from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
import json
from numbers import Integral
from os import environ, SEEK_SET
from pathlib import Path
from platform import system
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import csv
# for from_params()
import scipy.spatial.distance as spspd
from emod_api.demographics import Demographics as Demog
# for from_demog_and_param_gravity()
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
from emod_api.migration.client import client
from emodpy_malaria.vector_config import add_vector_migration
class Layer(dict):
The Layer object represents a mapping from source node (IDs) to destination node (IDs) for a particular
age, gender, age+gender combination, or all users if no age or gender dependence. Users will not generally
interact directly with Layer objects.
def __init__(self):
def DatavalueCount(self) -> int:
"""Get (maximum) number of data values for any node in this layer
Maximum number of data values for any node in this layer
count = max([len(entry) for entry in self.values()]) if len(self) else 0
return count
def NodeCount(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of (source) nodes with rates in this layer
Number of (source) nodes with rates in this layer
return len(self)
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Allows indexing directly into this object with source node id
key (int): source node id
Dictionary of outbound rates for the given node id
if key not in self:
if isinstance(key, Integral):
super().__setitem__(key, defaultdict(float))
raise RuntimeError(f"Migration node IDs must be integer values (key = {key}).")
return super().__getitem__(key)
_METADATA = "Metadata"
_AUTHOR = "Author"
_DATECREATED = "DateCreated"
_TOOLNAME = "Tool"
_IDREFERENCE = "IdReference"
_MIGRATIONTYPE = "MigrationType"
_NODECOUNT = "NodeCount"
_DATAVALUECOUNT = "DatavalueCount"
_GENDERDATATYPE = "GenderDataType"
_AGESYEARS = "AgesYears"
_INTERPOLATIONTYPE = "InterpolationType"
_NODEOFFSETS = "NodeOffsets"
_EMODPYMALARIA = "emodpy-malaria"
class VectorMigration(object):
"""Represents vector migration data in a mapping from source node (IDs) to destination node (IDs) with rates
for each pairing.
A migration file (along with JSON metadata) can be loaded from the static method Migration.from_file() and
inspected and/or modified.
Migration objects can be started from scratch with Migration(), and populated with appropriate source-dest rate data
and saved to a file with the to_file() method.
Given migration = Migration(), syntax is as follows:
age and gender agnostic: migration[source_id][dest_id]
age dependent: migration[source_id:age] # age should be >= 0, ages > last bucket value use last bucket value
gender dependent: migration[source_id:gender] # gender one of Migration.MALE or Migration.FEMALE
age and gender dependent: migration[source_id:gender:age] # gender one of Migration.MALE or Migration.FEMALE
EMOD/DTK format migration files (and associated metadata files) can be written with migration.to_file(<filename>).
EMOD/DTK format migration files (with associated metadata files) can be read with migration.from_file(<filename>).
def __init__(self):
self._agesyears = []
self._author = _author()
except Exception as ex:
self._author = ""
self._datecreated =
self._genderdatatype = self.SAME_FOR_BOTH_GENDERS
self._idreference = ""
self._interpolationtype = self.PIECEWISE_CONSTANT
self._migrationtype = self.LOCAL_MIGRATION
self._tool = _EMODPYMALARIA
def _create_layers(self):
self._layers = []
for gender in range(0, self._genderdatatype + 1):
for age in range(0, len(self.AgesYears) if self.AgesYears else 1):
def AgesYears(self) -> list:
List of ages - ages < first value use first bucket, ages > last value use last bucket.
return self._agesyears
def AgesYears(self, ages: list) -> None:
List of ages - ages < first value use first bucket, ages > last value use last bucket.
if sorted(ages) != self.AgesYears:
if self.NodeCount > 0:
warn("Changing age buckets clears existing migration information.", category=UserWarning)
self._agesyears = sorted(ages)
def Author(self) -> str:
"""str: Author value for metadata for this migration datafile"""
return self._author
def Author(self, author: str) -> None:
self._author = author
def DatavalueCount(self) -> int:
"""int: Maximum data value count for any layer in this migration datafile"""
count = max([layer.DatavalueCount for layer in self._layers])
return count
def DateCreated(self) -> datetime:
"""datetime: date/time stamp of this datafile"""
return self._datecreated
def DateCreated(self, value) -> None:
if not isinstance(value, datetime):
raise RuntimeError(f"DateCreated must be a datetime value (got {type(value)}).")
