Source code for idmtools_platform_comps.utils.python_requirements_ac.requirements_to_asset_collection

"""idmtools requirements to asset collection.

This is the entry point for users to use RequirementsToAssetCollection tool.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import os
import hashlib
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from typing import List
from packaging.requirements import Requirement
from COMPS.Data import QueryCriteria
from COMPS.Data.AssetCollection import AssetCollection as COMPSAssetCollection
from idmtools.assets import Asset, AssetCollection
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask
from idmtools_platform_comps.comps_platform import COMPSPlatform, SLURM_ENVS
from idmtools_platform_comps.utils.package_version import get_highest_version

CURRENT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(__file__)
REQUIREMENT_FILE = 'requirements_updated.txt'
MD5_KEY = 'idmtools-requirements-md5-{}'
logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger("user")

[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class RequirementsToAssetCollection: """ RequirementsToAssetCollection provides a utility to install python packages into an asset collection. Notes: - TODO - Incorporate example in this docs """ #: Platform object platform: COMPSPlatform = field(default=None) #: Name of experiment when installing requirements name: str = field(default="install custom requirements") #: Path to requirements file requirements_path: str = field(default=None) #: list of packages pkg_list: list = field(default=None) #: list of wheel files locally to upload and install local_wheels: list = field(default=None) # User tags asset_tags: dict = field(default=None) #: Internal checksum to calculate unique requirements set has be ran before _checksum: str = field(default=None, init=False) #: Calculated requirements including versions _requirements: List[str] = field(default=None, init=False) #: Since requirements vary by os, target it on the platform as well _os_target: str = field(default=None, init=False) #: Reserved tags __reserved_tag: list = field(default=None, init=False) def __post_init__(self): """ Constructor. Raises: ValueError - if requirements_path, pkg_list, and local_wheels are empty. """ if not any([self.requirements_path, self.pkg_list, self.local_wheels]): raise ValueError("Impossible to proceed without either requirements path or package list or local wheels!") self.requirements_path = os.path.abspath(self.requirements_path) if self.requirements_path else None self.pkg_list = self.pkg_list or [] self.local_wheels = [os.path.abspath(whl) for whl in self.local_wheels] if self.local_wheels else [] self.asset_tags = self.asset_tags or {} @property def checksum(self): """ Calculate checksum on the requirements file. Returns: The md5 of the requirements. """ if not self._checksum: req_content = '\n'.join(self.requirements) self._checksum = hashlib.md5(req_content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return self._checksum @property def md5_tag(self): """ Get unique key for our requirements + target. Returns: The md5 tag. """ self.init_platform() return {MD5_KEY.format(self._os_target): self.checksum} @property def requirements(self): """ Requirements property. We calculate this using consolidate_requirements. Returns: Consolidated requirements. """ if not self._requirements: self._requirements = self.consolidate_requirements() return self._requirements
[docs] def init_platform(self): """Initialize the platform.""" if self.platform is None: # Try to detect platform from idmtools.core.context import get_current_platform p = get_current_platform() if p is not None: self.platform = p self._os_target = "win" if "slurm" not in self.platform.environment.lower() and self.platform.environment.lower() not in SLURM_ENVS else "linux" self.__reserved_tag = ['idmtools', 'task_type', MD5_KEY.format(self._os_target)]
[docs] def run(self, rerun=False): """ Run our utility. The working logic of this utility: 1. check if asset collection exists for given requirements, return ac id if exists 2. create an Experiment to install the requirements on COMPS 3. create a WorkItem to create a Asset Collection Returns: return ac id based on the requirements if Experiment and WorkItem Succeeded Raises: Exception - If an error happens on workitem Notes: - TODO The exceptions here should be rewritten to parse errors from remote system like AssetizeOutputs """ # Late validation self.init_platform() # Check if ac with md5 exists ac = self.retrieve_ac_by_tag() if ac and not rerun: return # Create Experiment to install custom requirements exp = self.run_experiment_to_install_lib() if exp is None: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug('Failed to install requirements!') raise Exception('Failed to install requirements!') if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'\nexp: {exp.uid}') # Create a WorkItem to create asset collection wi = self.run_wi_to_create_ac(exp.uid) if wi is None: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'Failed to create asset collection from experiment: {exp.uid}') raise Exception(f'Failed to create asset collection from experiment: {exp.uid}') if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'\nwi: {wi.uid}') # get ac or return ad_id ac = self.retrieve_ac_from_wi(wi) if ac: return
