day = end_day params.Node_IDs_Of_Interest = node_ids if node_ids else [] params.Max_Age_Years = max_age_years params.Min_Age_Years = min_age_years params.Must_Have_IP_Key_Value = must_have_ip_key_value params.Must_Have_Intervention = must_have_intervention params.Include_Genome_IDs = 1 if include_genome_ids else 0 params.Minimum_Parasite_Density = minimum_parasite_density params.Sampling_Period = sampling_period return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] def add_report_simulation_stats(task, manifest): """ Adds ReportSimulationStats to collect data on the computational performance of the model (duration, memory, number of persisted interventions, etc). There are no special parameter that need to be configured to generate the report. Args: task: task to which to add the reporter, if left as None, reporter is returned (used for unittests) manifest: schema path file Returns: if task is not set, returns the configured reporter, otherwise returns nothing """ reporter = ReportSimulationStats() # Create the reporter def rec_config_builder(params): # not used yet return params reporter.config(rec_config_builder, manifest) if task: task.reporters.add_reporter(reporter) else: # assume we're running a unittest return reporter
[docs] @dataclass class ReportVectorGenetics(BuiltInReporter): """ The vector genetics report is a CSV-formatted report (ReportVectorGenetics.csv) that collects information on how many vectors of each genome/allele combination exist at each time, node, and vector state. Information can only be collected on one species per report. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportVectorGenetics" # OK to hardcode? config["class"] rvg_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportVectorGenetics", manifest.schema_file) rvg_params = config_builder(rvg_params) rvg_params.finalize() rvg_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(rvg_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportInfectionStatsMalaria(BuiltInReporter): """ ReportInfectionStatsMalaria """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportInfectionStatsMalaria" # OK to hardcode? config["class"] rvg_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportInfectionStatsMalaria", manifest.schema_file) rvg_params = config_builder(rvg_params) rvg_params.finalize() rvg_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(rvg_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportVectorStats(BuiltInReporter): """ The vector statistics report is a CSV-formatted report (ReportVectorStats.csv) that provides detailed life-cycle data on the vectors in the simulation. The report is stratified by time, node ID, and (optionally) species. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportVectorStats" # OK to hardcode? config["class"] rvg_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportVectorStats", manifest.schema_file) rvg_params = config_builder(rvg_params) rvg_params.finalize() rvg_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(rvg_params))
[docs] @dataclass class MalariaSummaryReport(BuiltInReporter): """ The population-level malaria summary report is a JSON-formatted report (MalariaSummaryReport.json) that provides a summary of malaria data across the population. The data are grouped into different bins such as age, parasitemia, and infectiousness. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "MalariaSummaryReport" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("MalariaSummaryReport", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class MalariaPatientJSONReport(BuiltInReporter): """ The malaria patient data report is a JSON-formatted report (MalariaPatientReport.json) that provides medical data for each individual on each day of the simulation. For example, for a specified number of time steps, each “patient” has information collected on the temperature of their fever, their parasite counts, treatments they received, and other relevant data. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "MalariaPatientJSONReport" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("MalariaPatientJSONReport", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission(BuiltInReporter): """ The simple malaria transmission report (ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission.csv) is a csv report that provides data on malaria transmission, by tracking who transmitted malaria to whom. The report can only be used when the simulation setup parameter **Malaria_Model** is set to MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_CO_TRANSMISSION. This report is typically used as input to the GenEpi model. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportSimpleMalariaTransmission", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportMalariaFiltered(BuiltInReporter): """ The malaria filtered report (ReportMalariaFiltered.json) is the same as the default InsetChart report, but provides filtering options to enable the user to select the data to be displayed for each time step or for each node. See InsetChart for more information about InsetChart.json. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportMalariaFiltered" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportMalariaFiltered", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class SpatialReportMalariaFiltered(BuiltInReporter): """ The filtered malaria spatial report (SpatialReportMalariaFiltered.bin) provides spatial information on malaria simulations and allows for filtering the data and collection over different intervals. This report is similar to the Spatial output report but allows for data collection and filtering over different intervals using the Start_Day and a Reporting_Interval parameters """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "SpatialReportMalariaFiltered" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("SpatialReportMalariaFiltered", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportMalariaFilteredIntraHost(BuiltInReporter): """ The filtered malaria spatial report (ReportMalariaFilteredIntraHost.bin) provides TBD """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportMalariaFilteredIntraHost" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportMalariaFilteredIntraHost", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") # maybe that should be in finalize self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportEventCounter(BuiltInReporter): """ The event counter report is a JSON-formatted file (ReportEventCounter.json) that keeps track of how many of each event types occurs during a time step. The report produced is similar to the InsetChart.json channel report, where there is one channel for each event defined in the configuration file (config.json). """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportEventCounter" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportEventCounter", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class SqlReportMalariaGenetics(BuiltInReporter): """ The SqlReportMalariaGenetics outputs epidemiological and transmission data. Because of the quantity and complexity of the data, the report output is a multi-table SQLite relational database (see Use the configuration parameters to manage the size of the database. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "SqlReportMalariaGenetics" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("SqlReportMalariaGenetics", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class SqlReportMalaria(BuiltInReporter): """ The SqlReportMalaria outputs epidemiological and transmission data. This report does not contain any genomics data. Because of the quantity and complexity of the data, the report output is a multi-table SQLite relational database (see Use the configuration parameters to manage the size of the database. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "SqlReportMalaria" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("SqlReportMalaria", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class VectorHabitatReport(BuiltInReporter): """ The vector habitat report is a JSON-formatted file (VectorHabitatReport.json) containing habitat data for each vector species included in the simulation. It focuses on statistics relevant to mosquito developmental stages (e.g. eggs and larvae), such as egg capacity and larval crowding. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "VectorHabitatReport" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("VectorHabitatReport", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class MalariaImmunityReport(BuiltInReporter): """ The malaria immunity report is a JSON-formatted file (MalariaImmunityReport.json) that provides statistics for several antibody types for specified age bins over a specified reporting duration. Specifically, the report tracks the average and standard deviation in the fraction of observed antibodies for merozoite surface protein ( MSP), Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), and non-specific (and less immunogenic) minor surface epitopes. The total possible is determined by parameters Falciparum_MSP_Variants, Falciparum_PfEMP1_Variants, and Falciparum_Nonspecific_Types. The greater the fraction, the more antibodies the individual has against possible new infections. The smaller the fraction, the more naïve the individual’s immune system is to malaria. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "MalariaImmunityReport" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("MalariaImmunityReport", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class MalariaSurveyJSONAnalyzer(BuiltInReporter):
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "MalariaSurveyJSONAnalyzer" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("MalariaSurveyJSONAnalyzer", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportDrugStatus(BuiltInReporter): """ The drug status report provides status information on the drugs that an individual has taken or is waiting to take. Because the report provides information for each drug, for each individual, and for each time step, you may want to use the Start_Day and End_Day parameters to limit the size the output file. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportDrugStatus" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportDrugStatus", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportHumanMigrationTracking(BuiltInReporter): """ The human migration tracking report is a CSV-formatted report (ReportHumanMigrationTracking.csv) that provides details about human travel during simulations. The report provides one line for each surviving individual who migrates during the simulation. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportHumanMigrationTracking" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportHumanMigrationTracking", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportNodeDemographics(BuiltInReporter): """ The node demographics report is a CSV-formatted report (ReportNodeDemographics.csv) that provides population information stratified by node. For each time step, the report collects data on each node and age bin. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportNodeDemographics" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportNodeDemographics", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportNodeDemographicsMalaria(BuiltInReporter): """ This report extends the data collected in the ReportNodeDemographics by adding data about the number of infections with specific barcodes. The malaria node demographics genetics report does not include columns for Genome_Markers because this report assumes that the simulation setup parameter Malaria_Model is set to MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS. Note: If you need detailed data on the infections with different barcodes, use the SqlReportMalaria. That report contains data on all barcodes, without specifying what they are. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportNodeDemographicsMalaria" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportNodeDemographicsMalaria", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportNodeDemographicsMalariaGenetics(BuiltInReporter): """ This report extends the data collected in the ReportNodeDemographics by adding data about the number of infections with specific barcodes. The malaria node demographics genetics report does not include columns for Genome_Markers because this report assumes that the simulation setup parameter Malaria_Model is set to MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS. Note: If you need detailed data on the infections with different barcodes, use the SqlReportMalaria. That report contains data on all barcodes, without specifying what they are. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportNodeDemographicsMalariaGenetics" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportNodeDemographicsMalariaGenetics", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportVectorMigration(BuiltInReporter): """ This report provides detailed information on where and when vectors are migrating. Because there can be one line for each migrating vector, you may want to use the Start_Day and End_Day parameters to limit the size the output file. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportVectorMigration" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportVectorMigration", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportVectorStatsMalariaGenetics(BuiltInReporter): """ This report extends the data collected in the ReportVectorStats by adding data about the number of infections with specific barcodes. The malaria node demographics genetics report does not include columns for Genome_Markers because this report assumes that the simulation setup parameter Malaria_Model is set to MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportVectorStatsMalariaGenetics" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportVectorStatsMalariaGenetics", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportInterventionPopAvg(BuiltInReporter): """ ReportInterventionPopAvg is a CSV-formatted report that gives population average data on the usage of interventions. It provides data on the fraction of people or nodes that have an intervention as well as averages on the intervention's efficacy. For each persistent intervention that has been distributed to a node or person, the report provides one line in the CSV for each intervention used in that node. Since node-level intervention (usually vector control) can only have one per node, the data will be for that one intervention. The individual-level interventions will have data for the people in that node. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportInterventionPopAvg" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportInterventionPopAvg", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportFpgOutputForObservationalModel(BuiltInReporter): """ ReportFpgOutputForObservationalModel generates two files: infIndexRecursive-genomes-df.csv - This file will be the list of infected people in each node at each time step where each row represents one person. variantsXXX_afFPG.npy - This file is a two dimensional numpy array. It is an array of genomes where each row is an genome and each column is a 0 or 1. The 'XXX' will indicate the number of genome locations found in a single genome (i.e. 24, 100, etc.). """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportFpgOutputForObservationalModel" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportFpgOutputForObservationalModel", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportSimulationStats(BuiltInReporter): """ Adds ReportSimulationStats to collect data on the computational performance of the model (duration, memory, number of persisted interventions, etc). """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportSimulationStats" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportSimulationStats", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))
[docs] @dataclass class ReportMicrosporidia(BuiltInReporter): """ ReportMicrosporidia generates a ReportMicrosporidia.csv. It is a stratified report where the data is stratified by time, node, species and microsporidia strain; with columns of counts of vectors in each state for that stratification. """
[docs] def config(self, config_builder, manifest): self.class_name = "ReportMicrosporidia" report_params = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("ReportMicrosporidia", manifest.schema_file) report_params = config_builder(report_params) report_params.finalize() report_params.pop("Sim_Types") self.parameters.update(dict(report_params))