self._datecreated = value
def GenderDataType(self) -> int:
"""int: gender data type for this datafile - SAME_FOR_BOTH_GENDERS or ONE_FOR_EACH_GENDER"""
return self._genderdatatype
def GenderDataType(self, value: int) -> None:
# integer value
if value in VectorMigration._GENDER_DATATYPE_ENUMS.keys():
value = int(value)
# string value
elif value in VectorMigration._GENDER_DATATYPE_LOOKUP.keys():
value = VectorMigration._GENDER_DATATYPE_LOOKUP[value]
expected = [f"{key}/{value}" for key, value in VectorMigration._GENDER_DATATYPE_LOOKUP.items()]
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown gender data type, {value}, expected one of {expected}.")
if (self.NodeCount > 0) and (value != self._genderdatatype):
warn("Changing gender data type clears existing migration information.", category=UserWarning)
if value != self._genderdatatype:
self._genderdatatype = int(value)
def IdReference(self) -> str:
"""str: ID reference metadata value"""
return self._idreference
def IdReference(self, value: str) -> None:
self._idreference = str(value)
def InterpolationType(self) -> int:
"""int: interpolation type for this migration data file - LINEAR_INTERPOLATION or PIECEWISE_CONSTANT"""
return self._interpolationtype
def InterpolationType(self, value: int) -> None:
# integer value
if value in VectorMigration._INTERPOLATION_TYPE_ENUMS.keys():
self._interpolationtype = int(value)
# string value
elif value in VectorMigration._INTERPOLATION_TYPE_LOOKUP.keys():
self._interpolationtype = VectorMigration._INTERPOLATION_TYPE_LOOKUP[value]
expected = [f"{key}/{value}" for key, value in VectorMigration._INTERPOLATION_TYPE_LOOKUP.items()]
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown interpolation type, {value}, expected one of {expected}.")
def MigrationType(self) -> int:
"""int: migration type for this migration data file - LOCAL | REGIONAL """
return self._migrationtype
def MigrationType(self, value: int) -> None:
# integer value
if value in VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_ENUMS.keys():
self._migrationtype = int(value)
elif value in VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_LOOKUP.keys():
self._migrationtype = VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_LOOKUP[value]
expected = [f"{key}/{value}" for key, value in VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_LOOKUP.items()]
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown migration type, {value}, expected one of {expected}.")
def Nodes(self) -> list:
node_ids = set()
for layer in self._layers:
node_ids |= set(layer.keys())
node_ids = sorted(node_ids)
return node_ids
def NodeCount(self) -> int:
"""int: maximum number of source nodes in any layer of this migration data file"""
count = max([layer.NodeCount for layer in self._layers])
return count
def get_node_offsets(self, limit: int = 100) -> dict:
nodes = set()
for layer in self._layers:
nodes |= set(key for key in layer.keys())
count = min(self.DatavalueCount, limit)
# offsets = {}
# for index, node in enumerate(sorted(nodes)):
# offsets[node] = index * 12 * count
offsets = {node: 12 * index * count for index, node in enumerate(sorted(nodes))}
return offsets
def NodeOffsets(self) -> dict:
"""dict: mapping from source node id to offset to destination and rate data in binary data"""
return self.get_node_offsets()
def Tool(self) -> str:
"""str: tool metadata value"""
return self._tool
def Tool(self, value: str) -> None:
self._tool = str(value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""allows indexing on this object to read/write rate data
key (slice): source node id:gender:age (gender and age depend on GenderDataType and AgesYears properties)
dict for specified node/gender/age
if self.GenderDataType == VectorMigration.SAME_FOR_BOTH_GENDERS:
if not self.AgesYears:
# Case 1 - no gender or age differentiation - key (integer) == node id
return self._layers[0][key]
# Case 3 - age buckets, no gender differentiation - key (tuple or slice) == node id:age
if isinstance(key, tuple):
node_id, age = key
elif isinstance(key, slice):
node_id, age = key.start, key.stop
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid indexing for migration - {key}")
layer_index = self._index_for_gender_and_age(None, age)
return self._layers[layer_index][node_id]
if not self.AgesYears:
# Case 2 - by gender, no age differentiation - key (tuple or slice) == node id:gender
if isinstance(key, tuple):
node_id, gender = key
elif isinstance(key, slice):
node_id, gender = key.start, key.stop
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid indexing for migration - {key}")
if gender not in [VectorMigration.SAME_FOR_BOTH_GENDERS, VectorMigration.ONE_FOR_EACH_GENDER]:
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid gender ({gender}) for migration.")
