Source code for idmtools.analysis.analyze_manager

"""idmtools Analyzer manager.

AnalyzerManager is the "driver" of analysis. Analysis is mostly a map reduce operation.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import os
import sys
import time
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from typing import NoReturn, List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from tqdm import tqdm
from idmtools import IdmConfigParser
from idmtools.analysis.map_worker_entry import map_item
from idmtools.core import NoPlatformException
from idmtools.core.enums import ItemType
from idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity import IEntity
from idmtools.core.logging import VERBOSE, SUCCESS
from idmtools.entities.ianalyzer import IAnalyzer
from idmtools.utils.language import on_off, verbose_timedelta

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from idmtools.entities.iplatform import IPlatform

logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')

[docs]def pool_worker_initializer(func, analyzers, platform: 'IPlatform') -> NoReturn: """ Initialize the pool worker, which allows the process pool to associate the analyzers, cache, and path mapping to the function executed to retrieve data. Using an initializer improves performance. Args: func: The function that the pool will call. analyzers: The list of all analyzers to run. platform: The platform to communicate with to retrieve files from. Returns: None """ func.analyzers = analyzers func.platform = platform
[docs]class AnalyzeManager: """ Analyzer Manager Class. This is the main driver of analysis. """ ANALYZE_TIMEOUT = 3600 * 8 # Maximum seconds before timing out - set to 8 hours WAIT_TIME = 1.15 # How much time to wait between check if the analysis is done EXCEPTION_KEY = '__EXCEPTION__'
[docs] class TimeOutException(Exception): """ TimeOutException is raised when the analysis times out. """ pass
[docs] class ItemsNotReady(Exception): """ ItemsNotReady is raised when items to be analyzed are still running. Notes: TODO - Add doc_link """ pass
[docs] def __init__(self, platform: 'IPlatform' = None, configuration: dict = None, ids: List[Tuple[str, ItemType]] = None, analyzers: List[IAnalyzer] = None, working_dir: str = None, partial_analyze_ok: bool = False, max_items: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = True, force_manager_working_directory: bool = False, exclude_ids: List[str] = None, analyze_failed_items: bool = False, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, executor_type: str = 'process'): """ Initialize the AnalyzeManager. Args: platform (IPlatform): Platform configuration (dict, optional): Initial Configuration. Defaults to None. ids (Tuple[str, ItemType], optional): List of ids as pair of Tuple and ItemType. Defaults to None. analyzers (List[IAnalyzer], optional): List of Analyzers. Defaults to None. working_dir (str, optional): The working directory. Defaults to os.getcwd(). partial_analyze_ok (bool, optional): Whether partial analysis is ok. When this is True, Experiments in progress or Failed can be analyzed. Defaults to False. max_items (int, optional): Max Items to analyze. Useful when developing and testing an Analyzer. Defaults to None. verbose (bool, optional): Print extra information about analysis. Defaults to True. force_manager_working_directory (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. exclude_ids (List[str], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. analyze_failed_items (bool, optional): Allows analyzing of failed items. Useful when you are trying to aggregate items that have failed. Defaults to False. max_workers (int, optional): Set the max workers. If not provided, falls back to the configuration item *max_threads*. If max_workers is not set in configuration, defaults to CPU count executor_type: (str): Whether to use process or thread pooling. Process pooling is more efficient but threading might be required in some environments """ super().__init__() if working_dir is None: working_dir = os.getcwd() if executor_type.lower() in ['process', 'thread']: self.executor_type = executor_type.lower() else: raise ValueError(f'{executor_type} is not a valid type for executor_type. Choose either "process" or "thread"') self.configuration = configuration or {} # load platform from context or from passed in value self.platform = platform self.