Source code for idmtools.core.interfaces.iitem

IItem is the base of all items that have ids such as AssetCollections, Experiments, etc.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from functools import lru_cache
from inspect import signature
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from typing import List, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict

from idmtools import IdmConfigParser
from idmtools.registry.functions import FunctionPluginManager
from idmtools.utils.hashing import ignore_fields_in_dataclass_on_pickle

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from idmtools.entities.iplatform import IPlatform

logger = getLogger(__name__)

PRE_POST_CREATION_HOOK = Callable[['IItem', 'IPlatform'], None]

[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_id_generator(): """ Retrieves the type of id generator specified in .ini config as well as corresponding plugin. Returns: id_gen: specified id generation plugin in .ini config (uuid, item_sequence, etc) plugin: id generation plugin that is used to determine ids for items. See > entry_points > idmtools_hooks for full names of plugin options """ fpm = FunctionPluginManager.instance() id_gen = IdmConfigParser.get_option(None, "id_generator", "uuid") plugin = fpm.get_plugin(f"idmtools_id_generate_{id_gen}") return id_gen, plugin
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class IItem: """ IItem represents items that have identifiable ids. In addition, IItem facilities pre and post creation hooks through the __pre_creation_hooks, __post_creation_hooks, add_pre_creation_hook, add_post_creation_hook """ _uid: str = field(default=None, metadata={"md": True}) __pre_creation_hooks: List[PRE_POST_CREATION_HOOK] = field(default_factory=list, metadata={"md": True}) __post_creation_hooks: List[PRE_POST_CREATION_HOOK] = field(default_factory=list, metadata={"md": True}) @property def uid(self): """ UID Of the object. If not id is set, uses the hash of the object. Returns: ID """ if self._uid is None: id_gen, plugin = get_id_generator() if plugin: self._uid = plugin.idmtools_generate_id(self) else: fpm = FunctionPluginManager.instance() id_plugins = sorted([x[0] for x in fpm.list_name_plugin() if x[0].startswith("idmtools_id_generate_")]) raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find the id plugin idmtools_id_generate_{id_gen} defined by id_generator in your idmtools.ini." f"Please use one of the following plugins: {', '.join(id_plugins)}") return self._uid @uid.setter def uid(self, uid): """ Set the uid on the objects. Args: uid: Uid to set Returns: None """ self._uid = uid @property def id(self): """ Alias for uid. Returns: UID of object Notes: What is relation to uid? """ if self.uid: return str(self.uid) else: return self.uid @property def metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Identify the metadata from the fields. Returns: Metadata dict """ attrs = set(vars(self).keys()) obj_dict = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in attrs.intersection(self.metadata_fields)} return obj_dict @property def pickle_ignore_fields(self): """ Get list of fields that will be ignored when pickling. Returns: Set of fields that are ignored when pickling the item """ return set( for f in fields(self) if "pickle_ignore" in f.metadata and f.metadata["pickle_ignore"]) @property def metadata_fields(self): """ Get list of fields that have metadata. Returns: Set of fields that have metadata """ return set( for f in fields(self) if "md" in f.metadata and f.metadata["md"])
[docs] def display(self) -> str: """ Display as string representation. Returns: String of item """ return self.__repr__()
# region Events methods
[docs] def pre_creation(self, platform: 'IPlatform') -> None: """ Called before the actual creation of the entity. Args: platform: Platform item is being created on Returns: None """ for hook in self.__pre_creation_hooks: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'Calling pre-create hook named {hook.__name__ if hasattr(hook, "__name__") else str(hook)}') hook(self, platform)
[docs] def post_creation(self, platform: 'IPlatform') -> None: """ Called after the actual creation of the entity. Args: platform: Platform item was created on Returns: None """ for hook in self.__post_creation_hooks: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'Calling post-create hook named {hook.__name__ if hasattr(hook, "__name__") else str(hook)}') hook(self, platform)
[docs] def add_pre_creation_hook(self, hook: PRE_POST_CREATION_HOOK): """ Adds a hook function to be called before an item is created. Args: hook: Hook function. This should have two arguments, the item and the platform Returns: None """ if len(signature(hook).parameters) != 2: raise ValueError("Pre creation hooks should have 2 arguments. The first argument will be the item, the second the platform") self.__pre_creation_hooks.append(hook)
[docs] def add_post_creation_hook(self, hook: PRE_POST_CREATION_HOOK): """ Adds a hook function to be called after an item is created. Args: hook: Hook function. This should have two arguments, the item and the platform Returns: None """ if len(signature(hook).parameters) != 2: raise ValueError("Post creation hooks should have 2 arguments. The first argument will be the item, the second the platform") self.__post_creation_hooks.append(hook)
[docs] def post_setstate(self): """ Function called after restoring the state if additional initialization is required. """ pass
[docs] def pre_getstate(self): """ Function called before picking and return default values for "pickle-ignore" fields. """ pass
# endregion # region State management def __getstate__(self): """ Ignore the fields in pickle_ignore_fields during pickling. """ return ignore_fields_in_dataclass_on_pickle(self) def __setstate__(self, state): """ Add ignored fields back since they don't exist in the pickle. """ self.__dict__.update(state) # Restore the pickle fields with values requested self.post_setstate()
# endregion IItemList = List[IItem]