emodpy_tbhiv.interventions.cash module#

emodpy_tbhiv.interventions.cash.triggered_cash(camp, amount=100, coverage=1.0, start_day=1, triggers=['Births'], property_restrictions_list=[], nodeIDs=[], event_name='Seed_Money')[source]#

Create and return scheduled campaign event that supplements individuals’ health care budgets.

  • camp – Centralized campaign module instance.

  • amount – How much money to give them. Just constant for now.

  • start_day – The timestep when this campaign event takes effect. Defaults to 1.

  • triggers – Signals upon which to trigger distribution of cash. Default=[“Births”],

  • property_restrictions_list – Optiional list of Individual Properties to limit the intervention to.

  • nodeIDs – Optiona list of node ids to target. Defaults to all.

  • event_name – Undocumented.


New campaign event that can be added to the campaign.

emodpy_tbhiv.interventions.cash.cash(camp, amount=100, coverage=1.0, start_day=1, property_restrictions_list=[], nodeIDs=[], event_name='Cash')[source]#

Create and return scheduled campaign event that supplements individuals’ health care budgets.

  • camp – Centralized campaign module instance.

  • amount – How much money to give them. Just constant for now.

  • start_day – The timestep when this campaign event takes effect. Defaults to 1.

  • property_restrictions_list – Optiional list of Individual Properties to limit the intervention to.

  • nodeIDs – Optiona list of node ids to target. Defaults to all.

  • event_name – Undocumented.


New campaign event that can be added to the campaign.

emodpy_tbhiv.interventions.cash.new_intervention_as_file(camp, filename='cash.json')[source]#