Source code for idmtools_platform_container.cli.container

idmtools ContainerPlatform CLI commands.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import json
import click
import shutil
import subprocess
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from pathlib import Path
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools_platform_container.container_operations.docker_operations import list_running_jobs, find_running_job, \
    is_docker_installed, is_docker_daemon_running, get_working_containers, get_containers, get_container
from idmtools_platform_container.utils.job_history import JobHistory
from idmtools_platform_container.utils.status import summarize_status_files, get_simulation_status
from idmtools_platform_container.utils.general import convert_byte_size, format_timestamp
from logging import getLogger

logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')

EXPERIMENT_FILES = ['stdout.txt', 'stderr.txt']
SIMULATION_FILES = ['stdout.txt', 'stderr.txt', 'job_status.txt', 'status.txt', 'output']

# Container Commands

IMPORTANT_COMMANDS = ['status', 'cancel', 'jobs', 'history']

[docs]class CustomGroup(click.Group): """Custom Group class for Container Platform CLI commands."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize CustomGroup. Args: args: Positional arguments kwargs: USer defined arguments """ self.allowed_commands = kwargs.pop('allowed_commands', None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_args(self, ctx, args): """ Parse arguments. Args: ctx: click context args: user arguments Returns: None """ # Intercept and process --all flag early if '--all' in args: ctx.params['all'] = True self.allowed_commands = None super().parse_args(ctx, args)
[docs] def list_commands(self, ctx) -> List[str]: """ List commands. Args: ctx: click context Returns: list of commands """ commands = super().list_commands(ctx) if not ctx.params.get('all') and self.allowed_commands: commands = [cmd for cmd in commands if cmd in self.allowed_commands] return commands, allowed_commands=IMPORTANT_COMMANDS, short_help="Container platform related commands.") @click.option('--all', is_flag=True, help="Show all commands") def container(all): """ Container Platform CLI commands. Args: all: Bool, show all commands Returns: None """ pass @container.command(help="Verify the Docker environment.") def verify_docker(): """Check docker environment.""" if not is_docker_installed(): user_logger.error("Docker is not installed.") exit(-1) if not is_docker_daemon_running(): user_logger.warning("Docker daemon is not running.") exit(-1) # Check docker version result =['docker', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) console = Console() console.print(f"{result.stdout.strip()}.") @container.command(help="Cancel an Experiment/Simulation job.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " ITEM_ID: Experiment/Simulation ID or Job ID") @click.argument('item-id', required=True) @click.option('-c', '--container_id', help="Container Id") def cancel(item_id: Union[int, str], container_id: str = None): """ Cancel Experiment/Simulation job. Args: item_id: Experiment/Simulation ID or Job ID container_id: Container ID Returns: None """ console = Console() job = find_running_job(item_id, container_id) if job: if job.item_type == ItemType.EXPERIMENT: kill_cmd = f"docker exec {job.container_id} pkill -TERM -g {job.job_id}" else: kill_cmd = f"docker exec {job.container_id} kill -9 {job.job_id}" result =, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # default: check=False if result.returncode == 0: console.print(f"Successfully killed {} {job.job_id}") else: console.print(f"Error killing {} {job.item_id}: {result.stderr}") else: user_logger.warning(f"Not found job {item_id}.") @container.command(help="Check the status of an Experiment/Simulation.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " ITEM_ID: Experiment/Simulation ID or Job ID") @click.argument('item-id', required=True) @click.option('-c', '--container_id', help="Container Id") @click.option('-l', '--limit', default=10, help="Max number of simulations to show") @click.option('--verbose/--no-verbose', default=False, help="Display with working directory or not") def status(item_id: Union[int, str], container_id: str = None, limit: int = 10, verbose: bool = False): """ Check Experiment/Simulation status. Args: item_id: Experiment/Simulation ID or Job ID container_id: Container ID limit: number of simulations to display verbose: display simulation details or not Returns: None """ console = Console() item_dir = JobHistory.get_item_path(item_id) if item_dir is not None: # Experiment/Simulation case item_type = item_dir[1] if item_type == ItemType.SIMULATION: st = get_simulation_status(item_dir[0]) console.print(f"{} {item_id} is {st}.") elif item_type == ItemType.EXPERIMENT: exp_dir = item_dir[0] summarize_status_files(exp_dir, max_display=limit, verbose=verbose) else: user_logger.warning(f"{} {item_id} status id not defined.") else: # Job ID case job = find_running_job(item_id, container_id) if job: if job.item_type == ItemType.EXPERIMENT: job_cache = JobHistory.get_job(job.item_id) exp_dir = job_cache['EXPERIMENT_DIR'] summarize_status_files(exp_dir, max_display=limit, verbose=verbose) elif job.item_type == ItemType.SIMULATION: console.print(f"Simulation {job.item_id} is RUNNING.") else: user_logger.warning(f"Job {item_id} not found.") @container.command(help="List running Experiment/Simulation jobs.