layer_index = self._index_for_gender_and_age(gender, None)
return self._layers[layer_index][node_id]
# Case 4 - by gender and age - key (slice) == node id:gender:age
if isinstance(key, tuple):
node_id, gender, age = key
elif isinstance(key, slice):
node_id, gender, age = key.start, key.stop, key.step
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid indexing for migration - {key}")
if gender not in [VectorMigration.SAME_FOR_BOTH_GENDERS, VectorMigration.ONE_FOR_EACH_GENDER]:
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid gender ({gender}) for migration.")
layer_index = self._index_for_gender_and_age(gender, age)
return self._layers[layer_index][node_id]
def _index_for_gender_and_age(self, gender: int, age: float) -> int:
Use age to determine age bucket, 0 if no age differentiation.
Use gender data type to offset by # age buckets if gender data type is one for each gender and gender is female
Ages < first value use first bucket, ages > last value use last bucket.
age_offset = 0
for age_offset, edge in enumerate(self.AgesYears):
if edge >= age:
gender_span = len(self.AgesYears) if self.AgesYears else 1
gender_offset = gender * gender_span if self.GenderDataType == VectorMigration.ONE_FOR_EACH_GENDER else 0
index = gender_offset + age_offset
return index
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._layers)
def to_file(self, binaryfile: Path, metafile: Path = None, value_limit: int = 100):
"""Write current data to given file (and .json metadata file)
binaryfile (Path): path to output file (metadata will be written to same path with ".json" appended)
metafile (Path): override standard metadata file naming
value_limit (int): limit on number of destination values to write for each source node (default = 100)
(Path): path to binary file
binaryfile = Path(binaryfile).absolute()
metafile = metafile if metafile else binaryfile.parent / ( + ".json")
actual_datavalue_count = min(self.DatavalueCount, value_limit) # limited to 100 destinations
node_ids = set()
for layer in self._layers:
node_ids |= set(layer.keys())
node_ids = sorted(node_ids)
offsets = self.get_node_offsets(actual_datavalue_count)
node_offsets_string = ''.join([f"{node:08x}{offsets[node]:08x}" for node in sorted(offsets.keys())])
metadata = {
_AUTHOR: self.Author,
_DATECREATED: f"{self.DateCreated:%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S}",
_TOOLNAME: self.Tool,
_IDREFERENCE: self.IdReference,
_NODECOUNT: self.NodeCount,
_DATAVALUECOUNT: actual_datavalue_count
_NODEOFFSETS: node_offsets_string
if self.AgesYears:
# older versions of Eradication do not handle empty AgesYears lists robustly
metadata[_METADATA][_AGESYEARS] = self.AgesYears
# "Writing metadata to '{metafile}'
with"w") as handle:
json.dump(metadata, handle, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))
def key_func(k, d=None):
return d[k]
# layers are in age bucket order by gender, e.g. male 0-5, 5-10, 10+, female 0-5, 5-10, 10+
# see _index_for_gender_and_age()
# "Writing binary data to '{binaryfile}'
with"wb") as file:
for layer in self:
for node in node_ids:
destinations = np.zeros(actual_datavalue_count, dtype=np.uint32)
rates = np.zeros(actual_datavalue_count, dtype=np.float64)
if node in layer:
