
Vis-Tools, like many visualization systems, makes relatively high demands on your computer and video graphics processor (GPU).


Vis-Tools is only tested on the Microsoft Windows platform. It may work on Linux and MacOS, but its use on those operating systems is not supported by IDM.

Computer requirements#

Minimum configuration#

  • Hardware-accelerated WebGL

  • 2 GB RAM

Additional software#

  • Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera web browser

  • NodeJS

Using Vis-Tools standalone#

To run Vis-Tools on your local computer, there are a few additional prerequisites for operation of Vis-Tools. If you are already running EMOD, you likely already meet the requirements.

Additional software#

  • Python 3.6.3+ with Python in your PATH environment variable

  1. Install Python 3.6 64-bit. See for instructions.

    • In the Customize Python dialog box, verify that Add python.exe to PATH is selected to add Python to the PATH environment variable on your computer.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window and type the following to verify installation:

    python --version

The Python package manager, pip, is installed as part of Python 3.6 64-bit and is used to install other software packages.

  • NodeJS

  1. Install NodeJS. See

  2. Open a Command Prompt window and type the following to verify installation:

    node -v
    npm -v

Supported web browsers#

Vis-Tools supports the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera web browsers, although it has been most extensively tested on Google Chrome. These browsers can be obtained via the following links.