idmtools IdmConfig paraer, the main configuration engine for idmtools.
Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import copy
import platform
from dataclasses import fields
from pathlib import Path
import json
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from typing import Any, Dict
from idmtools.core import TRUTHY_VALUES
from idmtools.utils.info import get_help_version_url
default_config = 'idmtools.ini'
# this is the only logger that should not be defined using init_logger
logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')
[docs]def initialization(force=False):
Initialization decorator for configuration methods.
force: Force initialization
Wrapper function
def wrap(func):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
value = func(*args, **kwargs)
return value
return wrapped_f
return wrap
[docs]class IdmConfigParser:
Class that parses an INI configuration file.
_config = None
_instance = None
_config_path = None
_block = None
[docs] def __new__(cls, dir_path: str = '.', file_name: str = default_config) -> 'IdmConfigParser':
Make :class:`IdmConfigParser` creation a singleton.
dir_path: The INI configuration file directory.
file_name: The INI file name.
An :class:`IdmConfigParser` instance.
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = super(IdmConfigParser, cls).__new__(cls)
cls._instance._load_config_file(dir_path, file_name)
# Only error when a user overrides the filename for idmtools.ini
if (dir_path != "." or file_name != default_config) and not cls.found_ini():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The configuration file {os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)} was not found!")
# Call our startup plugins
from idmtools.registry.functions import FunctionPluginManager
return cls._instance
[docs] @classmethod
def retrieve_dict_config_block(cls, field_type, section) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Retrieve dictionary config block.
field_type: Field type
section: Section to load
Dictionary of the config block
import ast
inputs = copy.deepcopy(section)
fs = set(field_type.keys()).intersection(set(section.keys()))
for fn in fs:
ft = field_type[fn]
if ft in (int, float, str):
inputs[fn] = ft(section[fn])
elif ft is bool:
if isinstance(section[fn], str):
inputs[fn] = ast.literal_eval(section[fn])
inputs[fn] = section[fn]
except ValueError as e:
f"The field {fn} requires a value of type {ft.__name__}. You provided <{section[fn]}>")
raise e
return inputs
[docs] @classmethod
def retrieve_settings(cls, section: str = None, field_type=None) -> Dict[str, str]:
Retrieve INI configuration values (to be used when updating platform fields). Call from each platform.
section: The INI section from which to retrieve configuration values.
field_type: The requested data types.
The configuration values as a dictionary.
# retrieve THIS platform config settings
if field_type is None:
field_type = {}
field_config = cls.get_section(section)
# update field types
field_config_updated = cls.retrieve_dict_config_block(field_config, section)
return field_config_updated
def _find_config(cls, dir_path: str = None, file_name: str = default_config) -> None:
Recursively search for the INI configuration file starting from the **dir_path** provided up to the root, stopping once one is found.
dir_path: The directory to start looking for the INI configuration file.
file_name: The name of the configuration file to look for.
full_dir_path = os.path.abspath(dir_path)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(full_dir_path, file_name)):
cls._config_path = os.path.join(full_dir_path, file_name)
return cls._config_path
dir_parent = os.path.dirname(full_dir_path)
if dir_parent == full_dir_path:
return None
cls._config_path = cls._find_config(dir_parent, file_name)
return cls._config_path
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_global_configuration_name() -> str:
Get Global Configuration Name.
On Windows, this returns %LOCALDATA%\\idmtools\\idmtools.ini
On Mac and Linux, it returns "/home/username/.idmtools.ini'
Value Error on OSs not supported
if platform.system() in ["Linux", "Darwin"]:
ini_file = os.path.join(str(Path.home()), ".idmtools.ini")
# On Windows, c:\users\user\AppData\Local\idmtools\idmtools.ini
elif platform.system() in ["Windows"]:
ini_file = os.path.join(os.path.expandvars(r'%LOCALAPPDATA%'), "idmtools", "idmtools.ini")
raise ValueError("OS global configuration cannot be detected")
return ini_file
def _load_config_file(cls, dir_path: str = None, file_name: str = default_config):
Find and then load the INI configuration file and parse it with :class:`IdmConfigParser`.
dir_path: The directory to start looking for the INI configuration file.
file_name: The name of the configuration file to look for.
if dir_path is None:
dir_path = os.getcwd()
f"Looking for config file in {dir_path}") # This log will generally only happen on recreation of config after clearing config
# Look for the config file. First check environment vars
if "IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE" in os.environ:
if not os.path.exists(os.environ["IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE"]):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot for idmtools config at {os.environ["IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE"]}')
ini_file = os.environ["IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE"]
# Try find file
ini_file = cls._find_config(dir_path, file_name)
# Fallback to user home directories
if ini_file is None:
global_config = cls.get_global_configuration_name()
if os.path.exists(global_config):
ini_file = global_config
# If we didn't find a file, warn the user and init logging
if ini_file is None:
if os.getenv("NO_LOGGING_INIT", "f").lower() not in TRUTHY_VALUES:
f"/!\\ WARNING: File '{file_name}' Not Found! For details on how to configure idmtools, see {get_help_version_url('configuration.html')} for details on how to configure idmtools.")