# Sort keys descending on rate and ascending on node ID.
# That way if we are truncating the list, we include the "most important" nodes.
keys = sorted(layer[node].keys()) # sorted ascending on node ID
keys = sorted(keys, key=partial(key_func, d=layer[node]), reverse=True) # descending on rate
if len(keys) > actual_datavalue_count:
keys = keys[0:actual_datavalue_count]
# save rates in ascending order so small rates are not lost when looking at the cumulative sum
keys = list(reversed(keys))
destinations[0:len(keys)] = keys
rates[0:len(keys)] = [layer[node][key] for key in keys]
warn(f"No destination nodes found for node {node}", category=UserWarning)
return binaryfile
def from_file(binaryfile: Path, metafile: Path = None):
"""Reads migration data file from given binary (and associated JSON metadata file)
binaryfile (Path): path to binary file (metadata file is assumed to be at same location with ".json" suffix)
metafile (Path): use given metafile rather than inferring metafile name from the binary file name
Migration object representing binary data in the given file.
binaryfile = Path(binaryfile).absolute()
metafile = metafile if metafile else binaryfile.parent / ( + ".json")
if not binaryfile.exists():
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find migration binary file '{binaryfile}'")
if not metafile.exists():
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find migration metadata file '{metafile}'.")
with"r") as file:
jason = json.load(file)
# these are the minimum required entries to load a migration file
assert _METADATA in jason, f"Metadata file '{metafile}' does not have a 'Metadata' entry."
metadata = jason[_METADATA]
assert _NODECOUNT in metadata, f"Metadata file '{metafile}' does not have a 'NodeCount' entry."
assert _DATAVALUECOUNT in metadata, f"Metadata file '{metafile}' does not have a 'DatavalueCount' entry."
assert _NODEOFFSETS in jason, f"Metadata file '{metafile}' does not have a 'NodeOffsets' entry."
migration = VectorMigration()
migration.Author = _value_with_default(metadata, _AUTHOR, _author())
migration.DateCreated = _try_parse_date(metadata[_DATECREATED]) if _DATECREATED in metadata else
migration.Tool = _value_with_default(metadata, _TOOLNAME, _EMODPYMALARIA)
migration.IdReference = _value_with_default(metadata, _IDREFERENCE, VectorMigration.IDREF_LEGACY)
migration.MigrationType = VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_LOOKUP[_value_with_default(metadata,
migration.GenderDataType = VectorMigration._GENDER_DATATYPE_LOOKUP[_value_with_default(metadata,
migration.AgesYears = _value_with_default(metadata, _AGESYEARS, [])
migration.InterpolationType = VectorMigration._INTERPOLATION_TYPE_LOOKUP[_value_with_default(metadata,
node_count = metadata[_NODECOUNT]
node_offsets = jason[_NODEOFFSETS]
if len(node_offsets) != 16 * node_count:
raise RuntimeError(f"Length of node offsets string {len(node_offsets)} != 16 * node count {node_count}.")
offsets = _parse_node_offsets(node_offsets, node_count)
datavalue_count = metadata[_DATAVALUECOUNT]
with"rb") as file:
for gender in range(1 if migration.GenderDataType == VectorMigration.SAME_FOR_BOTH_GENDERS else 2):
for age in migration.AgesYears if migration.AgesYears else [0]:
layer = migration._layers[migration._index_for_gender_and_age(gender, age)]
for node, offset in offsets.items():, SEEK_SET)
destinations = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.uint32, count=datavalue_count)
rates = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=datavalue_count)
for destination, rate in zip(destinations, rates):
if rate > 0:
layer[node][destination] = rate
return migration
def examine_file(filename):
def name_for_gender_datatype(e: int) -> str:
return VectorMigration._GENDER_DATATYPE_ENUMS[e] if e in VectorMigration._GENDER_DATATYPE_ENUMS else "unknown"
def name_for_interpolation(e: int) -> str:
return VectorMigration._INTERPOLATION_TYPE_ENUMS[
e] if e in VectorMigration._INTERPOLATION_TYPE_ENUMS else "unknown"
def name_for_migration_type(e: int) -> str:
return VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_ENUMS[e] if e in VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_ENUMS else "unknown"
migration = from_file(filename)
print(f"Author: {migration.Author}")
print(f"DatavalueCount: {migration.DatavalueCount}")
print(f"DateCreated: {migration.DateCreated:%a %B %d %Y %H:%M}")
print(f"IdReference: {migration.IdReference}")
print(f"MigrationType: {migration.MigrationType} ({name_for_migration_type(migration.MigrationType)})")
print(f"NodeCount: {migration.NodeCount}")
print(f"NodeOffsets: {migration.NodeOffsets}")
print(f"Tool: {migration.Tool}")
print(f"Nodes: {migration.Nodes}")
def _author() -> str:
username = ""
if system() == "Windows":
username = environ["USERNAME"]
elif "USER" in environ:
username = environ["USER"]
return username
def _parse_node_offsets(string: str, count: int) -> dict:
assert len(string) == 16 * count, f"Length of node offsets string {len(string)} != 16 * node count {count}."
