
standardize_data(data=None, metadata=None, min_year=1800, out_of_range=0, default_age=0, default_year=2024)[source]#

Standardize formats of input data

Input data can arrive in many different forms. This function accepts a variety of data structures, and converts them into a Pandas Series containing one variable, based on specified metadata, or an ss.Dist if the data is already an ss.Dist object.

The metadata is a dictionary that defines columns of the dataframe or keys of the dictionary to use as indices in the output Series. It should contain:

  • metadata['data_cols']['value'] specifying the name of the column/key to draw values from

  • metadata['data_cols']['year'] optionally specifying the column containing year values; otherwise the default year will be used

  • metadata['data_cols']['age'] optionally specifying the column containing age values; otherwise the default age will be used

  • metadata['data_cols'][<arbitrary>] optionally specifying any other columns to use as indices. These will form part of the multi-index for the standardized Series output.

If a sex column is part of the index, the metadata can also optionally specify a string mapping to convert the sex labels in the input data into the ‘m’/’f’ labels used by Starsim. In that case, the metadata can contain an additional key like metadata['sex_keys'] = {'Female':'f','Male':'m'} which in this case would map the strings ‘Female’ and ‘Male’ in the original data into ‘m’/’f’ for Starsim.

  • data (pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, dict, int, float) – An associative array or a number, with the input data to be standardized.

  • metadata (dict) – Dictionary specifiying index columns, the value column, and optionally mapping for sex labels

  • min_year (float) – Optionally specify a minimum year allowed in the data. Default is 1800.

  • out_of_range (float) – Value to use for negative ages - typically 0 is a reasonable choice but other values (e.g., np.inf or np.nan) may be useful depending on the calculation. This will automatically be added to the dataframe with an age of -np.inf


  • A pd.Series for all supported formats of data except an ss.Dist. This series will contain index columns for ‘year’ and ‘age’ (in that order) and then subsequent index columns for any other variables specified in the metadata, in the order they appeared in the metadata (except for year and age appearing first).

  • An ss.Dist instance - if the data input is an ss.Dist, that same object will be returned by this function