Source code for idmtools.entities.iplatform
Here we define the Platform interface.
IPlatform is responsible for all the communication to our platform and translation from idmtools objects to platform specific objects and vice versa.
Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import os
import copy
from abc import ABCMeta
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import fields, field
from functools import partial
from os import PathLike
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import PureWindowsPath, PurePath
from itertools import groupby
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from typing import Dict, List, NoReturn, Type, TypeVar, Any, Union, Tuple, Set, Iterator, Callable, Optional
from idmtools.core.context import set_current_platform
from idmtools import IdmConfigParser
from idmtools.core import CacheEnabled, UnknownItemException, EntityContainer, UnsupportedPlatformType
from idmtools.core.enums import ItemType, EntityStatus
from idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity import IEntity
from idmtools.core.interfaces.iitem import IItem
from idmtools.core.interfaces.irunnable_entity import IRunnableEntity
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.core.id_file import read_id_file
from idmtools.entities.iplatform_default import IPlatformDefault
from idmtools.entities.iplatform_ops.iplatform_asset_collection_operations import IPlatformAssetCollectionOperations
from idmtools.entities.iplatform_ops.iplatform_experiment_operations import IPlatformExperimentOperations
from idmtools.entities.iplatform_ops.iplatform_simulation_operations import IPlatformSimulationOperations
from idmtools.entities.iplatform_ops.iplatform_suite_operations import IPlatformSuiteOperations
from idmtools.entities.iplatform_ops.iplatform_workflowitem_operations import IPlatformWorkflowItemOperations
from idmtools.entities.itask import ITask
from idmtools.entities.iworkflow_item import IWorkflowItem
from idmtools.entities.platform_requirements import PlatformRequirements
from idmtools.entities.relation_type import RelationType
from idmtools.entities.simulation import Simulation
from idmtools.entities.suite import Suite
from idmtools.assets.asset_collection import AssetCollection
from import PlatformPersistService
from idmtools.utils.caller import get_caller
from idmtools.utils.entities import validate_user_inputs_against_dataclass
logger = getLogger(__name__)
user_logger = getLogger('user')
CALLER_LIST = ['_create_platform_from_block', # create platform through Platform Factory
'fetch', # create platform through un-pickle
'get', # create platform through platform spec' get method
'__newobj__', # create platform through copy.deepcopy
'_main', # create platform through analyzer manager
'<module>'] # create platform through specific module
# Maps an object type to a platform interface object. We use strings to use getattr. This also let's us also reduce
# all the if else crud
ItemType.EXPERIMENT: '_experiments',
ItemType.SIMULATION: '_simulations',
ItemType.SUITE: '_suites',
ItemType.WORKFLOW_ITEM: '_workflow_items',
ItemType.ASSETCOLLECTION: '_assets'
Experiment: ItemType.EXPERIMENT,
Simulation: ItemType.SIMULATION,
IWorkflowItem: ItemType.WORKFLOW_ITEM,
Suite: ItemType.SUITE
class IPlatform(IItem, CacheEnabled, metaclass=ABCMeta):
Interface defining a platform.
A platform needs to implement basic operation such as:
- Creating experiment
- Creating simulation
- Commissioning
- File handling
#: Maps the platform types to idmtools types
platform_type_map: Dict[Type, ItemType] = field(default=None, repr=False, init=False)
_object_cache_expiration: 'int' = field(default=60, repr=False, init=False)
supported_types: Set[ItemType] = field(default_factory=lambda: set(), repr=False, init=False)
_platform_supports: List[PlatformRequirements] = field(default_factory=list, repr=False, init=False)
_platform_defaults: List[IPlatformDefault] = field(default_factory=list)
_experiments: IPlatformExperimentOperations = field(default=None, repr=False, init=False, compare=False)
_simulations: IPlatformSimulationOperations = field(default=None, repr=False, init=False, compare=False)
_suites: IPlatformSuiteOperations = field(default=None, repr=False, init=False, compare=False)
_workflow_items: IPlatformWorkflowItemOperations = field(default=None, repr=False, init=False, compare=False)
_assets: IPlatformAssetCollectionOperations = field(default=None, repr=False, init=False, compare=False)
#: Controls what platform should do we re-running experiments by default
_regather_assets_on_modify: bool = field(default=False, repr=False, init=False, compare=False)
# store the config block used to create platform
_config_block: str = field(default=None)
#: Defines the path to common assets
_common_asset_path: str = field(default="Assets", repr=True, init=False, compare=False)
[docs] def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Create a new object.