offsets = {}
for index in range(count):
base = 16 * index
offset = base + 8
offsets[int(string[base:base + 8], 16)] = int(string[offset:offset + 8], 16)
return offsets
def _try_parse_date(string: str) -> datetime:
patterns = [
"%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S",
"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
for pattern in patterns:
timestamp = datetime.strptime(string, pattern)
return timestamp
except ValueError:
timestamp =
warn(f"Could not parse date stamp '{string}', using ({timestamp})")
return timestamp
def _value_with_default(dictionary: dict, key: str, default: object) -> object:
return dictionary[key] if key in dictionary else default
utility functions emodpy-utils?
def from_params(demographics_file_path: any = None, population: int = 1e6, num_nodes: int = 100,
migration_factor: float = 1.0, fraction_rural=0.3,
id_ref="IfReference", migration_type=VectorMigration.LOCAL_MIGRATION):
This function is for creating a migration file that goes with a (multinode)
demographics file created from a few parameters, as opposed to one from real-world data.
Note that the 'demographics_file_path" input param is not used at this time but in future
will be exploited to ensure nodes, etc., match.
# ***** Write migration files *****
# NOTE: This goes straight from input 'data' -- parameters -- to output file.
# We really want to go from input parameters to standard data representation of migration data
# and then to file as a separate decoupled step.
ucellb = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [-0.5, 0.86603]])
nlocs = np.random.rand(num_nodes, 2)
nlocs[0, :] = 0.5
nlocs = np.round(np.matmul(nlocs, ucellb), 4)
# Calculate inter-node distances on periodic grid
nlocs = np.tile(nlocs, (9, 1))
nlocs[0 * num_nodes:1 * num_nodes, :] += [0.0, 0.0]
nlocs[1 * num_nodes:2 * num_nodes, :] += [1.0, 0.0]
nlocs[2 * num_nodes:3 * num_nodes, :] += [-1.0, 0.0]
nlocs[3 * num_nodes:4 * num_nodes, :] += [0.0, 0.0]
nlocs[4 * num_nodes:5 * num_nodes, :] += [1.0, 0.0]
nlocs[5 * num_nodes:6 * num_nodes, :] += [-1.0, 0.0]
nlocs[6 * num_nodes:7 * num_nodes, :] += [0.0, 0.0]
nlocs[7 * num_nodes:8 * num_nodes, :] += [1.0, 0.0]
nlocs[8 * num_nodes:9 * num_nodes, :] += [-1.0, 0.0]
nlocs[0 * num_nodes:1 * num_nodes, :] += [0.0, 0.0]
nlocs[1 * num_nodes:2 * num_nodes, :] += [0.0, 0.0]
nlocs[2 * num_nodes:3 * num_nodes, :] += [0.0, 0.0]
nlocs[3 * num_nodes:4 * num_nodes, :] += [-0.5, 0.86603]
nlocs[4 * num_nodes:5 * num_nodes, :] += [-0.5, 0.86603]
nlocs[5 * num_nodes:6 * num_nodes, :] += [-0.5, 0.86603]
nlocs[6 * num_nodes:7 * num_nodes, :] += [0.5, -0.86603]
nlocs[7 * num_nodes:8 * num_nodes, :] += [0.5, -0.86603]
nlocs[8 * num_nodes:9 * num_nodes, :] += [0.5, -0.86603]
distgrid = spspd.squareform(spspd.pdist(nlocs))
nborlist = np.argsort(distgrid, axis=1)
npops = Demog.get_node_pops_from_params(population, num_nodes, fraction_rural)
migration = VectorMigration()
migration.IdReference = id_ref
for source in range(num_nodes):
for index in range(1, 31):
if distgrid.shape[0] > index:
destination = int(np.mod(nborlist[source, index], num_nodes)) + 1
tnode = int(np.mod(nborlist[source, index], num_nodes))
idnode = nborlist[source, index]
rate = migration_factor * npops[tnode] / np.sum(npops) / distgrid[source, idnode]
destination = 0
rate = 0.0
migration[source][destination] = rate
migration.MigrationType = migration_type
return migration
def from_demog_and_param_gravity_webservice(demographics_file_path: str, params: str, id_ref: str,
migration_type=VectorMigration.LOCAL_MIGRATION) -> VectorMigration:
Calls a webservice (running on a GPU) to calculate the migration patterns quickly.