[docs] def save_updated_requirements(self): """ Save consolidated requirements to a file requirements_updated.txt. Returns: None """ f"Creating an updated requirements file ensuring all versions are specified at {REQUIREMENT_FILE}") req_content = '\n'.join(self.requirements) with open(REQUIREMENT_FILE, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(req_content)
[docs] def retrieve_ac_by_tag(self, md5_check=None): """ Retrieve comps asset collection given ac tag. Args: md5_check: also can use custom md5 string as search tag Returns: comps asset collection """ # Late validation self.init_platform() md5_str = md5_check or self.checksum if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'md5_str: {md5_str}') # check if ac with tag idmtools-requirements-md5 = my_md5 exists ac_list = COMPSAssetCollection.get( query_criteria=QueryCriteria().select_children('tags').where_tag( [f'{MD5_KEY.format(self._os_target)}={md5_str}'])) # if exists, get ac and return it if len(ac_list) > 0: ac_list = sorted(ac_list, key=lambda t: t.date_created, reverse=True)"Found existing requirements assets at {ac_list[0].id}") return ac_list[0]
[docs] def retrieve_ac_from_wi(self, wi): """ Retrieve ac id from file ac_info.txt saved by WI. Args: wi: SSMTWorkItem (which was used to create ac from library) Returns: COMPS asset collection """ ac_file = "ac_info.txt" # retrieve ac file ret = self.platform.get_files_by_id(wi.uid, ItemType.WORKFLOW_ITEM, [ac_file]) # get file content ac_id_bytes = ret[ac_file] # convert bytes to string ac_id_str = ac_id_bytes.decode('utf-8') # return comps ac return self.platform.get_item(ac_id_str, ItemType.ASSETCOLLECTION, raw=True)
[docs] def add_wheels_to_assets(self, experiment): """ Add wheels to assets of our experiment. Args: experiment: Experiment to add assets to Returns: None """ for whl in self.local_wheels: a = Asset(filename=os.path.basename(whl), absolute_path=whl) experiment.add_asset(a)
[docs] def run_experiment_to_install_lib(self): """ Create an Experiment which will run another py script to install requirements. Returns: Experiment created """ self.save_updated_requirements() task = JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, MODEL_LOAD_LIB)) experiment = Experiment(, simulations=[task.to_simulation()]) experiment.add_asset(Asset(REQUIREMENT_FILE)) experiment.tags = self.md5_tag # Avoid conflict to reserved tag if len(set(self.asset_tags).intersection(self.__reserved_tag)) > 0: raise Exception(f"{self.__reserved_tag} are reserved tags, please use other tags!") # Remove conflicts in case for tag in self.__reserved_tag: self.asset_tags.pop(tag, None) # Update experiment's tags experiment.tags.update(self.asset_tags) self.add_wheels_to_assets(experiment)"Run install of python requirements on COMPS. To view the details, see the experiment below"), platform=self.platform, use_short_path=True, num_cores=1) if experiment.succeeded: return experiment
[docs] def run_wi_to_create_ac(self, exp_id): """ Create an WorkItem which will run another py script to create new asset collection. Args: exp_id: the Experiment id (which installed requirements) Returns: work item created """ from idmtools_platform_comps.ssmt_work_items.comps_workitems import SSMTWorkItem md5_str = self.checksum if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'md5_str: {md5_str}') wi_name = "wi to create ac" command = f"python3 {MODEL_CREATE_AC} {exp_id} {self.platform.endpoint} {self._os_target}" # Update tags tags = {MD5_KEY.format(self._os_target): self.checksum} tags.update(self.asset_tags) "Converting Python Packages to an Asset Collection. This may take some time for large dependency lists") wi = SSMTWorkItem(name=wi_name, command=command, transient_assets=AssetCollection([os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, MODEL_CREATE_AC)]), tags=tags, related_experiments=[exp_id]), platform=self.platform) if wi.succeeded: # make ac as related_asset_collection to wi from COMPS.Data.WorkItem import RelationType comps_ac = self.retrieve_ac_from_wi(wi) comps_wi = self.platform.get_item(wi.uid, ItemType.WORKFLOW_ITEM, raw=True) comps_wi.add_related_asset_collection(, relation_type=RelationType.Created) return wi else: user_logger.warning("Work item failed. See logs") try: files = self.platform.get_files_by_id(wi.uid, wi.item_type, ["stderr.txt"]) user_logger.error(f'Server Error Log: {files["stderr.txt"].decode("utf-8")}') except: # noqa: E722 pass
[docs] def consolidate_requirements(self): """ Combine requirements and dynamic requirements (a list). We do the following: - get the latest version of package if version is not provided - dynamic requirements will overwrites the requirements file Returns: the consolidated requirements (as a list) """ req_dict = {} comment_list = [] if self.requirements_path: with open(self.requirements_path, 'r') as fd: for _cnt, line in enumerate(fd): line = line.strip() if line == '': continue if line.startswith('#'): comment_list.append(line) continue req = Requirement(line) req_dict[] = req.specifier # pkg_list will overwrite pkg in requirement file if self.pkg_list: for pkg in self.pkg_list: req = Requirement(pkg) req_dict[] = req.specifier req_list = [] for k, v in req_dict.items(): pkg_requirement = f'{k}{str(v)}' req_list.append(f'{k}=={get_highest_version(pkg_requirement)}') wheel_list = [] if self.local_wheels: wheel_list.extend([f"Assets/{os.path.basename(whl)}" for whl in self.local_wheels]) req_list = sorted(req_list, reverse=False) wheel_list = sorted(wheel_list, reverse=False) update_req_list = req_list + wheel_list return update_req_list