Source code for vis_tools.VisSet

# ==============================================================================
# - Python wrapper for visset.json vis set
# ==============================================================================

This class generates the visset.json file that is the input for the Vis-Tools
HTML client component. It reads defaults from a file called "defaultvisset.json"
and extends itself with that. The caller fills in some vital information and
then can overrides defaults the object with various method calls, then finally
emits the visset.json file.


    This file will eternally appear to have PEP errors in it because it makes
    reference to members that are not initially created in the constructor.
    Those members are acquired when then defaultvisset.json is read in and used
    to extend self. So these PEP errors are not actually errors.

Minimal usage::

    vis_set = VisSet("MySim")


# imports
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import json
import copy
from os import path
import re
import sys
from vis_tools import Config, Demographics, SpatialBinary, SpatialBinaryHeader,\
    CSVReport, CZMLWriter, MigrationHelpers
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

# ==============================================================================
# VisSet - a wrapper class for visset.json vis set files
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[docs]class VisSet(object): """Class that generates visset.json files. This class provides a friendly way to generate a customized visset.json for Vis-Tools various HTML clients. Rather than incorporating its defaults directly in code, it instead reads its defaults from defaultvisset.json. This important, because that same file is used by the HTML clients, so that the defaults for both remain in sync. VisSet extends itself from defaultvisset.json, which is to say, all of the fields from defaultvisset.json become part of the VisSet Python object itself. There are methods to allow easy access to some aspects of the VisSet, such as adding bindings, showing/hiding sections, and adding various types of visual layers. But the visset data structure is a public part of this object and it is allowable for a preprocessing script to directly poke into it whatever customizations are required. E.g.:: vis_set.options["defaultBaseLayer"] = "ESRI National Geographic" vis_set.options["insetCharts"]["defaultChannelName"] = "Prevalence" Public members: name (str): The name (given in the constructor). options (obj): The options section based on the targetClient all keys found in defaultvisset.json """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- k_default_visset = "defaultvisset.json" k_visset_file_name = "visset.json" k_infected_migrations_file_name = "InfectedMigrations.czml" k_vector_migrations_file_name = "VectorMigrations.czml" k_network_layer_file_name = "Network.czml" k_geospatial = "Geospatial" k_errno_permission_denied = 13 # For set_node_vis_type k_nodes_as_points = "Points" k_nodes_as_shapes = "Shapes" # For options.shapeOptions.defaultShape k_node_shape_square = "Square" # For add_marker_layer k_marker_shape_triangle = "Triangle" k_marker_shape_cross = "Cross" k_marker_placement_top = "Top" k_marker_placement_left = "Left" k_marker_placement_bottom = "Bottom" k_marker_placement_right = "Right" k_default_marker_duration_days = 2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, name="Untitled", verbose=True): """Construct a VisSet. Args: name (str): The name to be associated with this visset. Typically something descriptive, such as "Munyumbwe rampup". verbose (bool): If provided, whether VisSet methods should emit verbose debugging information. Raises: I/O exceptions. """ # Note: If you add new internal members here, update the array of # members to be excluded on write in the _create_output_object method # at the bottom of the file. self._products_dir = None self._config = None self._demographics = None self._event_recorder = None self._asset_map_path = None self._extra_node_fields = set() self._excluded_nodes = set() self._verbose = verbose script_dir = path.dirname(__file__) paths = [ # Note: we specifically check for ../vistools/defaultvisset.json # FIRST because we consider the one in the client directory to be # canonical, and we'd rather use that one instead of the one in the # python package directory. path.join(script_dir, "..", "vistools", VisSet.k_default_visset), path.join(script_dir, VisSet.k_default_visset), path.join(script_dir, "..", VisSet.k_default_visset) ] dflt = None for vspath in paths: if path.isfile(vspath): with open(vspath, "r") as default_file: dflt = json.load(default_file) break if dflt is None: print("VisSet requires defaultvisset.json to be in the same " "directory or the parent directory as", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("defaultvisset.json not found.") # This tricky bit extends this with the fields from dflt. Since new- # style objects' namespace is implemented as a dictionary, we can put # stuff in there directly without having to implement __setitem__ etc. for key in list(dflt.keys()): self.__dict__[key] = dflt[key] = name # set this now, overwriting the default # Now set our options based on the default targetClient self.options = self.defaultOptions[self.targetClient] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """Generates a textual representation of a VisSet. This method allows the VisSet object to report its name when it is printed. Returns: str: String containing the visset name. """ return "VisSet %s" % # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accessors # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_sim_id(self, sim_id): """Set a sim_id to be associated with this VisSet. Returns: None. Args: sim_id (str): Simulation ID as a GUID. """ self.simId = sim_id if self._verbose: print("Simulation id set to %s" % sim_id)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_asset_map_path(self, asset_map_path): """Set the path to the optional asset map. Returns: None. Args: asset_map_path (str): Path to a VtAssetMap.json file containing the mapping between local asset paths and COMPS asset manager URLs. If this map is present, then the output visset.json will contain both local paths and asset manager URLs. """ self._asset_map_path = asset_map_path
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_verbose(self, verbose): """Set whether the class emits verbose messages. Returns: None. Args: verbose (bool): True for verbose output, False for relative silence. """ self._verbose = verbose