args: User inputs.
kwargs: User inputs.
The object created.
ValueError - If the platform was not created as expected.
# Check the caller
caller = get_caller()
# Action based on the caller
if caller not in CALLER_LIST:
"Please use Factory to create Platform! For example: \n platform = Platform('COMPS', **kwargs)")
return super().__new__(cls)
def __post_init__(self) -> NoReturn:
Work to be done after object creation.
# build item type map and determined supported features
self.platform_type_map = dict()
for item_type, interface in ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE.items():
if getattr(self, interface) is not None and getattr(self, interface).platform_type is not None:
self.platform_type_map[getattr(self, interface).platform_type] = item_type
# Initialize the cache
# Save itself
[docs] def validate_inputs_types(self) -> NoReturn:
Validate user inputs and case attributes with the correct data types.
# retrieve field values, default values and types
fds = fields(self)
field_value = { getattr(self, for f in fds}
field_type = { f.type for f in fds}
# Make sure the user values have the requested type
fs_kwargs = validate_user_inputs_against_dataclass(field_type, field_value)
# Update attr with validated data types
for fn in fs_kwargs:
setattr(self, fn, field_value[fn])
def _get_platform_item(self, item_id: str, item_type: ItemType, **kwargs) -> Any:
Get an item by its ID.
The implementing classes must know how to distinguish items of different levels (e.g. simulation, experiment, suite).
item_id: The ID of the item to retrieve.
item_type: The type of object to retrieve.
The specified item found on the platform or None.
ValueError: If the item type is not supported
if item_type not in self.platform_type_map.values():
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Item Type. {self.__class__.__name__} only supports "
interface = ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item_type]
return getattr(self, interface).get(item_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_item(self, item_id: str, item_type: ItemType = None, force: bool = False, raw: bool = False,
**kwargs) -> Union[Experiment, Suite, Simulation, IWorkflowItem, AssetCollection, None]:
Retrieve an object from the platform.
This function is cached; force allows you to force the refresh of the cache.
If no **object_type** is passed, the function will try all the types (experiment, suite, simulation).
item_id: The ID of the object to retrieve.
item_type: The type of the object to be retrieved.
force: If True, force the object fetching from the platform.
raw: Return either an |IT_s| object or a platform object.
The object found on the platform or None.
ValueError: If the item type is not supported
UnknownItemException: If the item type is not found on platform
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(force, item_id, item_type, kwargs, raw, 'r' if raw else 'o')
# If force -> delete in the cache
if force:
if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
logger.debug(f"Removing {cache_key} from cache")
# If we cannot find the object in the cache -> retrieve depending on the type
if cache_key not in self.cache:
if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
logger.debug(f"Retrieve item {item_id} of type {item_type}")
ce = self._get_platform_item(item_id, item_type, **kwargs)
# Nothing was found on the platform
if not ce:
raise UnknownItemException(f"Object {item_type} {item_id} not found on the platform...")
# Create the object if we do not want it raw
if raw:
return_object = ce
return_object = self._convert_platform_item_to_entity(ce, **kwargs)
if return_object._platform_object is None:
return_object._platform_object = ce
return_object.platform = self
# Persist
self.cache.set(cache_key, return_object, expire=self._object_cache_expiration)
return_object = self.cache.get(cache_key)
return_object.platform = self
return return_object
def _get_children_for_platform_item(self, item: Any, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) -> List[Any]:
Returns the children for a platform object.
