Convert scripts from DTK-Tools#

Understanding some of the similarities and differences between DTK-Tools and idmtools will help when converting scripts from DTK-Tools to use within idmtools.

Configuration .ini files have different names, simtools.ini in DTK-Tools and idmtools.ini in idmtools. Simtools.ini is required while idmtools.ini is optional.

Platform configuration, HPC or local, in DTK-Tools is set using the SetupParser class while in idmtools the Platform class is used.

Simulation configuration, such as intervention parameters and reports, in DTK-Tools are set using the DTKConfigBuilder class while in idmtools it’s configured through a base task object.

Configuration .ini files#

Please see the following diagram which helps illustrate some of the differences between the required simtools.ini used in DTK-Tools with the optional idmtools.ini used in idmtools.


Platform configuration#

In addition to using INI files for platform configuration parameters you can also use Python class objects, SetupParser in DTK-Tools and Platform in idmtools. If platform configuration parameters are configured in an INI file and also configured in a Python class object then the parameters in the Python object take priority.


SetupParser.default_block = 'HPC'


platform = Platform("Belegost")

When using Platform you can specify a predefined configuration alias, such as Belegost, when using the COMPS platform. To see a list of aliases, use the cli command idmtools info plugins platform-aliases.

Simulation configuration#

DTKConfigBuilder in DTK-Tools is used for setting the intervention parameters and reports for simulations run with DTK-Tools while idmtools uses task objects. For example, when using emodpy the EMODTask class is used.



To see an applied example of the previously described information you can see a converted DTK-Tools csv analyzer to idmtools and additional information on converting analyzers here: Convert analyzers from DTK-Tools.