__check_for_platform_from_context(platform) if max_workers is None: # check for max workers on platform, then in common if self.platform and hasattr(self.platform, '_config_block') and IdmConfigParser.get_option(self.platform._config_block, "max_workers", None): self.configuration['max_workers'] = int(IdmConfigParser.get_option(self.platform._config_block, "max_workers", None)) elif IdmConfigParser().get_option('COMMON', 'max_workers', None): self.configuration['max_workers'] = int(IdmConfigParser().get_option('COMMON', 'max_workers')) # validate max_workers if max_workers is not None and max_workers < 1: raise ValueError("max_workers must be greater or equal to one") # ensure max workers is int self.max_processes = max_workers if max_workers is not None else self.configuration.get('max_workers', os.cpu_count()) if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'AnalyzeManager set to {self.max_processes}') # Should we continue analyzing even when we encounter an error? self.continue_on_error = False # should we attempt to analyze failed items self.analyze_failed_items = analyze_failed_items # analyze at most this many items, regardless of how many have been given self.max_items_to_analyze = max_items # allows analysis to be performed even if some items are not ready for analysis self.partial_analyze_ok = partial_analyze_ok or (self.max_items_to_analyze is not None) # Each analyzers results will be in the working_dir directory if not specified by them directly. # force_wd overrides this by forcing all results to be in working_dir . self.working_dir = working_dir self.force_wd = force_manager_working_directory # Take the provided ids and determine the full set of unique root items (e.g. simulations) in them to analyze logger.debug("Load information about items from platform") ids = list(set(ids or list())) # uniquify items: List[IEntity] = [] for oid, otype in ids: logger.debug(f'Getting metadata for {oid} and {otype}') item = self.platform.get_item(oid, otype, force=True, raw=True) item.uid = str( item.platform = self.platform items.append(item) self.potential_items: List[IEntity] = [] for i in items: logger.debug(f'Flattening items for {i.uid}') self.potential_items.extend(self.platform.flatten_item(item=i, raw=True)) # These are leaf items to be ignored in analysis. Prune them from analysis. self.exclude_ids = exclude_ids or [] for index, oid in enumerate(self.exclude_ids): self.exclude_ids[index] = str(oid) self.potential_items = [item for item in self.potential_items if item.uid not in self.exclude_ids] for item in self.potential_items: item.platform = self.platform logger.debug(f"Potential items to analyze: {len(self.potential_items)}") self._items = dict() # filled in later by _get_items_to_analyze self.analyzers = analyzers or list() self.verbose = verbose
def __check_for_platform_from_context(self, platform) -> 'IPlatform': # noqa: F821 """ Try to determine platform of current object from self or current platform. Args: platform: Passed in platform object Raises: NoPlatformException: when no platform is on current context Returns: Platform object """ if self.platform is None: # check context for current platform if platform is None: from idmtools.core.context import CURRENT_PLATFORM if CURRENT_PLATFORM is None: raise NoPlatformException("No Platform defined on object, in current context, or passed to run") platform = CURRENT_PLATFORM self.platform = platform return self.platform
[docs] def add_item(self, item: IEntity) -> NoReturn: """ Add an additional item for analysis. Args: item: The new item to add for analysis. Returns: None """ self.potential_items.extend(self.platform.flatten_item(item=item, raw=True))
def _get_items_to_analyze(self) -> Dict[str, IEntity]: """ Get a list of items derived from :meth:`self._items` that are available to analyze. Returns: A list of :class:`~idmtools.entities.iitem.IItem` objects. """ # First sort items by whether they can currently be analyzed can_analyze = {} cannot_analyze = {} for item in self.potential_items: valid = self.platform.validate_item_for_analysis(item, self.analyze_failed_items) if valid: can_analyze[item.uid] = item else: cannot_analyze[item.uid] = item # now consider item limiting arguments if self.partial_analyze_ok: if self.max_items_to_analyze is not None: return {item.uid: item for item in list(can_analyze.values())[0:self.max_items_to_analyze]} return can_analyze if len(cannot_analyze) > 0: raise self.ItemsNotReady('There are %d items that cannot be analyzed and partial_analyze_ok is off.' % len(cannot_analyze)) return can_analyze