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_output_directory(self): """Getter for the output directory, where visset.json will be written. THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED. Use get_products_dir instead. Returns: str: Currently set output directory or None. Args: None. """ if self._verbose: print("get_output_directory is DEPRECATED. Use " "get_products_directory instead.") return self.get_products_directory()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_products_directory(self): """Getter for the products directory, where the visset.json and other artifact files are written. This function replaces get_output_directory, which had a name that could lead to confusion with the simulation's output/ directory. Returns: str: Currently set products directory or None. Args: None. """ return self._products_dir
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_config(self): """Getter for the config object. Returns: obj: Currently set Config object or None. Args: None. """ return self._config
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_demographics(self): """Getter for the demographics object. Returns: obj: Currently set Demographics object or None. Args: None. """ return self._demographics
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_event_recorder(self): """Getter for the event recorder object. Returns: obj: Currently set CSVReport object for event recorder, or None. Args: None. """ return self._event_recorder
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_target_client(self, client_name): """Setter for the selected target client. This method sets the target client for the output visset. This causes the public member options to get overwritten with the defaults for the new client name. The allowable client names are provided as class constants. Returns: None. Args: client_name (str): "Geospatial" is the only target right now. """ # Update options with defaults for this client if client_name not in self.defaultOptions: raise ValueError("Specified client %s is not recognized." % client_name) self.targetClient = client_name self.options = self.defaultOptions[self.targetClient] if self._verbose: print("Target client set to %s" % client_name)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_node_vis_type(self, node_vis_type): """Setter for the node visualization type. For the Geospatial visualization client, there are two fundamental ways nodes may be represented: Points and Shapes. The former are 2D dots, measured in pixels and always perpendicular to the eye vector, which can be sized and styled variously. The latter uses 3D boxes, measured in meters, which can be styled as well but differently from Points. This setter is where the caller chooses which representation they want for their nodes. Each node visualization type has its own suite of settings. The allowable node_vis_type values are provided as class constants. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Args: node_vis_type (str): "Points" or "Shapes". See constants section. """ if self.targetClient != VisSet.k_geospatial: raise ValueError("set_node_vis_type is only for the Geospatial " "client.") if node_vis_type == "Points" or node_vis_type == "Shapes": self.options["nodeVis"]["visType"] = node_vis_type if self._verbose: print("Node visualization type set to %s" % node_vis_type) else: raise ValueError("node_vis_type must be 'Points' or 'Shapes'.")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_output_directory(self, output_directory): """Setter for the output directory. THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED. Use set_products_directory instead." This setter must be called before write(). Returns: None. Args: output_directory (str): the directory in which to write the output visset.json file. """ self.set_products_directory(output_directory) if self._verbose: print("set_output_directory is DEPRECATED. Use " "set_products_directory instead.")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_products_directory(self, products_directory): """Setter for products dir, where preprocessing products are written. This setter must be called before write() or other methods that write preprocessing artifacts. This method replaces the now-deprecated set_output_directory method, which was replaced because of possible confusion with the simulation output/ directory. Returns: None. Args: products_directory (str): the directory into which to write the output visset.json and other preprocessing artifact files. """ self._products_dir = products_directory if self._verbose: print("Products directory set to %s" % products_directory)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_demographics(self, demographics_file_path): """Setter for the demographics file path. This setter must be called before write(). The Geospatial client requires node locations for visualization. An internal Demographics object is created using the given path. If it is useful to access that object directly it can be obtained using the corresponding getter method. Note that if you have multiple demographics files (i.e. overlays) you can call set_demographics_files() instead. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Args: demographics_file_path (str): Path to demographics file. Raises: I/O and JSON exceptions. """ # Read the demographics file try: self._demographics = Demographics(demographics_file_path) self.update_nodes() if self._verbose: print("Demographics read from %s with %d nodes" %\ (demographics_file_path, len(self._demographics))) except BaseException: print("Exception while trying to read demographics file %s" % demographics_file_path, file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_demographics_files(self, demographics_file_list): """Setter for demographics from multiple overlay files. This setter must be called before write(). The Geospatial client requires node locations for visualization. An internal Demographics object is created using the given path. If it is useful to access that object directly it can be obtained using the corresponding getter method. Note that if you have just a single demographics file you can call set_demographics() instead. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Args: demographics_file_list (list): Paths to demographics files. Raises: I/O and JSON exceptions. """ # Read the demographics files try: self._demographics = Demographics(demographics_file_list) self.update_nodes() if self._verbose: print("Demographics read from %d files with %d nodes" %\ (len(demographics_file_list), len(self._demographics))) except BaseException: print("Exception while trying to read demographics files.", file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_config(self, config_file_path): """Setter for config file path. The VisSet needs to know how many timesteps are in the simulation. This can be obtained from any spatial binary, or from the config. This method allows you to specify the path to the config.json, and the VisSet will read the Simulation_Duration from there. Use this method if your simulation does not have any spatial binaries, and you just want to look at the nodes. Note: If you call add_spatial_reports() and there is at least one spatial binary, the VisSet will obtain the timestep count from that, and you do not need to call set_config at all. Returns: None. Args: config_file_path (str): Path to config.json file. Raises: I/O and JSON exceptions. """ try: self._config = Config(config_file_path) self.timestepCount = self._config.parameters["Simulation_Duration"] if self.startDate == "1970-1-1": self.startDate =\ ( - timedelta(self.timestepCount)).isoformat() if self._verbose: print("Config read from %s with %d timesteps" % (config_file_path, self._config.get_timestep_count())) except BaseException: print("Exception while trying to read config file %s" % config_file_path, file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_event_recorder(self, event_recorder_file_path): """Setter for event recorder file path for marker layers. This setter must be called before any calls to add_marker_layer(). An internal CSVReport object will be created with the data at the given path. