Source code for idmtools.core.interfaces.irunnable_entity

IRunnableEntity definition. IRunnableEntity defines items that can be ran using

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
from dataclasses import field, dataclass
from inspect import signature
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from typing import List, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING, NoReturn
from abc import ABCMeta
from idmtools.core import EntityStatus
from idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity import IEntity
from idmtools.registry.functions import FunctionPluginManager

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from idmtools.entities.iplatform import IPlatform

runnable_hook = Callable[['IRunnableEntity', 'IPlatform'], None]
logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')

[docs]@dataclass class IRunnableEntity(IEntity, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ IRunnableEntity are items that can be ran on platforms like Experiments or WorkItems. IRunnableEntity also add pre and post run hooks available to the IEntity class. """ __pre_run_hooks: List[runnable_hook] = field(default_factory=list, metadata={"md": True}) __post_run_hooks: List[runnable_hook] = field(default_factory=list, metadata={"md": True})
[docs] def pre_run(self, platform: 'IPlatform') -> None: """ Called before the actual creation of the entity. Args: platform: Platform item is being created on Returns: None """ for hook in self.__pre_run_hooks: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'Calling pre-create hook named {hook.__name__ if hasattr(hook, "__name__") else str(hook)}') hook(self, platform)
[docs] def post_run(self, platform: 'IPlatform') -> None: """ Called after the actual creation of the entity. Args: platform: Platform item was created on Returns: None """ for hook in self.__post_run_hooks: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'Calling pre-create hook named {hook.__name__ if hasattr(hook, "__name__") else str(hook)}') hook(self, platform)
[docs] def add_pre_run_hook(self, hook: runnable_hook): """ Adds a hook function to be called before an item is ran. Args: hook: Hook function. This should have two arguments, the item and the platform Returns: None """ if len(signature(hook).parameters) != 2: raise ValueError("Pre Run hooks should have 2 arguments. The first argument will be the item, the second the platform") self.__pre_run_hooks.append(hook)
[docs] def add_post_run_hook(self, hook: runnable_hook): """ Adds a hook function to be called after an item has ran. Args: hook: Hook function. This should have two arguments, the item and the platform Returns: None """ if len(signature(hook).parameters) != 2: raise ValueError("Post Run hooks should have 2 arguments. The first argument will be the item, the second the platform") self.__post_run_hooks.append(hook)
[docs] def run(self, wait_until_done: bool = False, platform: 'IPlatform' = None, wait_on_done_progress: bool = True, **run_opts) -> NoReturn: """ Runs an item. Args: wait_until_done: Whether we should wait on item to finish running as well. Defaults to False platform: Platform object to use. If not specified, we first check object for platform object then the current context wait_on_done_progress: Defaults to true **run_opts: Options to pass to the platform Returns: None """ p = super()._check_for_platform_from_context(platform) if 'wait_on_done' in run_opts: raise TypeError("The 'wait_on_done' parameter has been removed in idmtools 1.8.0. Please update your code with 'wait_until_done'.") p.run_items(self, wait_on_done_progress=wait_on_done_progress, **run_opts) dry_run = run_opts.get('dry_run', False) if dry_run: return if wait_until_done: self.wait(wait_on_done_progress=wait_on_done_progress, platform=p)
[docs] def wait(self, wait_on_done_progress: bool = True, timeout: int = None, refresh_interval=None, platform: 'IPlatform' = None, **kwargs): """ Wait on an item to finish running. Args: wait_on_done_progress: Should we show progress as we wait? timeout: Timeout to wait refresh_interval: How often to refresh object platform: Platform. If not specified, we try to determine this from context Returns: None """ # If done, exit if self.status in [EntityStatus.SUCCEEDED, EntityStatus.FAILED]: return if self.status not in [EntityStatus.CREATED, EntityStatus.RUNNING]: raise ValueError("The item cannot be waited for if it is not in Running/Created state") opts = dict(**kwargs) if timeout: opts['timeout'] = timeout if refresh_interval: opts['refresh_interval'] = refresh_interval p = super()._check_for_platform_from_context(platform) if wait_on_done_progress: p.wait_till_done_progress(self, **opts) else: p.wait_till_done(self, **opts) self.after_done()
[docs] def after_done(self): """ Run after an item is done after waiting. Currently we call the on succeeded and on failure plugins. Returns: Runs after an item is done after waiting """ FunctionPluginManager.instance().hook.idmtools_runnable_on_done(item=self) if self.succeeded: FunctionPluginManager.instance().hook.idmtools_runnable_on_succeeded(item=self) else: FunctionPluginManager.instance().hook.idmtools_runnable_on_failure(item=self)