ID Generation Plugins

1. Create a file to host the plugin callback for generator (under idmtools_core/idmtools/plugins). The plugin must have the following format:

from idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity import IEntity

from idmtools.registry.hook_specs import function_hook_impl


def idmtools_generate_id(item: IEntity) -> str:
        item: Item for which ID is being generated
    return <your id implementation here>

The key things in this file are:

def idmtools_generate_id(item: 'IEntity') -> str:

This registers the plugin type with idmtools. By using the name idmtools_generate_id, we know you are defining a callback for ids. The callback must match the expected signature.

2. Modify ‘idmtools_hooks’ to include the new id generation plugin:

        "idmtools_id_generate_<name> = <path to plugin>"

The label of the id plugin must start with idmtools_id_generate_ The letters after idmtools_id_generate_ will be used to select generator in the config.

3. Modify .ini config file to specify the desired id generator.

In the .ini configuration file under the ‘COMMON’ section, use the ‘id_generator’ option to specify the desired id plugin.

For example, if you want to use the uuid generation plugin (‘idmtools_id_generate_uuid’), in the .ini file, you would set the following:

id_generator = uuid

Similarly, if you want to use the item_sequence plugin (‘idmtools_id_generate_item_sequence’), you would specify the following in the .ini file:

id_generator = item_sequence

The item_sequence plugin allows you to use sequential ids for items in your experiment (experiments themselves as well as simulations, etc). You can customize use of this plugin by defining an ‘item_sequence’ section in the .ini file and using the variables:

  • sequence_file: Json file that is used to store the last-used numbers for item ids. For example, if we have one experiment that was defined with two simulations, this file would keep track of the most recently used ids with the following: {“Simulation”: 2, “Experiment”: 1}. To note: the sequences start at 0. The default value for this filename (if it is not defined by the user) is index.json, which would be created in the user’s home directory (at ‘.idmtools/itemsequence/index.json’). If a sequence_file IS specified, it is stored in the current working directory unless otherwise specified by a full path. If an item is generated that does not have the item_type attribute (i.e. Platform), its sequence will be stored under the ‘Unknown’ key in this json file. After an experiment is run, there will be a backup of this sequence file generated at the same location ({sequence_file_name}.json.bak); this is called as a post_run hook (specified under ‘idmtools_platform_post_run’ in

  • id_format_str: This defines the desired format of the item ids (using the sequential id numbers stored in the sequence_file). In this string, one may access the sequential ids by using ‘data[item_name]’ (which would resolve to the next id #) as well as the ‘item_name’ (i.e. ‘Simulation’, ‘Experiment’). The default for this value is ‘{item_name}{data[item_name]:07d}’ (which would yield ids of ‘Simulation0000000’, ‘Simulation0000001’, etc).

Configuration format:

sequence_file = <custom file name>.json
id_format_str = '<custom string format>'

The configuration string format should be a jinja2 template. See