Running parameter sweeps with EMOD#

When running parameter sweeps with EMOD, you use the EMODTask class for setting the sweep parameters and passing them to the SimulationBuilder class using the add_sweep_definition method.

In addition to the parameters for sweeping, you must also set the Run_Number parameter. This determines the seed for the random number generator. This is particularly important with EMOD in order to explore the stochastic nature of the model. Otherwise, if Run_Number is not changed then each simulation will result in the same output.

The following Python code excerpt shows an example:

# Create TemplatedSimulations with task
ts = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=task)

# Create SimulationBuilder
builder = SimulationBuilder()

# Add sweep parameter to builder
builder.add_sweep_definition(EMODTask.set_parameter_partial("Run_Number"), range(num_seeds))

# Add another sweep parameter to builder
builder.add_sweep_definition(EMODTask.set_parameter_partial("Base_Infectivity"), [0.6, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0])

# Add builder to templated simulations

You can run a parameter sweep using the above code excerpt by running the included example, emodpy.examples.create_sims_eradication_from_github_url.