# Load file
cls._config_path = ini_file
cls._config = ConfigParser()
# in order to have case-insensitive section names, we add the lowercase version of all sections if not present
sections = cls._config.sections()
for section in sections:
lowercase_version = section.lower()
if not cls._config.has_section(section=lowercase_version):
cls._config._sections[lowercase_version] = cls._config._sections[section]
if os.getenv("NO_LOGGING_INIT", "f").lower() not in TRUTHY_VALUES:
# init logging here as this is our most likely entry-point into an idmtools "application"
from idmtools.core.logging import VERBOSE
if IdmConfigParser.get_option("NO_PRINT_CONFIG_USED",
fallback="F").lower() not in TRUTHY_VALUES and IdmConfigParser.get_option(
"logging", "USER_OUTPUT", fallback="t").lower() in TRUTHY_VALUES:
# let users know when they are using environment variable to local config
if "IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE" in os.environ:
user_logger.warning("idmtools config defined through 'IDMTOOLS_CONFIG_FILE' environment variable")
if IdmConfigParser.found_ini():
user_logger.log(VERBOSE, "INI File Found: {}".format(ini_file))
def _init_logging(cls):
from idmtools.core.logging import setup_logging, IdmToolsLoggingConfig
# set up default log values
log_config = dict()
# try to fetch logging options from config file and from environment vars
for field in fields(IdmToolsLoggingConfig):
value = cls.get_option("logging", field.name, fallback=None)
if value is not None:
log_config[field.name] = value
# handle special case
if log_config.get('console', None) is None:
log_config['console'] = None
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
# see https://bugs.python.org/issue27126
os.environ['NO_PROXY'] = "*"
# Do import locally to prevent load error
from idmtools import __version__
if "+nightly" in __version__ and os.getenv('IDMTOOLS_HIDE_DEV_WARNING', None) is None and os.getenv(
"_IDMTOOLS_COMPLETE", None) is None:
if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
logger.debug(f"You are using a development version of idmtools, version {__version__}!")
[docs] @classmethod
def get_section(cls, section: str = None, error: bool = True) -> Dict[str, str]:
Retrieve INI section values (call directly from platform creation).
section: The INI section name where we retrieve all fields.
error: Should we throw error is we cannot find block
All fields as a dictionary.
ValueError: If the block doesn't exist
original_case_section = section
if section is None:
return None
lower_case_section = section.lower()
if (not cls.found_ini() or not cls.has_section(section=lower_case_section)) and error:
raise ValueError(f"Block '{original_case_section}' doesn't exist!")
section_item = cls._config.items(lower_case_section)
cls._block = lower_case_section
return dict(section_item)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_option(cls, section: str = None, option: str = None, fallback=None, environment_first: bool = True) -> str:
Get configuration value based on the INI section and option.
section: The INI section name.
option: The INI field name.
fallback: Fallback value
environment_first: Try to load from environment var first. Default to True. Environment variable names are in form IDMTOOLS_SECTION_OPTION
A configuration value as a string.
if environment_first:
evn_name = "_".join(filter(None, ["IDMTOOLS", section, option])).upper()
value = os.environ.get(evn_name, None)
if value:
if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
logger.debug(f"Loaded option from environment var {evn_name}")
return value
if not cls.found_ini():
return fallback
if cls._config is None:
if fallback is None:
user_logger.warning("No Configuration file defined. Please define a fallback value")
return fallback
if section:
return cls._config.get(section.lower(), option, fallback=fallback)
return cls._config.get("COMMON", option, fallback=fallback)
[docs] @classmethod
def is_progress_bar_disabled(cls) -> bool:
Are progress bars disabled.
Return is progress bars should be enabled
return all(
[x.lower() in TRUTHY_VALUES for x in [IdmConfigParser.get_option(None, "DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR", 'f')]])
[docs] @classmethod
def is_output_enabled(cls) -> bool:
Is output enabled.
Return if output should be disabled
return any([x.lower() in TRUTHY_VALUES for x in [IdmConfigParser.get_option('logging', "USER_OUTPUT", 'on')]])
[docs] @classmethod
def ensure_init(cls, dir_path: str = '.', file_name: str = default_config, force: bool = False) -> None:
Verify that the INI file loaded and a configparser instance is available.
dir_path: The directory to search for the INI configuration file.
file_name: The configuration file name to search for.
force: Force reload of everything
ValueError: If the config file is found but cannot be parsed
if force:
if cls._instance is None:
cls(dir_path, file_name)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_config_path(cls) -> str:
Check which INI configuration file is being used.
The INI file full path that is loaded.
return cls._config_path
[docs] @classmethod
def display_config_path(cls) -> None:
Display the INI file path being used.
[docs] @classmethod
def view_config_file(cls) -> None:
Display the INI file being used.
if cls._config_path is None:
user_logger.warning("No configuration fouind")
user_logger.info("View Config INI: \n{}".format(cls._config_path))
user_logger.info('-' * len(cls._config_path), '\n')
with open(cls._config_path) as f:
read_data = f.read()
[docs] @classmethod
def display_config_block_details(cls, block):
Display the values of a config block.
block: Block to print
if cls.found_ini():
from idmtools.core.logging import VERBOSE
block_details = cls.get_section(block)
user_logger.log(VERBOSE, f"\n[{block}]")
user_logger.log(VERBOSE, json.dumps(block_details, indent=3))
[docs] @classmethod
def has_section(cls, section: str) -> bool:
Does the config contain a section.
section: Section to check for
True if the section exists, False otherwise
return cls._config.has_section(section.lower()) if cls._config else False
[docs] @classmethod
def has_option(cls, section: str, option: str):
Does the config have an option in specified section?
section: Section
option: Option
True if config has option
return cls._config.has_option(section, option, fallback=None)
[docs] @classmethod
def found_ini(cls) -> bool:
Did we find the config?
True if did, False Otherwise
return cls._config is not None
[docs] @classmethod
def clear_instance(cls) -> None:
Uninitialize and clean the :class:`IdmConfigParser` instance.
# log as verbose
logger.log(15, "Clearing idm config")
cls._config = None
cls._instance = None
cls._config_path = None
cls._block = None