
class Dist(dist=None, distname=None, name=None, seed=None, offset=None, strict=True, auto=True, sim=None, module=None, debug=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

Base class for tracking one random number generator associated with one distribution, i.e. one decision per timestep.

See ss.dist_list for a full list of supported distributions.

Although it’s possible in theory to define a custom distribution (i.e., not one from NumPy or SciPy), in practice this is difficult. The distribution needs to have both a way to return random variates (easy), as well as the probability point function (inverse CDF). In addition, the distribution must be able to take a NumPy RNG as its bit generator. It’s easier to just use a default Dist (e.g., ss.random()), and then take its output as input (i.e., quantiles) for whatever custom distribution you want to create.

  • dist (rv_generic) – optional; a scipy.stats distribution (frozen or not) to get the ppf from

  • distname (str) – the name for this class of distribution (e.g. “uniform”)

  • name (str) – the name for this particular distribution (e.g. “age_at_death”)

  • seed (int) – the user-chosen random seed (e.g. 3)

  • offset (int) – the seed offset; will be automatically assigned (based on hashing the name) if None

  • strict (bool) – if True, require initialization and invalidate after each call to rvs()

  • auto (bool) – whether to auto-reset the state after each draw

  • sim (Sim) – usually determined on initialization; the sim to use as input to callable parameters

  • module (Module) – usually determined on initialization; the module to use as input to callable parameters

  • kwargs (dict) – parameters of the distribution


dist = ss.Dist(sps.norm, loc=3)
dist.rvs(10) # Return 10 normally distributed random numbers




Get the current state


Get the integer corresponding to the current state



Return full display of object


Show the state of the object


Alias to self.rvs()

set(*args, dist=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Set (change) the distribution type, or one or more parameters of the distribution

property state#

Get the current state

property state_int#

Get the integer corresponding to the current state


Return a copy of the state


Store the current state in history


Restore state, allowing the same numbers to be resampled

Use 0 for original state, -1 for most recent state.


dist = ss.random(seed=5).init()
r1 = dist(5)
r2 = dist(5)
r3 = dist(5)
r4 = dist(5)
assert all(r1 != r2)
assert all(r2 == r3)
assert all(r4 == r1)
jump(to=None, delta=1, force=False)[source]#

Advance the RNG, e.g. to timestep “to”, by jumping

jump_dt(ti=None, force=False)[source]#

Automatically jump on the next value of dt


ti (int) – if specified, jump to this timestep (default: current module timestep plus one)

init(trace=None, seed=None, module=None, sim=None, slots=None, force=False)[source]#

Calculate the starting seed and create the RNG

Shortcut for linking the sim, only overwriting an existing one if overwrite=True; not for the user

Shortcut for linking the module

process_seed(trace=None, seed=None)[source]#

Obtain the seed offset by hashing the path to this distribution; not for the user


Ensure the distribution works; not for the user


Handle an input of either size or UIDs and calculate size, UIDs, and slots; not for the user


Ensure the supplied dist and parameters are valid, and initialize them; not for the user

preprocess_timepar(key, timepar)[source]#

Method to handle how timepars are processed; not for the user. By default, scales the output of the distribution.

convert_callable(key, val, size, uids)[source]#

Method to handle how callable parameters are processed; not for the user

call_par(key, val, size, uids)[source]#

Check if this parameter needs to be called to be turned into an array; not for the user


Check if any parameters need to be called to be turned into arrays; not for the user


Perform any necessary synchronizations or transformations on distribution parameters; not for the user


Update SciPy distribution parameters; not for the user


Simple way to get simple random numbers


Return default random numbers for scalar parameters; not for the user


Return default random numbers for array parameters; not for the user


Scale random variates after generation; not for the user

rvs(n=1, reset=False)[source]#

Get random variates – use this!

  • n (int/tuple/arr) – if an int or tuple, return this many random variates; if an array, treat as UIDs

  • reset (bool) – whether to automatically reset the random number distribution state after being called


Return a dictionary representation of the Dist

plot_hist(n=1000, bins=None, fig_kw=None, hist_kw=None)[source]#

Plot the current state of the RNG as a histogram