T11 - Advanced features#

This tutorial covers advanced features of Covasim, including custom population options and changing the internal computational methods.

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Defining populations with SynthPops#

For complex populations, we suggest using SynthPops, a Python library designed specifically for this purpose. In contrast the population methods built-in to Covasim, SynthPops uses data to produce synthetic populations that are statistically indistinguishable from real ones. For a relatively complex example of how SynthPops was used to create a complex school network for the Seattle region, see here.

Defining contact layers#

As mentioned in Tutorial 4, contact layers are the graph connecting the people in the simulation. Each person is a node, and each contact is an edge. While enormous complexity can be used to define realistic contact networks, a reasonable approximation in many cases is random connectivity, often with some age assortativity. Here is an example for generating a new contact layer, nominally representing public transportation, and adding it to a simulation:

import numpy as np
import covasim as cv
cv.options(jupyter=True, verbose=0)

# Create the first sim
orig_sim = cv.Sim(pop_type='hybrid', n_days=120, label='Default hybrid population')
orig_sim.initialize() # Initialize the population

# Create the second sim
sim = orig_sim.copy()

# Define the new layer, 'transport'
n_people = len(sim.people)
n_contacts_per_person = 0.5
n_contacts = int(n_contacts_per_person*n_people)
contacts_p1 = cv.choose(max_n=n_people, n=n_contacts)
contacts_p2 = cv.choose(max_n=n_people, n=n_contacts)
beta = np.ones(n_contacts)
layer = cv.Layer(p1=contacts_p1, p2=contacts_p2, beta=beta) # Create the new layer

# Add this layer in and re-initialize the sim
sim.reset_layer_pars() # Automatically add layer 'transport' to the parameters using default values
sim.initialize() # Reinitialize
sim.label = f'Transport layer with {n_contacts_per_person} contacts/person'

# Run and compare
msim = cv.parallel(orig_sim, sim)
Covasim 3.1.6 (2024-01-28) — © 2020-2024 by IDM

Defining dynamic layers#

You can also define custom layers that update dynamically, e.g. based on a supplied number of contacts per day. To do this, create a new Layer class and define the update() method. For example:

import covasim as cv
import numpy as np
import sciris as sc

class CustomLayer(cv.Layer):
    ''' Create a custom layer that updates daily based on supplied contacts '''

    def __init__(self, layer, contact_data):
        ''' Convert an existing layer to a custom layer and store contact data '''
        for k,v in layer.items():
            self[k] = v
        self.contact_data = contact_data

    def update(self, people):
        ''' Update the contacts '''
        pop_size = len(people)
        n_new = self.contact_data[people.t] # Pull out today's contacts
        self['p1']   = np.array(cv.choose_r(max_n=pop_size, n=n_new), dtype=cv.default_int) # Choose with replacement
        self['p2']   = np.array(cv.choose_r(max_n=pop_size, n=n_new), dtype=cv.default_int) # Paired contact
        self['beta'] = np.ones(n_new, dtype=cv.default_float) # Per-contact transmission (just 1.0)

# Define some simple parameters
pars = sc.objdict(
    pop_size = 1000,
    n_days = 90,

# Set up and run the simulation
base_sim = cv.Sim(pars, label='Default simulation')
sim = cv.Sim(pars, dynam_layer=True, label='Dynamic layers')

# Update to custom layer
for key in sim.layer_keys():
    contact_data = np.random.randint(pars.pop_size*10, pars.pop_size*20, size=pars.n_days+1) # Generate a number of contacts for today
    sim.people.contacts[key] = CustomLayer(sim.people.contacts[key], contact_data=contact_data)

# Run and plot
msim = cv.parallel(base_sim, sim)

Defining custom population properties#

Another useful feature is adding additional features to people, for use in subtargeting. For example, this example shows how to define a subpopulation with higher baseline mortality rates. This is a simple example illustrating how you would identify and target people based on whether or not the have a prime-number index, based on the protecting the elderly example from Tutorial 1.

import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
import covasim as cv

def protect_the_prime(sim):
    if sim.t == sim.day('2020-04-01'):
        are_prime = sim.people.prime
        sim.people.rel_sus[are_prime] = 0.0

pars = dict(
    pop_type = 'hybrid',
    pop_infected = 100,
    n_days = 90,
    verbose = 0,

# Default simulation
orig_sim = cv.Sim(pars, label='Default')

# Create the simulation
sim = cv.Sim(pars, label='Protect the prime', interventions=protect_the_prime)
sim.initialize() # Initialize to create the people array
sim.people.prime = np.array([sc.isprime(i) for i in range(len(sim.people))]) # Define whom to target

# Run and plot
msim = cv.parallel(orig_sim, sim)

Changing Numba options#

Finally, this example shows how you can change the default Numba calculation options. It’s not recommended – especially running with multithreading, which is faster but gives stochastically unreproducible results – but it’s there if you want it.

import covasim as cv

# Create a standard 32-bit simulation
sim32 = cv.Sim(label='32-bit, single-threaded (default)', verbose='brief')

# Use 64-bit instead of 32
sim64 = cv.Sim(label='64-bit, single-threaded', verbose='brief')

# Use parallel threading
sim_par = cv.Sim(label='64-bit, multi-threaded', verbose='brief')

# Reset to defaults
sim32b = cv.Sim(label='32-bit, single-threaded (restored)', verbose='brief')

# Plot
msim = cv.MultiSim([sim32, sim64, sim_par, sim32b])
Sim("32-bit, single-threaded (default)"; 2020-03-01 to 2020-04-30; pop: 20000 random; epi: 12730⚙, 14☠)
Reloading Covasim so changes take effect...
Reload complete. Note: for some options to take effect, you may also need to delete Covasim's __pycache__ folder.
Sim("64-bit, single-threaded"; 2020-03-01 to 2020-04-30; pop: 20000 random; epi: 13209⚙, 16☠)
Reloading Covasim so changes take effect...
Reload complete. Note: for some options to take effect, you may also need to delete Covasim's __pycache__ folder.
Sim("64-bit, multi-threaded"; 2020-03-01 to 2020-04-30; pop: 20000 random; epi: 13209⚙, 16☠)
Reloading Covasim so changes take effect...
Covasim 3.1.6 (2024-01-28) — © 2020-2024 by IDM
Reload complete. Note: for some options to take effect, you may also need to delete Covasim's __pycache__ folder.
Sim("32-bit, single-threaded (restored)"; 2020-03-01 to 2020-04-30; pop: 20000 random; epi: 12730⚙, 14☠)