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID (optional)") @click.argument('container-id', required=False) @click.option('-l', '--limit', default=10, help="Max number of simulations to show") @click.option('-n', '--next', default=0, type=int, help="Next number of jobs to show") def jobs(container_id: str = None, limit: int = 10, next: int = 0): """ List running Experiment/Simulation jobs in Container(s). Args: container_id: Container ID limit: number of simulations to display next: next number of jobs to show Returns: None """ containers = get_working_containers(container_id) if len(containers) == 0: if container_id: user_logger.warning(f"Container {container_id} not found.") else: user_logger.warning("No containers found.") return for container_id in containers: running_jobs = list_running_jobs(container_id) if not running_jobs: continue # Separate jobs by group_pid group = {} for job in running_jobs: if job.group_pid not in group: group[job.group_pid] = [] group[job.group_pid].append(job) console = Console() for g in group: _jobs = group[g] # Get total number of running simulations total_jobs = len(_jobs) # Take the first job which is the experiment exp_job = _jobs[0] # Skip the first job which is the experiment sim_jobs = _jobs[1:] start = next * limit end = start + limit sim_next = sim_jobs[start:end] # Include the experiment job sim_next.insert(0, exp_job) # Skip the first job which is the experiment console.print( f"[bold][cyan]Experiment[/][/] {exp_job.item_id} on [bold][cyan]Container[/][/] [red]{container_id}[/] has {total_jobs - 1} running [bold][cyan]simulations[/][/].") table = Table() table.add_column("Entity Type", justify="right", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Entity ID", style="yellow") table.add_column("Job ID", justify="right", style="green") table.add_column("Container", justify="right", style="plum2") table.add_column("Status", justify="right", style="red") table.add_column("Elapsed", justify="right", style="blue") for job in sim_next: table.add_row(, str(job.item_id), str(job.job_id), job.container_id, 'running', job.elapsed) console.print(table) @container.command(help="Retrieve Experiment history.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " EXP_ID: Experiment ID") @click.argument('exp-id', type=str, required=True) def get_detail(exp_id: str): """ Get Experiment job history. Args: exp_id: Experiment ID Returns: None """ item = JobHistory.get_job(exp_id) if item: console = Console() console.print_json(json.dumps(item, indent=2)) @container.command(help="View the job history.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID") @click.argument('container-id', required=False) @click.option('-l', '--limit', default=10, type=int, help="Max number of jobs to show") @click.option('-n', '--next', default=0, type=int, help="Next number of jobs to show") def history(container_id: str = None, limit: int = 10, next: int = 0): """ View job history. Args: container_id: Container ID limit: number of jobs to show next: next number of jobs to show Returns: None """ data = JobHistory.view_history(container_id) start = next * limit end = start + limit data_next = data[start:end] console = Console() console.print(f"There are {len(data)} Experiment cache in history.") for job in data_next: console.print(f"{'':-^100}") for k, v in job.items(): # Skip some keys if k in ('EXPERIMENT_DIR', 'SUITE_ID'): continue console.print(f"[bold][cyan]{k:16}[/][/]: {v}") @container.command(help="Locate Suite/Experiment/Simulation file directory.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " ITEM_ID: Suite/Experiment/Simulation ID") @click.argument('item-id', type=str, required=True) def path(item_id: str): """ Find Suite/Experiment/Simulation file directory. Args: item_id: Suite/Experiment/Simulation ID Returns: None """ item = JobHistory.get_item_path(item_id) if item: console = Console() console.print(f"{item[1].name}: {item[0]}") @container.command(help="Check if an Experiment/Simulation is running.