
Modifying environment variables on platforms without native support#

Some platforms do not support changing environment variables in a job definition. idmtools provides a utility through TemplatedScriptTask to allow you to still modify environment variables, as demonstrated in the following example.

Here is our model.py. It imports our package and then prints the environment variable “EXAMPLE”.

import os


This is our idmtools orchestration script that defines our Python task and wrapper task with additional variables.

import os
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools_models.python.python_task import PythonTask
from idmtools_models.templated_script_task import get_script_wrapper_unix_task, LINUX_DICT_TO_ENVIRONMENT

platform = Platform("CALCULON")
# here we define the task we want to use the environment variables. In this example we have a simple python script that prints the EXAMPLE environment variable
task = PythonTask(script_path="model.py")
# Get a task to wrap the script in a shell script. Which get_script_wrapper function you use depends on the platform's OS
wrapper_task = get_script_wrapper_unix_task(
    # and set some values here
    variables=dict(EXAMPLE='It works!')
# some platforms need to you hint where their script binary is. Usually this is only applicable to Unix platforms(Linux, Mac, etc)
wrapper_task.script_binary = "/bin/bash"

# Now we define our experiment. We could just as easily use this wrapper in a templated simulation builder as well
experiment = Experiment.from_task(name=os.path.basename(__file__), task=wrapper_task)