
class People(n_agents, age_data=None, extra_states=None)[source]#

Bases: prettyobj

A class to perform all the operations on the people This class is usually created automatically by the sim. The only required input argument is the population size, but typically the full parameters dictionary will get passed instead since it will be needed before the People object is initialized.

Note that this class handles the mechanics of updating the actual people, as well as the additional housekeeping methods (saving, loading, exporting, etc.).

  • pars (dict) – the sim parameters, e.g. – alternatively, if a number, interpreted as n_agents

  • age_data (dataframe) – a dataframe of years and population sizes, if available

  • extra_states (list) – non-default states to initialize


ppl = ss.People(2000)



Dead boolean


Male boolean



static get_age_dist(age_data)[source]#

Return an age distribution based on provided data

The data should be provided in the form of either an Nx2 array, a pandas series with age as the index and counts/probability as the value, or a pandas DataFrame with “age” and “value” as columns. Each of these should look like e.g.:

age value 0 220.548 1 206.188 2 195.792 3 187.442

The ages will be interpreted as lower bin edges. An upper bin edge will automatically be added based on the final age plus the difference of the last two bins. To explicitly control the width of the upper age bin, add an extra entry to the age_data with a value of 0 and an age value corresponding to the desired upper age bound.


age_data – An array/series/dataframe with an index corresponding to age values, and a value corresponding to histogram counts or relative proportions. A distribution will be estimated based on the histogram. The histogram will be assumed to correspond to probability densitiy if the sum of the histogram values is equal to 1, otherwise it will be assumed to correspond to counts.

Note: age_data can also be provided as a string


An ss.Dist instance that returns an age for newly created agents


add_module(module, force=False)[source]#

Add a Module to the People instance

This method is used to add a module to the People. It will register any module states with this people instance for dynamic resizing, and expose the states contained in the module to the user via People.states.<module_name>.<state_name>

The entries created below make it possible to do or sim.people.states[‘hiv.susceptible’] and have both of them work


Populate states with initial values, the final step of initialization

grow(n=None, new_slots=None)[source]#

Increase the number of agents

  • n – Integer number of agents to add

  • new_slots – Optionally specify the slots to assign for the new agents. Otherwise, it will default to the new UIDs


Return the scaled versions of the flows – replacement for len(inds) followed by scale factor multiplication


Final updates at the very end of the timestep


External-facing function to request an agent die at the current timestep

In general, users should not directly interact with People.ti_dead to minimize interactions between modules (e.g., if a module requesting a future death, overwrites death due to a different module taking place at the current timestep).

Modules that have a future time of death (e.g., due to disease duration) should keep track of that internally. When the module is ready to cause the agent to die, it should call this method, and can update its own results for the cause of death. This way, if multiple modules request death on the same day, they can each record a death due to their own cause.

The actual deaths are resolved after modules have all run, but before analyzers. That way, regardless of whether removing dead agents is enabled or not, analyzers will be able to see and record outcomes for agents that died this timestep.

WARNING - this function allows multiple modules to each independently carry out and record state changes associated with death. It is therefore important that they can guarantee that after requesting death, the death is guaranteed to occur.


uids – Agent IDs to request deaths for


UIDs of agents that have been scheduled to die on this timestep


Carry out any deaths that took place this timestep


Remove dead agents

property dead#

Dead boolean

property male#

Male boolean


Get all the properties for a single person