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Args: event_recorder_file_path (str): Path to an ReportEventRecorder.csv. Raises: I/O and csv exceptions. """ try: self._event_recorder = CSVReport(event_recorder_file_path) if self._verbose: print("Event recorder read from %s with %d events" % (event_recorder_file_path, len(self._event_recorder))) except BaseException: print("Exception while trying to read event recorder %s" % event_recorder_file_path, file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_inset_chart(self, inset_chart_file_path): """Setter for inset chart data source file. The Geospatial Vis-Tools client has an Inset Panel which shows inset chart data. Typically that data is sourced from an InsetChart.json file, but any file with the same format is allowable, such as ReportMalariaFiltered.json. This method allows the user to specify the source file for Insets. Note: If this method is not called with some json file path, the Inset Panel will not appear at all in the Geospatial client. Returns: None. Args: inset_chart_file_path (str): File path to InsetChart.json or other compatible file. """ if not path.isfile(inset_chart_file_path): print("Inset file path %s could not be found." % inset_chart_file_path, file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Inset file path could not be found.") inset_chart_file_path = inset_chart_file_path.replace("\\", "/") self.links["inset"] = {"url": inset_chart_file_path} if self._verbose: print("Inset chart file set to %s" % inset_chart_file_path)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_custom_base_layer(self, base_layer_path, friendlyName=None): """Setter for custom base layer source file. The Geospatial Vis-Tools client allows the use of a single-tile globe image as its base layer. Such an image needs to be a high-resolution JPEG or PNG image that is an equirectangular projection. Returns: None. Args: base_layer_path (str): File path to a JPEG or PNG base layer image. """ if not path.isfile(base_layer_path): print("Custom base layer file path %s could not be found." % base_layer_path, file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Custom base layer file path could not be found.") base_layer_path = base_layer_path.replace("\\", "/") self.links["customBaseLayer"] = {"url": base_layer_path} if friendlyName is not None: self.links["customBaseLayer"]["friendlyName"] = friendlyName if self._verbose: print("Custom base layer file set to %s" % base_layer_path)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_start_date(self, yyyy_mm_dd): """Setter for simulation start date. If this is not given, the start date (that shows in the timeline in Vis-Tools visualizations) will be back-calculated from the number of timesteps such that the simulation ends on the date on which the preprocessing script was run. This setter allows you to set an arbitrary start date, and the timeline will start there instead. Returns: None. Args: yyyy_mm_dd (str): a date in the form "yyyy-dd-mm", e.g. "1970-01-01" """ self.startDate = yyyy_mm_dd
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_node_field(self, field_name): """Allows the caller to pull in additional fields from NodeAttributes. The output visset.json contains a summarized version of the nodes that are read from the demographics file. By default that summary includes latitude, longitude, and altitude if present. This method allows the caller to pull in any additional desired fields from NodeAttributes into the node summaries in the output visset.json. E.g.:: vis_set.add_node_field("BirthRate") Note: Automatically calls update_nodes(). Caller does not need to do that. Returns: None. Args: field_name (str): The NodeAttributes field name to pull in. """ self._extra_node_fields.add(field_name) self.update_nodes() if self._verbose: print("Added node field %s" % field_name)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_spatial_reports(self, spatial_reports): """Adds all the spatial reports in the given SpatialReports object. This method adds as sources all the spatial report files referenced in the given SpatialReports object. Note that the current Geospatial client HTML loads *all* the spatial binaries it knows about into memory, so it may make sense to edit down the set of reports that are included. That can be done (subsequent to calling this method) using exclude_spatial_channels(). Note: This method also, as a side effect, determines the number of timesteps in the simulation by inspecting the first spatial binary. As a result, if spatial binaries are provided, a config.json need not be added to the VisSet object. Returns: None. Args: spatial_reports (obj): the SpatialReports object to add. """ if self._verbose: # trailing comma prevents newline print("Reading spatial reports and calculating data ranges: ", end=' ') for i in range(0, len(spatial_reports)): if self._verbose: print(".", end=' ') info = spatial_reports.get(i) # True below to drop zeros spatial_report = SpatialBinary(info["url"], True, self._excluded_nodes) extra_data = {"friendlyName": info["friendlyName"]} extra_data.update(spatial_report.value_range(True)) # for_json self._add_link("spatial", info["name"], info["url"], extra_data=extra_data) if self._verbose: print() # terminate line # If there are any spatial reports, pick the first one and read its # header so we know how many timesteps the sim has. old_timestep_count = self.timestepCount keys = list(self.links["spatial"].keys()) if len(keys) > 0: header = SpatialBinaryHeader(self.links["spatial"][keys[0]]["url"]) self.timestepCount = header.timestep_count if old_timestep_count != 0 and\ old_timestep_count != self.timestepCount: print("Timestep count read from config (%f) does not match " "timestep count in spatial binary (%d)." % (old_timestep_count, self.timestepCount), file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError( "Timestep count read from config does not " + "match timestep count in spatial binary") if self.startDate == "1970-1-1": self.startDate =\ ( - timedelta(self.timestepCount)).isoformat() if self._verbose: print("Added references to %d spatial report%s" % (len(spatial_reports), "" if len(spatial_reports) == 1 else "s"))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_marker_layer(self, event_name, marker=None, color=None, placement=None, duration=None, show=True): """Adds a marker animation layer to the output visset. This method generates a CZML animation layer that provides visual indication of event recorder events. Note: Call set_products_directory, set_demographics, set_event_recorder, and (add_spatial_channels or set_config) before calling this method. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Creates a CZML file in the VisSet's products directory. Args: event_name (str): The name of the event for which a marker layer is desired. It must exactly match the event name in the event recorder. E.g. "Received_Treatment". marker (str): The name of the marker image to use. "Triangle" or "Cross" are allowable (see constants at top of class). color (str): An HTML/CSS or SVG named color for the marker. E.g. "red" or "#ccff00" placement (str): The location, with respect to the node lat/log center, for the marker. "Top", "Left", "Bottom", or "Right" are allowable (see constants at top of class). duration (int): The duration, in timesteps for which the marker will remain visible after the event occurs. E.g. 2 will cause the marker to appear above the node on the timestep of the event, and remain there for two timesteps before disappearing. show (bool): Whether this layer will be visible by default when the Geospatial client loads this visset. If show is False, the layer CZML is still generated and loaded by the client, but the layer will have its checkbox unchecked (and therefore not be visible) in the client when the page is first loaded. """ # Make sure everything we need is available if self.targetClient != VisSet.k_geospatial: print("Marker layers are only for the %s client" % VisSet.k_geospatial, file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Wrong client for marker layer") if self._demographics is None: print("Demographics required for marker layer generation. Make " "sure you've called set_demographics before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Demographics required for marker layer") if self._event_recorder is None: print("Event recorder required for marker layer generation. Make " "sure you've called set_event_recorder before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Event recorder required for marker layer") if self._products_dir is None: print("Products directory must be set for marker layer generation. " "Make sure you've called set_products_directory before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Products directory required for marker layer") if self.timestepCount is 0: print("Non-zero timestep count is required for marker layer " "generation. Make sure you've called either set_config or " "add_spatial_reports to establish a timestep count before " "calling add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Zero timestep count generating marker layer") # Apply reasonable defaults if marker is None: marker = VisSet.k_marker_shape_triangle if color is None: color = "#000000" if placement is None: placement = VisSet.k_marker_placement_top if duration is None: duration = VisSet.k_default_marker_duration_days # Generate the layer try: czml_file = CZMLWriter() czml_file.set_sim_duration(self.timestepCount, emit_clock=True, sim_start_date=datetime.strptime( self.startDate, "%Y-%m-%d").date()) czml_file.add_event_markers(self._event_recorder, self._demographics, event_name, marker, color, placement, duration) url = path.join(self._products_dir, event_name + ".czml") czml_file.write_czml(url) extra_data = { "legendSymbol": marker + placement, "legendColor": color, "show": show } self._add_link("czml", event_name, url, extra_data=extra_data) if self._verbose: print("Generated marker layer for event %s" % event_name) except BaseException: print("Exception generating marker layer for event %s" % event_name, file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_infected_human_migrations(self, human_migration_file_path): """Adds an infected human migrations layer to the output visset. Note: Call set_products_directory, set_demographics, set_event_recorder, and (add_spatial_channels or set_config) before calling this method. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Creates a CZML file in the VisSet's products directory. Args: human_migration_file_path (str): The file path to the simulation's ReportHumanMigrationTracking.csv file. To do: * Add arg for comet head start color * Add arg for comet head end color * Add arg for comet tail start color * Add arg for comet tail end color * Add arg for tail duration in timesteps """ # Make sure everything we need is available if self.targetClient != VisSet.k_geospatial: print("Migration layer is only for the %s client" % VisSet.k_geospatial, file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Wrong client for migration layer") if self._demographics is None: print("Demographics required for marker layer generation. Make " "sure you've called set_demographics before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Demographics required for marker layer") if self._event_recorder is None: print("Event recorder required for marker layer generation. Make " "sure you've called set_event_recorder before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Event recorder required for marker layer") if self._products_dir is None: print("Products directory must be set for marker layer generation. " "Make sure you've called set_products_directory before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Products directory required for marker layer") if self.timestepCount is 0: print("Non-zero timestep count is required for marker layer " "generation. Make sure you've called either set_config or " "add_spatial_reports to establish a timestep count before " "calling add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Zero timestep count generating marker layer") # Read the migration report try: human_migration = CSVReport(human_migration_file_path) except BaseException: print("Exception reading migration report %s" % human_migration_file_path, file=sys.stderr) raise # Use MigrationHelpers to combine the event recorder and human migration # report into a structure that provides infected human migrations. # mig is a Dict<timestep, inf_migs> where # inf_migs is Dict<FromNodeID-ToNodeId, count> try: mig = MigrationHelpers.collate_infected_human_migrations( human_migration, self._event_recorder) self.options["migrationsVis"]["maxSimultaneousMigrations"] =\ mig["aggregate_migrations_max"] except BaseException: print("Exception from MigrationHelpers creating infected