Source code for idmtools_platform_container.container_operations.docker_operations

Here we implement the ContainerPlatform docker operations.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import docker
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Dict, NoReturn, Any, Union
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools_platform_container.utils.general import normalize_path, parse_iso8601
from idmtools_platform_container.utils.job_history import JobHistory
from docker.models.containers import Container
from docker.errors import NotFound as ErrorNotFound
from docker.errors import APIError as DockerAPIError
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG

logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')

# Only consider the containers that can be restarted
CONTAINER_STATUS = ['exited', 'running', 'paused']

[docs]def validate_container_running(platform, **kwargs) -> str: """ Check if the docker daemon is running, find existing container or start a new container. Args: platform: Platform kwargs: keyword arguments used to expand functionality Returns: container id """ # Check image exists if not check_local_image(platform.docker_image):"Image {platform.docker_image} does not exist, pull the image first.") succeeded = pull_docker_image(platform.docker_image) if not succeeded: user_logger.error(f"/!\\ ERROR: Failed to pull image {platform.docker_image}.") exit(-1) # User configuration if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"User config: force_start={platform.force_start}") logger.debug(f"User config: new_container={platform.new_container}") logger.debug(f"User config: include_stopped={platform.include_stopped}") # Check containers container_id = None container_match = platform.retrieve_match_containers() container_running = [container for status, container in container_match if status == 'running'] container_stopped = [container for status, container in container_match if status != 'running'] if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Found running matched containers: {container_running}") if platform.include_stopped: logger.debug(f"Found stopped matched containers: {container_stopped}") if platform.force_start: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG) and len(container_running) > 0: logger.debug(f"Stop all running containers {container_running}") stop_all_containers(container_running, keep_running=False) container_running = [] if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG) and len(container_stopped) > 0 and platform.include_stopped: logger.debug(f"Stop all stopped containers {container_stopped}") stop_all_containers(container_stopped, keep_running=False) container_stopped = [] if not platform.new_container and platform.container_prefix is None: if len(container_running) > 0: # Pick up the first running container container_running = sort_containers_by_start(container_running) container_id = container_running[0].short_id if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Pick running container {container_id}.") elif len(container_stopped) > 0: # Pick up the first stopped container and then restart it container_stopped = sort_containers_by_start(container_stopped) container = container_stopped[0] container.restart() container_id = container.short_id if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Pick and restart the stopped container {container.short_id}.") # Start the container if container_id is None: container_id = platform.start_container(**kwargs) if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Start container: {platform.docker_image}") logger.debug(f"New container ID: {container_id}") return container_id
############################# # Check containers #############################
[docs]def get_container(container_id) -> Any: """ Get the container object by container ID. Args: container_id: container id Returns: container object """ client = docker.from_env() try: # Retrieve the container container = client.containers.get(container_id) return container except ErrorNotFound: logger.debug(f"Container with ID {container_id} not found.") return None except DockerAPIError as e: logger.debug(f"Error retrieving container with ID {container_id}: {str(e)}") return None
[docs]def find_container_by_image(image: str, include_stopped: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Find the containers that match the image. Args: image: docker image include_stopped: bool, if consider the stopped containers or not Returns: dict of containers """ container_found = {} for status, container_list in get_containers(include_stopped).items(): container_found[status] = [container for container in container_list if image == container.attrs['Config']['Image']] return container_found
[docs]def stop_container(container: Union[str, Container], remove: bool = True) -> NoReturn: """ Stop a container. Args: container: container id or container object to be stopped remove: bool, if remove the container or not Returns: No return """ try: if isinstance(container, str): container = get_container(container) elif not isinstance(container, Container): raise TypeError("Invalid container object.") # Stop the container if container.status == 'running': container.stop() if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Container {str(container)} has been stopped.") if remove: container.remove() if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Container {str(container)} has been removed.") except ErrorNotFound: if isinstance(container, str): logger.debug(f"Container with ID {container} not found.") else: logger.debug(f"Container {container.short_id} not found.") exit(-1) except DockerAPIError as e: logger.debug(f"Error stopping container {str(container)}: {str(e)}") exit(-1)
