Source code for vis_tools.Config

# ==============================================================================
# - Python wrapper for IDM config.json files
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This class is a simple Python wrapper for the config.json file used to configure
the DTK.

    config = Config(path.join(my_dir, "config.json"))
    print config


# imports
from builtins import object
import json
import sys

# ==============================================================================
# Config - a class to hold DTK config.json
# ==============================================================================
[docs]class Config(object): """Class to hold DTK config.json data. The class is constructed with the path to the config.json file. Thereafter the public data members source_file, timestamp_count, and parameters may be used to directly access the resultant Python object. There are also accessor methods for the most commonly needed parameters. Public members: The following data members are publicly exposed. source_file (str): A copy of the file_path used to construct the Config object. timestep_count (int): The Simulation_Duration parameter. parameters (obj): The entire config.json as a Python object. """ def __init__(self, file_path="", verbose=False): """Construct a Config. Args: file_path (str): The path to the config.json file. verbose (bool): True for extra messaging from methods. Raises: I/O or JSON exceptions. """ # data members, some of which are gleaned by processing the nodes self.source_file = "" self.timestep_count = 0 self._verbose = verbose # the bare parts of the read config file self.parameters = {} # read if file path was given if not file_path == "": self._read_json(file_path) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """Generate a textual representation of a Config. This method allows the Config object to report the source file and number of timesteps when it is printed. Returns: str: String containing source file and timestep count. """ if self.parameters == {}: return "(empty)" else: return self.source_file + ": " +\ repr(int(self.parameters["Simulation_Duration"])) + " timesteps" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accessors # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_demographics_filenames(self): """Return the value of Parameters > Demographics_Filenames. Returns: list(str): List of demographics filenames. Args: None. """ return self.parameters["Demographics_Filenames"]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_first_demographics_filename(self): """Returns the first (or only) demographics file from the config. This function understands the presence of Demographics_Filename with a single path, Demographics_Filename with multiple paths delimited by ';', and Demographics_Filenames as an array of paths. Returns: str: Demographics file name from Demographics_Filenames or Demographics_Filename, or None. Args: None. """ if "Demographics_Filenames" in self.parameters: return self.parameters["Demographics_Filenames"][0] elif "Demographics_Filename" in self.parameters: parts = self.parameters["Demographics_Filename"].split(";") if len(parts) == 1: return self.parameters["Demographics_Filename"] else: return parts[0] else: return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_demographics_filename_or_list(self): """Returns a string or list of demographics filenames, or None. This function understands the presence of Demographics_Filename with a single path, Demographics_Filename with multiple paths delimited by ';', and Demographics_Filenames as an array of paths. Returns: str|list: if a single demographics file is specified in the config, returns it as a string. If an array is specified, returns an array of filenames. Otherwise returns None. Args: None. """ if "Demographics_Filenames" in self.parameters: if len(self.parameters["Demographics_Filenames"]) == 1: return self.parameters["Demographics_Filenames"][0] else: return self.parameters["Demographics_Filenames"] elif "Demographics_Filename" in self.parameters: parts = self.parameters["Demographics_Filename"].split(";") if len(parts) == 1: return self.parameters["Demographics_Filename"] else: return [fp.strip() for fp in parts] else: return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_timestep_count(self): """Return the value of Parameters > Simulation_Duration. Returns: int: Timestep count. Args: None. """ return self.parameters["Simulation_Duration"]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implementation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _read_json(self, json_file_path): with open(json_file_path, "r") as config_file: self.source_file = json_file_path raw = json.load(config_file) # distribute the parts to our members if "parameters" in raw: self.parameters = raw["parameters"] # We deliberately cast the following value to an int because there # were simulations in the wild with fractional timestep counts. # e.g 3d9b55ef-537e-e811-80c9-f0921c167864 in staging with a 10.95 # duration, and the associated spatial binaries had 10 timesteps, # indicating that DTK is truncating. So now we are too. self.parameters["Simulation_Duration"] =\ int(self.parameters["Simulation_Duration"]) self.timestep_count = self.parameters["Simulation_Duration"] if self._verbose: print("Config._read_json: Config read, simulation duration %d " "timesteps" % self.timestep_count) elif self._verbose: print("Config._read_json: Parameters key not found in config file.", file=sys.stderr)