emodpy_hiv.interventions.delay module#

emodpy_hiv.interventions.delay.new_delay(camp, Bcast_Event, Expire_Event='', Coverage=1, Delay=1, Shelf_Life=36500, Name='', intervention_name: str | None = None, disqualifying_properties: List[str] | None = None, new_property_value: str | None = None)[source]#

Wrapper function to create and return a HIVDelayedIntervention intervention.


camp – emod_api.campaign object with schema_path set.


Schema-based smart dictionary representing a new

Return type:


emodpy_hiv.interventions.delay.new_intervention_event(camp, bcast_event, expire_event='', coverage=1, delay=1, shelf_life=0, intervention_name: str | None = None, disqualifying_properties: List[str] | None = None, new_property_value: str | None = None)[source]#

Delay as scheduled event.

emodpy_hiv.interventions.delay.new_intervention_as_file(camp, start_day, filename=None)[source]#