[docs]def stop_all_containers(containers: List[Union[str, Container]], keep_running: bool = True, remove: bool = True) -> NoReturn: """ Stop all containers. Args: containers: list of container id or containers to be stopped keep_running: bool, if keep the running containers or not remove: bool, if remove the container or not Returns: No return """ for container in containers: if container.status == 'running' and keep_running: jobs = list_running_jobs(container.short_id) if jobs: continue stop_container(container, remove=remove)
[docs]def restart_container(container: Union[str, Container]) -> NoReturn: """ Restart a container. Args: container: container id or container object to be restarted Returns: No return """ try: if isinstance(container, str): container = get_container(container) elif not isinstance(container, Container): raise TypeError("Invalid container object.") if container is None: user_logger.error(f"Container {container} not found.") exit(-1) # Restart the container container.restart() if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Container {container.short_id} has been restarted.") except DockerAPIError as e: user_logger.error(f"Error restarting container {container.short_id}: {str(e)}") exit(-1) except Exception as e: user_logger.error(f"Restarting container {container.short_id} encounters an unexpected error: {e}") exit(-1)
[docs]def sort_containers_by_start(containers: List[Container], reverse: bool = True) -> List[Container]: """ Sort the containers by the start time. Args: containers: list of containers reverse: bool, if sort in reverse order Returns: sorted list of containers """ # Sort containers by 'StartedAt' in descending order sorted_container_list = sorted( containers, key=lambda container: parse_iso8601(container.attrs['State']['StartedAt']), reverse=reverse ) return sorted_container_list
[docs]def get_containers(include_stopped: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Find the containers that match the image. Args: include_stopped: bool, if consider the stopped containers or not Returns: dict of containers """ client = docker.from_env() container_found = {} # Get all containers all_containers = client.containers.list(all=include_stopped) # Filter the containers all_containers = [ct for ct in all_containers if ct.status in CONTAINER_STATUS and JobHistory.verify_container(ct.short_id)] # Separate the containers container_found['running'] = [ct for ct in all_containers if ct.status == 'running'] container_found['stopped'] = [ct for ct in all_containers if ct.status != 'running'] return container_found
[docs]def get_working_containers(container_id: str = None, entity: bool = False) -> List[Any]: """ Get the working containers. Args: container_id: Container ID entity: bool, if return the container object or container id Returns: list of working containers or IDs """ if container_id is None: if entity: containers = get_containers().get('running', []) else: containers = [c.short_id for c in get_containers().get('running', [])] else: # Check if the container is in the history and running if not JobHistory.verify_container(container_id): # The container is not in the history. logger.error(f"Container {container_id} not found in History.") containers = [] else: # The container is in the history, we need to verify if it still exists. container = get_container(container_id) if container: # We only consider the running container if container.status == 'running': containers = [container] if entity else [container.short_id] else: logger.warning(f"Container {container_id} is not running.") containers = [] else: logger.warning(f"Container {container_id} not found.") containers = [] return containers
############################# # Check docker #############################
[docs]def is_docker_installed() -> bool: """ Check if Docker is installed. Returns: True/False """ try: # Run the 'docker --version' command result =['docker', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Check the return code to see if it executed successfully if result.returncode == 0: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Docker is installed: {result.stdout.strip()}") return True else: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Docker is not installed. Error: {result.stderr.strip()}") return False except FileNotFoundError: # If the docker executable is not found, it means Docker is not installed if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug("Docker is not installed or not found in PATH.") return False
[docs]def is_docker_daemon_running() -> bool: """ Check if the Docker daemon is running. Returns: True/False """ try: client = docker.from_env() if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug("Docker daemon is running.") return True except DockerAPIError as e: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Docker daemon is not running: {e}") return False except Exception as ex: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f"Error checking Docker daemon: {ex}") return False
############################# # Check images #############################