[docs] def add_analyzer(self, analyzer: IAnalyzer) -> NoReturn: """ Add another analyzer to use on the items to be analyzed. Args: analyzer: An analyzer object (:class:`~idmtools.entities.ianalyzer.IAnalyzer`). Returns: None """ self.analyzers.append(analyzer)
def _update_analyzer_uids(self) -> NoReturn: """ Ensure that each analyzer has a unique ID in this context by updating them as needed. Returns: None """ unique_uids = {analyzer.uid for analyzer in self.analyzers} if len(unique_uids) < len(self.analyzers): for i in range(len(self.analyzers)): self.analyzers[i].uid += f'-{i}' logger.debug(f'Analyzer {i.__class__} id set to {self.analyzers[i].uid}') def _initialize_analyzers(self) -> NoReturn: """ Do the steps needed to prepare analyzers for item analysis. Returns: None """ logger.debug("Initializing Analyzers") # Setup the working directory and call initialize() on each analyzer for analyzer in self.analyzers: if self.force_wd: analyzer.working_dir = self.working_dir else: analyzer.working_dir = analyzer.working_dir or self.working_dir if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Analyzer working directory set to {analyzer.working_dir}") analyzer.initialize() # make sure each analyzer in self.analyzers has a unique uid self._update_analyzer_uids() def _print_configuration(self, n_items: int, n_processes: int) -> NoReturn: """ Display some information about an ongoing analysis. Args: n_items: The number of items being analyzed. n_processes: The number of active item processing handlers. Returns: None """ n_ignored_items = len(self.potential_items) - n_items user_logger.log(VERBOSE, 'Analyze Manager') user_logger.log(VERBOSE, f' | {n_items} item(s) selected for analysis') user_logger.log(VERBOSE, f' | partial_analyze_ok is {self.partial_analyze_ok}, max_items is ' f'{self.max_items_to_analyze}, and {n_ignored_items} item(s) are being ignored') user_logger.log(VERBOSE, ' | Analyzer(s): ') for analyzer in self.analyzers: user_logger.log(VERBOSE, f' | - {analyzer.uid} File parsing: {on_off(analyzer.parse)} / Use ' f'cache: {on_off(hasattr(analyzer, "cache"))}') if hasattr(analyzer, 'need_dir_map'): user_logger.log(VERBOSE, f' | (Directory map: {on_off(analyzer.need_dir_map)}') user_logger.log(VERBOSE, f' | Pool of {n_processes} analyzing process(es)') def _run_and_wait_for_mapping(self, executor) -> Tuple[Dict, bool]: """ Run and manage the mapping call on each item. Args: executor: A pool of workers. Returns: False if an exception occurred processing **.map** on any item; otherwise True (succeeded). """ # add items to process (map) n_items = len(self._items) logger.debug(f"Number of items for analysis: {n_items}") logger.debug("Mapping the items for analysis") futures = dict() results = dict() status = True # create status bar and then queue our futures with tqdm(total=len(self._items)) as progress: for i in self._items.values(): future = executor.submit(map_item, i) future.add_done_callback(lambda p: progress.update()) futures[future] = i # wait on our futures to complete, catch exceptions, and aggregate results for future in as_completed(futures.keys()): if future.exception(): status = False ex = future.exception() user_logger.error(ex) if not self.continue_on_error: raise ex else: results[futures[future]] = future.result() logger.debug(f"Result fetching status: : {status}") return results, status def _run_and_wait_for_reducing(self, executor, results) -> dict: """ Run and manage the reduce call on the combined item results (by analyzer). Args: executor: A pool of workers. Returns: An analyzer ID keyed dictionary of finalize results. """ # the keys in self.cache from map() calls are expected to be item ids. Each keyed value # contains analyzer_id: item_results_for_analyzer entries. logger.debug("Running reduce results") futures = {} finalize_results = {} # create a progress bar with tqdm(total=len(self.analyzers), desc="Running Analyzer Reduces") as progress: # for each analyzer, queue our futures for analyzer in self.analyzers: logger.debug(f"Gather data for {analyzer.uid}") item_data_for_analyzer = {} for item, data in results.items(): if analyzer.uid in data: item_data_for_analyzer[item] = data[analyzer.uid] if item_data_for_analyzer.