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " ITEM_ID: Experiment/Simulation ID") @click.argument('item-id', type=str, required=True) def is_running(item_id: str): """ Check if Experiment/Simulation is running. Args: item_id: Experiment/Simulation ID Returns: None """ console = Console() job = find_running_job(item_id) if job: console.print(f"{} {job.item_id} is running on container {job.container_id}.") else: # Check if it is a valid Experiment/Simulation ID his_path = JobHistory.get_item_path(item_id) if his_path: # Check item type item_type = his_path[1] if item_type == ItemType.SUITE: console.print(f"{item_id} is not a valid Experiment/Simulation ID.") else: console.print(f"{} {item_id} is not running.") else: console.print(f"Job {item_id} is not found.") @container.command(help="Check the history volume.") def volume(): """Get job history volume.""" v = JobHistory.volume() mv = convert_byte_size(v) console = Console() console.print(f"Job history volume: {mv}") @container.command(help="Clear the job history.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID (optional)") @click.argument('container-id', required=False) def clear_history(container_id: str = None): """ Clear Job History. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: None """ JobHistory.clear(container_id) @container.command(help="Sync the file system with job history.") def sync_history(): """Sync file system with job history.""" JobHistory.sync() @container.command(help="Get the count of count histories.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID (optional)") @click.argument('container-id', required=False) def history_count(container_id: str = None): """ Get History Count. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: None """ console = Console() console.print(JobHistory.count(container_id)) @container.command(help="Clear job results files and folders.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " ITEM_ID: Experiment/Simulation ID") @click.argument('item-id', type=str, required=True) @click.option('-r', '--remove', multiple=True, help="Extra files/folders to be removed from simulation") def clear_results(item_id: str, remove: Tuple = None): """ Clear the generated output files for a job. Args: item_id: Experiment/Simulation ID remove: list of files/folders Returns: None """ def _clear_simulation(sim_dir, remove_list): """ Delete generated output files for simulation. Args: sim_dir: simulation directory remove_list: extra files to be deleted Returns: None """ for f in SIMULATION_FILES + list(remove_list): if sim_dir.joinpath(f).exists(): if sim_dir.joinpath(f).is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(sim_dir.joinpath(f)) else: sim_dir.joinpath(f).unlink(missing_ok=True) # Get item path item = JobHistory.get_item_path(item_id) # Check item type item_type = item[1] if item_type == ItemType.SIMULATION: sim_dir = item[0] _clear_simulation(sim_dir, remove) elif item_type == ItemType.EXPERIMENT: exp_dir = item[0] # Delete generated files from experiment past run for f in EXPERIMENT_FILES: if exp_dir.joinpath(f).exists(): if exp_dir.joinpath(f).is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(exp_dir.joinpath(f)) else: exp_dir.joinpath(f).unlink(missing_ok=True) # Delete generated files for each of simulations pattern = '*/metadata.json' for meta_file in Path(exp_dir).glob(pattern=pattern): sim_dir = meta_file.parent _clear_simulation(sim_dir, remove) else: user_logger.warning("Suite level not supported, must provide Experiment/Simulation ID!") exit(-1) @container.command(help="Inspect a container.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID") @click.argument('container-id', required=True) def inspect(container_id: str): """ Check container information. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: None """ console = Console() container = get_container(container_id) if container is None: console.print(f"Container {container_id} not found.") return console.print('-' * 100) console.print(f"[bold][cyan]Container ID[/][/]: {container.short_id}") console.print(f"[bold][cyan]Container Name[/][/]: {}") console.print(f"[bold][cyan]Status[/][/]: {container.status}") console.print(f"[bold][cyan]Created[/][/]: {format_timestamp(container.attrs['Created'])}") console.print(f"[bold][cyan]StartedAt[/][/]: {format_timestamp(container.attrs['State']['StartedAt'])}") console.print("[bold][cyan]Image[/][/]:") console.print_json(json.dumps(container.attrs['Config']['Image'])) console.print("[bold][cyan]Image Tags[/][/]:") console.print_json(json.dumps(container.image.tags)) console.print("[bold][cyan]State[/][/]:") console.print_json(json.dumps(container.attrs['State'])) console.print("[bold][cyan]Mounts[/][/]:") mounts = [m for m in container.attrs['Mounts'] if m['Type'] == 'bind'] console.print_json(json.dumps(mounts)) @container.command(help="Stop running container(s).\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID (optional)") @click.argument('container-id', required=False) @click.option('--remove/--no-remove', default=False, help="Remove the container or not") def stop_container(container_id: str = None, remove: bool = False): """ Sopp running container(s). Args: container_id: container id remove: remove container or not Returns: None """ console = Console() # Get working containers containers = get_working_containers(container_id, entity=True) if len(containers) == 0: if container_id: user_logger.warning(f"Not found running Container {container_id}.") else: user_logger.warning("No running containers found.") return for container in containers: container.stop() if remove: container.remove() console.print(f"Container {container.short_id} is stopped and removed.") else: console.print(f"Container {container.short_id} is stopped.") @container.command(help="Remove stopped containers.