For example, A COMPS Experiment or Simulation.
The children can either be returns as native platform objects or as idmtools objects.
item: Item to fetch children for
raw: When true, return the native platform representation of the children, otherwise return the idmtools
Children of platform object
item_type, interface = self._get_operation_interface(item)
if item_type in [ItemType.EXPERIMENT, ItemType.SUITE]:
children = getattr(self, ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item_type]).get_children(item, **kwargs)
return []
if not raw:
ret = []
for e in children:
n = self._convert_platform_item_to_entity(e, **kwargs)
if n._platform_object is None:
n._platform_object = e
return EntityContainer(ret)
return children
def _get_operation_interface(self, item: Any) -> Tuple[ItemType, str]:
Get the base item type and the interface string for said item.
For example, on COMPSPlatform, if you passed a COMPSExperiment object, the function would return ItemType.Experiment, _experiments
item: Item to look up
Tuple with the Base item type and the string path to the interface
ValueError: If the item 's interface cannot be found
# check both base types and platform specs
for interface_type_mapping in [STANDARD_TYPE_TO_INTERFACE, self.platform_type_map]:
for interface, item_type in interface_type_mapping.items():
if isinstance(item, interface):
return item_type, ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item_type]
raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} has no mapping for {item.__class__.__name__}")
[docs] def get_children(self, item_id: str, item_type: ItemType,
force: bool = False, raw: bool = False, item: Any = None, **kwargs) -> Any:
Retrieve the children of a given object.
item_id: The ID of the object for which we want the children.
force: If True, force the object fetching from the platform.
raw: Return either an |IT_s| object or a platform object.
item_type: Pass the type of the object for quicker retrieval.
item: optional platform or idm item to use instead of loading
The children of the object or None.
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(force, item_id, item_type, kwargs, raw, 'c')
if force:
if cache_key not in self.cache:
ce = item or self.get_item(item_id, raw=raw, item_type=item_type)
ce.platform = self
kwargs['parent'] = ce
children = self._get_children_for_platform_item(ce.get_platform_object(), raw=raw, **kwargs)
self.cache.set(cache_key, children, expire=self._object_cache_expiration)
return children
return self.cache.get(cache_key)
[docs] def get_children_by_object(self, parent: IEntity) -> List[IEntity]:
Returns a list of children for an entity.
parent: Parent object
List of children
return self._get_children_for_platform_item(parent.get_platform_object(), raw=False)
[docs] def get_parent_by_object(self, child: IEntity) -> IEntity:
Parent of object.
child: Child object to find parent for
Returns parent object
return self._get_parent_for_platform_item(child.get_platform_object(), raw=False)
def _get_parent_for_platform_item(self, platform_item: Any, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Any:
Return the parent item for a given platform_item.
platform_item: Child item
raw: Return a platform item if True, an idmtools entity if false
**kwargs: Additional platform specific parameters
Parent or None
item_type, interface = self._get_operation_interface(platform_item)
if item_type not in [ItemType.EXPERIMENT, ItemType.SIMULATION, ItemType.WORKFLOW_ITEM]:
raise ValueError("Currently only Experiments, Simulations and Work Items support parents")
obj = getattr(self, interface).get_parent(platform_item, **kwargs)
if obj is not None:
parent_item_type, parent_interface = self._get_operation_interface(obj)
if not raw:
return getattr(self, parent_interface).to_entity(obj)
return obj
[docs] def get_parent(self, item_id: str, item_type: ItemType = None, force: bool = False,
raw: bool = False, **kwargs):
Retrieve the parent of a given object.
item_id: The ID of the object for which we want the parent.
force: If True, force the object fetching from the platform.
raw: Return either an |IT_s| object or a platform object.
item_type: Pass the type of the object for quicker retrieval.
