Source code for emodpy_malaria.serialization.zero_infections


from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import emod_api.serialization.SerializedPopulation as SerPop
import emod_api.serialization.dtkFileSupport as dtk
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

# VectorStateEnum defined in VectorEnums.h
STATE_INFECTED = 1  # implies female

Infection_Queues = ["InfectiousQueues", "InfectedQueues", "AdultQueues"]

# To be considered infection free an individual must have these values
    "infections": [],
    "infectiousness": 0,
    "m_is_infected": False,
    "m_female_gametocytes": 0,
    "m_female_gametocytes_by_strain": [],
    "m_male_gametocytes": 0,
    "m_gametocytes_detected": 0,
    "m_new_infection_state": 0

[docs]def zero_vector_infections(vector_pop_list: list, remove=False): """ Resets infections in vectors or removes infections from vectors. Args: vector_pop_list: list of vector population in a node. remove: If True all infected vectors are removed from serialized population. If set to False (default) all vectors in the simulation are reset to state STATE_ADULT. Returns: None """ for idx_vector_pop_list, vector_population in enumerate(vector_pop_list): # empty infections from all queues for queue in Infection_Queues: vec_population = vector_population[queue]["collection"] if remove: new_adult_queue_list = [cohort for cohort in vec_population if cohort.state != STATE_INFECTED and cohort.state != STATE_INFECTIOUS] vector_pop_list[idx_vector_pop_list][queue]["collection"] = new_adult_queue_list else: for cohort in vec_population: assert (cohort['__class__'] == 'VectorCohortIndividual' or cohort['__class__'] == 'VectorCohort') cohort.state = STATE_ADULT cohort.progress = 0.0 cohort.m_pStrain = dtk.NullPtr()
[docs]def zero_human_infections(humans: List[dict], keep_ids: list = None): """ Sets the infection state of individuals to uninfected. Args: humans: All humans in a node keep_ids: ids of individuals that will be skipped, i.e. infection state is not changed Returns: None """ if not keep_ids: keep_ids = [] for person in humans: if not in keep_ids: if all(key in person for key in UNINFECTED_HUMAN): person.update(UNINFECTED_HUMAN) else: missing_keys = set(UNINFECTED_HUMAN).difference(set(person)) raise KeyError("Template Uninfected Human and human of serialized population differ in the following " "key(s): ", missing_keys)
[docs]def zero_infections(source_filename: str, dest_filename: str, ignore_nodes: List[int], keep_individuals: List[int], remove=False) -> None: """ Removes/resets infections from humans and vectors. Args: source_filename: input file dest_filename: output file ignore_nodes: list of node ids. These nodes are skipped. keep_individuals: Ids of individuals. These individuals are skipped. remove: If true infections are removed from vectors, if false infections are reset. Returns: None """ print('Ignoring nodes {0}'.format(ignore_nodes)) print('Keeping infections in humans {0}'.format(keep_individuals)) print("Reading file: '{0}'".format(source_filename)) ser_pop = SerPop.SerializedPopulation(source_filename) for index, node in enumerate(ser_pop.nodes): print('Reading node {0} with node_id: {1}'.format(index, node.externalId)) if node.externalId not in ignore_nodes: print('Zeroing vector infections') zero_vector_infections(node.m_vectorpopulations, remove) print('Zeroing human infections') zero_human_infections(node.individualHumans, keep_individuals) else: print('Ignoring node {0}'.format(index)) # create output path if it doesn't exist out_path = Path(dest_filename).parent out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) ser_pop.write(dest_filename)
def _get_paths(ser_paths: List[str], ser_date: List[str]) -> List[List[Path]]: """ Get the path to all dtk files with a certain time stamp in a list of directories. Files with 'zero' in the name are skipped. Args: ser_paths: a list of directories to look into for *.dtk files ser_date: list of time stamps Returns: A list of paths to dtk files """ print("ser_paths: ", ser_paths) files = [] for s, serpath in enumerate(ser_paths): print('Processing simulation %d of %d' % (s + 1, len(ser_paths))) dtk_files = [ for x in Path(serpath).glob('*.dtk')] serialization_files = [Path(serpath, x) for x in dtk_files if ('zero' not in x and any(map(lambda s: s in x, ser_date)))] for filename in serialization_files: output_filename = Path(filename.parent, filename.stem + '_zero' + filename.suffix) if in [ for x in Path(serpath).glob('*.dtk')]: print(, ' already zeroed') continue print('Found: {0} Output: {1}'.format(filename, output_filename)) files.append([filename, output_filename]) return files
[docs]def zero_infection_path(in_out_paths: list, ser_date: list, ignore_nodeids: list = None, keep_humanids: list = None): """ Loop over all .dtk files in ser_paths that have ser_date in the file name but not 'zero' and remove human and vector infections. '_zero' is appended to the output files. Args: in_out_paths: a list of lists of paths for directories to look into for .dtk files ser_date: List of timestamps ignore_nodeids: list of nodes that are ignored keep_humanids: infections are not removed from these humans """ if not ignore_nodeids: ignore_nodeids = [] if not keep_humanids: keep_humanids = [] file_paths = _get_paths(in_out_paths, ser_date) for in_path, out_path in file_paths: zero_infections(in_path, out_path, ignore_nodeids, keep_humanids)
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Remove infections from individuals and vectors") parser.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", default=[], type=int, nargs="+", help="List of nodes that are ignored.") parser.add_argument("-k", "--keep", default=[], type=int, nargs="*", help="List of individuals that keep their infections.") remove_from_file_group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Remove infections from one file') remove_from_file_group.add_argument("-s", "--source", help="input file", default=None) remove_from_file_group.add_argument("-d", "--destination", help="output file", default="output.dtk") remove_from_paths_group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Remove infections from all files in given paths') remove_from_paths_group.add_argument("-p", "--paths", default=[], nargs='+', type=Path, help="List of paths containing the dtk files.") remove_from_paths_group.add_argument("-t", "--time_stamps", default=[], nargs='+', type=str, help="List of timesteps. Filenames containing this timestep are " "processed, e.g. 001,021,365 ") args = parser.parse_args() # Not all combinations of parameters are allowed if args.source and not (args.paths or args.time_stamps): zero_infections(args.source, args.destination, args.ignore, args.keep) elif args.paths and not args.source: zero_infection_path(args.paths, args.time_stamps, args.ignore, args.keep) else: parser.print_help() exit(0)