demographics_file_path: Path to the demographics file.
params: Path to the json file with parameters for gravity calculation and server url.
id_ref: Metadata tag that needs to match corresponding value in demographics file.
migration_type: Migration type.
Migration object
with Path(params).open("r") as f_params:
params_url = json.load(f_params)
# load
rates =, params_url)
demog = Demog.from_file(demographics_file_path)
migration = VectorMigration()
nodes = [node.forced_id for node in demog.nodes]
# we need a 0-N index for the NumPy array and the node ID for the migration file
for i, src in enumerate(nodes):
for j, dst in enumerate(nodes):
if dst != src:
migration[dst][src] = rates[i, j]
migration.IdReference = id_ref
migration.MigrationType = migration_type
return migration
# TODO: just use task to reload the demographics files into an object to use for this
def from_demographics_and_gravity_params(demographics_object, gravity_params: list,
filename: str = None):
This function takes a demographics object, creates a vector migration file based on the populations and
distances of nodes and saves to be used by the sim
demographics_object: demographics object created by Demographics class (use Demographics.from_file()
to load a demographics file you already have and pass in the returned object)
gravity_params: a list of four parameters that will affect the gravity model
gravity_params[0] denoted as g[0], etc, and they are used in the following way:
migration_rate = g[0] * (from_node_population^(g[1]-1)) * (to_node_population^g[2]) * (distance^g[3])
if rate >= 1, 1 is used.
filename: name of migration file to be created and added to the experiment,
Default: vector_migration.bin
VectorMigration object
def _compute_migration_rate(gravity_params, from_node_population, to_node_population, distance):
Utility function for computing migration rates using gravity model
gravity_params: a list of four parameters that will affect the gravity model
gravity_params[0] denoted as g[0], etc, and they are used in the following way:
migration_rate = g[0] * (from_node_population^(g[1]-1)) * (to_node_population^g[2]) * (distance^g[3])
if migration_rate >= 1, 1 is used.
from_node_population: Initial_Population in the from_node
to_node_population: Initial_Population in the to_node
distance: distance, in kilomenteres, between two nodes
Rate of vector migration from from_node to to_node
# If home/dest node has 0 pop, assume this node is the regional work node-- no local migration allowed
if from_node_population == 0 or to_node_population == 0:
return 0
migration_rate = gravity_params[0] * (from_node_population ** (gravity_params[1] - 1)) \
* (to_node_population ** gravity_params[2]) * (distance ** gravity_params[3])
final_rate = np.min([1., migration_rate])
return final_rate
def _compute_migration_dict(node_list: list, gravity_params: list, exclude_nodes: list = None):
Utility function for computing migration value map.
node_list: list of nodes as dictionaries created from the demographics object
gravity_params: a list of four parameters that will affect the gravity model
gravity_params[0] denoted as g[0], etc, and they are used in the following way:
rate = g[0] * (from_node_population^(g[1]-1)) * (to_node_population^g[2]) * (distance^g[3])
if rate >= 1, 1 is used.
exclude_nodes: a list of node ids for nodes you don't want any migration happening to or from.