The parent of the object or None.
# Create the cache key based on everything we pass to the function
cache_key = f'p_{item_id}' + ('r' if raw else 'o') + '_'.join(f"{k}_{v}" for k, v in kwargs.items())
if force:
if cache_key not in self.cache:
ce = self.get_item(item_id, raw=True, item_type=item_type)
parent = self._get_parent_for_platform_item(ce, raw=raw, **kwargs)
self.cache.set(cache_key, parent, expire=self._object_cache_expiration)
return parent
return self.cache.get(cache_key)
[docs] def get_cache_key(self, force, item_id, item_type, kwargs, raw, prefix='p'):
Get cache key for an item.
force: Should we force the load
item_id: Item id
item_type: Item type
kwargs: Kwargs
raw: Should we use raw storage?
prefix: Prefix for the item
Cache Key
if not item_type or item_type not in self.supported_types:
raise Exception("The provided type is invalid or not supported by this platform...")
# Create the cache key based on everything we pass to the function
cache_key = f'{prefix}_{item_id}' + ('r' if raw else 'o') + '_'.join(f"{k}_{v}" for k, v in kwargs.items())
if force:
return cache_key
[docs] def create_items(self, items: Union[List[IEntity], IEntity], **kwargs) -> List[IEntity]:
Create items (simulations, experiments, or suites) on the platform.
The function will batch the items based on type and call the self._create_batch for creation.
items: The list of items to create.
kwargs: Extra arguments
List of item IDs created.
if isinstance(items, IEntity):
items = [items]
if not isinstance(items, Iterator):
result = []
for key, group in groupby(items, lambda x: x.item_type):
result.extend(self._create_items_of_type(group, key, **kwargs))
return result
def _create_items_of_type(self, items: Iterator[IEntity], item_type: ItemType, **kwargs):
Creates items of specific type using batches.
items: Items to create
item_type: Item type to create
Items created
interface = ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item_type]
ni = getattr(self, interface).batch_create(items, **kwargs)
return ni
def _is_item_list_supported(self, items: List[IEntity]):
Checks if all items in a list are supported by the platform.
items: Items to verify
True if items supported, false otherwise
ValueError: If the item type is not supported
for item in items:
if item.item_type not in self.platform_type_map.values():
raise ValueError(
f'Unable to create items of type: {item.item_type} for platform: {self.__class__.__name__}')
[docs] def run_items(self, items: Union[IEntity, List[IEntity]], **kwargs):
Run items on the platform.
items: Items to run
if isinstance(items, IEntity):
items = [items]
for item in items:
item.platform = self
interface = ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item.item_type]
getattr(self, interface).run_item(item, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
"""Platform as string."""
return f"<Platform {self.__class__.__name__} - id: {self.uid}>"
def _convert_platform_item_to_entity(self, platform_item: Any, **kwargs) -> IEntity:
Convert a Native Platform Object to an idmtools object.
platform_item: Item to convert
**kwargs: Optional items to be used in to_entity calls
IDMTools representation of object
for src_type, dest_type in self.platform_type_map.items():
if isinstance(platform_item, src_type):
interface = ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[dest_type]
return getattr(self, interface).to_entity(platform_item, **kwargs)
return platform_item
[docs] def validate_item_for_analysis(self, item: object, analyze_failed_items=False):
Check if item is valid for analysis.
item: Which item to flatten
analyze_failed_items: bool
Returns: bool
result = False
if item.succeeded:
result = True
if analyze_failed_items and item.status == EntityStatus.FAILED:
result = True
return result
[docs] def flatten_item(self, item: object, **kwargs) -> List[object]:
Flatten an item: resolve the children until getting to the leaves.
For example, for an experiment, will return all the simulations.