[docs]def check_local_image(image_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if the image exists locally. Args: image_name: image name Returns: True/False """ client = docker.from_env() for image in client.images.list(): if image_name in image.tags: return True return False
[docs]def pull_docker_image(image_name, tag='latest') -> bool: """ Pull a docker image from IDM artifactory. Args: image_name: image name tag: image tag Returns: True/False """ # Check if the image name contains the tag if ':' in image_name: full_image_name = image_name else: full_image_name = f'{image_name}:{tag}' # Pull the image'Pulling image {full_image_name} ...') try: client = docker.from_env() client.images.pull(f'{full_image_name}') if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'Successfully pulled {full_image_name}') return True except DockerAPIError as e: if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): logger.debug(f'Error pulling {full_image_name}: {e}') return False
############################# # Check binding/mounting #############################
[docs]def compare_mounts(mounts1: List[Dict], mounts2: List[Dict]) -> bool: """ Compare two sets of mount configurations. Args: mounts1: container mounting configurations mounts2: container mounting configurations Returns: True/False """ # Convert mount configurations to a set of tuples for easy comparison mounts_set1 = set( (mount['Type'], mount['Mode'], normalize_path(mount['Source']), normalize_path(mount['Destination'])) for mount in mounts1 ) mounts_set2 = set( (mount['Type'], mount['Mode'], normalize_path(mount['Source']), normalize_path(mount['Destination'])) for mount in mounts2 ) return mounts_set1 == mounts_set2
[docs]def compare_container_mount(container1: Union[str, Container], container2: Union[str, Container]) -> bool: """ Compare the mount configurations of two containers. Args: container1: container object or id container2: container object or id Returns: True/False """ # Get the container objects if isinstance(container1, str): container1 = get_container(container1) if isinstance(container2, str): container2 = get_container(container2) # Get the mount configurations mounts1 = container1.attrs['Mounts'] mounts2 = container2.attrs['Mounts'] return compare_mounts(mounts1, mounts2)
############################# # Check jobs ############################# PS_QUERY = 'ps xao pid,ppid,pgid,etime,cmd | head -n 1 && ps xao pid,ppid,pgid,etime,cmd | grep -e EXPERIMENT -e SIMULATION | grep -v grep'
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class Job: """Running Job.""" item_id: str = None item_type: ItemType = None job_id: int = None group_pid: int = None container_id: str = None elapsed: str = None
[docs] def __init__(self, container_id: str, process_line: str): """ Initialize Job. Args: container_id: Container ID process_line: Process Input Line """ process = process_line.split() parts = process[4].split(':') self.item_id = parts[1] self.group_pid = int(process[2]) self.item_type = ItemType.EXPERIMENT if parts[0] == 'EXPERIMENT' else ItemType.SIMULATION if parts[0] == 'EXPERIMENT': self.job_id = int(process[2]) elif parts[0] == 'SIMULATION': self.job_id = int(process[0]) self.container_id = container_id self.elapsed = process[3]
[docs] def display(self): """Display Job for debugging usage.""""Item ID: {self.item_id:15}")"Item Type: {self.item_type:15}")"Job ID: {self.job_id:15}")"Group PID: {self.group_pid:15}")"Container ID: {self.container_id:15}")"Elapsed: {self.elapsed:15}")
[docs]def list_running_jobs(container_id: str, limit: int = None) -> List[Job]: """ List all running jobs on the container. Args: container_id: Container ID limit: number of jobs to view Returns: list of running jobs """ command = f'docker exec {container_id} bash -c "({PS_QUERY})"' result =, shell=True, check=False, capture_output=True, text=True) running_jobs = [] if result.returncode == 0: processes = result.stdout for line in processes.splitlines()[1:]: # Skip the first header line if 'EXPERIMENT' in line or 'SIMULATION' in line: # Create a new job job = Job(container_id, line) running_jobs.append(job) elif result.returncode == 1: pass else: logger.error(result.stderr) user_logger.error(f"Command failed with return code {result.returncode}") exit(-1) if limit: running_jobs = running_jobs[:limit] return running_jobs[:limit]
[docs]def find_running_job(item_id: Union[int, str], container_id: str = None) -> Job: """ Check item running on container. Args: item_id: Experiment/Simulation ID or Running Job ID container_id: Container ID Returns: running Job """ if container_id: containers = [container_id] else: # Check if the item is an Experiment ID his_job = JobHistory.get_job(item_id) if his_job: # item_id is an Experiment ID containers = [his_job['CONTAINER']] else: # item_id is a Simulation ID or Job ID, we need to check all working containers containers = get_working_containers() match_jobs = [] for cid in containers: # List all running jobs on the container jobs = list_running_jobs(cid) if len(jobs) == 0: continue # Container has running jobs for job in jobs: # Check if the job is the one we are looking for if job.item_id == item_id or str(job.job_id) == str(item_id): match_jobs.append(job) break # One running container can't have multiple matches! if len(match_jobs) > 1: # item_id must be a Job ID in this case and container_id must be None! user_logger.error( f"Multiple jobs found for Job ID {item_id}, please provide the Container ID or use Entity ID instead.") exit(-1) elif len(match_jobs) == 1: return match_jobs[0] else: return None