Source code for idmtools_platform_container.utils.job_history

idmtools ContainerPlatform JobHistory Utility.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import diskcache
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from typing import NoReturn, Dict, Tuple, List
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools_platform_container.utils.general import normalize_path, is_valid_uuid
from logging import getLogger

logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')

JOB_HISTORY_DIR = "idmtools_container_history"

[docs]def initialize(): """ Initialization decorator for JobHistory. Returns: Wrapper function """ def wrap(func): def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs): JobHistory.initialization() value = func(*args, **kwargs) return value return wrapped_f return wrap
[docs]class JobHistory: """Job History Utility for idmtools Container Platform.""" history = None history_path = Path.home().joinpath(".idmtools").joinpath(JOB_HISTORY_DIR)
[docs] @classmethod def initialization(cls): """Initialize JobHistory.""" if cls.history is None: cls.history_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cls.history = diskcache.Cache(str(cls.history_path))
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def save_job(cls, job_dir: str, container_id: str, experiment: Experiment, platform=None) -> NoReturn: """ Save job to history. Args: job_dir: job directory container_id: container id experiment: Experiment platform: Platform Returns: NoReturn """ cache = cls.history from idmtools.core.context import get_current_platform if platform is None: platform = get_current_platform() # Get current datetime current_datetime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") new_item = {"JOB_DIRECTORY": normalize_path(job_dir), "SUITE_ID": experiment.parent_id, "EXPERIMENT_DIR": normalize_path(platform.get_directory(experiment)), "EXPERIMENT_NAME":, "EXPERIMENT_ID":, "CONTAINER": container_id, "CREATED": current_datetime} cache.set(, new_item) cache.close()
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def get_job(cls, exp_id: str) -> Dict: """ Get job from history. Args: exp_id: Experiment ID Returns: job data in dict """ if not is_valid_uuid(exp_id): return None cache = cls.history value, expire_time = cache.get(exp_id, expire_time=True) if value is None: if exp_id in list(cache): logger.debug(f"Item {exp_id} expired.") else: logger.debug(f"Item {exp_id} not found.") else: local_expire_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(expire_time) if expire_time else None expire_time_str = local_expire_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if local_expire_time else None if expire_time_str: value['EXPIRE'] = expire_time_str return value
[docs] @classmethod def get_job_dir(cls, exp_id: str) -> str: """ Get job directory from history. Args: exp_id: Experiment ID Returns: job directory """ if not is_valid_uuid(exp_id):"Invalid item id: {exp_id}") return None data = cls.get_job(exp_id) if data is None: return None return data['JOB_DIRECTORY']
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def get_item_path(cls, item_id: str) -> Tuple: """ Get item path from history. Args: item_id: Suite/Experiment/Simulation ID Returns: item path, item type """ if not is_valid_uuid(item_id): logger.debug(f"Invalid item id: {item_id}") return cache = JobHistory.history item = cache.get(item_id) # Consider Experiment case if item: return Path(item['EXPERIMENT_DIR']), ItemType.EXPERIMENT for key in cache: value = cache.get(key) suite_id = value.get('SUITE_ID') exp_dir = value.get('EXPERIMENT_DIR') # Consider Suite case if suite_id == item_id: return Path(exp_dir).parent, ItemType.SUITE # Consider Simulation case pattern = f'*{item_id}/metadata.json' for meta_file in Path(exp_dir).glob(pattern=pattern): sim_dir = meta_file.parent return sim_dir, ItemType.SIMULATION return None
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def view_history(cls, container_id: str = None) -> List: """ View job history. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: list of job data """ cache = cls.history data = [] for key in cache: value, expire_time = cache.get(key, expire_time=True) if value is None: if key in list(cache):"Item {key} expired.") else:"Item {key} not found.") continue local_expire_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(expire_time) if expire_time else None expire_time_str = local_expire_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if local_expire_time else None if expire_time_str: value['EXPIRE'] = expire_time_str if container_id is not None: if value['CONTAINER'] == container_id: data.append(value) else: data.append(value) # Sort data by datetime sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x["CREATED"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), reverse=True) return sorted_data
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def delete(cls, exp_id: str) -> NoReturn: """ Delete job from history. Args: exp_id: Experiment ID Returns: NoReturn """ cache = cls.history cache.pop(exp_id) cache.close()
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def expire_history(cls, dt: str = None) -> NoReturn: """ Expire job history based on the input expiration time. Args: dt: datetime to expire (format like "2024-07-30 15:12:05") Returns: NoReturn """ from datetime import datetime # Parse the datetime string into a datetime object dt_object = datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if dt else None # Convert the datetime object to a timestamp (seconds since epoch) timestamp = dt_object.timestamp() if dt_object else None cache = cls.history cache.expire(now=timestamp) cache.close()
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def clear(cls, container_id: str = None) -> NoReturn: """ Clear job history. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: NoReturn """ cache = cls.history if container_id is None: cache.clear() else: for key in cache: value = cache.get(key) if value is None:"key {key} not found in cache") continue if value['CONTAINER'] == container_id: cache.delete(key) cache.close()
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def volume(cls) -> NoReturn: """Clear job history.""" cache = cls.history return cache.volume()
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def sync(cls) -> NoReturn: """Sync job history.""" cache = cls.history for key in cache: values = cache.get(key) exp_dir = values.get('EXPERIMENT_DIR') root = Path(exp_dir) if not root.exists(): cache.pop(key) logger.debug(f"Remove job {key} from job history.") cache.close()
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def count(cls, container_id: str = None) -> int: """ Count job history. Args: container_id: Container ID Returns: job history count """ if container_id is None: return len(cls.history) else: jobs = [key for key in cls.history if cls.history[key]['CONTAINER'] == container_id] return len(jobs)
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def container_history(cls) -> List: """List of job containers.""" cache = cls.history data = {} for key in cache: value = cache[key] container_id = value['CONTAINER'] if container_id not in data: data[container_id] = [] data[container_id].append(key) return data
[docs] @classmethod @initialize() def verify_container(cls, container_id) -> bool: """Verify history container.""" cache = cls.history for key in cache: value = cache[key] if container_id.startswith(value['CONTAINER']): return True return False