Output data#

The output produced by running simulations using idmtools depends on the configuration of the model itself. idmtools is itself agnostic to the output format when running simulations. However, the analysis framework expects simulation output in CSV, JSON, XLSX, or TXT to be automatically loaded to a Python object. All other formats are loaded as a raw binary stream. For more information, see Introduction to analyzers.

If you are running simulations on COMPS, the configuration of the “idmtools.ini” file will determine where output files can be found. For more information, see idmtools.ini wizard


COMPS access is restricted to IDM employees. See additional documentation for using idmtools with other high-performance computing clusters.

If you are running simulations or experiments locally, they are saved to your local computer at C:\Users\yourname\.local_data\workers for Windows and ~/.local_data/workers for Linux.

Additionally, when running locally using Docker, output can be found in your browser in the output directory appended after the experiment or simulation ID. For example, the output from an experiment with an ID of S07OASET could be found at http://localhost:5000/data/S07OASET. The output from an individual simulation (ID FCPRIV7H) within that experiment could be found at http://localhost:5000/data/S07OASET/FCPRIV7H.

The python_csv_output.py example below demonstrates how to produce output in CSV format for a simple parameter sweep.

# Example Python Experiment
# In this example, we will demonstrate how to run a python experiment.

# First, import some necessary system and idmtools packages.
# - TemplatedSimulations: To create simulation from a template
# - ExperimentManager: To manage our experiment
# - platform: To specify the platform you want to run your experiment on as a context object
# - JSONConfiguredPythonTask: We want to run an experiment executing a Python script that uses a JSON configuration file
import os
import sys

from idmtools.assets import AssetCollection
from idmtools.builders import SimulationBuilder
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask

# In order to run the experiment, we need to create a `Platform` and an `ExperimentManager`.
# The `Platform` defines where we want to run our simulation.
# You can easily switch platforms by changing the Platform to for example 'CALCULON'
with platform('SlurmStage') as platform:
    # define our base task as a python model with json config
    base_task = JSONConfiguredPythonTask(
        script_path=os.path.join("inputs", "python", "Assets", "model.py"),
        # set the default parameters to 0
        # add some experiment level assets
        common_assets=AssetCollection.from_directory(os.path.join("inputs", "python", "Assets"))

    # create a templating object using the base task
    ts = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=base_task)
    # Define the parameters we are going to want to sweep
    builder = SimulationBuilder()
    # define two partial callbacks so we can use the built in sweep callback function on the model
    # Since we want to sweep per parameter, and we want need to define a partial for each parameter
    # The JSON model provides utility function for this puprose
    builder.add_sweep_definition(JSONConfiguredPythonTask.set_parameter_partial("a"), range(3))
    builder.add_sweep_definition(JSONConfiguredPythonTask.set_parameter_partial("b"), [1, 2, 3])
    # add the builder to our template

    # now build experiment
    e = Experiment.from_template(

    # now we can run the experiment
    # use system status as the exit code
    sys.exit(0 if e.succeeded else -1)