- class MixingPool(pars=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Define a single mixing pool; can be used as a drop-in replacement for a network.
- Parameters:
diseases (str) – the diseases that transmit via this mixing pool
src (inds) – source agents; can be AgeGroup(), ss.uids(), or lambda(sim); None indicates all alive agents
dst (inds) – destination agents; as above
beta (float) – overall transmission (note: use a float, not a TimePar; the time component is usually handled by the disease beta)
contacts (Dist) – the number of effective contacts of the destination agents
import starsim as ss # Set the parameters mp_pars = dict( src = lambda sim: sim.people.male, # only males are infectious dst = None, # all agents are susceptible beta = 0.2, contacts = ss.poisson(lam=4), ) # Seed 5% of the male population def p_init(self, sim, uids): return 0.05*sim.people.male # Create and run the sim sis = ss.SIS(init_prev=p_init) mp = ss.MixingPool(mp_pars) sim = ss.Sim(diseases=sis, networks=mp) sim.run() sim.plot()
Shortcut to self.t.now()
Return a flat list of all states
Return a flat dictionary (objdict) of all states
Get the current module timestep
Shortcut to self.t.timevec
- compute_transmission(rel_sus, rel_trans, disease_beta)[source]#
Calculate transmission
This is called from Infection.infect() together with network transmission.
- Parameters:
rel_sus (float) – Relative susceptibility
rel_trans (float) – Relative infectiousness
disease_beta (float) – The beta value for the disease. This is typically calculated as a pair of values as networks are bidirectional, however, only the first value is used because mixing pools are unidirectional.
- Returns:
UIDs of agents who acquired the disease at this step