For a suite, will return all the simulations contained in the suites experiments.
item: Which item to flatten
kwargs: extra parameters
List of leaves
children = self.get_children(item.uid, item.item_type, force=True)
if children is None or (isinstance(children, list) and len(children) == 0):
items = [item]
items = list()
for child in children:
items += self.flatten_item(item=child)
return items
[docs] def refresh_status(self, item: IEntity) -> NoReturn:
Populate the platform item and specified item with its status.
item: The item to check status for.
interface = ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item.item_type]
if item.platform is None:
item.platform = self
getattr(self, interface).refresh_status(item)
[docs] def get_files(self, item: IEntity, files: Union[Set[str], List[str]], output: str = None, **kwargs) -> \
Union[Dict[str, Dict[str, bytearray]], Dict[str, bytearray]]:
Get files for a platform entity.
item: Item to fetch files for
files: List of file names to get
output: save files to
kwargs: Platform arguments
For simulations, this returns a dictionary with filename as key and values being binary data from file or a
For experiments, this returns a dictionary with key as sim id and then the values as a dict of the
simulations described above
interface = ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item.item_type]
ret = getattr(self, interface).get_assets(item, files, **kwargs)
if output:
if item.item_type not in (ItemType.SIMULATION, ItemType.WORKFLOW_ITEM):"Currently 'output' only supports Simulation and WorkItem!")
for ofi, ofc in ret.items():
file_path = os.path.join(output, str(item.uid), ofi)
parent_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not os.path.exists(parent_path):
with open(file_path, 'wb') as outfile:
return ret
[docs] def get_files_by_id(self, item_id: str, item_type: ItemType, files: Union[Set[str], List[str]],
output: str = None) -> \
Union[Dict[str, Dict[str, bytearray]], Dict[str, bytearray]]:
Get files by item id (str).
item_id: COMPS Item, say, Simulation Id or WorkItem Id
item_type: Item Type
files: List of files to retrieve
output: save files to
Returns: dict with key/value: file_name/file_content
idm_item = self.get_item(item_id, item_type, raw=False)
return self.get_files(idm_item, files, output)
[docs] def are_requirements_met(self, requirements: Union[PlatformRequirements, Set[PlatformRequirements]]) -> bool:
Does the platform support the list of requirements.
requirements: Requirements should be a list of PlatformRequirements or a single PlatformRequirements
True if all the requirements are supported
if isinstance(requirements, PlatformRequirements):
requirements = [requirements]
return all([x in self._platform_supports for x in requirements])
[docs] def is_task_supported(self, task: ITask) -> bool:
Is a task supported on this platform.
This depends on the task properly setting its requirements. See :py:attr:`idmtools.entities.itask.ITask.platform_requirements` and
task: Task to check support of
True if the task is supported, False otherwise.
return self.are_requirements_met(task.platform_requirements)
def __wait_till_callback(
self, item: Union[Experiment, IWorkflowItem, Suite],
callback: Union[partial, Callable[[Union[Experiment, IWorkflowItem, Suite]], bool]],
timeout: int = 60 * 60 * 24,
refresh_interval: int = 5
Runs a loop until a timeout is met where the item's status is refreshed. A callback is then called with the items as the arguments and if the returns is true, we stop waiting.
item: Item to monitor
callback: Callback to determine if item is done. It should return true is item is complete
timeout: Timeout for waiting. Defaults to 24 hours
refresh_interval: Refresh the status how often
TimeoutError: If a timeout occurs
See Also:
import time
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
logger.debug("Refreshing simulation status")
if callback(item):
raise TimeoutError(f"Timeout of {timeout} seconds exceeded")
[docs] def wait_till_done(self, item: IRunnableEntity, timeout: int = 60 * 60 * 24,
refresh_interval: int = 5, progress: bool = True):
Wait for the experiment to be done.
item: Experiment/Workitem to wait on
refresh_interval: How long to wait between polling.
timeout: How long to wait before failing.
progress: Should we display progress
See Also:
if progress:
self.wait_till_done_progress(item, timeout, refresh_interval)
self.__wait_till_callback(item, lambda e: e.done, timeout, refresh_interval)
def __wait_until_done_progress_callback(item: Union[Experiment, IWorkflowItem], progress_bar: 'tqdm', # noqa: F821
child_attribute: str = 'simulations',
done_states: List[EntityStatus] = None,
failed_warning: Dict[str, bool] = False) -> bool:
A callback for progress bar(when an item has children) and checking if an item has completed execution.