human " "migration structure.", file=sys.stderr) raise # Generate the layer try: czml_file = CZMLWriter() czml_file.set_sim_duration( self.timestepCount, emit_clock=True, sim_start_date=datetime.strptime( self.startDate, "%Y-%m-%d").date(), anim_step_secs=self.options["clockAnimFrameSecs"]) czml_file.add_migrations(mig["infected_migrations"], self._demographics) url = path.join(self._products_dir, VisSet.k_infected_migrations_file_name) czml_file.write_czml(url) self._add_link("czml", "Infected Human Migrations", url) if self._verbose: print("Generated infected human migration layer") except BaseException: print("Exception generating infected human migration layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_vector_migrations(self, vector_migration_path, migration_duration_timesteps=2, dot_color="#ba7fb7", dot_size_pixels=10, path_color="#ffffff", path_thickness_pixels=2.5, path_trail_time_factor=0.75): """Adds a vector cohort migration layer to the output visset. Note: Call set_products_directory, set_demographics, and either set_config or add_spatial_reports before calling this method. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Creates a CZML file in the VisSet's products directory. Args: vector_migration_path (str): The path to the ReportVectorMigration.csv file. migration_duration_timesteps (int): Number of timesteps that the migration animation spans. dot_color (string): CSS #rrggbb color for migration comet dot. dot_size_pixels (int): Size in pixels of comet dot. path_color (string): CSS #rrggbb color for migration comet tail. path_thickness_pixels (float): Thickness in pixels of comet tail. path_trail_time_factor (float): Length of trail as a multiple of the migration_duration. E.g. if this is 1.0, the trail length will be the full distance from source node to the destination node. If 0.5, the trail length will be half the distance between the nodes. """ # Make sure everything we need is available if self.targetClient != VisSet.k_geospatial: print("Migration layer is only for the %s client" % VisSet.k_geospatial, file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Wrong client for migration layer") if self._demographics is None: print("Demographics required for migration layer generation. Make " "sure you've called set_demographics before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Demographics required for marker layer") if self._products_dir is None: print("Products directory must be set for migration layer " "generation. Make sure you've called set_products_directory " "before add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Products directory required for migration layer") if self.timestepCount is 0: print("Non-zero timestep count is required for migration layer " "generation. Make sure you've called either set_config or " "add_spatial_ reports to establish a timestep count " "before calling add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Zero timestep count generating migration layer") # Read the migration report try: vector_migrations = CSVReport(vector_migration_path) except BaseException: print("Exception reading migration report %s" % vector_migration_path, file=sys.stderr) raise # Generate the layer try: czml_file = CZMLWriter() czml_file.set_sim_duration(self.timestepCount, emit_clock=True, sim_start_date=datetime.strptime( self.startDate, "%Y-%m-%d").date(), anim_step_secs=self.options["clockAnimFrameSecs"]) czml_file.add_vector_migrations(vector_migrations, self._demographics, migration_duration_timesteps, dot_color, dot_size_pixels, path_color, path_thickness_pixels, path_trail_time_factor) url = path.join(self._products_dir, VisSet.k_vector_migrations_file_name) czml_file.write_czml(url) self._add_link("czml", "Vector Cohort Migrations", url) if self._verbose: print("Generated vector cohort migration layer") except BaseException: print("Exception generating vector cohort migration layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_simplified_vector_migrations(self, vector_migration_path, migration_duration_timesteps=2, arrow_color="#ffffff", arrow_thickness_pixels=2): """Adds a simplified vector cohort migration layer to the output visset. Note: Call set_products_directory, set_demographics, and either set_config or add_spatial_reports before calling this method. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Creates a CZML file in the VisSet's products directory. Args: vector_migration_path (str): The path to the ReportVectorMigration.csv file. migration_duration_timesteps (int): Number of timesteps that the migration animation spans. arrow_color (string): CSS #rrggbb color for migration arrow. arrow_thickness_pixels (float): Thickness in pixels of arrow. """ # Make sure everything we need is available if self.targetClient != VisSet.k_geospatial: print("Migration layer is only for the %s client" % VisSet.k_geospatial, file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Wrong client for migration layer") if self._demographics is None: print("Demographics required for migration layer generation. Make " "sure you've called set_demographics before " "add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Demographics required for marker layer") if self._products_dir is None: print("Products directory must be set for migration layer " "generation. Make sure you've called set_products_directory " "before add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Products directory required for migration layer") if self.timestepCount is 0: print("Non-zero timestep count is required for migration layer " "generation. Make sure you've called either set_config or " "add_spatial_ reports to establish a timestep count before " "calling add_marker_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Zero timestep count generating migration layer") # Read the migration report try: vector_migrations = CSVReport(vector_migration_path) except BaseException: print("Exception reading migration report %s" % vector_migration_path, file=sys.stderr) raise # Generate the layer try: czml_file = CZMLWriter() czml_file.set_sim_duration(self.timestepCount, emit_clock=True, anim_step_secs=self.options["clockAnimFrameSecs"], sim_start_date=datetime.strptime( self.startDate, "%Y-%m-%d").date()) czml_file.add_simplified_vector_migrations(vector_migrations, self._demographics, migration_duration_timesteps, arrow_color, arrow_thickness_pixels) url = path.join(self._products_dir, VisSet.k_vector_migrations_file_name) czml_file.write_czml(url) self._add_link("czml", "Vector Cohort Migrations", url) if self._verbose: print("Generated vector cohort migration layer") except BaseException: print("Exception generating vector cohort migration layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_binding(self, vis_section, sink_name, source_name, func): """Add a binding between a data source and a visualization sink. This method lets you add a binding between