Source code for idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity

IEntity definition. IEntity is the base of most of our Remote server entitiies like Experiment, Simulation, WorkItems, and Suites.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
from abc import ABCMeta
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from os import PathLike
from typing import NoReturn, List, Any, Dict, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from idmtools.core import EntityStatus, ItemType, NoPlatformException
from idmtools.core.interfaces.iitem import IItem
from idmtools.core.id_file import read_id_file, write_id_file
from import PlatformPersistService

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from idmtools.entities.iplatform import IPlatform

[docs]@dataclass class IEntity(IItem, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Interface for all entities in the system. """ #: ID of the platform platform_id: str = field(default=None, compare=False, metadata={"md": True}) #: Platform _platform: 'IPlatform' = field(default=None, compare=False, metadata={"pickle_ignore": False}) # noqa E821 #: Parent id parent_id: str = field(default=None, metadata={"md": True}) #: Parent object _parent: 'IEntity' = field(default=None, compare=False, metadata={"pickle_ignore": False}) #: Status of item status: EntityStatus = field(default=None, compare=False, metadata={"pickle_ignore": True}) #: Tags for item tags: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}, metadata={"md": True}) #: Item Type(Experiment, Suite, Asset, etc) item_type: ItemType = field(default=None, compare=False) #: Platform Representation of Entity _platform_object: Any = field(default=None, compare=False, metadata={"pickle_ignore": True})
[docs] def update_tags(self, tags: dict = None) -> NoReturn: """ Shortcut to update the tags with the given dictionary. Args: tags: New tags """ self.tags.update(tags)
[docs] def post_creation(self, platform: 'IPlatform') -> None: """ Post creation hook for object. Returns: None """ self.status = EntityStatus.CREATED super().post_creation(platform)
[docs] @classmethod def from_id_file(cls, filename: Union[PathLike, str], platform: 'IPlatform' = None, **kwargs) -> 'IEntity': # noqa E821: """ Load from a file that container the id. Args: filename: Filename to load platform: Platform object to load id from. This can be loaded from file if saved there. **kwargs: Platform extra arguments Returns: Entity loaded from id file Raises: EnvironmentError if item type is None. """ item_id, item_type_in_file, platform_block, extra_args = read_id_file(filename) if platform is None: if platform_block: from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform platform = Platform(platform_block, **kwargs) else: platform = cls.get_current_platform_or_error() if cls.item_type is None: raise EnvironmentError("ItemType is None. This is most likely a badly derived IEntity that doesn't run set the default item type on the class") return platform.get_item(item_id, cls.item_type, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_id(cls, item_id: str, platform: 'IPlatform' = None, **kwargs) -> 'IEntity': # noqa E821 """ Load an item from an id. Args: item_id: Id of item platform: Platform. If not supplied, we check the current context **kwargs: Optional platform args Returns: IEntity of object """ if platform is None: platform = cls.get_current_platform_or_error() if cls.item_type is None: raise EnvironmentError("ItemType is None. This is most likely a badly derived IEntity that doesn't run set the default item type on the class") return platform.get_item(item_id, cls.item_type, **kwargs)
@property def parent(self): """ Return parent object for item. Returns: Parent entity if set """ if not self._parent: if not self.parent_id: return None if not self.platform: raise NoPlatformException("The object has no platform set...") self._parent = self.platform.get_parent(self.uid, self.item_type) return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, parent: 'IEntity'): # noqa E821 """ Sets the parent object for item. Args: parent: Parent object Returns: None """ if parent: self._parent = parent self.parent_id = parent.uid else: self.parent_id = self._parent = None @property def platform(self) -> 'IPlatform': # noqa E821 """ Get objects platform object. Returns: Platform """ if not self._platform and self.platform_id: self._platform = PlatformPersistService.retrieve(self.platform_id) return self._platform @platform.setter def platform(self, platform: 'IPlatform'): # noqa E821 """ Sets object platform. Args: platform: Platform to set Returns: None """ if platform: self.platform_id = platform.uid self._platform = platform else: self._platform = self.platform_id = None
[docs] def get_platform_object(self, force: bool = False, platform: 'IPlatform' = None, **kwargs): """ Get the platform representation of an object. Args: force: Force reload of platform object platform: Allow passing platform object to fetch **kwargs: Optional args used for specific platform behaviour Returns: Platform Object """ if platform: self.platform = platform if not self.platform: raise NoPlatformException("The object has no platform set...") if self._platform_object is None or force: self._platform_object = self.platform.get_item(self.uid, self.item_type, raw=True, force=force, **kwargs) return self._platform_object
@property def done(self): """ Returns if a item is done. For an item to be done, it should be in either failed or succeeded state. Returns: True if status is succeeded or failed """ return self.status in (EntityStatus.SUCCEEDED, EntityStatus.FAILED) @property def succeeded(self): """ Returns if an item has succeeded. Returns: True if status is SUCCEEDED """ return self.status == EntityStatus.SUCCEEDED @property def failed(self): """ Returns is a item has failed. Returns: True if status is failed """ return self.status == EntityStatus.FAILED def __hash__(self): """ Returns hash for object. For entities, the hash is the id. Returns: Hash id """ return id(self.uid) def _check_for_platform_from_context(self, platform) -> 'IPlatform': """ Try to determine platform of current object from self or current platform. Args: platform: Passed in platform object Raises: NoPlatformException: when no platform is on current context Returns: Platform object """ if self.platform is None: # check context for current platform if platform is None: platform = self.get_current_platform_or_error() self.platform = platform return self.platform
[docs] @staticmethod def get_current_platform_or_error(): """ Try to fetch the current platform from context. If no platform is set, error. Returns: Platform if set Raises: NoPlatformException if no platform is set on the current context """ from idmtools.core.context import get_current_platform p = get_current_platform() if p is None: raise NoPlatformException("No Platform defined on object, in current context, or passed to run") return p
[docs] def to_id_file(self, filename: Union[str, PathLike], save_platform: bool = False, platform_args: Dict = None): """ Write a id file. Args: filename: Filename to create save_platform: Save platform to the file as well platform_args: Platform Args Returns: None """ write_id_file(filename, self, save_platform, platform_args)
IEntityList = List[IEntity]