VectorMigration object based on demographics object that was passed in
excluded_nodes = set(exclude_nodes) if exclude_nodes else set()
v_migration = VectorMigration()
geodesic = Geodesic.WGS84
for source_node in node_list:
source_id = source_node["NodeID"]
src_lat = source_node["NodeAttributes"]["Latitude"]
src_long = source_node["NodeAttributes"]["Longitude"]
src_pop = source_node["NodeAttributes"]["InitialPopulation"]
if source_id in excluded_nodes:
for destination_node in node_list:
if destination_node == source_node:
dest_id = destination_node["NodeID"]
if dest_id in excluded_nodes:
dst_lat = destination_node["NodeAttributes"]["Latitude"]
dst_long = destination_node["NodeAttributes"]["Longitude"]
dst_pop = destination_node["NodeAttributes"]["InitialPopulation"]
distance = geodesic.Inverse(src_lat, src_long, dst_lat, dst_long, Geodesic.DISTANCE)['s12'] / 1000 # km
rate = _compute_migration_rate(gravity_params, src_pop, dst_pop, distance)
v_migration[source_id][dest_id] = rate
return v_migration
nodes = [node.to_dict() for node in demographics_object.nodes]
v_migration = _compute_migration_dict(nodes, gravity_params)
v_migration.IdReference = demographics_object.idref
v_migration.MigrationType = "LOCAL_MIGRATION"
# save migration object to file
if not filename:
filename = f"vector_migration.bin"
# by gender, by age
_mapping_fns = {
(False, False): lambda m, i, g, a: m[i],
(False, True): lambda m, i, g, a: m[i:a],
(True, False): lambda m, i, g, a: m[i:g],
(True, True): lambda m, i, g, a: m[i:g:a]
# by gender, by age
_display_fns = {
(False, False): lambda i, g, a, d, r: f"{i},{d},{r}", # id only
(False, True): lambda i, g, a, d, r: f"{i},{a},{d},{r}", # id:age
(True, False): lambda i, g, a, d, r: f"{i},{g},{d},{r}", # id:gender
(True, True): lambda i, g, a, d, r: f"{i},{g},{a},{d},{r}" # id:gender:age
def to_csv():
mapping = _mapping_fns[(migration.GenderDataType == VectorMigration.ONE_FOR_EACH_GENDER, bool(migration.AgesYears))]
display = _display_fns[(migration.GenderDataType == VectorMigration.ONE_FOR_EACH_GENDER, bool(migration.AgesYears))]
print(display("from_node", "to_node", "rate"))
for gender in range(1 if migration.GenderDataType == VectorMigration.SAME_FOR_BOTH_GENDERS else 2):
for age in migration.AgesYears if migration.AgesYears else [0]:
for node in migration.Nodes:
for destination, rate in mapping(migration, node, gender, age).items():
print(display(node, gender, age, destination, rate))
def from_csv(filename_path: str, id_reference: str, migration_type: str = "LOCAL_MIGRATION",
author: str = None):
Create migration from csv file. The file should have columns 'from_node' for the node ids from which vector is
migrating, 'to_node' for the node ids that the vector is migrating to, and 'rate' for the migration rate.
1, 4, 0.5
4, 1, 0.01
filename_path: name (if same folder) or path+name of the csv file
id_reference: IdReference parameter to set for the migration file, it needs to be the same as
IdReference parameter in your demographics files.
migration_type: "LOCAL_MIGRATION" or "REGIONAL_MIGRATION" setting, "LOCAL_MIGRATION" can have 8 "to_nodes"
while "REGIONAL_MIGRATION" can have 30, default is "LOCAL_MIGRATION"
author: optional metadata of who is the author(you) of the migration file, default - your username or empty
string will be used
Migration object to be manipulated or written out as a file using to_file() function
migration = VectorMigration()
migration.IdReference = id_reference
migration._migrationtype = VectorMigration._MIGRATION_TYPE_LOOKUP[migration_type]
if author:
migration.Author = author
with Path(filename_path).open("r") as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
csv_data_read = False
for row in reader:
csv_data_read = True
migration[int(row['from_node'])][int(row['to_node'])] = float(row['rate'])
assert csv_data_read, "Please make sure you have column headers of 'from_node', 'to_node', 'rate' in your file.\n"
return migration