a visualization sink (e.g. point node color) and a data source (e.g. a spatial report) through a binding function (e.g. "scale(3, 20)"). Such bindings will be preset in the client page when it is first presented from the visset. Note: The available sinks vary depending on target client, and within a target client, on other factors. For example, there is one set of sinks for "Points" node representation, and a different set of sinks for "Shapes" node representation. You can see the list of sinks by inspecting the defaultvisset.json file. Note: The correctness of the functions provided in the func argument is not validated here. If the caller makes an error in the syntax of the function string, the errant string will still end up in the output visset.json. When the client loads the visset, the binding will throw an exception and the client will show an error message. Returns: bool: True if the binding was set, or False if the sink could not be found. Args: vis_section (str): The visualization section of the visset.json file. For the Geospatial client, valid values for vis_section are "nodeVis" or "heatmapVis". Other clients will have other visualization sections. See defaultvisset.json. sink_name (str): The name of the sink to which to bind. E.g. "shapeExtrusion". source_name (str): The name of the data source to which to bind. E.g. "SpatialReport_Prevalence" or "BirthRate". Can be None. func (str): The function to use on the binding or None. The details of function syntax are documented elsewhere, but in general this may be "none()", some built-in function e.g. "scale(3, 20)", or a custom Javascript function body, e.g.:: "{ return 1.0 - binding.value; }" """ sink = None opts = self.__dict__["options"] if "sinks" in opts[vis_section] and\ sink_name in opts[vis_section]["sinks"]: sink = opts[vis_section]["sinks"][sink_name] else: keys = list(opts[vis_section].keys()) for key in keys: if "sinks" in opts[vis_section][key] and\ sink_name in opts[vis_section][key]["sinks"]: sink = opts[vis_section][key]["sinks"][sink_name] break if sink is None: if self._verbose: print("Sink %s not found in %s." % (sink_name, vis_section), file=sys.stderr) raise KeyError("Sink %s not found in %s." % (sink_name, vis_section)) else: sink["source"] = source_name sink["function"] = func if self._verbose: print("Binding added for %s.%s" % (vis_section, sink_name)) return True
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def opacity_one(weight, norm_weight): return 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_weighted_network_layer(self, network, gradient_spec, layer_name="Network", layer_file_name="Network", opacity_func=None): """Adds a weighted network visualization layer to the output visset. This method generates a CZML layer that provides a visual representation of a weighted network between nodes. Note: Call set_products_directory and set_demographics before calling this method. For: Geospatial visualization. Returns: None. Creates a CZML file in the VisSet's products directory. Args: network (array): array of objects:: { from: <from-node-id>, to: <to-node-id>, weight: <float-weight> } gradient_spec (str): gradient spec for a gradient with which to color the network lines. layer_name (str): Layer name (to be displayed in the client UI).l layer_file_name (str): The layer base name for the output file. For example, "Network" results in an output file called "Network.czml". opacity_func (function): function(weight, norm_weight) that returns the desired opacity in range [0,1]. """ # Make sure everything we need is available if self._demographics is None: print("Demographics required for network layer generation. Make " "sure you've called set_demographics before " "add_network_layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("Demographics required for network layer") if opacity_func is None: opacity_func = VisSet.opacity_one # Generate the layer try: czml_file = CZMLWriter() count = czml_file.add_weighted_network(self._demographics, network, gradient_spec, opacity_func) url = path.join(self._products_dir, layer_file_name + ".czml") czml_file.write_czml(url) self._add_link("czml", layer_name, url) if self._verbose: print("Generated network layer with %d paths." % count) except BaseException: print("Exception generating network layer.", file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def show_layer(self, vis_section): """Sets a layer to be shown by default in the output visset.json. This method lets the caller set that the particular visualization section is shown by default when the visset is loaded by the client. Returns: None. Args: vis_section (str): The visualization section of the visset.json file. For the Geospatial client, valid values for vis_section are "nodeVis" or "heatmapVis". Other clients will have other visualization sections. See defaultvisset.json. """ opts = self.__dict__["options"] if vis_section in opts: opts[vis_section]["show"] = True if self._verbose: print("Set %s to shown" % vis_section) else: raise KeyError("Visualization section %s not found." % vis_section)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def hide_layer(self, vis_section): """Sets a layer to be hidden by default in the output visset.json. This method lets the caller set that the particular visualization section is hidden by default when the visset is loaded by the client. Note that all the data and bindings for that visualization section are still created and emitted to the visset...only their default visibility is affected. Returns: None. Args: vis_section (str): The visualization section of the visset.json file. For the Geospatial client, valid values for vis_section are "nodeVis" or "heatmapVis". Other clients will have other visualization sections. See defaultvisset.json. """ opts = self.__dict__["options"] if vis_section in opts: opts[vis_section]["show"] = False if self._verbose: print("Set %s to hidden" % vis_section) else: raise KeyError("Visualization section %s not found." % vis_section)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def exclude_spatial_channels(self, spatial_channel_names): """Exclude named channels from the list of binding sources. Allows caller to exclude a set of spatial channels from showing up as sources for visualization bindings. This would primarily be done to reduce the memory pressure (or load time) of the client page, since all the source spatial binaries have to be loaded into memory on the client side. All this really does is set show=False in the link, which excludes the source on the client side. Note: Call add_spatial_reports() before calling this method. Returns: None. Args: spatial_channel_names (list): a list or array of spatial channel names. If only one channel is to be excluded, enclose it in parens or [] so that it is iterable. E.g.:: exclude_spatial_channels(["SpatialReport_Adult_Vectors"]) """ for channel_name in spatial_channel_names: self.links["spatial"][channel_name]["show"] = False if self._verbose: print("Excluding %d spatial channel%s" %\ (len(spatial_channel_names), "" if len(spatial_channel_names) == 1 else "s"))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def include_spatial_channels(self, spatial_channel_names): """Include (only) named channels in the list of binding sources. Allows caller to include a subset of the available spatial channels as the list of possible sources for visualization bindings. This would primarily be done to reduce the memory pressure (or load time) of the client page, since all the source spatial binaries have to be loaded into memory on the client side. All this really does is set the specified channels to show=True and all the rest to show=False. Note: Call add_spatial_reports() before calling this method. Returns: None. Args: spatial_channel_names (list): a list or array of spatial channel names. If only one channel is to be excluded, enclose it in parens or [] so that it is iterable e. E.g.:: include_spatial_channels(["SpatialReport_Adult_Vectors"]) """ for channel_name in self.links["spatial"]: self.links["spatial"][channel_name]["show"] =\ channel_name in spatial_channel_names if self._verbose: print("Including %d spatial channel%s" %\ (len(spatial_channel_names), "" if len(spatial_channel_names) == 1 else "s"))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Excludes any number of nodes from min/max stats. This may be used to # keep an outlier node from skewing the visuals. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def exclude_nodes_from_stats(self, node_id_array): """Excludes a set of nodes from node min/max statistics. This method lets the caller specify a list of node ids that should be excluded from the min/max calculations data channels. This includes both static sources (e.g. NodeAttributes.InitialPopulation) and spatial reports (e.g. SpatialReport_Population). This is typically used to drop an outlier from the data set to avoid visually skewing the output visualization. For example, one might exclude the "elsewhere" node, which typically has extraordinary population, prevalence, etc. in a simulation that incorporates external migration. Note: The node itself is not eliminated - it will still be visually represented, but it will have a value that may lie outside the min/ max range calculated for a given source. The client will clamp the value at visualization time. Note: This method calls update_nodes...the caller need not do that. Returns: None. Args: node_id_array (list): a list or array of node id's to be excluded. If only a single node is to be excluded, enclose it in parens or [] so that it is iterable, e.g.:: exclude_nodes_from_stats([10001]) or just call exclude_node_from_stats() """ self._excluded_nodes.update(node_id_array) self.update_ranges() if self._verbose: print("Excluded %d node%s from statistics" %\ (len(node_id_array), "" if len(node_id_array) == 1 else "s"))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def exclude_node_from_stats(self, node_id): """Exclude a node from node min/max statistics. This method is exactly exclude_nodes_from_stats but for a single node id. See that method for details. Returns: None. Args: node_id (int): Node id to exclude from stats. """ self.exclude_nodes_from_stats([node_id])
# The above call emits a verbose message so no message is needed here. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_nodes(self): """Updates the local summarized nodes from the Demographics source. This method forces the VisSet object to refresh its summarized copy of the node data that it will later include in the written visset.json. Use this method if you change the data in the Demographics object and want those changes reflected in the output visset.json. Returns: None. Args: None. """ # Populate nodes self.nodes = [] for node in self._demographics.Nodes: local_node = { "longitude": node["NodeAttributes"]["Longitude"], "latitude": node["NodeAttributes"]["Latitude"], "altitude": node["NodeAttributes"]["Altitude"] if "Altitude" in node["NodeAttributes"] else self.options["defaultAltitudeM"], "nodeId": node["NodeID"], } # Add extra fields extra = {} for extra_field in self._extra_node_fields: # If node has the field, take it from there if extra_field in node["NodeAttributes"]: extra[extra_field] = node["NodeAttributes"][extra_field] elif extra_field in \ self._demographics.Defaults["NodeAttributes"]: extra[extra_field] = self._demographics. \ Defaults["NodeAttributes"][extra_field] local_node.update(extra) self.nodes.append(local_node) # Population nodeInfo self.update_ranges() self.nodeInfo.update(self._demographics.minimum_deltas(True)) self.nodeInfo.update(self._demographics.bounding_box(True))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_ranges(self): """Updates the local min/max values for extra node fields. This method updates the local min/max values that are calculated and later emitted into the visset.json file. Use this method if you change the values in the Demographics object. Returns: None. Args: None. """ ranges = {} for extra_field in self._extra_node_fields: ranges[extra_field] =\ {"min": sys.float_info.max, "max": sys.float_info.min} for node in self.nodes: if node["nodeId"] in self._excluded_nodes: continue for extra_field in self._extra_node_fields: failed = False try: val = float(node[extra_field]) ranges[extra_field]["min"] =\ val if val < ranges[extra_field]["min"] \ else ranges[extra_field]["min"] ranges[extra_field]["max"] =\ val if val > ranges[extra_field]["max"]\ else ranges[extra_field]["max"] except(BaseException): failed = True if failed: ranges[extra_field]["min"] = 0 ranges[extra_field]["max"] = 0 break # skip this field self.nodeInfo["ranges"].update(ranges)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate the settings in the visset to ensure their validity. This function validates the visset to increase the chances of it working correctly when brought into the client. Returns: None. Args: None. To do: * Validate targetClient * Validate nodeVis.visType * Validate that self.nodes is populated * Validate that self.timestepCount and startDate are populated * Try to guess whether the list of spatial binaries is too big to be loaded on the client side * Validate binding sources have show=true * Validate binding functions to the extent possible * Validate that the inset chart file is a JSON and contains the expected keys """ # print "Validate is not implemented." pass
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write(self, sim_url_root=None): """Write the customized VisSet object to a visset.json file in the products directory. This method is called after the caller has made all their additions and modifications to the default visset to write a visset.json file to the products directory. Returns: None. Writes a "visset.json" file to the VisSet's products directory. Args: sim_url_root (str): Optional. Url root substitution if desired. If not provided, URLs in the output visset will begin with "./". Raises: I/O and JSON exceptions. """ self.write_as(VisSet.k_visset_file_name, sim_url_root)
