CLI COMPS Platform#

The COMPS platform related commands can be accessed with idmtools comps cli command. All comps commands require a target configuration block or alias to use to configure the connection to COMPS. See the details of the top level command below for detailed help:

$ idmtools comps --help
INI File Found: /home/docs/checkouts/
Usage: idmtools comps [OPTIONS] CONFIG_BLOCK COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commands related to managing the COMPS platform.

  CONFIG_BLOCK - Name of configuration section or alias to load COMPS
  connection information from

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  ac-exist          Check ac existing based on requirement file Args:...
  assetize-outputs  Allows assetizing outputs from the command line
  download          Allows Downloading outputs from the command line
  login             Login to COMPS
  req2ac            Create ac from requirement file Args: asset_tag: tag...
  singularity       Singularity commands

You can login to a COMPS environment by using the idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK login command. See the help below:

$ idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK login --help
INI File Found: /home/docs/checkouts/
Usage: idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK login [OPTIONS]

  Login to COMPS

  --username TEXT  Username  [required]
  --password TEXT  Password
  --help           Show this message and exit.

You can assetize outputs from the CLI by running idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK assetize-outputs:

$ idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK assetize-outputs --help
INI File Found: /home/docs/checkouts/
Usage: idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK assetize-outputs [OPTIONS]

  Allows assetizing outputs from the command line

  --pattern TEXT                  File patterns
  --exclude-pattern TEXT          File patterns
  --experiment TEXT               Experiment ids to assetize
  --simulation TEXT               Simulation ids to assetize
  --work-item TEXT                WorkItems ids to assetize
  --asset-collection TEXT         Asset Collection ids to assetize
  --dry-run / --no-dry-run        Gather a list of files that would be
                                  assetized instead of actually assetizing
  --wait / --no-wait              Wait on item to finish
  --include-assets / --no-include-assets
                                  Scan common assets of WorkItems and
                                  Experiments when filtering
  --verbose / --no-verbose        Enable verbose output in worker
  --json / --no-json              Outputs File list as JSON when used with dry
  --simulation-prefix-format-str TEXT
                                  Simulation Prefix Format str. Defaults to
                                  '{}'. For no prefix, pass a
                                  empty string
  --work-item-prefix-format-str TEXT
                                  WorkItem Prefix Format str. Defaults to ''
  --tag <TEXT TEXT>...            Tags to add to the created asset collection
                                  as pairs.
  --name TEXT                     Name of AssetizeWorkitem. If not provided,
                                  one will be generated
  --id-file / --no-id-file        Enable or disable writing out an id file
  --id-filename TEXT              Name of ID file to save build as. Required
                                  when id file is enabled
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

You can download from the CLI by running idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK download:

$ idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK download --help
INI File Found: /home/docs/checkouts/
Usage: idmtools comps CONFIG_BLOCK download [OPTIONS]

  Allows Downloading outputs from the command line

  --pattern TEXT                  File patterns
  --exclude-pattern TEXT          File patterns
  --experiment TEXT               Experiment ids to filter for files to
  --simulation TEXT               Simulation ids to filter for files to
  --work-item TEXT                WorkItems ids to filter for files to
  --asset-collection TEXT         Asset Collection ids to filter for files to
  --dry-run / --no-dry-run        Gather a list of files that would be
                                  downloaded instead of actually downloading
  --wait / --no-wait              Wait on item to finish
  --include-assets / --no-include-assets
                                  Scan common assets of WorkItems and
                                  Experiments when filtering
  --verbose / --no-verbose        Enable verbose output in worker
  --json / --no-json              Outputs File list as JSON when used with dry
  --simulation-prefix-format-str TEXT
                                  Simulation Prefix Format str. Defaults to
                                  '{}'. For no prefix, pass a
                                  empty string
  --work-item-prefix-format-str TEXT
                                  WorkItem Prefix Format str. Defaults to ''
  --name TEXT                     Name of Download Workitem. If not provided,
                                  one will be generated
  --output-path TEXT              Output path to save zip
  --delete-after-download / --no-delete-after-download
                                  Delete the workitem used to gather files
                                  after download
  --extract-after-download / --no-extract-after-download
                                  Extract zip after download
  --zip-name TEXT                 Name of zipfile
  --help                          Show this message and exit.