emodpy_tbhiv.interventions.cd4diag module#

emodpy_tbhiv.interventions.cd4diag.CD4Diag(camp, trigger_treatment_list, event_200='Below200', event_350='Below350', event_500='Below500', event_above_500='Above500', start_day=1, duration=-1, property_restrictions_list=[], nodeIDs=[], cost=0, black_period=0, black_trigger='Blackout', event_name='CD4 Diagnostic')[source]#

Create and return triggered campaign event that issues an CD4Diagnostic intervention.

  • camp – The emod_api.campaign module instance which serves as the campaign accumulator.

  • trigger_treatment_list – List of 1 or more triggers (or events or signals) which are listened to and trigger the distribution of the intervention. There is no default.

  • event_200

  • event_350

  • event_500

  • event_above_500

  • start_day – The timestep when this campaign event takes effect. Defaults to 1.

  • duration – How long the campaign event remains in effect. Defaults to forever.

  • property_restrictions_list – Optiional list of Individual Properties to limit the intervention to.

  • nodeIDs – Optiona list of node ids to target. Defaults to all.

  • cost – Per unit ‘price’ of each intervention.

  • black_period – Undocumented.

  • black_trigger – Undocumented.

  • event_name – Undocumented.


New campaign event that can be added to the campaign.

emodpy_tbhiv.interventions.cd4diag.new_intervention_as_file(camp, filename='cd4.json')[source]#