This is mainly meant for aggregate types where the status is from the children.
item: Item to monitor
child_attribute: What is the name of the child attribute. For examples, if item was an Experiment, the
child_attribute would be 'simulations'
done_states: What states are considered done
failed_warning: Used to track if we have warned user of failure. We use dict to pass by refernce since we cannot do that with a bool
True is item has completed execution
See Also:
# ensure we have done states. Default to failed or SUCCEEDED
if done_states is None:
done_states = [EntityStatus.FAILED, EntityStatus.SUCCEEDED]
# if we do not have a progress bar, return items state
if child_attribute is None:
if isinstance(item, IWorkflowItem):
if item.status in done_states:
if progress_bar:
return True
return False
return item.done
# if we do have a progress bar, update it
done = 0
# iterate over the children
for child in getattr(item, child_attribute):
# if the item is an experiment, use the status
if isinstance(item, Experiment) and child.status in done_states:
done += 1
# otherwise use the done attribute
elif isinstance(item, Suite) and child.done:
done += 1
# check if we need to update the progress bar
if hasattr(progress_bar, 'last_print_n') and done > progress_bar.last_print_n:
progress_bar.update(done - progress_bar.last_print_n)
# Alert user to failing simulations so they can stop execution if wanted
if isinstance(item, Experiment) and item.any_failed and not failed_warning['failed_warning']:
user_logger.warning(f"The Experiment {item.uid} has failed simulations. Check Experiment in platform")
failed_warning['failed_warning'] = True
return item.done
[docs] def wait_till_done_progress(self, item: IRunnableEntity, timeout: int = 60 * 60 * 24, refresh_interval: int = 5,
wait_progress_desc: str = None):
Wait on an item to complete with progress bar.
item: Item to monitor
timeout: Timeout on waiting
refresh_interval: How often to refresh
wait_progress_desc: Wait Progress Description
See Also:
# set prog to list
prog = []
# check that the user has not disable progress bars
child_attribute = None
if not IdmConfigParser.is_progress_bar_disabled():
from tqdm import tqdm
if isinstance(item, Experiment):
prog = tqdm([], total=len(item.simulations),
desc=wait_progress_desc if wait_progress_desc else f"Waiting on Experiment {} to Finish running",
child_attribute = 'simulations'
elif isinstance(item, Suite):
prog = tqdm([], total=len(item.experiments),
desc=wait_progress_desc if wait_progress_desc else f"Waiting on Suite {} to Finish running",
child_attribute = 'experiments'
elif isinstance(item, IWorkflowItem):
prog = tqdm([], total=1,
desc=wait_progress_desc if wait_progress_desc else f"Waiting on WorkItem {}",
child_attribute = None
failed_warning = dict(failed_warning=False)
partial(self.__wait_until_done_progress_callback, progress_bar=prog, child_attribute=child_attribute,
[docs] def validate_type(self, item: Union[IEntity, ItemType], target: ItemType = None) -> NoReturn:
Validate if the item is supported by the platform.
item: Item to validate
target: Target type to validate against
No return
valid = True
_type = item if isinstance(item, (str, ItemType)) else item.item_type
if target is not None and _type != target:
valid = False
elif _type not in self.platform_type_map.values():
valid = False
if not valid:
raise UnsupportedPlatformType(
f"The provided type {_type} is invalid or not supported by platform {self.__class__.__name__}. It only supports ItemType: {', '.join([ for value in self.platform_type_map.values()])}")
def __enter__(self):
Enable our platform to work on contexts.