# The above call emits verbose messages so none are needed here # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_as(self, file_name, sim_url_root=None): """Write the customized VisSet object to a specified JSON file. This method is called after the caller has made all their additions and modifications to the default visset to write a JSON file with the given name to the products directory. Returns: None. Writes a JSON file to the VisSet's products directory. Args: file_name (str): The file name to use for the output visset JSON file. sim_url_root (str): Optional. Url root substitution if desired. If not provided, URLs in the output visset will begin with "./". Raises: I/O and JSON exceptions. """ if self._products_dir is None: print("Products directory must be set before write is called.", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError("No products directory at write call") output_object = self._create_output_object(sim_url_root) try: fp = path.join(self._products_dir, file_name) with open(fp, "w") as json_file: json.dump(output_object, json_file, indent=2) except IOError as ex: if ex.errno == VisSet.k_errno_permission_denied: print("Permissions exception writing to '%s', attempting " "write to . instead." % self._products_dir, file=sys.stderr) file_name = "%s_%s" %\ (path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0], file_name) if file_name.startswith("preprocess_"): file_name = file_name.replace("preprocess_", "", 1) fp = path.join(".", file_name) try: with open(fp, "w") as json_file: json.dump(output_object, json_file, indent=2) except BaseException: print("Exception writing %s" % fp, file=sys.stderr) raise else: # Other IOError print("IOError errno = %d writing '%s'" % (ex.errno, fp), file=sys.stderr) except BaseException: print("Exception writing %s" % file_name, file=sys.stderr) raise
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def update_urls(visset, asset_map_or_url_root): """Integrate COMPS Asset Manager URLs or update url roots. This function does two different things, but they are encapsulated into this one function because this function is the only spot in VisSet that knows where all the URLs are in visset[links]. If passed an asset map, it adds "url_asset" entries next to "url" entries to allow the visset to be used in a hosted environment. If passed a string, the "url" entries are updated to replace "./" with the given root. This makes the local paths suitable for use with a locally-hosted Vis-Tools. Returns: None. Args: visset (obj): A visset read with json.load or a VisSet __dict__. asset_map (obj|str): Either an asset map read with json.load, or a string to be the new root for urls. """ if "links" not in visset: return links = visset["links"] # Test for and update old-style inset if "inset" in links and isinstance(links["inset"], str): # This is an old-style string URL. Upgrade it to a new-style inset # object. links["inset"] = {"url": links["inset"]} if isinstance(asset_map_or_url_root, str): # Update url roots url_root = asset_map_or_url_root # Update inset if "inset" in links and links["inset"] is not None and\ "url" in links["inset"]: links["inset"]["url"] =\ links["inset"]["url"].replace("./", url_root) # Update customBaseLayer if "customBaseLayer" in links and\ links["customBaseLayer"] is not None and\ "url" in links["customBaseLayer"]: links["customBaseLayer"]["url"] =\ links["customBaseLayer"]["url"].replace("./", url_root) # Update czml > channel > url if "czml" in links and links["czml"] is not None: for channel_name in links["czml"].keys(): channel_info = links["czml"][channel_name] if "url" in channel_info: channel_info["url"] =\ channel_info["url"].replace("./", url_root) # Update spatial > channel > url if "spatial" in links and links["spatial"] is not None: for channel_name in links["spatial"].keys(): channel_info = links["spatial"][channel_name] if "url" in channel_info: channel_info["url"] =\ channel_info["url"].replace("./", url_root) else: # Add url_assets asset_map = asset_map_or_url_root # Update inset (by adding url_asset) if "inset" in links and links["inset"] is not None and\ links["inset"]["url"] in asset_map: links["inset"]["url_asset"] = asset_map[links["inset"]["url"]] # Update customBaseLayer (by adding url_asset) if "customBaseLayer" in links and\ links["customBaseLayer"] is not None and\ links["customBaseLayer"]["url"] in asset_map: links["customBaseLayer"]["url_asset"] =\ asset_map[links["customBaseLayer"]] # Update czml > channel > url (by adding url_asset) if "czml" in links and links["czml"] is not None: for channel_name in links["czml"].keys(): channel_info = links["czml"][channel_name] if channel_info["url"] in asset_map: channel_info["url_asset"] =\ asset_map[channel_info["url"]] # Update spatial > channel > url (by adding url_asset) if "spatial" in links and links["spatial"] is not None: for channel_name in links["spatial"].keys(): channel_info = links["spatial"][channel_name] if channel_info["url"] in asset_map: channel_info["url_asset"] =\ asset_map[channel_info["url"]]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implementation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _make_friendly_name(name): uncamel = re.compile("([a-z])([A-Z])") name = uncamel.sub("\\1 \\2", name) name = name.replace("_", " ") return name # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _read_and_integrate_asset_map(self): if self._asset_map_path is None: return asset_map = None try: with open(self._asset_map_path, "r") as asset_map_file: asset_map = json.load(asset_map_file) except BaseException: print("Exception reading asset map file %s" % self._asset_map_path, file=sys.stderr) raise if asset_map is None: return # Apply the asset map VisSet.update_urls(self.__dict__, asset_map) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _create_output_object(self, sim_url_root): assert self._products_dir is not None self._read_and_integrate_asset_map() excluded_keys = ("_products_dir", "_config", "_demographics", "_event_recorder", "_asset_map_path", "_extra_node_fields", "_excluded_nodes", "_verbose", "defaultOptions") keys = list(self.__dict__.keys()) result = {} for key in keys: if key not in excluded_keys: result[key] = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__[key]) VisSet.update_urls(result, sim_url_root) return result # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_link(self, category, name, url, extra_data=None): if extra_data is None: extra_data = {} url = url.replace("\\", "/") self.links[category][name] = {"url": url, "show": True} if "friendlyName" not in extra_data: extra_data["friendlyName"] = self._make_friendly_name(name) self.links[category][name].update(extra_data)