Source code for idmtools_platform_slurm.assets

SlurmPlatform utilities.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
from pathlib import Path
from jinja2 import Template
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools_platform_slurm.platform_operations.utils import check_home

    from idmtools_platform_slurm.slurm_platform import SlurmPlatform, CONFIG_PARAMETERS

DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FILE = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("")
BATCH_TEMPLATE_FILE = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("")

[docs]def generate_batch(platform: 'SlurmPlatform', experiment: Experiment, max_running_jobs: Optional[int] = None, array_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, dependency: Optional[bool] = None, template: Union[Path, str] = BATCH_TEMPLATE_FILE, **kwargs) -> None: """ Generate bash script file Args: platform: Slurm Platform experiment: idmtools Experiment max_running_jobs: int, how many allowed to run array_size: INT, array size for slurm job dependency: bool, determine if Slurm jobs depend on each other template: template to be used to build batch file kwargs: keyword arguments used to expand functionality Returns: None """ template_vars = dict(njobs=experiment.simulation_count) # Set max_running_jobs if max_running_jobs is not None: if platform.max_running_jobs is not None: template_vars['max_running_jobs'] = min(max_running_jobs, platform.max_running_jobs) else: template_vars['max_running_jobs'] = max_running_jobs else: if platform.max_running_jobs is not None: template_vars['max_running_jobs'] = platform.max_running_jobs else: template_vars['max_running_jobs'] = 1 # Set array_size if array_batch_size is not None: platform.array_batch_size = array_batch_size if platform._max_array_size is not None: if platform.array_batch_size is not None: template_vars['array_batch_size'] = min(platform._max_array_size, platform.array_batch_size, experiment.simulation_count) else: template_vars['array_batch_size'] = min(platform._max_array_size, experiment.simulation_count) elif platform.array_batch_size is not None: template_vars['array_batch_size'] = min(platform.array_batch_size, experiment.simulation_count) else: template_vars['array_batch_size'] = experiment.simulation_count # Consider dependency if dependency is None: dependency = True template_vars['dependency'] = dependency # Update with possible override values template_vars.update(kwargs) # Build batch based on the given template with open(template) as file_: t = Template( # Write out file output_target = platform._op_client.get_directory(experiment).joinpath("") with open(output_target, "w") as tout: tout.write(t.render(template_vars)) # Make executable platform._op_client.update_script_mode(output_target)
[docs]def generate_script(platform: 'SlurmPlatform', experiment: Experiment, max_running_jobs: Optional[int] = None, template: Union[Path, str] = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FILE, **kwargs) -> None: """ Generate batch file Args: platform: Slurm Platform experiment: idmtools Experiment max_running_jobs: int, how many allowed to run at the same time template: template to be used to build batch file kwargs: keyword arguments used to expand functionality Returns: None """ from idmtools_platform_slurm.slurm_platform import CONFIG_PARAMETERS template_vars = dict(njobs=experiment.simulation_count) # populate from our platform config vars for p in CONFIG_PARAMETERS: if getattr(platform, p) is not None: template_vars[p] = getattr(platform, p) # Set default here if max_running_jobs is not None: template_vars['max_running_jobs'] = max_running_jobs if max_running_jobs is None and platform.max_running_jobs is None: template_vars['max_running_jobs'] = 1 # Add any overides. We need some validation here later # TODO add validation for valid config options template_vars.update(kwargs) if platform.modules: template_vars['modules'] = platform.modules with open(template) as file_: t = Template( # Write out file output_target = platform.get_directory(experiment).joinpath("") with open(output_target, "w") as tout: tout.write(t.render(template_vars)) # Make executable platform._op_client.update_script_mode(output_target)
[docs]def generate_simulation_script(platform: 'SlurmPlatform', simulation, retries: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Generate batch file Args: platform: Slurm Platform simulation: idmtools Simulation retries: int Returns: None """ experiment_dir = platform.get_directory(simulation.parent).absolute() experiment_dir = str(experiment_dir).replace('\\', '/') check = check_home(experiment_dir) sim_script = platform.get_directory(simulation).joinpath("") with open(sim_script, "w") as tout: with open(Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath("assets/")) as tin: tvars = dict( platform=platform, simulation=simulation, retries=retries if retries else platform.retries ) if not check: tvars['experiment_dir'] = str(experiment_dir) t = Template( tout.write(t.render(tvars)) # Make executable platform._op_client.update_script_mode(sim_script)