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
Enable our platform to work on contexts.
exc_type: Type of exception type
exc_tb: Traceback
from idmtools.core.context import remove_current_platform
[docs] def is_regather_assets_on_modify(self) -> bool:
Return default behaviour for platform when rerunning experiment and gathering assets.
True or false
return self._regather_assets_on_modify
[docs] def is_windows_platform(self, item: IEntity = None) -> bool:
Returns is the target platform is a windows system.
return self.are_requirements_met(PlatformRequirements.WINDOWS)
def common_asset_path(self):
Return the path to common assets stored on the platform.
Common Asset Path
return self._common_asset_path
def common_asset_path(self, value):
Set path to common assets stored on the platform. This path should be in defined in relation to individual items(simulations, workflow items).
For example, on COMPS, we would set "Assets"
value: Path to use for common path
if not isinstance(value, property):
logger.warning("Cannot set common asset path")
[docs] def join_path(self, *args) -> str:
Join path using platform rules.
*args:List of paths to join
Joined path as string
if len(args) < 2:
raise ValueError("at least two items required to join")
if self.is_windows_platform():
return str(PureWindowsPath(*args))
return str(PurePath(*args))
[docs] def id_from_file(self, filename: str):
Load just the id portion of an id file.
filename: Filename
Item id laoded from file
item_id, item_type, platform_block, extra_args = read_id_file(filename)
return item_id
[docs] def get_item_from_id_file(self, id_filename: Union[PathLike, str], item_type: Optional[ItemType] = None) -> IEntity:
Load an item from an id file. This ignores the platform in the file.
id_filename: Filename to load
item_type: Optional item type
Item from id file.
item_id, file_item_type, platform_block, extra_args = read_id_file(id_filename)
return self.get_item(item_id, item_type if item_type else ItemType[file_item_type.upper()])
[docs] def get_defaults_by_type(self, default_type: Type) -> List[IPlatformDefault]:
Returns any platform defaults for specific types.
default_type: Default type
List of default of that type
return [x for x in self._platform_defaults if isinstance(x, default_type)]
[docs] def create_sim_directory_map(self, item_id: str, item_type: ItemType) -> Dict:
Build simulation working directory mapping.
item_id: Entity id
item_type: ItemType
Dict of simulation id as key and working dir as value
interface = ITEM_TYPE_TO_OBJECT_INTERFACE[item_type]
return getattr(self, interface).create_sim_directory_map(item_id)
[docs] def create_sim_directory_df(self, exp_id: str, include_tags: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
Build simulation working directory mapping.
exp_id: experiment id
include_tags: True/False
tag_df = None
if include_tags:
tags_list = []
sims = self.get_children(exp_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)
for sim in sims:
tags = copy.deepcopy(sim.tags)
tags["simid"] =
tag_df = pd.DataFrame(tags_list)
dir_map = self.create_sim_directory_map(exp_id, ItemType.EXPERIMENT)
dir_list = [dict(simid=sim_id, outpath=str(path)) for sim_id, path in dir_map.items()]
dir_df = pd.DataFrame(dir_list)
if tag_df is not None and len(tag_df) > 0:
result_df = pd.merge(left=tag_df, right=dir_df, on='simid')
result_df = dir_df
return result_df
[docs] def save_sim_directory_df_to_csv(self, exp_id: str, include_tags: bool = True,
output: str = os.getcwd(), save_header=False, file_name: str = None) -> None:
Save simulation directory df to csv file.
exp_id: experiment id
include_tags: True/False
output: output directory
save_header: True/False
file_name: user csv file name
df = self.create_sim_directory_df(exp_id, include_tags=include_tags)
except OSError:
if file_name is None:
file_name = f'{exp_id}.csv'
df.to_csv(os.path.join(output, file_name), header=save_header, index=False)
TPlatform = TypeVar("TPlatform", bound=IPlatform)
TPlatformClass = Type[TPlatform]