__len__() == 0: user_logger.warning(f"Note: {analyzer.uid} has no simulation data to analyze. Please verify the filter or map function of the analyzer.") future = executor.submit(analyzer.reduce, item_data_for_analyzer) future.add_done_callback(lambda p: progress.update()) logger.debug(f"Queueing {analyzer.uid}") futures[future] = analyzer.uid # wait on our futures, catch exceptions, and aggregate results logger.debug("Waiting for results") for future in as_completed(futures.keys()): if future.exception(): user_logger.error(f'Reduce for Analyzer {futures[future]} failed') user_logger.exception(future.exception()) user_logger.error("See log for details") if not self.continue_on_error: sys.exit(-1) else: finalize_results[futures[future]] = future.result() if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug("Finished reducing results") for future in futures.keys(): future.cancel() return finalize_results
[docs] def analyze(self) -> bool: """ Process the provided items with the provided analyzers. This is the main driver method of :class:`AnalyzeManager`. Args: kwargs: extra parameters Returns: True on success; False on failure/exception. """ start_time = time.time() # If no analyzers or simulations have been provided, there is nothing to do if len(self.analyzers) == 0: user_logger.error('No analyzers were provided; cannot run analysis.') return False self._initialize_analyzers() if len(self.potential_items) == 0: user_logger.error('No items were provided; cannot run analysis.') return False # trim processing to those items that are ready and match requested limits self._items: Dict[str, IEntity] = self._get_items_to_analyze() if len(self._items) == 0: user_logger.error('No items are ready; cannot run analysis.') return False # initialize mapping results cache/storage n_items = len(self._items) n_processes = min(self.max_processes, max(n_items, 1))'Analyzing {n_items}') # do any platform-specific initializations logger.debug("Triggering per group functions") for analyzer in self.analyzers: analyzer.per_group(items=self._items) if self.verbose: self._print_configuration(n_items, n_processes) no_print_config_exists = False # Before we initialize processes, ensure no warning about config are set if 'IDMTOOLS_NO_PRINT_CONFIG_USED' not in os.environ: os.environ['IDMTOOLS_NO_PRINT_CONFIG_USED'] = "1" os.environ['IDMTOOLS_HIDE_DEV_WARNING'] = "1" os.environ['IDMTOOLS_NO_CONFIG_WARNING'] = "1" else: no_print_config_exists = True # create worker pool try: # To ensure subprocesses reuse same config file, pass it through environment vars config_file = IdmConfigParser().get_config_path() if config_file: os.environ['IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE'] = config_file # our options for our executor opts = dict(max_workers=n_processes, initializer=pool_worker_initializer, initargs=(map_item, self.analyzers, self.platform)) # determine type. Most cases we want a process, but sometimes(like in Jupyter notebooks, we want to use threads) if self.executor_type == 'process': executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(**opts) else: executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(**opts) map_results, status = self._run_and_wait_for_mapping(executor) finalize_results = self._run_and_wait_for_reducing(executor, map_results) finally: # because of debug mode, we have to leave executor and let python handle the shutdown through del # see os.environ['NO_LOGGING_INIT'] = 'n' logger.debug("Shutting down workers") for analyzer in self.analyzers: analyzer.results = finalize_results[analyzer.uid] logger.debug("Destroying analyzers") for analyzer in self.analyzers: analyzer.destroy() if not no_print_config_exists: del os.environ['IDMTOOLS_NO_PRINT_CONFIG_USED'] del os.environ['IDMTOOLS_HIDE_DEV_WARNING'] del os.environ['IDMTOOLS_NO_CONFIG_WARNING'] if 'IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE' in os.environ: del os.environ['IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE'] if self.verbose: total_time = time.time() - start_time time_str = verbose_timedelta(total_time) user_logger.log(SUCCESS, '\r | Analysis complete. Took {} ' '(~ {:.3f} per item)'.format(time_str, total_time / n_items)) return True