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID (optional)") @click.argument('container-id', required=False) def remove_container(container_id: str = None): """ Remove stopped containers. Args: container_id: container id Returns: None """ console = Console() if container_id: container = get_container(container_id) if container: if container.status != 'running': container.remove() console.print(f"Container {container_id} is removed.") else: user_logger.warning(f"Container {container_id} is running, need to stop first.") else: user_logger.warning(f"Container {container_id} not found.") return # Remove all stopped containers container_list = get_containers(include_stopped=True)['stopped'] container_removed = [] for container in container_list: container.remove() container_removed.append(container.short_id) if len(container_removed) > 0: console.print(f"{len(container_removed)} container(s) removed.") else: user_logger.warning("No container removed.") @container.command(help="pip install a package on a container.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " PACKAGE: package to be installed") @click.argument('package', required=True) @click.option('-c', '--container-id', type=str, help="Container ID") @click.option('-i', '--index-url', type=str, help="index-url for pip install") @click.option('-e', '--extra-index-url', type=str, help="extra-index-url for pip install") def install(package: str, container_id: str, index_url: str = None, extra_index_url: str = None): """ Pip install package on container. Args: package: package name container_id: Container ID index_url: index-url for pip install extra_index_url: extra-index-url for pip install Returns: None """ console = Console() if index_url: package = f"--index-url {index_url} {package}" elif extra_index_url: package = f"--extra-index-url {extra_index_url} {package}" else: package = f"{package}" command = f'docker exec {container_id} bash -c "pip3 install {package}"' try: result =, shell=True, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) console.print(result.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: user_logger.error(e.stderr) @container.command(help="List packages installed on a container.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID") @click.argument('container-id', required=True) def packages(container_id: str): """ List packages installed on container. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: None """ console = Console() if not JobHistory.verify_container(container_id): user_logger.error(f"Container {container_id} not found.") return command = f'docker exec {container_id} bash -c "pip list"' try: result =, shell=True, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) console.print(result.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: user_logger.error(e.stderr) @container.command(help="List running processes in a container.\n\n" "Arguments:\n\n" " CONTAINER_ID: Container ID") @click.argument('container-id', required=True) def ps(container_id: str): """ List running processes in container. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: None """ if not JobHistory.verify_container(container_id): user_logger.error(f"Container {container_id} not found.") return command = f'docker exec {container_id} bash -c "ps -efj"' try: result =, shell=True, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) console = Console() console.print(result.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: user_logger.error(e.stderr) @container.command(help="List all available containers.") @click.option('--all/--no-all', default=False, help="Include stopped containers or not") def list_containers(all: bool = False): """ List available containers. Args: all: bool, include stopped containers or not Returns: None """ containers = get_containers(include_stopped=all) table = Table() table.add_column("Container ID", justify="right", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Image", style="bright_magenta") table.add_column("Status", style="red") table.add_column("Created", style="yellow") table.add_column("Started", style="orange1") table.add_column("Name", style="wheat4") for status, container_list in containers.items(): for container in container_list: if container.status == 'running': status = f"[green]{container.status}[/]" else: status = f"[red]{container.status}[/]" table.add_row(container.short_id, container.attrs['Config']['Image'], status, format_timestamp(container.attrs['Created']), format_timestamp(container.attrs['State']['StartedAt']), console = Console() console.print(f"There are {table.row_count} container(s).") console.print(table)