Source code for idmtools.entities.ianalyzer

Defines our IAnalyzer interface used as base of all other analyzers.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, NoReturn, List, TypeVar, Dict, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

    from idmtools.core.interfaces.iitem import IItemList
    from idmtools.entities.iworkflow_item import IWorkflowItem
    from idmtools.entities.simulation import Simulation

logger = getLogger(__name__)
# Items that we support analysis on
ANALYZABLE_ITEM = Union['IWorkflowItem', 'Simulation']
# The item type we pass to analysis
# The datatype if the reduce input

[docs]class IAnalyzer(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ An abstract base class carrying the lowest level analyzer interfaces called by :class:`~idmtools.managers.experiment_manager.ExperimentManager`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, uid=None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, parse: bool = True, filenames: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ A constructor. Args: uid: The unique id identifying this analyzer. working_dir: A working directory to place files. parse: True to leverage the :class:`OutputParser`; False to get the raw data in the :meth:`select_simulation_data`. filenames: The files for the analyzer to download. """ self.parse = parse self.working_dir = working_dir self.uid = uid or self.__class__.__name__ self.results = None # Store what finalize() is returning self._filenames = filenames or list() self._filenames = [f.replace("\\", '/') for f in self._filenames]
@property def filenames(self): """ Returns user filenames. Returns: filenames """ return self._filenames @filenames.setter def filenames(self, value): """ Set the filenames property. Args: value: new filenames Returns: None """ self._filenames = value or list() self._filenames = [f.replace("\\", '/') for f in self._filenames]
[docs] def initialize(self) -> NoReturn: """ Call once after the analyzer has been added to the :class:`~idmtools.analysis.AnalyzeManager`. Add everything depending on the working directory or unique ID here instead of in __init__. """ pass
[docs] def per_group(self, items: 'IItemList') -> NoReturn: """ Call once before running the apply on the items. Args: items: Objects with attributes of type :class:`~idmtools.core.item_id.ItemId`. IDs of one or more higher-level hierarchical objects can be obtained from these IDs in order to perform tasks with them. Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def filter(self, item: ANALYZABLE_ITEM) -> bool: """ Decide whether the analyzer should process a simulation/work item. Args: item: An :class:`~idmtools.entities.iitem.IItem` to be considered for processing with this analyzer. Returns: A Boolean indicating whether simulation/work item should be analyzed by this analyzer. """ return True
[docs] @abstractmethod def map(self, data: ANALYSIS_ITEM_MAP_DATA_TYPE, item: ANALYZABLE_ITEM) -> Any: """ In parallel for each simulation/work item, consume raw data from filenames and emit selected data. Args: data: A dictionary associating filename with content for simulation data. item: :class:`~idmtools.entities.iitem.IItem` object that the passed data is associated with. Returns: Selected data for the given simulation/work item. """ return None
[docs] @abstractmethod def reduce(self, all_data: ANALYSIS_REDUCE_DATA_TYPE) -> Any: """ Combine the :meth:`map` data for a set of items into an aggregate result. Args: all_data: A dictionary with entries for the item ID and selected data. """ pass
[docs] def destroy(self) -> NoReturn: """ Call after the analysis is done. """ pass
# Alias IAnalyzer for computability with old code but print a deprecation warning
[docs]class BaseAnalyzer(IAnalyzer, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ BaseAnalyzer to allow using previously used dtk-tools analyzers within idmtools. """
[docs] def __init__(self, uid=None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, parse: bool = True, filenames: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ Constructor for Base Analyzer. Args: uid: The unique id identifying this analyzer. working_dir: A working directory to place files. parse: True to leverage the :class:`OutputParser`; False to get the raw data in the :meth:`select_simulation_data`. filenames: The files for the analyzer to download. """ logger.warning('Base analyzer name will soon be deprecated in favor of IAnalyzer') # TODO: Make transition documentation so we can deprecat this super().__init__(uid, working_dir, parse, filenames)
TAnalyzer = TypeVar("TAnalyzer", bound=IAnalyzer) TAnalyzerList = List[TAnalyzer]