- class Sim(pars=None, label=None, people=None, demographics=None, diseases=None, networks=None, interventions=None, analyzers=None, connectors=None, copy_inputs=True, data=None, **kwargs)[source]#
The Sim object
All Starsim simulations run via the Sim class. It is responsible for initializing and running all modules and generating results.
- Parameters:
pars (SimPars/dict) – either an ss.SimPars object, or a nested dictionary; can include all other arguments
label (str) – the human-readable name of the simulation
people (People) – if provided, use this ss.People object
demographics (str/Demographics/list) – a string naming the demographics module to use, the module itself, or a list
diseases (str/Disease/list) – as above, for diseases
networks (str/Network/list) – as above, for networks
interventions (str/Intervention/list) – as above, for interventions
analyzers (str/Analyzer/list) – as above, for analyzers
connectors (str/Connector/list) – as above, for connectors
copy_inputs (bool) – if True, copy modules as they’re inserted into the sim (allowing reuse in other sims, but meaning they won’t be updated)
data (df) – a dataframe (or dict) of data, with a column “time” plus data of the form “module.result”, e.g. “hiv.new_infections” (used for plotting only)
kwargs (dict) – merged with pars; see ss.SimPars for all parameter values
sim = ss.Sim(diseases='sir', networks='random') # Simplest Starsim sim; equivalent to ss.demo() sim = ss.Sim(diseases=ss.SIR(), networks=ss.RandomNet()) # Equivalent using objects instead of strings sim = ss.Sim(diseases=['sir', ss.SIS()], networks=['random', 'mf']) # Example using list inputs; can mix and match types
Return iterator over all Module instances (stored in standard places) in the Sim
Shortcut to
Get the current module timestep
Shortcut to self.t.timevec
- property modules#
Return iterator over all Module instances (stored in standard places) in the Sim
- init(force=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Perform all initializations for the sim
- Parameters:
force (bool) – whether to overwrite sim attributes even if they already exist
kwargs (dict) – passed to ss.People()
- init_people(verbose=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Initialize people within the sim Sometimes the people are provided, in which case this just adds a few sim properties to them. Other time people are not provided and this method makes them.
- Parameters:
verbose (int) – detail to print
kwargs (dict) – passed to ss.make_people()
- reset_time_pars(force=True)[source]#
Reset the time parameters in the modules; used for imposing the sim’s timestep on the modules
- start_step()[source]#
Start the step – only print progress; all actual changes happen in the modules
- run_one_step(verbose=None)[source]#
Run a single sim step; only used for debugging purposes.
Note: sim.run_one_step() runs a single simulation timestep, which involves multiple function calls. In contrast, loop.run_one_step() runs a single function call.
Note: the verbose here is only for the Loop object, not the sim.
- summarize(how='default')[source]#
Provide a quick summary of the sim; returns the last entry for count and cumulative results, and the mean otherwise.
- Parameters:
how (str) – how to summarize: can be ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘last’, or a mapping of result keys to those
- shrink(inplace=True, size_limit=1.0)[source]#
“Shrinks” the simulation by removing the people and other memory-intensive attributes (e.g., some interventions and analyzers), and returns a copy of the “shrunken” simulation. Used to reduce the memory required for RAM or for saved files.
- Parameters:
inplace (bool) – whether to perform the shrinking in place (default), or return a shrunken copy instead
size_limit (float) – print a warning if any module is larger than this size limit (set to None to disable)
- Returns:
a Sim object with the listed attributes removed
- Return type:
shrunken (Sim)
- to_df(sep='_', **kwargs)[source]#
Export results as a Pandas dataframe :type sep: :param sep: separator for the keys :type sep: str :type kwargs: :param kwargs: passed to results.to_df()
- save(filename=None, shrink=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Save to disk as a gzipped pickle.
- Parameters:
filename (str or None) – the name or path of the file to save to; if None, uses stored
shrink (bool or None) – whether to shrink the sim prior to saving (reduces size by ~99%)
kwargs – passed to sc.makefilepath()
- Returns:
the validated absolute path to the saved file
- Return type:
filename (str)
Example: # Saves to a .sim file
- to_json(filename=None, keys=None, tostring=False, indent=2, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Export results and parameters as JSON.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – if None, return string; else, write to file
keys (str/list) – attributes to write to json (choices: ‘pars’ and/or ‘summary’)
verbose (bool) – detail to print
kwargs (dict) – passed to sc.jsonify()
- Returns:
A dictionary representation of the parameters and/or summary results (or write that dictionary to a file)
json = sim.to_json() sim.to_json('results.json') sim.to_json('summary.json', keys='summary')
- plot(key=None, fig=None, style='fancy', show_data=True, show_skipped=False, show_module=26, show_label=False, fig_kw=None, plot_kw=None, scatter_kw=None)[source]#
Plot all results in the Sim object
- Parameters:
key (str/list) – the results key to plot (by default, all); if a list, plot exactly those keys
fig (Figure) – if provided, plot results into an existing figure
style (str) – the plotting style to use (default “fancy”; other options are “simple”, None, or any Matplotlib style)
show_data (bool) – plot the data, if available
show_skipped (bool) – show even results that are skipped by default
show_module (bool) – whether to show the module as well as the result name; if an int, show if the label is less than that length; if -1, use a newline
show_label (str) – if ‘fig’, reset the fignum; if ‘title’, set the figure suptitle
fig_kw (dict) – passed to
plot_kw (dict) – passed to
scatter_kw (dict) – passed to
, for plotting the data